September Stars

Laura, tell them to piss off!!!! The lady in clarks was lovely and very helpful!! Hope has very wide long feet, takes after her Daddy!!
BTP hope her eyes are ok I had to have an eye op when I was little.. And ooooooh for the nails going to get my eyelashes tinted and eyebrows waxed :)

Oh no Louise least you have some savings Hun :hugs:

Boony I had that many appointments too its odd they made the time pass first time round.

Laura :hugs: I'm going through a hard time with rosalie she just will not sleep and constantly cries it's killing me :hugs:

Well Robin I'd home for a few days it's so nice to see him again I have to say :lol:
As for shoes not sire I will bother until rosalie is walking properly... I might get cruisers if I think she's going to do that so much earlier than I think she will walk. But that's because I'm lazy. Rosalie is climbing up tabs mini chair right one she will not stay on all 4s anymore :dohh:
Boony - I don't get to find out til the 23rd May!!!! I can't wait to find out what we're both having!! My MW also found Pips heartbeat today for a few fleeting seconds and then the little terror moved but she was happy with me and I dont see her until I am roughly 24/25 weeks but I do see the consultant on the 13th May and I find out if I'm having another c-section or a VBAC...

Poor Kimi is very constipated today... after a good hour of her screaming she finally 'let go' but I need some help as to what can help! I've tried Infacol, Ashton and Parsons and Gripe Water!!!


Paige had that problem, i was told water and prune juice and it did help, hope she is ok soon, its awful to see them in so much pain x

Jelly - you dont get seen as much as you do with your first. I actually cant remember how often i saw them with Tyler but this time the reason i dont go back until 34 weeks is because i go to the hospital at 20 weeks and at 28 weeks so i will be seen just not by my community midwife. Its because i chose a out of area hospital so i see my community midwife for non important appointments then go to hospital for scans and bloods etc.

Here first time mums get twice as many appointments, but i had more problems the second time around, doesnt make much sense. I am so excited to see what you and young mummy are having.... !!! :happydance: will you post on FB or will you post in here only ?

Sarahka - you've reminded me I must put JJ in his Calgary flames hat before he gets too big! Hope the snow doesn't last too long !

Blondie good to see you ! Glad Ben is doing so well

Louise it must be some mistake hope you manage to get the money soon, how frustrating.

Kara could your headaches be triggered by a neck issue? Do you know what's causing them? Sinus / hormonal change ? Hope you manage to sort them out soon. Have to agree with Louise I think your work always looks great. I'd love to be able to use a sewing machine but just wouldn't know where to start!

Been to my sisters today and been given loads of toys for JJ .... Not quite sure which one I should play with first :) friend popped round earlier with her 11 mth son it was so nice seeing them interact together JJ just kept laughing with him. Think the pair of them are going to be cheeky when there older together.

Funny you say that, i had major neck ache on one side when it started, had neck ache the other side a few days ago but the pain has gone now but headache still there, doc said its tension headache and given me pills to help with the stress, i cant see that helping, im worried now its something worse and it will be missed x
Evening ladies! Good to see you all!

Hope you managed to sort the cash issue out Louise, grrr!!!

Kara, I agree with everyone else, I think all your work is perfect. If I had a little girl, I would have already pestered you for a nappy cover and bandana combo. In fact, I think you need to design a boy one so I can get one for Sam!!! Challenge on!! I am loving your pics of Paige on FB in those little combos, they're fab. Will be great for the warmer weather.

Laura, what do you mean by "funny coloured"?! She's gorgeous!! Sam's quite olive skinned looking, but Archie was at his age and is now really pasty!! I was hoping he's keep the olive look as I'm quite dark skin toned, but no, didn't happen!! Hope you're okay today anyway. Doesn't Olivia do well with her water? I can only get Sam to have a couple of sips from his beaker after a meal, he's terrible.

Blob, good to hear Robin's home for a short while! Enjoy him! Rosalie's so good with her development!!

Sorry for anything else I've forgotten. Busy day as usual. Went to school in the car today and then went straight to Aldi for a basics shop, got loads of stuff, and thankfully Jack and Sam were both well behaved. Jack was back at nursery today now he's all scabbed over, so I had a nice peaceful dog walk with Sam this afternoon. We've been for our swim tonight, had a good one, 32mins 43 seconds for a mile according to my swim watch, really pleased with that!!

