September Stars

Sarahkka don't think the uk sell that brand, hope it arrives soon

Blob how's tabs this morning hope she's ok xx

Louise - I'm not surprised your shattered that's a long trip. Hope you have a great time with the boys

Asher hope jacks spots start to heal soon, he's such a smiler in his photos!

Restless night for us with JJ still snotty the only comfy position was him sleeping on his tummy so I let him.
Wow louise that's a long trip :shock: not sure you'll get much rest now I guess.

Jelly rosalie often sleeps on her tummy and always on her side.

Well the night was ok tabs is just a bit pathetic today :dohh: going to be a looooong day.

Question Robin now has obviously changed jobs, for tax credits do i phone them or is there no point as its taken from April 2010-2011?? So confused by it all :dohh:
Blob, Let them know, they will check what he earnt in his last job til leaving and re calculate, if they owe you any you may get a bit back to you, always nice!

Hope everyone had a good night, Rosie was up and down til i had her in with me, then about 8am she woke up, I was asleep and she licked me, my mouth, it made me jump a mile!!! I wondered what on earth was going on, but it was just my baby saying 'Mummy I am awake' with a sloppy kiss:haha:

Have cleaned skirting boards, filled holes, sanded filled holes and put the required slops of tester colours on the walls!
We have bedroom furniture arriving this week, for our room which we are doing first, to de clutter and start somewhere! So once that is in, Thursday, we can start painting the hall way and stairs, then we can move the huge topgun posters out of the lounge :thumbup: and into the new place up the stairs! Once that is all done i am going to choose a quiet weekend when the children are away and its warm to clean all the carpets, especially the lounge!
Apart from wanting a huge side by side fridge freezer, which comes next I am done!
I got the sofa on pay monthly, and will save a bit to pay it off early, (its half what i was paying on my credit card that i have just cleared!) but it's interest free so i am in no huge rush, dh has bought the furniture for the bedroom, (we are one of these odd married couples that keep all our money sepperate! Not a joint anything in site!) so it's just the fridge freezer i decide if i use some savings or just wait til i have saved it, not i have satisfied the bug to get ANYTHING done round here, i think i will wait, pay off the sofa first then get it! i willl have something new to look forward to then, about christmas time, then dh can contribute as part of my present!!:haha:

Jelly, poor baby:hugs:, Rosie is STILL snotty, she keeps sicking up goo:sick:

Louise, hope you get some catch up rest soon xx:hugs:

Asher, oh its horrible, my eldest had pox and hardly got any then my next and he had more then 2 weeks later bang on incubation for them my dd had them, she was peppered from head to toe, could not get a pin between pox, in her eyes, up her nose, poor baby, she was about 18 months, I dread Sophie getting them (3) she is hard work but ill is worse!!
Sending more get well wishes to your boys :hugs:

Fishy, will have to put your link up on fb a few times, i am sure i know people who would love what you do, I have a friend who had one done a while back now with an American company, and i know she was not very happy with it although it cost lots, will have to forward your details to her, or her husband who would do it for her!
I try and put friends creative links up if i can, i have one who crochets things, and one who has made a game for the smart phone or ipod! :hugs:

Emzy, sorry about Matt's job hunny, I am sure it will all be ok and something will come along, its horrible feeling that desperate need to support, something will turn up xxxx:hugs:

Genies, hope you have a lovely time in Wales, and the weather is kind! :hugs:

Right time to go, back later, just clearing up and making way today!:hugs:xx
Busy day today, attempting to clear the garden of dog poo... Quite a big job, I have not kept on top of it very well! Cut the grass, to find more dog poo to clear up! Tesco trip (very expensive!) and general sorting out of the house which seems to get messier the more I clean!
Louise, that sounds delightful! :sick: I guess our pets are worth it in the end. :)

Would anyone like a shrieking, snivelling, miserable, crotchety teething baby? I'll express post him to the first taker. :baby: :growlmad: Not a good night.
Thanks BTP you're a star :) eeek she licked you ha ha ha ha!! That's so cute. You will have to post photos of it all finished.

Two things, is anyone elses LO pulling themselves up on everything!! Rosalie pull up on everything right now :dohh: also coughing ha ha I remember tabs doing this and she wanted me to make cough noises when she did?

Aww no sarah :( thats no fun guess my night has been like that tabs has JUST perked up from the moaning snivelling mess she was this morning.

