September Stars

Btp our sofas have electric recliners I love them it was great when pregnant!
Yay BTP, that sofa sounds fab!!! Mmmmm comfy!!! And I love the idea for colour scheme!

Boony, yep your thinking is the same as ours! We couldn't fit 3 car seats and 2 big dogs in, so the 5 it was!! Granted, the big dogs don't go in that often, but now we need the space for either the back 2 seats up, or for pram/shopping! Plus, it looks nice and sporty as well as being a small van! Result! Ours is a Furano too, but for some reason we got the electric doors. Bloody love it!! x
The recline is for dh's bad back, selfish bugger i bet i never get to sit in it!!! When he said he could sleep on it that sold it to me!!!:rofl:
The recline is for dh's bad back, selfish bugger i bet i never get to sit in it!!! When he said he could sleep on it that sold it to me!!!:rofl:

Definitely!!!!! :haha: I would be all for having the big bed to myself!!!!! x
Ours aren't very comfy to sleep on they go really far back but aren't as flat as I would like. Jayden liked to recliners them and then move them back all the time but the novelty has worn off now lol
Aww that made me sad that he was so exited and couldn't go :cry: chicken pox do not sound nice am not looking forward to the girls getting it :(

Oooh BTP sounds nice need photos when it comes :wohoo:

Hmmm Robin tries to make me sell my car but it has soo much room and I love it so much :rofl: I refuse to drive anything but an automatic now heehee
Btp sofa sounds lush, ours are lopsided as they have been used so much. Holding out until we can afford to move house before buying new ones ... 2099 I reckon we can move ;-)

Asher I remember seeing a pic of your car On fb. My in laws have a problem fitting 3 car seats in their car as it's a hatchback mini so kids are all squashed in the back. Not exactly practical as the main family car !

Still have my cold and am now close to losing my voice. JJ has been I'll too :) this afternoon he's been very sicky but I thought it was his usual. Got home this evening and he's been sick in his cot and was very upset. Think it must be his cold making him vomit or it's a stomach bug. Going to put water in a bottle tomorrow to make sure he doesn't become dehydrated, he just won't accept a beaker at the moment. Poor little man wish I knew why he's so prone to being sick continuously, think I'm going to take him back to doctors again, but as he's putting on weight they are not really bothered with his reflux.

Had my first night out this evening with the girls was nice to catch up with them all without entertaining children at the same time. Does anyone take their Los out with them when eating out late at night. A couple bought their approx 18 month old with them in their pushchair whilst they sat down for their evening meal. Wondered if that's a frowned upon or not some friends agreed and disagreed and I sat on the fence as the child seemed happy enough asleep.
Jelly glad you had a good night out it does you good sometimes to have a change of scene!

Btp love the sound of the sofa very comfy!

Asher sorry the pox has found you but best to get it out the way !

I posted twice yesterday and the stupid iPod wouldn't submit .

Loving this weather been great to get the girls playing in the garden we sat up on the decking yesterday playing and I was tempted to get the paddling pool out .
Just a quickie as I have a full on day today. Thanks so much for all the advice. It seems to be paying off! Firstly I am a lot more relaxed and secondly Harry has started eating again! The mesh thing is brilliant, he loves it. Plus my dh is now trying to feed him. With me he complains and asks for boob but with him he just gets on with it.

If anyone is local to south London, my sister and I have a stall at the bump and beyond baby fair at Kempton races today. It's 10 - 4pm and a £5 to get in. If you fancy it come and say hi! We will be on the sol solis stand. Xx
Just a quickie as I have a full on day today. Thanks so much for all the advice. It seems to be paying off! Firstly I am a lot more relaxed and secondly Harry has started eating again! The mesh thing is brilliant, he loves it. Plus my dh is now trying to feed him. With me he complains and asks for boob but with him he just gets on with it.
I had this with my first dd, if i held her in the carrier she screamed but was fine on dh, it is apparently because they can smell our milk!! They know we are holding out on them but dh can't give them what they want and they know it!!:haha:

Have a great day today, good luck! :hugs:

I have high hopes for the sofa, I have lived on my own and I did the house out as it looked shit when i moved in!! I know how nice i had it so i know i can do it but have rather lost my confidence in the last few years living in new magnolia painted top to toe house!
I am going for a few creamy very milky coffee colours in the lounge, we have plain carpets in a creamy beige, a plain rug which i may or may not change, and the fire place is in light wood and pale marbly type thing.
As we went to look at the sofa the guy said don't be put off by the colour but it was one of the things we both really liked!! We looked at the options and both agreed on the going bold! We have the boxy sit on thing (£300 for a red box!!!) and so it will not be just a big red thing in the room, and i will tie it in with some red things.
Dh has huge top gun posters up atm, framed signed ones, I got them for him, but they have out lived the lounge now so i am moving them to the stair way!
Anyways, we have 11 weeks now to paint hall, landing, stairs, dining bit of the kitchen , downstairs loo, and lounge!! Pictures will be a regular thing on fb!! I just hope i have not got it totally wrong going for the red, but feeling brave!

Asher, hope all is well, and the pox is settling in your house, they are usually under the weather b4, then when the pox come up you think ahh that's what is wrong! xxxx:hugs:

Jelly, hope you and your little man feel better soon xx:hugs:

Blob, your nappy collection, I WANT!!!! That is quite some seasoned re useable collection, there's me with my white ones!! I had the proto type for the covers yesterday, just to check the basic cover fits etc, it all seems fine, a few pointers, then i can have some pretty covers!:happydance::hugs:

Right, cityville calls, then the paint shop and a coffee at the local garden centre! Off to spend stupid amounts of money on paint, and use the overdraft up!!:haha:

Back later, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxx:hugs:
Heehee there is at least double that in the other room that I dont like right now. Not including my rufflebums or the new ones I have coming :rofl:

F&C glad he's eating ageing :hugs: tabs was like that kn the carrier and rosalie has to get her dummy.

Jelly if the baby was sleeping I dont see a problem, why were some people not liking it?

GG I'm loving the weather meant to start raining from tomorrow here tho :cry: going to buy the bouncy castle-paddling pool in the ELC
Btp that sounds lovely! I would love to do our house up but money is so tight at the moment. I look forward to seeing some pictures!

Jc, I can only speak from personal experience as Harry would hate being taken out in the evening but I guess if they don't have childcare they kinda have no option. Glad you had a good night out though. It's well deserved. How are you and jj feeling now?

I can't wait to hear about these new babies sex! It's so exciting!

Today Harry ate really well! I think he's back on track! It must have been down to teething and his cold. He's still clingy but I think that's only when he sees me.

The show was rubbish today :( guess everyone was out enjoying the sunshine, I know I would be!
Fc sorry your day selling didn't go too well, they don't know what they are missing!

Blob I saw on Facebook your having a difficult bedtime hope you get some quiet time soon!

Emzy I love the picnic photos on Facebook Holly looks so happy

Amelias first tooth is on it's way I can now see the little line across her gum and she is whimpering in her sleep poor love

We are off on holiday tomorrow we are off to a lodge in west Wales with hot tub hope we have time to use it we are going with friends and their one year old and another friend who will be the girls godfather we always all go away at Easter and he is happy to keep up the tradition even though there are 3 babies now !
We have hired a mini bus so we can all travel together but the amount of stuff we have is crazy let alone anyone elses !

Going in the hot tub means wearing a swimming costume first time with saggy twin belly and means I need to de fuzz ! I'm not sure where to start :)
Evening girls!

Had a fab day here, went for a picnic at a park near our old house and fed the ducks, Holly loved it! She was squealing with excitement at the ducks! It was a lovely family day out, just what we needed what with all the redundancy stress etc. The pics are on facebook for anyone who wants to see!

Cant remember if I posted or not on Friday, but Matt went for an interview for an internal job last week and he didn't get it. His colleague got it ahead of him so he was gutted :( :cry: It sounds almost set in stone that he will be made redundant in a fortnight, he will find out for sure this week but it's very likely. Still, onwards and upwards, we will get there. We're going down to Kent to visit my mum and dad next week, so we have that to look forward to!

Anyway better go, sorry for the selfish post will come back for a catch up tomorrow x
Fishy shame the exhibition wasn't as giod as you'd hoped. James and I have spent half the day in bed today. I'm feeling on the mend now but think JJ is still thick with cold. He's been sick alot again today too. I think tomorrow he'll be feeling better too.

GG have a great time on holiday hope you and dh manage to have some relaxation xx

Emzy sorry about Matt and the imminent redundancy, hope he manages to find something soon. My dh is still waiting to find out when he's leaving work and he doesn't qualify for any redundancy pay. If you pop down to Maidstone when your at your mums let me know and maybe we could meet up if you want to with Los?
Hiya ladies, just a quick catch up from me!