On a negative note, 3 people today have "accused" me of losing weight. I saw someone who I last saw when I was about 8 months pregnant, who told me I've lost too much weight and then asked if I'm ill?!! I'm 10 st 4, which I was inbetween Jack and Sam, when I was running. Most of my clothes are size 12, I wouldn't dare try a 10, so how can I be so slim I look ill? I don't think so. DH says to ignore them. I think it's a combo of breastfeeding, walking the dogs everyday and swimming a mile 3 times a week. And I think it's more toning than losing weight. I have a very healthy appetite, if I fancy something I eat it, knowing I am able to exercise it off. Grrr. Rant over.
Laura, what do you mean by "funny coloured"?! She's gorgeous!! Sam's quite olive skinned looking, but Archie was at his age and is now really pasty!! I was hoping he's keep the olive look as I'm quite dark skin toned, but no, didn't happen!! Hope you're okay today anyway. Doesn't Olivia do well with her water? I can only get Sam to have a couple of sips from his beaker after a meal, he's terrible.

My dad is Polish and is really dark skinned - People keep commenting on it and its really starting to grate on me now. Probably made worse as she has slightly caught the sun aswell but I just wish people would think before they speak sometimes. Olivia will drink a 5ozs bottle of water in one go !!

Thanks hun. xx
No problem love. I think Olivia has a lovely colour. People really do need to think before they speak, as you say. I'm sure they wouldn't like it if you made a comment about them or their kids. x
Claire, I think you are lovely and not too thin!! i can only dream of being a size 12!! I am healthy and exercise but still I am a size 16/18!!! Oh well!!!

Why do people feel the need to comment, it really pisses me off when people say that Hope is big for her age!! FFS there is no average baby, all are different and thank goodness they are!!!
Thanks Becs, I am so sick of comments. People need to keep their thoughts as just that. I get those comments about Sam as you do about Hope, and for goodness sake there's nothing wrong with them. Every baby is different to the next. And that's a good thing, as you say.

Thanks again, I'm getting a bit hung up on this "losing weight" thing. It's as though people think I am starving myself or something. I can't be doing with it. I hate to say, if I was diagnosed with something nasty, what would they say then? I told you so? Argh, so fed up of it!
Lilia loves her water too, she would choose it over milk anytime! Except bedtime bottle! She hasnt got a very big appetite though so I am reluctant to let her have too much as she'll only have around 4/5 oz per bottle as it is, which I have gradually learned to accept! She will drink for ages from the nuby cup, but the tommee tippee is only good for squeaking on her gums (video on fb!)

Claire and Laura, ignore nosy ignorant people! Their opinions really don't matter, I always think people like that should look for problems closer to home!!

Yay for new shoes hope!! First pair of many I bet!

Blob enjoy having him home! Rosalie is so clever!

Lilia has, in the last 24 hours, decided that sitting with her toys isn't good enough! She us launching herself left right and centre! She'll lean onto one leg, put the other foot on the floor and push off with it whilst nose diving into the carpet.. It's surprising how far she can get! She keeps launching herself at the nappies and stuff.. But then isn't happy on her front, oh no, so mummy has to keep picking her back up!! She's desperate to move, sits there rocking!
Sorry missed the last bit.. Claire I also think you look fab! And I have also had comments from some wives here about how chubby/chunky lilia is, one even calls her chunk!! It really grates me, I know she has some seriously chubby cheeks and fab bangles, but she's still got plenty of room in 3-6 clothes so can't be as huge as they say! Not that it would matter anyway!
Louise, Lilia sounds as though she's just ready to go! She'll be off big time soon! Bless her! And another water lover! Fab. I've given in and put a wee bit of apple juice in with Sam's, but he's still not going for it. The boys both have water in a Ben 10 cup thing for bed, and most nights they don't touch it. To be fair though, they don't have pop. They drink diluted fresh apple or OJ in the day, or maybe orange or blackcurrant squash.
...and thanks Louise, I am quite happy with my size at the moment, I'm sure I'll put a bit on when I stop feeding. How dare these people!!!!
Louise thats how Hope gets around, that and rolling!! She is so desperate to properly crawl!! My Mum said I never crawled just went straight to walking!!
OOppps sorry JC! I think it was a tooth that was bothering Harry too. In fact I think it's back as he's been off again today. Grr. Having said that he ate a fair amount of his macaroni cheese this evening!

Thanks ladies for all your support with my 'business'. I'm at the stage now where I have to decide what I am doing work wise and it's so hard as we are actually quite busy with the jewellery but the money keeps going back in to the business and not in our pockets. Hey ho.

YM, I cannot believe your MIL!! Calling the NSPCC etc????!! And she expects to see Kimi? I know she has legal rights but she still will have to go to court etc. I can't understand why she just doesn't hold her tongue and suck it up if she wants a good relationship with her Grandkids. Silly woman.

