September Stars

Asher, we move 15th October!!! Hope is a big girl, she is 91st centile!! Glad your appointment went well!!

Genies, I have just finished my period, it was awful, really heavy!!

I think we are going to bed in a bit, Hope has just had her bottle and is now asleep!!
Wow not long then Becs! I'm sure it will all go well, you're a determined woman!! I hope that Hope sleeps for you tonight. x

I've just fed Sam again, but that's probably his dream feed now so off to bed soon enough to make the most of the sleep.
Does anyone else's LO just seem to want to feed constantly all evening??? Oh My Life...he wont stop!! lol xx
Thank u sooooo much for the replies, anyone who saw my fb update know it's not going well, as soon as I get some sleep I'll be active here...xx
Thank u sooooo much for the replies, anyone who saw my fb update know it's not going well, as soon as I get some sleep I'll be active here...xx

I saw that honey. I'm sure things will improve pretty quick. Settling in is the hardest part. Big hugs though, xxx

Does anyone else's LO just seem to want to feed constantly all evening??? Oh My Life...he wont stop!! lol xx

Sam's improved a bit, but yes! He feeds a lot in the evening. xx
Wow 99th and 91st centiles!! Lilia is 25th centile, a little girly! She's had a very sleepy day today, I really hope it won't affect tonight! I'm about to feed her and put her to bed so must gom will do a proper catch up tomorrow!
Louise, I hope your night ended up okay! Don't you just hate it when they have a sleepy day? You just dread what's to come! I think sometimes they just have a growing day, if that makes sense!

We had not too bad a night. Sam fed last at 7am and is now still fast asleep in his pram! I'm Catholic and not been to mass since about 30 weeks pregnant as I was so uncomfortable sitting or standing! So this morning I am taking Sam (and Jack ) to 9 o clock mass. I've actually showered and am ready. I'm sure Sam will be fine but I can't say the same about Jack!! Wish me luck ha ha! The good thing about being up and ready early is that the washing's out on the line and the second lot's in. Going to try and go for a swim today too. Very ambitious!

Hope everyone has a good day, catch up later. x
Asher, have a nice day xx

Lilbumpblue, Hope has her grizzly time in the evening when all she wants to do is graze on a bottle!! Its kind of tiring after a while!!

We had a good night, Hope is rather snuffly so just used a baby nasal spray to help unblock her nose. More packing today followed by sunday roast out!!
Hello All, Been meaning to pop in for the past 2 days but haven't had a chance. I've missed you guys all so much :hugs:

I've been reading all the posts but have to admit I can't keep any info in my head so sorry for no personals.

My labour didn't quite go as smoothly in the end as anticipated so will write a story soon. Asher thanks for updating with me and never trust a man with anything technical like text messages (bless he tried)

Quick couple of questions
1. Anyone struggle in pain with an episotomy (sp?) after labour - Yesterday seemed the worse day where sitting on 2 pillows I was still struggling to sit down or bend. Anything that can help? I'm taking paracetamol regularly and do seem to feel slightly better after a shower.

2. In realationmy to point 1 - I haven't been for a no 2 since my waters broke. I've increased my fibre and am holding a towel on stitiches incase ot's apprehension but i'm just windy nothing else. I'm starting to get nervous - Anything I can take?

3. Novice Mummy here - Is it normal for a baby to be sick after they have been fed 3 hours ago and been asleep for couple of hours. James has been winded etc before being put down and is brining up varying amounts. I just don't know if being sick so late after a feed is normal or what can be done about it?

