September Stars

Blob, the times i have said to Ben he will go and live in the shed with the spiders!!
Sophie is exactly the same, she doesn't get do not disturb Rosie, it makes me mad because i just want to protect my baby and poor love never seems to get sleep without anyone jumping about and waking her up, the other day i was sat in bed thinking, that's it i am waiting for Sophie to fall to sleep then going to wake her up see how she likes it!! Of course i haven't!!! :haha:
Aw I love a good clean :lol: somehow it makes you feel so much better.

Hahaha BTP when I get tabs up to go somewhere I sit and say well it's just not nice to be woken up....not sure she understands :haha:
Ben has been really ill with the pox and is also cutting 4 teeth at the top which have all come out now. Had ambulance out for Ben yesterday as he wasn't responding and temp was 40.6. His skin was bright red with the temp. He ended up on oxygen as lips and skin were going blue and sugar levels were low. Ended up on a drip in the hospital to bring sugars up as dextrose gel didn't bring level up enough. His eyes are really swollen too and can't open them.

Dr said he was very run down due to pox, teeth and eye infection but as Asher said as it's all viral they can't give him anything.

I am knackered as not slept all night as ben been crying all night and won't let me put him down. Happy days!!!!!
Omg blondie that is shit scary :shock: eeek!!! How is he now? Poor poor little man and poor you :hugs: :hugs:
Blondie hope Ben is on the mend, you must have been so worried. xxx

Need some advice, past two weeks James has been leaking through the night he's always worn pampers stay dry and they have worked. As he kept leaking I now change his nappy before I go to bed at eleven. I've also gone a size up in nappys for 4+. He's still leaking. Any ideas what else we can do? He's taking the same 8oz of milk before bed which he has done since he was about three months.
Blondie - That sounds terrifying :cry: Hope he is on the mend soon. xxx

Back to the bad nights again for me - I think Olivia actually woke somewhere between 8 and 10 times. I am soooo tired I feel I may pass out ! :sleep:
Do you think the nappy is too big??

I don't think so as we do the sides up fairly tight, the size down is getting too tight for him now around the legs and waist. He was leaking in these which is why we went up a size. His nappys are really heavy with wee. He started pooping in night so originally I thought the poop was making him leak, but he's stopped doing that now and still leaking.

I'll try his smaller size again tonight and see what happens, think I'm just going to have to do some trial and error.
Blondie, poor baby, hope he feels better soon xx

Jelly, agree with blob, perhaps nappy is too big, its the only time i have had leakage at night, and Sophie drinks juice all day and night!
After that all you can do is a change during the night, or if he has anything other than milk towards bed time reduce it, but not milk obviously! :hugs:

Lovely day again, first load of washing on line, thinks dh will be in bed mainly today so i will crack on with some painting, while the children are here and i can yell, ''will someone please pick up Rosie!!!!''
I have a huge shop to do, the cupboards are empty and the children are missing biscuits!! (having said that they have had scrambled egg on toast this morning which is so much better for them!)

**:wacko:Feel free to skip personal crisis!!!:wacko:**
I am having a crisis of everything fashion atm, i am fed up with new look stuff falling apart so fast, and i went into bench yesterday and felt old!! So i love lots the Yumi stuff, and the sporty sailing look of Henri Lloyd, and Joules, so i have decided of a few nice quality pieces like polo tops, sweaters, and some navy type jeans, from M&S as i find they fit nicely! (although shoes are all flat in this style and i am a strictly heels girl, i am short!!) Got to dye my hair as its due, and my nails are due to be re done next week so going for shorter rounder with natural tips!
Hoping for a nicer look than jeans and tops i wear, my dh likes me in dresses but i am not so comfy in them til i am at my desired weight! I think the problem is i have to re find myself after each baby, i spend about a year in oversized clothes, then get out all the stuff i packed away, so things have done ages, and I am just not the me i was when i got them, and i am a really bad judge after birth as i feel huge for some months, then i loose weight and cant see what i would suit, I think i have a strange perspective of myself, i had eating disorders as a teen so i think it is left over from those days! :shrug:

Right got to go, cityville, and the catalogue shop i left half way through are calling, plus of course the painting! :hugs:

Lovely day to all, hope poorly babes are feeling better,:hugs::kiss:
Laura, you must feel like crap today, poor thing, its horrible! Rosie is still up through the night, but i get a few hours between feeds atm which is bearable!!:hugs:xx
Blondie poor little Ben, you must have been so scared.. Hugs, hope he is on the mend soon. And 4 teeth at the same time too! Not nice xx

Blob you make me giggle! I understand though, one awake is bad enough but if she wakes the baby then all he'll breaks loose!!

Jelly don't know what to suggest with the nappies, we've not had a leak in the night with pampers (she's in size 3) even after 14 hours, I think they're fab! But jj does drink more than lilia... Hope you find a solution!