You loving having the boys Louise?
Yes Sarah I love having them, they're lovely kids... For me anyway! When I picked them up alex was performing for his mum because he wanted to take his DS, I went to the front door and said no and he listened immediately! 1-0 to the Trollop me thinks! Nathan has had lilia in fits of giggles all day, there's a video on my Facebook, she's not normally a giggler so it was lovely! He's obviously her funny big brother!

Btp loving the licking wake up call!
Yes Louise, big brothers are an especially funny form of amusement, Rosie finds Ben (almost 11) the funniest, he just says hello and she laughs at him!!:hugs:

Blob, Rosie is still very immobile tbh, she is certainly not pulling herself up! She doesn't sit unaided, she can get onto her tummy but not back again, she loves to he held standing on my lap and bounce! I have no worries about the cot being in baby position still put it that way!
As for the coughing Rosie does an attention cough, more than any other noise if she wants you she coughs!

Today i have had a baby glued to me all day, she has been on the boob what feels like constantly, I am wondering what she is coming down with being so ultra clingy, she is having a little moan in her cot atm, got the feeling she will be in bed with me again we go!!:hugs::sleep:
Think fishy has jinxed me. JJ lunch feed today was in a real state crying, found it difficult to calm him down. Wouldn't touch any food just floods of tears. Resulted in just giving him a full bottle like I used to. Haven't a clue why, this afternoon went back to basics of just fruit and veg and seemed ok. Still being sick, but not as much as the past couple of days.

Louise hope you have a good time with the boys

Blob JJ isn't standing or pulling himself up nor trying to crawl. He kind of does a frog move of kicking his legs in the air but not realising his feet need to be touching the floor. However JJ is one of the late stars so things nay change in next couple of weeks.
Well, we went out for a nice long walk in the sunshine this morning and Tobe had a great nap in the back pack carrier and a good snuggle with daddy, so his temper was vastly improved. He then polished off Simon's applesauce, had a good drink of breastmilk and is having a great nap.
Sounds like we're all dealing with little Jekyll and Hyde teething monsters, eh? :nope: Good thing they're cute..... :)

Feeling a bit put out as I got home form our walk to an email informing me that the stroller I ordered will be 4-6 weeks, not 5-7 days. Grrrrrr. And I'm phoning around town to see if anyone carries that model at all. I just searched for it online as retail stores rarely can compete with online prices. Frustrating!
Especially with beautiful weather.
Oops! Meant to answer Blob:
tobe is sitting up on his own (has been for about three weeks now), and is flipping around like a seal from back to front. He can squirm a fair distance, but he isn't pulling up on things yet.
Simon was already crawling at this stage. But Tobe is way more accurate with hand-eye coordination than Simon was. He hits his target very well in the reach and grab department! :)
So interesting to see such differences in my two babies, let alone the rest of the stars!
Awww I cannot wait for tabs and rosalie to play together properly :cloud9: Louise it sounds so gorgeous having them with you.
BTP I love that she just snuggles with you, rosalie is growing far far too fast. She just bounces and laughs at me urgh it's fun and sweet but awwh I miss my baby already.
Lilia is sitting unaided and has done for 4/5 weeks I think? She first sat using her hands to support her at about 5 and a bit months... so quite early I think... yet she still hasn't rolled onto her tummy, just from her tummy to her back... usually after a few minutes because she gets very bored on her tummy! She started bum shuffling a few weeks ago on her playmat, but seemed a bit put off by the fact she can't move as easily on the carpet! The other day, without me noticing, she moved from facing the window to facing the door (90 degrees) and across a bit... and she squirms slightly on her belly, but it's more 'rotating on an axis' than getting anywhere at the moment!! She doesn't seem to be bothered about moving! Like Tobias, she seems to be good at the hand eye stuff, very good with her toys, turning them over, rattling them and figuring them out, and seems to be happy sitting with loads of them surrounding her! I don't think she'll be on the move for a few weeks yet.... I'm a bit surprised as I was crawling on hands and knees at 6 months, I know its early, but I kinda thought she might be similar... and I was walking at 9 months!!

We have such clever babies, each of them different, moving at his/her own pace and doing it in the order they feel like! I find it fascinating! Some of your babies have been laughing for months, Lilia still only laughs about eonce every 3 weeks!!

Hugs to all mummies of teething and clingy babies... touch wood we've been fine here, but no sign of teeth yet... keep thinking I see something, but... nope!