4. Did anyone ekse struggle to actually produce any colostrum (sp?) after labour? Hospital basically told me to give up and move to formula but i'm currently sticking with combi and doing skin to skin before feed and express after feed. Quantity has improved yesterday just wondering if it will work what i'm doing or not? I know you don't produce alot at the begining but at my most production I was 0.06ml from both breasts

I'm sorry for so many questions but just feel a little bit lost at the moment. I would have asked the MW but they forgot me yesterday for my first day home visit so am waiting in again today to see if they will remember me so I can ask.
Hey guys I can finally join u lot ... I'll post more once I'm settled but really need advice, after pains with second child.... Omg is it suppose to hurt soooo much also is it normal to get back pain after having epidural? Will all my aches and pains get worse tomorrow? Someone women on the ward were walking around with no problems at all, I'm suffering big time... Soooo sore !! Is this normal ? X

First of all Congratulations :flower: (carnt remember if i said it or not lol):dohh:

Yes it's normal hun, i had an epidural with Ollie,back pain afterwards was really painfull :cry: i know how you must be feeling :hugs: but mine started to get better after 1.5weeks my MW said to kep an eye on it and if it dosnt get better after a few weeks to go to the dr's and they would reffer me back to the anesthetist.

ive been awol again :haha: nice to see more mummies over here

genies Ollie went for 4hrs between feeds the other night was bliss! wish he would do it every night! hope the girls did 4hourly feeds last night for ya? xx

lilbumpblue Ollie feeds more during the day and settles down in the evening (most of the time) other night he had a 5oz feed instead of his usual 3oz and he slept for 5hrs shame he had that bottle at 8pm and not later :dohh:

Louise love youe pic's Lilia's hair is lush! i love it! x

Asher check you out! up showered and ready to go, i'm still in my pj's :blush:

Andrew turned 30 yesterday and felt really gutted about it :haha: he decided to have a bottle on wine (to himself) and a very large glass of fizzy too which = a bad head when he woke up :haha: he's having a lye in now.

becs enjoy your sunday roast! Ollie is snuffly too was bound to happen as his big sis is full of cold.

i was wondering what to use :shrug: he is only 4weeks (1 day) so there is not much out there, for DD we use karvol in her room works a treat not allowed to use it for ollie coz of his age.

I see alot of people have started xmas shopping :wacko: ive been trying not to think about it but mil has told us she has already made a start buying things for the bairns, my home already looks like elc with DD's things i need to have a clear out me thinks :thumbup: xxx
Jelly, I had an episiotomy, my stiches were fine and I managed to have a poo after 3 days, the hospital put me on fybergel and lactulose to help with regularity and softening, it was fine! Have you tried putting a pad in the freezer then wrapping it up and put in your knickers, also tea tree oil and lavender in the bath helps with healing. I also took paracetamol and diclofenac for the swelling, maybe worth a trip to the Dr's the get some anti inflamatorys, I would take some ibuprofen until you get seen, its fine to take with paracetamol! Don't try and do too much, you must rest, take it from somebody who did too much, it really aches more!! If you want any other info, feel free to ask!! The hospital gave me some really helpful leaflets. Did you see the physio while you were in hospital? She gave me some exercises to do, to help with pelvic floor, I also have a follow up appointment in 3 weeks and then I go back to hospital in December to check all is healed well and if not they will get me in to sort it out lol!! Hope that has helped a bit!!

Daisybell, we used the childrens olbas oil, put it on a cloth and tied it on to Hope's moses basket, also we have vapour plug in, think its the calpol one, it has lavender and camomile in too, its lovely and relaxing!! The calpol nasal spray is good too and you can use that from birth! Also have you tried putting some vicks or something in a bowl of hot water under the moses basket??

I can't believe the nice weather here!!

My mind has gone to mush, I have to write lists for things otherwise I just forget!! Anyone else like that??
Asher, that's lovely dancing with your littelist man, I am really enjoying Rosie, it helps that she is such a good girl, and Sophie was a nightmare, I was expecting the worst again and got a little poppet! I really enjoy night feeds, she doesn't even cry just lets out a little squeak!

Genies, after 6 weeks you can get a coil fitted, and i had a mirena coil b4 which is used for women with particually heavy periods, it has a small amount of hormone in it which stops your periods I found it took about 6 months of spotting but eventually my periods were very light or negligable from being really heavy and making me ill each month, There is varying feelings about the mirena but i got on really well with it and got pregnant 3 months after its removal so i don't feel it disturbed my fertility, and i had no other side effects.
Certainly may be worth finding out about if you are miserable with your periods.

