September Stars

Blob, yes a part of me is just hanging on go him coming home, but at the same time it feels like I'm wishing lilias life away! I need to treasure the first year and I hate that I'm just waiting for the next month to come.. Strange feeling! I really and truly have had enough now! She was only 11 weeks when he went! I want my husband back!!!
Emzy - Glad you met up with your friend and that you were able to talk xx

Louise - 11 weeks old seems so long ago now makes me realise just how long it's been since he's been away.

Good news from me my friend had an 8lb baby boy this afternoon, no name as of yet. I'm so relieved after my friend in feb losing her baby, to know everything went well. Can't wait to meet the little fella!
We had a lovely day today!
The new Farmers' Market is beautiful! We came home with some great eats, including a small selection of gourmet scones to satiate my mad craving! :)
Then we headed off to a baby store and ordered Tobe his very own Tripp Trapp chair. It's a splurge, but one we saved for, and I don't think I've had a single piece of baby equipment that I have been so pleased with or gotten more use out of. Young Master Simon is pretty much refusing to relinquish his, so it looks like one high end chair per kid. :dohh:
Lots of flirting and cuteness from Tobe today. He was doing a lot of baby dazzling at the Farmers' Market. :) He now does these crazy lunges for my laptop, and nothing is safe from his furious little grabs. And oh that toothy, gummy smile! Melts me every time! :cloud9:
Thanks Jelly, I may well give that a go. And Emzy too! Thanks. My mum takes echinacea and feels it helps. I think I am at the point where I need to try something. It's been getting me down today cos I just don't feel like my usual self at all. A few of Sam's scabs around his head and face have fallen (and been helped) off today, and he's looking more like his usual self, it's so lovely to see a face with less spots!! Bless him! He's slept quite a lot today, which I am hoping is him catching up on the last week and a half of awful sleep. We'll see. He's had his bottle and gone off to bed, but I've got another made up in the fridge in case it's needed - DH said he'll help. Bless him, when I went out with the dogs this afternoon (and Sam, obviously), I got back and he'd done a clean upstairs. I did the bathroom before I went, but he's done our room and all the boys' rooms. I think he's feeling sorry for me!!!

Aw Louise, it does seem weird that Lilia was only 11 weeks when Wayne went away. Not too much longer now though, I bet you're just so excited to be having him back!!! x

Emzy, I am loving Holly's bobble photos on FB, but you're right, she does look so much older!! She looks very blonde too! x

Sarah, sounds like you've had a good day out. Tobe sounds like such a little cutie, I do love when they give you that gorgeous heart melting smile!

Sam does two very sweet things at the moment. One has to do with mirrors - if you walk near to a mirror with him and say "where's the baby in the mirror?" he flirts with himself, very sweet. And the second thing is he likes to kiss. So I ask him where mummy's kiss is, and he aims his wide open mouth at me, so cute!!! He also seems to want to drink tea - if I'm holding him and I'm drinking a cuppa, when I take the drink into my mouth, he aims himself at me, making chewing noises!! He must be a tea monkey like his mum!!
Evening ladies!!!

Arrgghh I am so pissed off with myself, I lost my Links of London Charm bracelet on Wednesday, I was at my sisters and Hope loves to play with it, anyways she dropped it and I thought it was under the buggy, so totally forgot about it!! Walked into town from hers so I guess it must of dropped off between my sisters and town! I am so frickin angry, its worth about £600 with the charms on it, but its more sentimental as my Mum bought it for me and the charms all mean something. I went to the police station on the off chance that some good samaritan had handed it it but alas nothing. Its my own stupid fault and I feel so guilty. My Mum is upset and I can see why as all I have done is get upset about it. I have come to the conclusion that its lost forever, I have retraced my steps, had my sisters place upside down!! AARRGGHH!!!!!!!

Louise, I always think the last few weeks drag, just plan something to look forward to each week xx

Boony, go Tyler!!!!

