September Stars

Lady k sorry works a pig, hope it gets better soon xx

Btp yay contests on getting the new nappies

James is very talkative and vocal however my niece was always quiet and she still is now as she's shy and timid.

Looking forward to dh coming home tomorrow as he's been working away this week. This evening a cold and sniffles which have been lurking have decided to come out so I'm now full of cold.

GG hope you manage to get some rest tonight.

Did a new recipe today of chicken, peppers, butternut squash, tinned tomatoes and eight dried apricots then blitzed. I had unblitzed for my lunch with jacket potato.
Sarah, your recent post about Tobias' feeding habits was really interesting to me as I have been having a nightmare with Harry's feeds. He's been ill and teething for about 3 weeks now and has been super clingy. He has also started rejecting food and only wants boob. I personally think it's because he now doesn't trust me to put food in his mouth after forcing calpol down him. I am getting so worried that he's not getting enough nutrients. How much does Tobe eat each day?

I also feel bad as I am not cooking all these amazing dishes for Harry as I know he will just refuse them and it will go in the bin. I have tried giving him shop bought to see if he will take that instead but it's always the same story.

We are now doing blw which is better but he doesn't swallow much

As he isn't eating properly he wants more boob so I am getting so tired. He doesn't take a bottle so I don't know what else to do. If I get a job soon I have no idea how I will be able to leave him with someone.


It's lovely that he likes his boob so much but at the same time it's a nightmare!
Becs Sorry your still not feeling ok. Hope you manage to get it sorted next week xx
Fishy JJ is a big food eater but with having a cold and teeth coming through this past week he has been very difficult at times. When I'm having a difficult session with him I go back to individual fruit and veg. With premade food Ella kitchen is good as a sachet once opened generally last three days so hopefully little should be wasted. I'm sure Harry will start taking to food soon and bless him he has got alot of teeth come through which have undoutably given him alot of uncomfort xx
Thanks JC. Your post means a lot as have been getting so worried over him not getting enough vitamins. He really is almost only having breast milk as even the purees he is rejecting but I guess you're right about him having lots to cope with with all his blimen teeth. I think number 8 is now on the way.
Eight teeth already!
No wonder he's clinging to boob comfort! :)
Honestly, Fish, I would have to write down Tobe's feeding patterns for a few days to really give you an idea. He's all over the map with his appetite, but boobs pretty consistently (let's estimate 5-8 times a day, plus night feeds - maybe 2 of those on average). I've been really slapdash about a feeding schedule for him :)blush:) so I give him cereals and some jarred purees of various stuff (at least it's organic? :blush:) if I have a spare hand whilst coaching Simon through dinner.
And despite all that lack of routine, Tobe is bigger than Simon was at this age.
You really do have to train yourself to look at the big picture (trust me, it is a lifesaver to get into that habit now because toddler feeding patterns are far far worse).

In your case, maybe try to do some pumping and store some milk up in the freezer. That way, you're making provisions in case you do return to work sooner. It will give you some peace of mind there.
And you know what? Harry will adapt if you do go back. He won't starve. He might be a bit upset off the start, but he will start getting interested in the stuff going on at the dayhome and he'll be great in no time. Babies are pretty resilient that way. Try not to stress!
Jelly had a good suggestion with the single foods.
Or... as a lot of this is obviously teething pain, have you tried the little mesh feeders that you can stuff with frozen fruit? Both my boys loved this and it really gives them relief on their poor inflamed little gums. Might be worth a try?
Oops! - meant to say, hang in there, becs! I think you are doing a tremendous job of managing the PND. You are very self-aware and that's half the battle. You should feel proud of how well you are doing. :hugs:
Oh and Fishy, regarding vitamins - just give him a liquid supplement and don't worry about it. :thumbup:
Fishy, maybe you could try putting a little bit of his food on a spoon for him and just handing him the spoon to figure out... if you put something on there that he previously loved, maybe after he has got the taste off himself he'll be a bit happier about you feeding it to him? Just a thought? It's hard, because I can't imagine the situation you are in with him wanting to feed from you more instead of less, but Sarahmade a good point, he will adapt if he needs to... at the moment you are there 24/7 and he knows that, so he knows he can get breastmilk anytime he wants to!!

Becs, like Sarah said, you're doing fab, the fact you can recognise your 'episodes' is the first step! Hugs!!

Emzy, poor Holly and her teeth, hope she feels better soon!