Quick couple of questions
1. Anyone struggle in pain with an episotomy (sp?) after labour - Yesterday seemed the worse day where sitting on 2 pillows I was still struggling to sit down or bend. Anything that can help? I'm taking paracetamol regularly and do seem to feel slightly better after a shower.

2. In realationmy to point 1 - I haven't been for a no 2 since my waters broke. I've increased my fibre and am holding a towel on stitiches incase ot's apprehension but i'm just windy nothing else. I'm starting to get nervous - Anything I can take?

3. Novice Mummy here - Is it normal for a baby to be sick after they have been fed 3 hours ago and been asleep for couple of hours. James has been winded etc before being put down and is brining up varying amounts. I just don't know if being sick so late after a feed is normal or what can be done about it?

4. Did anyone ekse struggle to actually produce any colostrum (sp?) after labour? Hospital basically told me to give up and move to formula but i'm currently sticking with combi and doing skin to skin before feed and express after feed. Quantity has improved yesterday just wondering if it will work what i'm doing or not? I know you don't produce alot at the begining but at my most production I was 0.06ml from both breasts

I'm sorry for so many questions but just feel a little bit lost at the moment. I would have asked the MW but they forgot me yesterday for my first day home visit so am waiting in again today to see if they will remember me so I can ask.

Oh Jelly, huge hugs to you, I also had a labour i had not imagined, everything i thought it could be it wasn't and that was a shock with my 5th!
Some answers from my point of view xx

1, get bags of table salt from tesco and sit in a warm shallow salty bath to soak yout stitches, I found this helped a great deal, you can shower the rest of you off after if you want, but the aim is just to use really salty water round your sore bits, it really helped me.

2, Relax, try and get some time aside so you are not straining just sitting with your towel. Like you say eat plenty of stuff to keep you loose, and get something from the doctors if it just isn't happening, I have been 3 times in 2 weeks not the once a day i am used to, i seem to be a bit bunged up but not sure if half of it is just nerves about going! Relax and try not to worry too much, it is not as bad as you think once you have gone once!

3,Babies all sick up varying amounts from projectile to 'possets' just little burp fulls! All at different times too, as long as baby is gaining weight it is not a problem, and any variation on the theme is normal, but every baby is different!

4, the more your baby demands the more you will produce, it takes a while to kick in but basically the more you put baby to breast the more will be requested by your body and the more will get produced, it is a delayed reaction so don't expect it imediately, but it will increase your milk.
Eventually when you put baby to boob milk will be produced even if you have just fed, i certainly feel baby gan get more than i can with expressing, i can hear baby gulping after a while, but you and baby need to be patient for it to work! Rosie spits me out a few times b4 she gets milk if she has had her fill already.

Don't feel lost hun, plenty of answers here! Feel free to pm me anything, i may be able to help, each mummy and baby is different, my last baby was screamy and unsettled and projectile vomited each feed, Rosie is calm, quiet and feeds well with little sickness, it is different all round so i can only say what has worked for me or helped a baby sometime! :hugs::hugs:
Hope something has helped xxxxxx

Well I am ok today, feeling more comfortable on the feeding, my boobs have settled and are used to little miss suck, she has an amazing suck on her, my poor nipples were quite sore!
I am wondering if i can help her poo, she has not pooed all day yesterday, i can hear her trying, i have changed my diet a bit because i was drinking lucozade and it was making her sick, so have stopped that and it has stopped her being sick but bunged her up! Will have to eat more veg i think, see if it goes into my milk!

Back soon, it's shopping day today, Rosie has had a nice bath, her first proper one because of her dryness, she liked it til i washed her hair, she smells all lovely and clean now, and i am still listening for her to poo!
My 2yr old got in the baby bath after, she loves water so i should have expected it really! 2 clean girls now anyway!