Fishy, sorry your races day wasn't so good, but I'm so glad wee Harry's back on track, that's fab news!

Emzy, sorry to hear about Matt. It must be difficult for you both to maintain your positive attitudes, but you're doing so well. xxx

GG, enjoy your holiday. x

Blob, I saw on FB about your nightmare bedtime too! Bless you, hope the little ladies are all settled for you now.

Jelly, hope you're feeling a wee bit better. Glad you enjoyed your night out too. I used to be a frowner upon the little children in buggies out late scenario, and then I had Jack and realised that sometimes it just has to be done or else you'll never do it!! I think if you have a little one who depends on their usual routine every night to fall asleep, then you need to stick to it or all hell will be let loose! But if you've got a more flexible little one, maybe you take your chance and get out!!

I have forgotten everything else!! Another lovely day here. Little Jack is being such a star with his chickenpox, and they're in his hair and all round his scrotum, they look horrible. It's been so warm too, and he's hardly bothered at all. We've helped out our friends by doing some leaflet posting today, they're starting a new business. It was a family affair, we were given our area and we gave it our best shot!! I drove the car to our area, with all three boys in. DH walked the dogs down (about a mile and a half). I did a couple of streets with all the boys, letting them take turns to post, and then DH helped. Then the boys got fed up, so DH took them home. I BF Sam in the front seat of the car briefly before they left and got some really strange looks!! SO then I did an hour on my own and finished the round, then DH picked me up and we did our swim. Bloody knackered!!!!!! My feet are killing me. And we had a really nice area to do, with huge Victorian semi's and detached, so they all had 4 or 5 steps up to the door, so I feel as though I've done a step class too ha ha!!!

See you all tomorrow girls. xx
Just a quick hi from me. I'm enjoying a great visit this weekend with my brother and his wife (due in May :happydance:), so it's been busy!
We're finally having some lovely spring weather here, too, but I won't let myself relax and enjoy spring as we get horrible rogue snowstorms right through late May. It's so much harder to bear those when you've let yourself start gardening and put away snow gear, etc! :)
Oh! just ordered a stroller today. I decided on the Joovy Caboose Ultralight in Blueberry. Found a decent deal online, well within my budget, so I plan to use the extra $$ to get us a second backpack carrier for Tobe, so we can get out hiking as soon as possible.
Here's my new stroller:
It should be here in about a week. I'm very excited!

Hope all the sick babies (and chickenpoxed older siblings) are on the mend.
:hugs: emzy

GG :rofl: @ defuzzing ha ha don't worry about the tummy you will be the only one who will notice

Thats rubbish about the exhibition fishy :nope: I will have to get a few things ordered soon.

Ah babies are sleeping now finally but I think I'm in for a rough night. Poor tabs I feel awful something is up with her it's just not normal at all for her to cry at bedtime. She was clinging around my necks and doing the retching while crying thing :cry: I cannot listen to crying makes me sick.
GG that sounds lovely, I hope you have a good time!

Emzy I have everything crossed that Matt doesn't get made redundant. It must be incredibly stressful and worrying. I am stressed just by the thought of me being out of work.

Blob how was last night in the end. It must be hard having two los when they both need your attention.

Asher how is Jack doing today? X
Morning ladies! Sorry this will have to be short! Fishy I'm sorry the show wasn't as good as you hoped, I've recommended you to a few friends here and plan to order from you shortly a gift for Wayne x
Asher bless jack for being so brave! Sounds like you had a busy old day yesterday!
Blob hope your two girls slept ok for you in the end? Must be so difficult x
GG hope you have a great holiday! Get yourself in that hottub lady and forget bellys and the like, you deserve some relaxation time!
Emzy I also have my fingers crossed that it all turns out ok for you, must be so stressful x
Btp new sofa sounds fab! I love your idea for the colours!
Kara, I'm paypal ing today.. So sorry for the delay x
Boony and ym I'm also so excited to find out your babies sex!!
I'm forgetting everything else for now.. So tired, drove from my mums ( north notts) to sittingbourne to get the boys then to woodbridge (Suffolk) last night after lilias last bottle, hoping shed sleep the journey away. Set off at 6.30 and arrived at 11.30..... Sooooo tired!

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