Kara, yay for the rolling over! Lilia has not yet rolled from her back on to her front but she regularly rolls from her front on to her back.... usually after she;s been sitting, seen something she wants, she lunges on to her front face first, grabs it if she can reach then rolls on to her back to play, then she wants putting back on her bum!

Lilia now spends most of her time sitting, she looks like she has a pole up her t shirt, she sits so dead straight! And she doesn't seem to get tired of it at all... it's weird, a few weeks ago she needed cushions etc or something to lean on, and suddenly a couple of weeks ago she just seems completely sturdy and only seems to go over when she wants to reach something! No signs of wanting to crawl though, happy enough sitting for now!

Sorry I haven't done more personals, can't remember much! I'm a bit annoyed at Wayne because he's crap at communication while he's away! He's in an office (I think) but I've only had 2 calls in 3 weeks, and no letters! Would be nice to have a clue about what he's doing! Rant over!
Thanks ladies. I'm going to give your suggestions a go. Will let you know how it goes. I really appreciate all the suggestions as I am running out of ideas. My sister just leant me one of those mesh things so I am going to buy some bits to go in it. X
Morning ladies!!!!

We have been up since 6.30, Hope slept really well, think the bloody birds woke her up!! I was meant to be going to see my friend today but forgot I have to waiting in for repair man, I have a leaky u bend upstairs, its gone through the lino!!!

Louise, I am sure Wayne will get in touch soon, he might just be busy with the handover to the new lot!!

Fishy, hope Harry picks up soon xxx

I am sure Hope has hayfever, she keeps sneezing and has a really snotty nose, she has been like it since Ian cut the grass, so might see if I can get her to see the Dr, bless her!
Morning ladies! Not like me to post in the morning!! We're not in the usual rush today, as Archie has a review appointment with an optometrist at 10.10 to check his eyes and how his glasses are doing. So we're not rushing to school, he'll go to school after the appointment. Should be fun anyway with Jack and Sam with us too!

Becs, I echo what everyone else has said about your management of your PND. You're a fab mum, but you know that now. And no wonder you're tired! Especially with Murphy. It's hard fitting everything in! Even if the house is spotless, and you're all ready and you and Hope both fed, you've then got to think about getting the dog walked. I know it's lovely, I really do enjoy my time out of the house with the dogs, and with Sam as he usually comes too, as he'll have a sleep in the pram, but it's another huge commitment amongst all the rest!! I should be used to it now, our dogs are 9 years old! But it's always high on the list of stuff to do every day.

Fishy, I feel for you with the Harry/boob/food situation. It's hard being the only one who can satisfy him, but rewarding at the same time. I'm sure he'll suddenly flip back to enjoying his solids again soon. All the tips the girls have given you are fab. xx

I do think that the "boob" thing in general gets harder. I know it gets easier because it's not ALL the time as it is when they're tiny, but you worry about them getting enough with the food. If we're out, it's more or less impossible to breastfeed Sam as there's so much going on that he wants to be noseying around, and that means a nipple flashing session, which is not the best. As selfish as this may sound, I am also ready to be able to wear a nice underwired bra and normal clothes where I don't need to think about suitability for feeding Sam in them. I'm sure it's a phase! Most things are with me!

Right, I'll be back later. Sorry for anything I've missed, will try and catch more later. Big boys are fighting, and Sam is screeching in the high chair for me!! xx
Fishy I was going to suggest one of those mesh net things as well, might help him to have stuff to munch on with his teeth as well? I've been giving Holly cucumber and melon to munch on which seems to be helping her. Holly has her days where she is not bothered about her food. She usually LOVES her food and has a big appetite, but on days like yesterday she wasn't bothered so I do what Jelly does and go back to basics and offer just pureed fruit and vegetables on those days. I wouldn't worry too much Fishy, what with his millions of teeth coming through he probably just needs comforting at the mo and he has plenty of time to catch up on the food front once he's feeling better. Anyway, they do say "food for fun before one!" so I really wouldn't worry how much he is eating with BLW :hugs:

Becs I'm glad to hear you have been feeling better than you were and it's only natural that you will still feel off some days. Like you say, maybe it's that you need a higher dose? What are you taking if you don't mind me asking? I was on citalopram a few years back. You are doing so so well and will be back to feeling yourself in no time :hugs:

Forgotten everything else! I just wanted to say for ladies with teething babies, Ambesol liquid is my saviour!! Holly spent most of yesterday crying, despite being dosed up on calpol, nurofen and calgel so I went out and bought some Ambesol from Boots in the evening and the minute I put it on, she was as happy as larry! You can use it half hourly up to 8 times a day and it's fab, I'd totally recommend it. We had a better night last night with hardly any wakings, even though she woke up at 6am, so I brought her in bed with me as Matt was up early anyway and she finally went back to sleep til 8.15.

