September Stars

Hi girls

On my phone so won't be a long one. Holly has been really unsettled this last couple of days, genies you are so right about not being able to help when they cry. Holly will just cry and cry and nothing I can do helps her, its horrible. My mum and gran are coming to stay this week so they will be able to help out during the day, which will be great as on her unsettled days I literally can't put her down. I've also decided to go back down to Kent with my mum when she goes. Were going to stay there for a week and then she will bring us back. Well miss Matt a lot but he's going to come and join us at the weekend and it means I can go to my sisters graduation which is fab! Holly will also get to meet all my side of the family which will be lovely.

I got my period yesterday, so exactly 8 weeks after I had her and omg It's sooo heavy! I'm having to change my pad every half an hour and I leaked in bed last night. Hope it calms down soon.

Have the hv coming in the morning to teach me and my friend baby massage and I'm really looking forward to it. Hope holly sleeps tonight! She went to sleep at about 7 and woke for her feed at 9.30 and went back to sleep again... will she sleep through??! Here's hoping lol

Hi ladies!!:blush:

Its been a very long time since I have been on BnB but am back!!
Basically had to wait for OH to be back at work and get myself sorted and Nathan to be at the childminders so I can get a bit of time when Hannah is sleeping!

So far all is going well with us. Hannah seems a good sleeper at night these days and wakes between 5am and 6am for a feed. Of course Nathan wakes at 6am most days so to say I am tired by bed time is an understatement.
The only thing we have found with Hannah is she seems to have a really unsettled period starting at about 8pm until 10pm where she cries, wants to feed but we cant give her too much as she will just throw up over herself if she has lots then she zonks out until 5/6am:shrug: Anyone any clues??
that and her trumpet bum...she is a huge farter! Some times I have to ask OH if ti was him she is so loud!!!:dohh:

Oh and I got my period at 6 weeks after birth and I thought I was dying! Sorry if TMI I bled medium day 1 then days 2-4 were so heavey I was changing my pants and sometimes my trousers every hour as it was so bad...I thought I was gonna have to go and get checked out but day 5 and 6 were so light. Now I remember why I wanted another child so quickly so I didnt have many periods lol!!
Hope your bleeding calms down soon its no fun at all! I was also so drained and felt a bit faint but took iron and drank loads and hid away lol.

Anyway I thought I would pop here first.

Sorry I cant catch up on 61 pages but I do hope your all well and I will get some chats with you all soon.

Good morning,

Up every few hours last night, poor little one, I think her tummy hurts from needing a poo, she did a teeny bit last night but nothing to get exited about, she is still bunged up.
She is just snacking so not full for long, poor baby.
Going to call hv today see if i can do anything, taking all advice on board and trying it all!!

Got to do food shop today as gave it a miss yesterday, decided to wait until the children were at school, they ask for everything otherwise and it puts me off what we really need, i end up with a trolley full of goodies and not a meal in sight!

Hope everyone ok, sorry no personals i have just jumped on here while dh does the school run, he is putting himself forward as a mod on his forum so if he gets it i will never get the laptop, (my laptop!) (he bought me!!) he moans when i go on here as it is, and i only go on fb and here, i am not his friend today, long story but he seems to think he has such a hard life and he does sod all, sits on his bum all day then moans when he puts weight on, and everything is everyone elses fault but his, gets on my rather inflated (.)(.)ies!!! Bloody Men!

Back later xxxxxxxxxx:hugs:
Jelly, I had an episiotomy, my stiches were fine and I managed to have a poo after 3 days, the hospital put me on fybergel and lactulose to help with regularity and softening, it was fine! Have you tried putting a pad in the freezer then wrapping it up and put in your knickers, also tea tree oil and lavender in the bath helps with healing. I also took paracetamol and diclofenac for the swelling, maybe worth a trip to the Dr's the get some anti inflamatorys, I would take some ibuprofen until you get seen, its fine to take with paracetamol! Don't try and do too much, you must rest, take it from somebody who did too much, it really aches more!! If you want any other info, feel free to ask!! The hospital gave me some really helpful leaflets. Did you see the physio while you were in hospital? She gave me some exercises to do, to help with pelvic floor, I also have a follow up appointment in 3 weeks and then I go back to hospital in December to check all is healed well and if not they will get me in to sort it out lol!! Hope that has helped a bit!!