Oohh Boony! I can't wait to hear the gender of your little bean!

Laura, Harry sounds just like that! A booby obsessed separation anxious monkey!

Love to all you ladies! x
Asher - I think sometimes people make comments due to jealousy ie how can someone whose had 3 kids have a better figure than them Grrrrrr to the green eyed monsters

Laura JJ barely touches his water in the beaker I'm very tempted to try in a bottle and see if he takes some then.

Becs lucky hope on getting her first pair of shoes!

Louise lillia sounds just like JJ with the trying to move he just hasn't grasped it and gets frustrated so I have to turn him over. I can't help but laugh at him sometimes when he kicks his back legs in the air like a frog but his front half flat on the floor.

Kara - I used to suffer loads with headaches (gp said tension years ago) , when I went to the physio for my wrist she did some work on my neck and back and asked if I'd previously had problems. Any cut a long story short I think you should try a physiotherapist usually around £40 for initial consultation, but they could give you exercises to help. After my wrist problems simple stretches daily have cured the pain. You don't have to go regularly I went 6 times in total. Good luck xx

Fishy I can feel JJ tooth cutting through and he had another screaming fit today when trying to feed. I'm convinced it must be the same for Harry.

Blob yay on Robin being back home!

Becs what was the baby carrier you use again with hope? I took JJ out yesterday and the weights fine (all 20lb 11oz JJ) but think the carrier is becoming too small so decided to definitely purchase a new one.
Hi All,

Ladyk, Me, me! I will be your first customer, I intend all Rosie to be in all summer is a nappy so i want plenty of frilly skirted covers for her nappies, My Auntie is on it but the more the merrier, just pm me when you are ready to start selling!! :thumbup:

Babies weight changes according to how much they move etc, My eldest went through bigger chubbier stages when he was eating lots and moving little! He seemed to carry on growing up then out then up!

My eldest is also olive skinned, I think he is gorgeous! He is lucky, he tans really easily, never burns, he has an all year tan! I am really pale, and my dad has the dark skin as has my ds's dad, I then have a real paley in my next ds, then my eldest dd has the olive skin again, and my 2 littlies are pale like me!
The darker skin is much easier in the summer to deal with!
When my eldest was newborn they said he was a bit jaundice but i knew it was just his colour, and it was!

Sorry can't remember any other things, Louise boo to the payment etc, rubbish :growlmad:
Boo to weather in snowy places:growlmad:
:happydance: Yay for finding out babies blue or pinkyness:thumbup:
Boo to teeth and tummies causing problems:nope:

I have a very clingy baby, she is just booby mad atm, she wont have me even leave a room without her, and today i actually had to carry her home from the supermarket rather than her be in the pram!! She is being a little madam about me, ho long i get tonight before she wakes and realises i am in bed and she is not i dont know!!

Better go, try and get some sleep, our furniture was late being delivered today, so tomorrow i will be clearing the wardrobe out so dh can put his stuff in the new wardrobe and we are not sharing! The smell of wood in the room is lovely!
I have a new chest of drawers for dd's clothes, and it frees the whole of the old one up for Rosies clothes, yay space!!:happydance:
Then i can start planning the painting the stairway, landing and hall, I am using the colour by focus, the wipeable paint, clotted cream, as it suggests a yellowy creamy colour.
Afternoon ladies! Hope all mummies and babies are well! I had a lovely wake up call from Wayne this morning, followed by 4 letters that all cane at once! So that was nice and it's really given me a lift! Nothing much else to report, except I tried lilia on scrambled egg.. Hmm! She loves purees, anything and everything, and she likes finger foods, but anything off a spoon that is a denser texture is not so good! I make her food quite thick anyway, but any suggestions for lumpy stuff? She happily chews the lumps.. For ages... But just doesn't seem keen to eat more than a few spoonfuls! Should I bypass it?
I have a sick girly too I need a nose sucker but I can't find one :(

Kara those nappy covers are gorgeous :cloud9:

Laura why would people say anything about her skin colour :wacko: tabs is olive skin and Rosalie is pretty much albino ha ha ha!!

Why do people feel the need to say anything about a mothers weight or a babies : nope: ignore them they just are stupid :grr:

Rosalie will not drink water she will have s smoothie but its more of a ooooh whats this thing...

If shell eat finger food Louise I would just feed her that but that's me :lol: and with the crawling wohoo
Think lilia must be having a growth spurt, 2 20 minute naps today, AND she was in bed asleep by 6.15!!

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