I need to go and have a shower, and get dressed, I am so used to lounging about in my pj's all morning! A baby is a great excuse, but Rosie is so good, i don't really have an excuse!
My 2 yr old called for Daddy last night, yes, result!!! Well done Sophie, keep it up so Mummy can stay in bed!!:haha:

Back soon,

:baby:tp xx
Big Thank yous Becs and BTP xxx

Got SIL to buy me fibregel and Lactulose about to try it now. Also had never thought about pad in the freezer nor salt bath so going to try that aswell. Reassuring about the vomit I was concerned as only expecting after a feed.

BTP - Glad Daddy is finally being called upon :haha::haha:

Just about to snooze now after a day of constant visitors including MW yay I didn't get forgotten today !!
Hey guys... i think there is only Mrs N left now..

I was in hospital on wed suppose to have my waters broken, but they were so busy it wasnt until friday at 4am they got me in... pain was bad but they wanted to put me on a drip and make them worse to begged for a epidural... something i swore i would never have the balls to have.. it didnt work until i was 10 cm and so it only worked when it came to pushing.. arghhh pushing on a epi was impossible... but finally did it without any help and no stitches...

i was sick all the way through and had to have two anti sickness injections which didnt work.... had gas and air which OMG i am soooooo going to steal some next time im in a hospital.

finally i had some sleep... i honestly started to see and hear things which were not real i was that tired and if i had left it any longer god knows what would have happened.:cry:

I tried breast feeding but she only managed to feed once properly in 30 hours.. she would sleep all day and cry all night.. same happend last night.. by 4am i caved in and gave her a bottle and she loved it !! and so did i !!! we both fell asleep and i was only woken up by the breast feeding councillor.. i explained everything and she said it was fine.

i used my breast pump and my milk is only starting to come in so couldnt get much out maybe a oz but i feel better knowing its something...

For the first time since Wed im starting to feel more normal... still in pain but its getting better. had people over every day so not had time to sleep any more today...

Jellycat... i went for number twos for the first time today.... blimey that was a scary time, i didnt know what to expect and i didnt even have stitches so can imagine what you are going through..

so pleased to finally be here... didnt think this day would come... I didnt make the record of 15 day over due... do i come second being 14 days??

got MW due any time... and realised i have calls to make and stuff

tax credits
child benefit
register her

anyone else i have to call ?

I want to read all the posts from the start on this thread as soon as things settle down..

missed you guys xxxx
Hello All, Been meaning to pop in for the past 2 days but haven't had a chance. I've missed you guys all so much :hugs:

I've been reading all the posts but have to admit I can't keep any info in my head so sorry for no personals.

My labour didn't quite go as smoothly in the end as anticipated so will write a story soon. Asher thanks for updating with me and never trust a man with anything technical like text messages (bless he tried)

Quick couple of questions
1. Anyone struggle in pain with an episotomy (sp?) after labour - Yesterday seemed the worse day where sitting on 2 pillows I was still struggling to sit down or bend. Anything that can help? I'm taking paracetamol regularly and do seem to feel slightly better after a shower.
The pain hit me on about day 5 i was in so much pain i couldnt sit down just like you say and was an emotioal wreck. I used to sit in a cool bath and take paracetamols...not sure about ibuprofen and breast feeding!? My stitches dissolved before id healed properly and that was such a relief down below id could sit n everything!! lol x

2. In realationmy to point 1 - I haven't been for a no 2 since my waters broke. I've increased my fibre and am holding a towel on stitiches incase ot's apprehension but i'm just windy nothing else. I'm starting to get nervous - Anything I can take?
...i just waited for nature to works its magic, sounds gross but just waited until my body wanted it out and i didnt strain i just let my body do the work. What i did to help thou was soaked a big piece of cotton wool in cool water and held it on the wound with light pressure!

3. Novice Mummy here - Is it normal for a baby to be sick after they have been fed 3 hours ago and been asleep for couple of hours. James has been winded etc before being put down and is brining up varying amounts. I just don't know if being sick so late after a feed is normal or what can be done about it?
It may have stayed down because he was sleeping then comes up once he wakes and is moved...if it carries on and ur concerned id speak to ur gp.