Laura, relaxing day in order if you can! Don't know how I would cope! Xx

Btp I don't know how you manage to do painting alone with 5 kids in the house!!! Wonder woman!! X

Well I've already had texts asking when I can have the boys next! Seems this person who she said was nothing to the boys, that they werent interested in seeing while Wayne was away is now fine for them to stay with while she has a new bloke on the go!

In other news, lilia can get ANYWHERE I need eyes in the back of my head! Not crawling as such, she can go forwards a little but can go backwards quite quick! And rolls and turns herself to different angles!! Good news is she can now get from being on all fours or on her front back to sitting so I'm not having to pick her back ip all the time anymore! Any day mow for crawling I think! Xx
Kimi turned 7 months old yesterday!! And sat up unaided for about 15 seconds then fell over to her side!!

I have spent the weekend in hospital :( having stomach cramps and bleeding :( Baby is fine and we had a scan at 17 weeks 6 days and I am on team.......


Bubs had its legs crossed :( and I couldnt walk due to the pain to see if I could move him/her so I left it at team yellow for now!! But the 23rd May...I am going to wriggle and make Pip move!!!

I have spent the weekend on morphine and pethadine to keep the pain at bay...but was horrible as I spent all weekend itching and puking up when they was late giving me my next dose...I looked like a drug eyes were sunken in and I was moody and irritable!!!

The ward was lovely...I had my own private room and although their rules were that no children under 12 are allowed on the ward, they were very good and let me see Kimi as they knew how much I was missing her!

My OH stepped up to the plate too and didnt whinge too much about having to have Kimi on his own and he did bring me chocolate and held my hand during the scan!!

I am now on bedrest and Luke let me lay in this morning as he knew I had suffered last night without proper pain killers!!

I see the consultant on the 13th so will know what is going to happen then!!

Sorry for selfish post but will read in a bit and catch up!!

Hi Ladies

Sorry for being AWOL.

So I don't forget and start rambling about other stuff
Blondie - you poor thing, you must have been really frightened - I hope Ben is on the mend now
YM - sorry to hear you have been in hospital

Sorry I have had to skim read 20 pages so I'm sure there were other things I wanted to respond to but they have gone out of my head. I find it hard to keep track of this thread now, if I don't check every day I haven't got a clue what is going on and by the time I have read everything I don't have time to reply.

It's been a particularly hectic week as DH was back at work and I had my step-daughter here. For the first time their half-terms didn't coincide. Given she is a difficult age (12 going on 20) it went surprisingly well although much to my annoyance she was on Facebook on her Ipod most of the time being typically anti-social. I got Scarlett weighed on Tuesday for the first time in yonks and she was 17lb14oz which was a relief as she had been ill twice in that period and off her food. I guess it goes to show they still get most of their nutrition from milk at this age. I enjoyed the Wedding on Friday and we went to a street party afterwards. It was ruined for me by seeing a heavily pregnant woman brazenly smoking like a chimney. I try hard not to be judgemental but at times I can't help it and that made me really cross. I caught some of the mis-behaving Mum's on BBC3 and had exactly the same response.

I'm impressed with all these crawling babies. Scarlett has taken to rolling over in her cot and getting stuck which is a pain. Backwards crab moves are also the order of the day and she can sit unaided without a fall about 90% of the time but I don't trust her completely yet as she still has the odd wobble. We are nowhere near crawling as Scarlett still isn't keen on being on her front. We also have no teeth and she has just gone through a phase of not sleeping for more than three hours day or night. Suffice to say I am shattered.

Love to all and I will try and get back on later
Oh Laura :( its just so hard to take when they don't sleep :hugs: :hugs:

BTP Im going through that now, I've chucked all my baggy clothes and I'm determined to become myself again. I also got my hair done, got nails etc. I spent a fortune in monsoon jack wills and the White company :lol: it's horrible I'm bad with eating too, I don't diet I starve myself :blush: will never ever let the girls know that though :nope:

:rofl: Louise yea since she's realised she can get a break and shove her boys off on you when she wants now :growlmad:

Ym eeek how scary!! I had a huge huge bleed at 19 weeks literally was a pool of blood but my hospital did sweet FA they checked cervix and sent me home. Glad your hospital is being good and your OH is behaving.

Mrsj nice to see you again :) I think tabs is 2 going on 13 :haha:

Rosalie is getting insane at moving, she can get everywhere in everything she can now stand with one hand on something and launches at things that are near :dohh: can see some major accidents happening. Buuuut nothing really new she refuses to wave or clap just likes to feed me food :dohh:
Blondie, you must have been terrified. Poor Ben and poor you. I am so glad he is back home with you though even if it meant not much sleep as it obviously shows it is on the mend. You must be knackered though :hugs:

YM, thank goodness the pain etc was nothing serious!! And good on your ex for being so supportive and looking after Kimi.