Anyway best go hang out the laundry, back later!

Oh and I meant to say that Holly babbles all the time, bababa dadada mamamam, blows rasberries, shouts, squeals and laughs and is generally just very loud lol She's not much of a mover though, can still only roll back to front in one direction and can't roll back and is showing no signs of crawling at all. She can however walk across the room if her hands are held, she goes so fast and sort of runs it's hilarious! I've been trying to encourage her to cruise using the furniture but she doesn't really get it and just stands holding onto the sofa for ages lol
Aw Emzy, poor Holly with her teeth. These teeth are just cruel! Holly does sound like a lovely little character!!!

Well, I think most of you have seen on my FB, Jack has chickenpox! Literally this morning after I posted on here, I went in the living room to get him changed and noticed a huge blister on his hip, then after stripping him off found quite a lot of small ones just waiting to pop out!! After all my checking of Sam lately, and then Jack gets it! And as soon as I saw it there was absolutely no doubt in my mind what it is!! Bizarre!!

Emzy - first of all big thanks for the Anbesol recommendation, I bought some this morning and it had the same effect on Scarlett. Although she doesn't have teeth through yet she has one on the verge of breaking through, it's so tender she didn't want me to touch it. Put the Anbesol on as soon as I bought it and she hasn't cried about her teeth or put her fist in her mouth since.

Fishy - just wanted to echo what the other girls have said regarding feeding. Since Scarlett was ill she has been a bit difficult with food although getting back to normal now. Whenever she plays up I crack open a sachet of Ella's Kitchen Apples and Bananas and she will always eat that . Alternatively some carrot and parsnip from the freezer, I start with the simple things again and it seems to work. No matter what she will always eat a Petit Filous Yoghurt. As her teeth are hurting she seems to enjoy anything that comes straight from the fridge at the mo, it must be soothing on her gums. I'm still breastfeeding a lot - I would say 4 times during the day, a late night feed around 10 and then 1 or 2 times at night. Some days she skips her 4pm feed but she takes it more often than not. I can distract her with some water from her beaker but invariably she will always come back to boob. The other thing she has a habit of doing it having one boob, then her lunch and then the other boob which means sometimes lunch can take 1.5 hours.

Becs - I think you are coping really well with your PND. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself, a slightly untidy house is to be expected with a baby demanding all of your time. Try not to be superwoman :hugs:

BTP - glad you got your nappies sorted out

Louise - hope you hear from Wayne soon x

Not long until Center Parcs now - can't wait. DH is on School Holiday from today. SD's school holiday has been changed due to the Royal Wedding so her holiday/term dates and DH's now don't coincide. We were annoyed at first but thinking about it, it means we get a week in Center Parcs, a week at home together and then SD for a week. DH will be at work 3 days she is with us but I'll be able to keep her busy and to be honest she follows me about like a shadow even if DH is here, so it won't really make much difference.

I bought some Organix Carrot Sticks for Scarlett today. I think it was Jelly that mentioned them? I gave her one at lunch and she gobbled it up in no time so thanks for the tip. I will try her with the Sweetcorn rings next.

Right, better go and get some stuff done while Scarlett is napping.
:hugs: kara sorry works rubbish

Glad you got your nappies BTP :wohoo: I use fleece liners normally as it saves the nappies from getting stained. But I'm pretty lazy and don't bother :dohh: thanks will have to tell me how much postage is.

Boony almost 16 weeks pregnant eek!!! Kinda Jealous :haha:

GG its not bad on our own I thought it would be harder but looking after them is easier as we have our own routine etc so thats nice.

Fishy just go with the flow he won't starve himself and he'll eat when he's ready. I would just put things on his highchair and let him decide what to eat.
Blob I know its going so fast! We find out the sex on April 17th that's only just over a week away! I'm surprised there's not any more stars pregnant though I thought there would be more by now
Boony, how exciting!!! Oh that bloody tax credit thread made me angry!! Some of them have such sheltered views and totally take things out ot context!!!

Thank you all for your support!!!

Car is now sold, my beloved golf has a new owner, shame my bro in law just saw him thrashing it along the road!!!!
Becs threads like that always get my back up its like they think because they don't work and have kids the government owes them something grr don't get me started lol

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