Asher, hope you feel better soon xx

Hope is so very close to crawling around so much and is everywhere!! She claps and waves which is so cute and I swear she said Mumma!!
Emzy I looked at the pictures of Holly and didn't recognise her the pigtails are fab! Glad you had a good day with your friend x

Jelly congratulations to your friend, any names yet?

Louise you have done so well these last few months as you say a couple more weeks won't change much x

Sarah tobe sounds adorable! I'd love Tripp trap chairs such a good idea !

We doing a carboot sale early in the morning selling lots of baby bits bit sad especially as my little Amelia is almost too long to lay on my Lap she is current playing with my necklace sleep is for wimps !Layla is asleep I hope she is getting her first tooth she been so grumpy the last couple of days !
Hugs Asher it's not like you to be down hope you feel better soon x

Becs that is so gutting about your bracelet I really hope you find it! X
GG my husband has been deaf since having children :haha: doesn't matter where they are.
Paternal dh has this i bet its a recognised condition!!:haha:

I think so :dohh:

Louise :hugs: yea I feel like that it's stupid I know I see Robin on and off but it is still 6months of the year he is gone. So I feel like I'm wishing the girls life away. Mine isn't even for something nobel like your husbands ours is for selfish reasons to get as much money as possible :nope:

Aah becs awh Hun that's so so annoying...I thought id lost mine for about 4-5 months and it just turned up :wacko: ended up being in the car totally tucked away.

Sarah I love love a good Market they are so yummy end up spending a fortune.
becs - don't lose hope! (and obviously I am not talking about your daughter! :)) I thought my ipod was lost, but it turned out that it had just fallen into a funny little nook under the seat of our car. I looked there several times and didn't spot it, but my husband found it when he was vacuuming - seven months later! :dohh:
Also - to give you even more hope - twice I have lost my wallet in busy, crazy, downtown Toronto. On both occasions, I got the wallet back intact (once it was full of my tip money, too, and I got every penny back!). There are lots of good people out there who return lost items. And since it's happened to me, I'm very careful to keep that karma going.
Put an ad or posters out and if you still don't get a response, then let it go, but don't lose hope just yet! :hugs:

Ah! Sitting here undoing every sweat-drenched, grunting, painful moment of today's P90x workout by having tea and scones! :)
Just popping in to say good morning, Have a very clingy baby who just wants Mummy constantly, she wont even play on her mat, which she loves very much! I have had some skin to skin with her cuddled up on the boob and she is having a short kick now but has already started getting grumpy, I think she is sickening for something, but then eating sand from the beach yesterday prob hasn't helped! :dohh:

Becs, I lost a necklace a while back, It was one that dh had bought me, he had put so much thought into it because it had all the elements of what i like, it was gold, with white gold and diamond, and it just must have fallen off one day and i didnt notice:nope: I agree with the others it may show up still, these things are never there when we are looking! Hoping for you it still shows up xxxx:hugs:

Asher, :hugs: to you too, i know its so horrible with poorly babies and you have had a string of it recently, My middle 2 got it together, exactly 10 days apart, so Ben was just recovered and we had just got sleeps back when Emmie was peppered in pox! She was very tollorant of it poor baby, and was covered head to toe. Hope the illness gets out the house soon, giving everyone a chance to feel better and for you to recover too:hugs:xx

Louise, I can't imagine so long without my dh, but more for the children not to see him for so long, I think i would go through a huge array of feelings about it, and one would be angry at missing things, and being on my own, I think it takes a special person to be in the services and just as much to to be married to them :hugs:

I am thinking of a high chair, even though Rosie is not eating as such i though sitting up with us may encourage her to try stuff, I have one in the attic that was growing a fir coat last time i looked (from the damp in the attic) so i may attempt to wash it but is thats a no go will look at ones that sit up at the table, trip trap being one of those, I also have £100 in mothercare vouchers still to spend from returning the jumperoo, it may go on that,

Got to go my 3 yr old demands Mummy!