Sarah.. I'm sorry about the trouble with your buggy :( Although I do giggle at the fact that a lot of your emails end in 'sigh.'!! hee hee! You make me giggle!
Ah, Louise, that's my excellent breeding and deportment. :haha: A ladylike sigh rather than the sailor's curses that I'm actually thinking! :)
Louise - I loved your video...its honestly made me laugh so much and even cracked a smile from my OH!!!

Hugs to the all the mummies with poorly babies or teething babies! Kimi has certainly been telling me about her teeth!

I ended up co-sleeping with Kimi twice this week as she wouldnt settle anywhere else and she slept all night for the first time in about 3 weeks!!!

On a sad note... my nan passed away in her sleep sunday morning so I took Kimi to see my dad today after hearing he was in a bad way and she seemed to cheer him up with her kisses and cuddles!!!

I have had ANOTHER report to social services...this time from the NSPCC... again from my PSYCHO MIL!!! No-one is worried but I ended up breaking down to my mum the other night and just told her how I felt like I was the worst mum in the world..and that I was upset because Kimi wasnt taking food from a spoon, that she isn's sitting up unaided at all...that she seems to be sooo far behind and my mum just reminded me that Kimi was really ill and how lucky I am to still have her in all fairness!! I just wish she would see how hard it is to hear someone criticising the one thing that should come naturally...

On a happier note... i got some brand new leather sofas the other day and they are absoloutely gorgeous!!! Very comfy!!

Hope everyone is okay!!!

YM, so sorry to hear about your Nan xx If you are such a bad Mum why doesn't your MIL just leave you alone?!!!

Hope rolls everywhere, she is very dextrous with her hands and waves now!! She is almost crawling!!! She laughs at everything, she has very strong legs and stands our laps with very little support!!

I think its fab reading how different all our LO's are, they are all unique!!
Ym I agree with becs,, you mil sounds like a cow! Did I read you and oh are back on track?? Sorry about your nan x

Becs, lilia waves too! It's so cute! And you know when you pat their mouth and they do the red Indian thing? she attempts to do it herself now,with the back of her hands! I could just eat her up!!
Yes you did Louise...what his mum done just made us realize how much we needed each other and as much as I wanna strangle him sometimes... he is an angel most of the time...and i do love him :blush: lol!! and Kimi loves having her daddy around...she'd rather play with him then come to me for settling and feeding!!!

And I wish she would...but she is moving LITERALLY round the corner from me and I know we will bump into each other in town so Luke has said we will just walk straight past her and ignore her!!!

I am starting Kimi today with BLW! My HV actually recommended it!!! So today I'm looking for ideas on what to start Kimi on... so any ideas ladies???

YM, Sorry to hear about your Nan, glad you have the support of your oh, that is nice to hear.
Please, please don't worry about the speed Kimi develops, they are totally different each baby and all develop at their own pace, by 2 they are all doing the same thing whenever they started it as a baby!
Rosie posy is still 99.9% breast fed, she really is not interested in food, if i try a spoon she will gag on the food and pull yucky faces! So on her demand she is blw, organics rice cakes, and their soft rusks are good, frubes carefully cut in 2 so she doesn't have to squeeze much to get a bit out! Freeze them and wrap in a bib to protect little hands from the cold! Bread in fingers buttered or plain, or a bit of jam, anything holdable really pastry with no nuts, iced bun, boiled egg chopped up, cake is good and soft and nice to eat! A nuby food bag is good to put food in so she can hold and taste but not choke on the bits, (frozen frubes are good in there too)Rosie loves banana in the nuby bag but only sucks it! Anything that can be placed in front of baby they can chomp on. :hugs:
She may gag on some lumps, don't panic, they have ability to get it back up, just never leave her alone with food.
Rosie is happy and chatty, she is verbal rather than physical, she babbles and lives cuddles and tickles and her bestest thing is still the boob, which is why i think she still only has eyes for me!:hugs:

Sarah, bummer about the pram, :nope: I want everything NOW, I hate waiting!! :hugs:

No teeth here either, not so much as a sign in her gums, but then my others were at least 10 months before they got teeth! At 1 my dd had 1 tooth!!

Got to go, my ds cuddling Rosie for me, she is that clingy atm, last night she did sleep 4 hours in her cot, the rest was in with me, it is very funny though how she reaches for the boob all the time! I have never had a baby so content to bf, I have always wondered how women feed so long after weaning but I am starting to see that weaning is happening no time soon, i think with baby led it is not really a process just a phase as they eat 'normal' foods, its not so much weaning as from milk to milk and food to food!

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