Daisybell, we used the childrens olbas oil, put it on a cloth and tied it on to Hope's moses basket, also we have vapour plug in, think its the calpol one, it has lavender and camomile in too, its lovely and relaxing!! The calpol nasal spray is good too and you can use that from birth! Also have you tried putting some vicks or something in a bowl of hot water under the moses basket??

Thanks for the advice becs :thumbup: didnt know that you could get childrens olbas oil will defo look out for it today and get some. i was thinking about a plug in too as me and andrew seem to be catching a cold too :nope:

yes my mind turns to muss, i find i have a few windows open as i carnt remember things even after ive just read them :dohh:

Jelly i used badidas bath (which you can buy from boots) when i had stiches with DD (has quite a few) it has horse chesnut init when helped with the healing my friend recommended it to me. I agree with becs try not to do too much hun take things slowly!

btp yay for Sophie calling for her daddy hope it lasts :winkwink:

genies :hugs: i know what you mean hun x

ladykara ive rang all of them that you have listed the only one i havnt rang yet is the dentist but seen as tho he is only 4weeks old i dont need to rush that one lol

enjoy your time in Norwich today bec's be nice for you both x

emzy did holly sleep through? x

:wave:elmaxie nice to see you, lol at trumpet bum! Ollie is the same but OH asks if it was me :shock: the cheek!

no sure about the unsettled period :shrug: Ollie seems to be tired when he is really unsettled but wont give in :dohh:

btp poor rosie we use water between feeds, hv will be able to give you more advice :thumbup:

Well andrew is back at work tomorrow, going to be strange he has been taking DD to school and collecting her and he's been there to help out while i make tea ect sure i will manage, what worrys me is when he starts doing late shifts and his sat shift 12pm 2am

so nice to se more september stars ladies over here, jelly, ladyk and soon mrsN too! i remember when the september stars pregnancy thread was started seems to long ago now :cry: now we all have our new :baby:
:wohoo::wohoo: xxx
Emzy - Hope Holly slept through for you.

BTP - Glad sophie is calling for daddy! I agree with the water Tyler has been bunged up a few times and we give him a few ounces of cooled boiled water and it works almost instantly lol.

Sorry I cant remember anything else i have such a bad memory.

Tyler slept from 10pm till 5am then took 2oz and slept again till 9am :happydance: even jayden didnt wake up until almost half 8!! Jayden was always a good sleeper as a baby though he slept through from day 1!
Afternoon everyone...well iv just ad hv around James was weighed and has put on 12oz in 7 days, he is now 8lb!!! ...he is also now 53 & 1/2cm long so has grown 5 & 1/2 cm since he was born! Also finally captured him smiling this morning...



HV also told me that research has been done and it found that eating sugary snacks when breast feeding was making babies unsettled and we should be eating more carbs! xx
Awww. He looks so adorable there lilbumpblue!

I was wondering the other day, if babies who're born term+ develop quicker in things like smiling than babies born less than term. Ellie's 6 weeks on Saturday and she's only just smiling a bit now!
Awww. He looks so adorable there lilbumpblue!

I was wondering the other day, if babies who're born term+ develop quicker in things like smiling than babies born less than term. Ellie's 6 weeks on Saturday and she's only just smiling a bit now!

i was thinking the same he has been doing it since about a week old and i kept thinking he cant be smiling but it must have been because it also in response to when i talk to him...but technically i suppose he is almost 5 weeks because he was 2 weeks over!?!? ...who knows...i think we should do some research into it and become famous...haha! x
Im loving your profile pic becs she is a beaut...i have to admit i think the 'September Stars' are a gorgeous bunch of babies!! :) xx
Thanks for the advice guys, will try water, have had fresh orange juice today which midwife says should help, anything that will help me will go to my milk, so got some healthy fibre full foods today as i could do with going more!:blush:

Afternoon everyone...well iv just ad hv around James was weighed and has put on 12oz in 7 days, he is now 8lb!!! ...he is also now 53 & 1/2cm long so has grown 5 & 1/2 cm since he was born! Also finally captured him smiling this morning...