4. Did anyone ekse struggle to actually produce any colostrum (sp?) after labour? Hospital basically told me to give up and move to formula but i'm currently sticking with combi and doing skin to skin before feed and express after feed. Quantity has improved yesterday just wondering if it will work what i'm doing or not? I know you don't produce alot at the begining but at my most production I was 0.06ml from both breasts
I was ok but as said your body will produce more once it realises u need more iykwim?!

I'm sorry for so many questions but just feel a little bit lost at the moment. I would have asked the MW but they forgot me yesterday for my first day home visit so am waiting in again today to see if they will remember me so I can ask.

Asher, that's lovely dancing with your littelist man, I am really enjoying Rosie, it helps that she is such a good girl, and Sophie was a nightmare, I was expecting the worst again and got a little poppet! I really enjoy night feeds, she doesn't even cry just lets out a little squeak!

Genies, after 6 weeks you can get a coil fitted, and i had a mirena coil b4 which is used for women with particually heavy periods, it has a small amount of hormone in it which stops your periods I found it took about 6 months of spotting but eventually my periods were very light or negligable from being really heavy and making me ill each month, There is varying feelings about the mirena but i got on really well with it and got pregnant 3 months after its removal so i don't feel it disturbed my fertility, and i had no other side effects.
Certainly may be worth finding out about if you are miserable with your periods.

Quick couple of questions
1. Anyone struggle in pain with an episotomy (sp?) after labour - Yesterday seemed the worse day where sitting on 2 pillows I was still struggling to sit down or bend. Anything that can help? I'm taking paracetamol regularly and do seem to feel slightly better after a shower.

2. In realationmy to point 1 - I haven't been for a no 2 since my waters broke. I've increased my fibre and am holding a towel on stitiches incase ot's apprehension but i'm just windy nothing else. I'm starting to get nervous - Anything I can take?

3. Novice Mummy here - Is it normal for a baby to be sick after they have been fed 3 hours ago and been asleep for couple of hours. James has been winded etc before being put down and is brining up varying amounts. I just don't know if being sick so late after a feed is normal or what can be done about it?

4. Did anyone ekse struggle to actually produce any colostrum (sp?) after labour? Hospital basically told me to give up and move to formula but i'm currently sticking with combi and doing skin to skin before feed and express after feed. Quantity has improved yesterday just wondering if it will work what i'm doing or not? I know you don't produce alot at the begining but at my most production I was 0.06ml from both breasts

I'm sorry for so many questions but just feel a little bit lost at the moment. I would have asked the MW but they forgot me yesterday for my first day home visit so am waiting in again today to see if they will remember me so I can ask.

Oh Jelly, huge hugs to you, I also had a labour i had not imagined, everything i thought it could be it wasn't and that was a shock with my 5th!
Some answers from my point of view xx

1, get bags of table salt from tesco and sit in a warm shallow salty bath to soak yout stitches, I found this helped a great deal, you can shower the rest of you off after if you want, but the aim is just to use really salty water round your sore bits, it really helped me.

2, Relax, try and get some time aside so you are not straining just sitting with your towel. Like you say eat plenty of stuff to keep you loose, and get something from the doctors if it just isn't happening, I have been 3 times in 2 weeks not the once a day i am used to, i seem to be a bit bunged up but not sure if half of it is just nerves about going! Relax and try not to worry too much, it is not as bad as you think once you have gone once!

3,Babies all sick up varying amounts from projectile to 'possets' just little burp fulls! All at different times too, as long as baby is gaining weight it is not a problem, and any variation on the theme is normal, but every baby is different!

4, the more your baby demands the more you will produce, it takes a while to kick in but basically the more you put baby to breast the more will be requested by your body and the more will get produced, it is a delayed reaction so don't expect it imediately, but it will increase your milk.
Eventually when you put baby to boob milk will be produced even if you have just fed, i certainly feel baby gan get more than i can with expressing, i can hear baby gulping after a while, but you and baby need to be patient for it to work! Rosie spits me out a few times b4 she gets milk if she has had her fill already.