Blob and Asher, what a nightmare! I find it frustrating when we visit my sisters or someone else with a young kid as Harry just will not settle if there is any sort of distraction. My nephew doesn't have a volume control unfortunately and shouts a lot when I am trying to get Harry off for a nap. How you manage I have no idea! I dread having to cope with another baby (but at the same time am desperate for one!! lol!).

BTP, we unfortunately are completely skint so I can't afford any new clothes, hair cuts etc so I am stuck not fitting in any of my old clothes and feeling totally unsexy and frumpy. I guess I have just accepted it now but it's not much fun especially as I used to love shopping etc. I have seen photos etc on FB and I think you look stunning. Very glamorous and sexy. Your dh is a lucky man, especially as you paint as well!! ;)

MrsJ, glad to see you back!

Louise, Harry sounds about the same as Lilia. He can't crawl yet but manages to either bum shuffle or go backwards on his tummy. He is also great at spinning around. Like Holly used to do, Harry keeps getting on to his tummy from sitting and then getting frustrated and cries to be picked up.

Having said that, I think he is so close to crawling. He occasionally goes up on all fours and I noticed today that he put one of his knees forward before collapsing. I know people say to be grateful when they can't move but he is just such a grump at the moment as is getting very frustrated.

Harry's 8th tooth is currently cutting through so he is randomly crying out in pain bless him. He did sleep quite well today though so I am hoping we are now through the worst of it. FX I get more sleep tonight as I am just not used to him waking so often any more.

Then best new thing he is doing is fake laughing! It's hilarious! I recorded it but it wasn't very good.

I have been getting mild period-type pains over the last 3 days or so and been so very tired. Even though we've hardly had sex I keep thinking oooohh maybe I'm pregnant. I wonder if I am about to have my first period. I'm still BF Harry a lot but I guess he's not taking as much any more.

Love to you all! x
Ym, it freaks me out the thought of being pregnant i get so worried, i had a tiny bleed with Rosie, and i was really scared but all was ok, I hope you are ok, and little ym is ok xx:hugs:

Louise, remember this as it suits her when she has no boyfriend and says you can't have them, pleased she is happy and not messing you about, its an added thing you don't need xx:hugs:

Blob, not just me then with bad eating habits, i tend to starve then eat trash but more because i am busy i cook for everyone and don't feed myself!
I am trying with the kids but they are all so different, the eldest is a junk food jumkie, the next 2 eat just about anything, in fact my eldest dd is a human dustbin! Sophie hardly eats anything, and that is really frustrating and Rosie has not started eating yet i am trying not to be pushy, thus the baby led but she is very uninterested in food.
Evening girls

All these nearly crawling babies!! Holly's become very good at moving around the room too, by bum shuffling and spinning around. I keep looking up and thinking, how the hell did she get over there!? She's been getting on all fours and rocking back and forth today again so think crawling will be pretty soon. And there was me thinking she wouldn't be a crawler! It's scary how fast they develop isn't it!?

Anyway only popped on for your opinion on something. I have my gyne appointment at the hospital tomorrow to look at my tear/stitches pain thing. Only thing is AF is due and I have been having pains all day, so think it's likely to come tonight/tomorrow. What should I do if it arrives before my appointment, as I'll be being examined? Should I still go? Or re-arrange? I guess they've seen worse but then I dunno if I should rearrange it? What would you do?

Think I would rearrange if it does come on

BTP I really think the highchair will help her, all I did with rosalie was put everything we were eating in front of her and she could play, throw, taste or eat it what ever but she thinks it's really exiting. Now she totally pigs herself but at the start she would just out things in and spit them out.

Well tabs is refusing to sleep again so I've put her on the sofa, refusing to let her play or really talk to her I just don't know what to do :growlmad:
Blob can you put rosalie in your room temporarily while tabs is having this phase? At least then she can tantrum away or play or sing or whatever until she conks out without disturbing her? I wonder if having her in the living room with you even if you're ignoring her is still giving her what she's wanting? I don't really know Hun sorry!

Ym how scary, glad all is ok. I had a bleed at about 7 weeks with lilia x

Fishy... Is it fingers crossed that you're pregnant?!

Emzy.. I think I might be inclined to still go to the appointment.. You might not come on and to be honest I think you've had to wait long enough!!
hmm yeah Louise that's what I was thinking, I've already waited ages for the appointment and so really don't want to wait for longer... my first thought was cancel but then I thought, they're gynaecologists, surely they've seen worse!? lol I dunno. Matt says if it comes them to ring them in the morning and ask if I should still go, but I don't really want to explain to the receptionist that I'm on my period lol!

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