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HV also told me that research has been done and it found that eating sugary snacks when breast feeding was making babies unsettled and we should be eating more carbs! xx
Gorgeous smiley pic!
I was drinking lucazade but it defo made Rosie sick, am more careful now and it makes a difference.

Awww. He looks so adorable there lilbumpblue!

I was wondering the other day, if babies who're born term+ develop quicker in things like smiling than babies born less than term. Ellie's 6 weeks on Saturday and she's only just smiling a bit now!

I certainly think this is the case, my babies are usually late born and i have thought they seem to do things early, Rosie smiles all the time in her sleep and feeding and laughs in her sleep, and she has done the smiling thing pretty much from birth,(8days late) i tried to pick a loose hair off her ear yesterday and she smiled as if i was tickling her, it caught me out i was not expecting her to react yet!
Plus my friend had a premmie and all her checks get dated her due date not her birth date.

Hi ladies

Sorry for my absence, I've been trying to keep up by reading on my phone but haven't had a chance to post.

I've been poorly, a fever and an infection from my C-Section. I went to the doctor last week and she could still feel my womb, it wasn't contacting properly. I was getting a lot of pain and after having no bleeding for a week I suddenly started bleeding again. I've been taking anti-biotics and things seem to be getting back to normal. My scar was also a little infected - a rash had formed on it but cream has sorted that out quickly. I didn't actually go to see the GP for myself I went for Scarlett as she had an eye infection. Fortunately, they gave me drops for her and it has all but gone now.

I feel like I am finding my feet now - managing to get up and dressed before midday and making sure we get out and about and that I'm getting some walking done. We had a really nice chilled weekend - and on Sunday we had an exclusively family day with no visitors which was bliss. Scarlett and I took a bath together in the evening and it was fab - if anyone hasn't done it yet I'd definitely recommend it.

STMW - thanks for the hot water bottle tip, I bought one yesterday so will try it out tonight.

Jellycat - it sounds as if you are having the same experience as me with BF. My milk was slow to come in - it wasn't in fully until day 6 and I could only get 2ml out the first time I tried to express. I know it's hard but try and stick with it, feed as much as he wants - even if you don't think he is getting anything and get plenty of skin-to-skin. I agree with everything that BTP said about supply and demand etc. I can honestly say it wasn't until last week (week 3) I felt confident that I had plenty of milk to feed her. In the first 2 weeks I topped Scarlett up with a little formula in the evening (about 30ml) but I haven't needed to do that for over 10 days. Scarlett lost a lot of weight in the beginning but now she is above her birth weight and I can see that she is growing every day. I can't tell you how many times I came close to giving up, how many times I sobbed about it and how tired I was and still am when she cluster feeds which she has been doing a lot recently. But, I am really glad that I persevered and I honestly think that we are over the worst of it now. On the topic of being sick - Scarlett is rarely sick but she does burp up (I think it's officially called posset) after feeding sometimes. Usually it happens when she has got in a tantrum before a feed (i.e I'm changing her nappy and she wants to be fed straight away) by the time I latch her on she is in such a strop that she gulps her milk down as if it's her last meal. The couple of times she has been properly sick I think it's because I haven't winded her enough before I've put her down. Hope this helps :hug: feel free to PM or text me if you need to talk. xxx
We have lift off! I drank orange juice this afternoon, Rosie has finally pooed!!:happydance: Who would think i would get so exited about her having a poo!
sounds rotten poor love, you have had a rough time trying to look after a newborn too, hope your feeling better now, and continue to recover :hugs:
Yay for pooing babies lol!!!! x

Glad your babies are feeding well!

MrsJo you poor thing i do hope you are feeling a lot better soon :hugs: xx

Well im now going to do some foot painting with James for thank you cards...seems a bit late but i waant to do it then bath him to get the paint off teehee xxx
Mrs J, that sounds awful, hope you are better soon xx

BTP, YAY for Rosie!!!!