Becs I really hope it turns up. Unfortunately I don't have much hope im the public for things like this, I was given a gorgeous watch on my 21st and it fell off my wrist that evening and was never handed in.. Hope it's amongst your things xx

Blob I'm with you! Rant away, 2 weeks 2 months it makes no difference you're still on your own and I know it's hard.
Btp I feel so sad at the thought of what he's missed out on and what lilia has missed out on too! He's a hero yes but I knew what to expect when I married him, so shouldn't complain!
Hi all I've been doing a car boot sake this morning we raising money to pay for the girls christening we made 140 quid selling all sorts of things ! I bought stuff too best buy had to be two ted baker coats for next winter they were £8 for the two !

Btp I hope rosie isn't sickening for something hope it's just a cuddly day x
GG that's a great amount of money, well done!

Becs I really hope your bracelet turns up.
GG good buy :)

I'm about to lose it with Tabs she will not stay in bed she is driving me mad :grr: wouldn't be so bad if rosalie wasn't flipping fast asleep next to her. Will murder her if she wakes her up. Have just threatened to put her outside :blush:
Ha ha Blob you made me giggle!! Threatening to put her outside! I do that with Jack, and he's at the point now where he really doesn't care!

GG, well done with the money making!! Go you! I think maybe a car boot sale is what I need to go to with all my gear rather than put it all on ebay.

I hope your bracelet turns up Becs, sometimes good stuff does happen.

Well, I am typing away whilst listening to Sam screeching on the monitor. It's distracting me. He's much much better today, has eaten a little bit of breakfast, dinner and tea, and fed well inbetween. For the first time, he's also had his usual naps, so much more of a normal day for him. HOWEVER...... when it comes to going to bed, he's kicked off again! He is just expecting now to come in with us, and as much as I don't mind when he's poorly, or at 5am when he's slept well, I am not in for the long haul of the co sleep as we did with Jack. My memory of Jack being Sam's age is blurry cos I was so damn tired. And I'm at that point again now, and with the other two to sort, I need a little bit of sleep. Argh I'm at my wit's end!! When I go in to him, he smiles at me and expects a pick up, so instead I'm leaning in and giving him a hug and a cuddle, putting the little seahorse on and saying night night. Then he screams, but it's temper!! Argh, been here before! And the said almost 4 year old is now crashed out in his bed, and sleeps all night. We will get through it, we will get through it, we will get through it.....
Aw Asher hugs hun! You're right you'll get through it but its Soo hard when they won't sleep!! Holly sometimes just cries if she gets overtired and will not sleep, I'm like go to sleep child!! Lol hollys still doing the roll onto her front thing every 10 mins before she eventually falls asleep, she's currenty listening to her seahorse too!

Blob I hope tabs gives in and goes to sleep too!!

Becs I hope your bracelet turns up soon hun x

Gg that's fab, we were at the car boot this morning got holly a couple of toys and a 12-18 month outfit

He's finally gone off, but is now horizontal across the bottom of the cot, which doesn't bode well for the next wake up! I feel so cruel, leaving him moaning away, but I just can't go through the nightmare of Jack as a baby all over again! Not got the energy!!
:hugs: asher it's hard and I really love to make my life harder I cannot listen to crying :nope: even tabs crying makes me cry :haha: I get so frustrated though and I will swear scream and jump up and down. You gotta do what's right for your sanity and you have two other boys to think about :hugs:
Btw you should have seen me I was sitting outside the door being a bedtime nazi every time she made a noise or anything it was SHHHHH then I did drag her to the door :blush: it's so damn frustrating when rosalie is in there too? When they are all sleeping through though we will totally forget this time.
Asher - I really feel for you as you've had it roughy the past few weeks with all the sickness. I think blob has said what I think perfectly ..... Big hugs things will soon calm down xx

GG - great Barry bargain on the coats.

Blob - hope Tabs settles soon, cheeky monkey :)

Managed to get the time to myself today to give the house a really good sort out, still got lots to do but already feel like the house is refreshed. Poor JJ been a grumpy bum bum today, has barely slept and wanted to be held all day. Tonight he wouldn't settle either. Think it must be his teeth

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