Don't feel lost hun, plenty of answers here! Feel free to pm me anything, i may be able to help, each mummy and baby is different, my last baby was screamy and unsettled and projectile vomited each feed, Rosie is calm, quiet and feeds well with little sickness, it is different all round so i can only say what has worked for me or helped a baby sometime! :hugs::hugs:
Hope something has helped xxxxxx

Well I am ok today, feeling more comfortable on the feeding, my boobs have settled and are used to little miss suck, she has an amazing suck on her, my poor nipples were quite sore!
I am wondering if i can help her poo, she has not pooed all day yesterday, i can hear her trying, i have changed my diet a bit because i was drinking lucozade and it was making her sick, so have stopped that and it has stopped her being sick but bunged her up! Will have to eat more veg i think, see if it goes into my milk!

Back soon, it's shopping day today, Rosie has had a nice bath, her first proper one because of her dryness, she liked it til i washed her hair, she smells all lovely and clean now, and i am still listening for her to poo!
My 2yr old got in the baby bath after, she loves water so i should have expected it really! 2 clean girls now anyway!

I need to go and have a shower, and get dressed, I am so used to lounging about in my pj's all morning! A baby is a great excuse, but Rosie is so good, i don't really have an excuse!
My 2 yr old called for Daddy last night, yes, result!!! Well done Sophie, keep it up so Mummy can stay in bed!!:haha:

Back soon,

:baby:tp xx

Eat some spicy food hun...makes James have lovely nappies lol...oh and fried eggs do lol xx
ive just read everything and then forgotten i cant keep my eyes open and i think im in for a bad night, dont you hate it when they cry and you have no clue why , makes me sad when i cant imeadiatly help them.
Good to see LadyK and Jellycat here! Yippee, only MrsN and we'll be complete!

LadyK, I thought I had done everything I needed to do, and then yesterday (he's 6 weeks old), his child trust fund £50 voucher arrived. Grrrr. So now I need to do something with it. It never stops!

I think I am finally coming out of the newborn haze! I am able to look at little Sammy with honest eyes, and take more in of what he's doing every day. I am still super tired, and I can't believe how many things there are to do in a day, but am more able to appreciate everything that's going on! Yay!
Asher, I am sure we mjust spend more time on fb than anyone else lol!!!

Genies, I know what you mean!! There seems to be no reason sometimes!!

We are off to Norwich tomorrow, Hope got some vouchers and lots of money so going to buy her some bits!! My sister is having her so we can get done! I hate leaving her but I know she has to get used to other people. Will be nice to have a bit of 'us' time I guess without having to worry about feeds and changing nappies!! I have to say being a Mummy is the best job in the world, yes its tiring and demanding but the feeling you get when you are the only one that can settle them is so immense.
Becs I think you're right. I am always noseying on my FB. I am just sooooo nosey!! Hee hee!

You're right about the thing about the fab feeling you get when they only want mummy. x

Enjoy your time with Ian tomorrow, it does you good.
Hello all! =)

GENIESGIRL – big hugs re: your period coming back – hoping your not in too much discomfort
ASHER – glad your 6 week check went well =)

I cant remember anything else sorry! Im so tired! Had a busy busy day today. Roxy has had decent naps and has been eating well, so I was able to tidy the whole house from top to bottom - get 2 loads of washing done, prepare our tea, and do the garden! Ooo as well as ordering some bits from the ASDA baby event, and my food shop =) so yes, I feel rather productive! Im also a little bit chuffed, as today Roxy settled herself down in her bed and went asleep for an hour! The only reason why she woke up was because she was sick :( bless her! Im gonna get motivated and eat my tea, as the DH is dancing around the kitchen haha!!! and Roxy is due her 10pm feed soon!

Hope everyone is good!


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