Lilbumpblue, well done James!!!

We had a lovely time shopping, was so nice to spend some time together!! Got Hope some lovely things from ELC and some gorgeous clothes!! I am so tired tonight, all that walking!! I am off to get Hope weighed tomorrow, we are taking bets, Ian thinks she will weight about 10lb 5oz!! All I know is that she is bloody heavy when I feed her!

Hope everyone is well xx
BTP I get so excited when Holly poos... I have a sad life lol Speaking of which, we had another bum explosion this morning which went all over her, me and the sofa. I don't want to stop the lactulose though in case she bungs up again. Hmm I'll see how we go I think.

Oh and she didn't sleep through!! Grr! She was up and down alllll night and was really unsettled. We'll see what sort of a night we get tonight. She went down at 8 after her bottle, so I am assuming she'll want another at about midnight and maybe she'll sleep through after that?? Up early tomorrow though, got to take her for her jabs :cry: Dreading it!!

The HV came today and gave me and my friend a baby massage lesson. It was good and I tried it out on Holly after her bath and she seemed to like it. She's not had colic o'clock today either, so I think it must have helped! Fingers crossed.

Love to all ladies and babies x
lilbump- let me know how the painting goes, i have some paint ready to do hands and feet and i want to make a canvas too, i borrowed some paint from work but forgot a paintbrush

MrsJ- you poor thing hope you feel better soon

I had my first bad day today , the day when i felt panic and a bit alone, Amelia cried most of the day wouldnt settle or eat properly , it meant i was not giving Layla enough time so she was getting unsettled too, it got to 3 o clock and i loaded them into car seats and took them out in the buggy , hiding behind dark glasses i walked all around the village feeling really low , they slept as we walked and started crying again the minute i got home, Amelia finally did an enormous poo and that settled her for a bit.

They are both now bathed and laying in their baskets, i think im just over tired they have been going for less than three hours between feeds , i assume its the 6 weeks growth spurt but the nights are hard.

Im sorry for all my rambling i think i just needed to get that out x
Hi ladies!!:blush:

The only thing we have found with Hannah is she seems to have a really unsettled period starting at about 8pm until 10pm where she cries, wants to feed but we cant give her too much as she will just throw up over herself if she has lots then she zonks out until 5/6am:shrug: Anyone any clues??

This is exactly like James for the past couple of nights. Today he has exocist vomited twice, i've had to wash all the moses basket lining and scrub and soak our new carpet tonight. Problem is becsause he hasn't been feeding its very difficult to know what he should be taking (its still less than the gormula has recommended) Sorry I couldn't help but nice to know i'm not the only one :hugs:

Daisybel :
Jelly i used badidas bath (which you can buy from boots) when i had stiches with DD (has quite a few) it has horse chesnut init when helped with the healing my friend recommended it to me. I agree with becs try not to do too much hun take things slowly!
Thanks for the tips xx

Jellycat - it sounds as if you are having the same experience as me with BF. My milk was slow to come in - it wasn't in fully until day 6 and I could only get 2ml out the first time I tried to express. I know it's hard but try and stick with it, feed as much as he wants - even if you don't think he is getting anything and get plenty of skin-to-skin. I agree with everything that BTP said about supply and demand etc. I can honestly say it wasn't until last week (week 3) I felt confident that I had plenty of milk to feed her. In the first 2 weeks I topped Scarlett up with a little formula in the evening (about 30ml) but I haven't needed to do that for over 10 days. Scarlett lost a lot of weight in the beginning but now she is above her birth weight and I can see that she is growing every day. I can't tell you how many times I came close to giving up, how many times I sobbed about it and how tired I was and still am when she cluster feeds which she has been doing a lot recently. But, I am really glad that I persevered and I honestly think that we are over the worst of it now. On the topic of being sick - Scarlett is rarely sick but she does burp up (I think it's officially called posset) after feeding sometimes. Usually it happens when she has got in a tantrum before a feed (i.e I'm changing her nappy and she wants to be fed straight away) by the time I latch her on she is in such a strop that she gulps her milk down as if it's her last meal. The couple of times she has been properly sick I think it's because I haven't winded her enough before I've put her down. Hope this helps :hug: feel free to PM or text me if you need to talk. xxx

Thanks Louise I may take you up on the offer, i'm mainly feeding formula. All day today i've managed to express just under 30 ml, but hopefully it will build up. I got upset about it today again as james hasnt been able to latch on and suckle all day.

Becs :thumbup: Rang Doc this morning and he has also given me Diclofenac, fingers crossed pain will ease :)
I had my first bad day today , the day when i felt panic and a bit alone, Amelia cried most of the day wouldnt settle or eat properly , it meant i was not giving Layla enough time so she was getting unsettled too, it got to 3 o clock and i loaded them into car seats and took them out in the buggy , hiding behind dark glasses i walked all around the village feeling really low , they slept as we walked and started crying again the minute i got home, Amelia finally did an enormous poo and that settled her for a bit.

They are both now bathed and laying in their baskets, i think im just over tired they have been going for less than three hours between feeds , i assume its the 6 weeks growth spurt but the nights are hard.

Im sorry for all my rambling i think i just needed to get that out x

I can't imagine how hard it must be with 2 babies, it seems with the children if it's not one its the other kicking off but i can say no i am feeding Rosie and only have the one teeny one to deal with, she is quiet and just squeaks unless we are out, she hates being out in car seat!
It will get easier as they get bigger, although i know that's no help now!
Chin up sweetheart, thinking of you xx:hugs:

Well my sodding mil has given me her cough from coming round last week with Rosie a week old and mil with a cough, some bloody people are so sodding inconsiderate, or perhaps just stupid?
She wanted to come round this week but choose a day i have friends round, been booked for ages, i know she thinks dh will say ok we will cancel for her but i wont so tough, i think he thinks i will cancel but i wont, i am too nice when it comes to his mother, but this cough thing has got on my nerves.

We seem to be getting into a bad routine over feeding at night, Rosie wont settle so just keeps feeding, then is sick, and then settles but is empty so only lasts a few hours then just snacks, going to have to get this little lady to take more at feeds but not glut at bedtime!
Love it when dh is in the other bedroom, and my friend has made me feel better, her husband is in another room, and they have no baby!!:haha:

Back later, just grabbed laptop while i could,

Hope everyone has a great day, weather looks ok, best get my washing out!

lilbump- let me know how the painting goes, i have some paint ready to do hands and feet and i want to make a canvas too, i borrowed some paint from work but forgot a paintbrush

MrsJ- you poor thing hope you feel better soon

I had my first bad day today , the day when i felt panic and a bit alone, Amelia cried most of the day wouldnt settle or eat properly , it meant i was not giving Layla enough time so she was getting unsettled too, it got to 3 o clock and i loaded them into car seats and took them out in the buggy , hiding behind dark glasses i walked all around the village feeling really low , they slept as we walked and started crying again the minute i got home, Amelia finally did an enormous poo and that settled her for a bit.

They are both now bathed and laying in their baskets, i think im just over tired they have been going for less than three hours between feeds , i assume its the 6 weeks growth spurt but the nights are hard.

Im sorry for all my rambling i think i just needed to get that out x

The painting went well, he quite liked the brush stroking his foot just didnt like the wet wipe to get off the excess! lol xx

Hope things are better for you today, must be so difficult (i look after children so know a bit of what its like...but at least i could give them back 5:45pm and have a full nights sleep!!) i would be frazzled!! :hugs: xxx

Mrs J, that sounds awful, hope you are better soon xx

BTP, YAY for Rosie!!!!

Lilbumpblue, well done James!!!

We had a lovely time shopping, was so nice to spend some time together!! Got Hope some lovely things from ELC and some gorgeous clothes!! I am so tired tonight, all that walking!! I am off to get Hope weighed tomorrow, we are taking bets, Ian thinks she will weight about 10lb 5oz!! All I know is that she is bloody heavy when I feed her!

Hope everyone is well xx

Thanks Becs...let us know how you go on at the weigh in...thats impressive if she is 10lb 5oz!!! :) xx

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