September Stars

Lilbumpblue - What kind of paint are you using? I've wanted to do some prints of Ellies hands and feet for a while now, to put in a frame i got but didnt know what to use. I was gonna buy some non toxic paint but then my boyfriend was moaning it wasnt a good idea. But he's at work today so I'll do it while he's out :rofl: x
Lilbumpblue - What kind of paint are you using? I've wanted to do some prints of Ellies hands and feet for a while now, to put in a frame i got but didnt know what to use. I was gonna buy some non toxic paint but then my boyfriend was moaning it wasnt a good idea. But he's at work today so I'll do it while he's out :rofl: x

I went to the works hun and bought some childrens paint for 99p a bottle, it says suitable from 36 months but thats cos they can choke on the lid lol!! Best way to do it is to have her on your knee hun...your a bit more in control then! xx
Oh my goodness.......MY BABY BOY IS 3 WEEKS OLD TODAY!! Its going so fast :cry: xxx

Couple of questions...Has anyone else struggled to DTD?? (with stitches teehee)

How long did everyone bleed for after giving birth??

MrsJ :hugs: pleased that you are now on the mend :thumbup: xx

yay Rosie, bet she will feel loads better now!

genies sorry you had a bad day
i find it stressful with one baby let alone two! but i'm it was just a blip :hugs:
hope today is much better for you! xxx

Emzy hope she had a better night? awww the jabs are not nice :nope:
pleased that the baby massage lesson went well, our HV is coming next week
to show us carnt wait!

lilbumpblue how did the feet painting go with james? i was thinking about doing it with Ollie and his sis bethany for xmas, i want to frame them xxx

BTP not the dreaded cough! you would of though that she would of stayed away untill she was better?

OH's sis was poorly when i was preggers and she stayed away coz she didnt want me to catch anything! (she only comes up about once a month too, as she lives down south) even OH's mum stayed away when she was poorly.

today is my first full day on my own with Ollie, he's been abit grumpy this morning but is now asleep, his sis is at school untill later feels weird tbh
think i will go and grab a shower hope everyone is having an ok morning? xxx
it went ok daisybell just didnt like the bath afterwards!! lol x
Oh my goodness.......MY BABY BOY IS 3 WEEKS OLD TODAY!! Its going so fast :cry: xxx

Couple of questions...Has anyone else struggled to DTD?? (with stitches teehee)

How long did everyone bleed for after giving birth??


lilbluebump - just noticed our boys are only one day apart and had the same birth weight too :kiss:

Not even attempted to DTD yet. I think my stitches have healed now (well the external ones have, but maybe the internal ones haven't I'm not sure). Think I will wait until after I've stopped bleeding and I've had my six week check up, especially as sex was uncomfortable for me during pregnancy - I'm worried about it being sore!

I'm still bleeding after three weeks, although it's only a tiny bit now. I think they say up to six weeks is normal don't they?
Hello ladies!!

Genies, sounds like they are having a growth spurt xx

Lilbumpblue, I was recomended to wait till 6 weeks to DTD and even then to use lots of lube!!! The thought of it makes me go ouch, even though I am ok down there!!

Had Hope weighed this morning and she weighs 10lb 11oz!! I can't believe it, nearly a pound in a week!!! I must be doing something right!!
Making good eadway with the packing, its quite hard stopping and starting!!
Lilbump I love the idea of foot painting! Might run it past my DH!

Emzy, hope the jabs all went ok, Lilia has hers next Tuesday, I'm dreading it!! I thought the heel prick test was horrendous!

Genies :hugs: I can't help but I think you're doing fab! I don't think I could cope with 2!

Jelly I was going to try to answer your questions but I think BTP said it all! Hopefully it will get easier hfor you hun x

BTP so glad Rosie has done a poo! I hated it when Lilia was bunged up, it's horrible seeingthem in pain :(

Becs... fab weight gain!

We have had Lilia weighed again today... she is now 9lb! She has gained 13ozs in a week, I can't belive it! She is a bit snotty the last 2 days, got some saline drops for her.. the pharmacist and HV said nothing else is suitable for under 3 months which is rubbish! They seem to be working wel though. She also has a very gunky eye... lovely!
Wow 9lb, Lilia is doing really well! I found the saline and a snot sucker really good at getting rid of any bungs, lovely blobs of jelly snot it sucks out as well as any loose stuff! Yucky but does the trick!:hugs:

I really want to do some foot prints, i have some non-toxic gold paint i used with Sophie, it is easier at this age than a few months down the line when they have more control! Rosie has teeny feet and long toes, and teeny hands with long fingers!

Becs, another happy baby putting weight on well! :hugs:

Daisybell, Yes well i thought it was manners to keep away, she told dh she had a cough and he said it was ok to still come but when she was here i think it was worse than he had thought, I keep moaning i have a cough but he says nothing about his mother being here with hers!
She kept her germs away when i was pregnant, but now its easy to pass to Rosie.
Have a great day with Ollie xx:hugs:

Not even thought about dtd, i want to get a mirror and have a good look first, see what has happened down there!
I have previously dtd about 4-5 weeks after birth but that has been with no stitches, this time i don't fancy it anyway, hoping my sex drive returns, but i feel pretty big and not me so i expect as my shape returns i will feel more like it.:hugs:

Rosie asleep in front of the tumble dryer, dd making a mess with a pack of playing cards! Got to clear up a bit b4 dh gets in, and he is back any sec so must dash!!
Genies - Hope your having a better day today :hugs:

LBB - I don't think I will be wanting to DTD for a very long time

James is constantly projectile vomiting after each bottle, twice has been over DH which will teach hime to stop giving me a hard time. Still very much struggling trying to BF JJ lays on my chest but is now unable to latch on... think he may have nipple confusion? My quantity has improved managed in 4 expressions to make a 80 ml bottle which i'm just about to give him.

Had discussion about stopping all bottles to see if BF would work, DH doesn't want to try since knowing he was bottle fed and so few of our friends have managed to BF. I cried and he just cant understand why as he said just to express instead. I explained that this wouldnt be a long term solution because when he goes back to work my life would revolve around feeding and expressing. I'd never manage to get out the house... anyway hope to sort it all out soon.... I know he means well but i just feel like i'm letting both of them down especially as I'm very emotional at the moment crying over the smallest thing.

JJ had his first top n tail today and is now fast asleep in my arms. His Jaundice is still not improving so wonder what the MW will say tomorrow when she comes. Been putting him by the window etc

Hope everyones enjoying the sun today
Does James throw up every feed, breast or bottle or just the bottle ones?
My dd threw up breast milk feeds and i was told she would be worse on bottles, i think they can get used to bottles pretty quick as it must be easier for them! Rosie gets drowned in my milk and i can hear her struggling to gulp it down, and then she gets cross, so bottles with their nice flow teats must be nicer, i just have never managed to express milk, but because it is so difficult to breast feed i have just been grateful we manage to exclusively breast feed and not thought about expressing this time.
I have found this time also i tend to think she must be crying for a feed but just put her down and she has settled, its hard to read a newborn!
I hope you decide what you are going to do, just do what feels right and what James gets on with best, once the stress is removed it will be easier.:hugs:
hey guys,

hoping someone knows the answer to these questions as i really need some help !!...

breast milk.. must go in fridge straight away and used within 3 days, is that right?

ready to pour cartoons of formula- open cartoon and place cartoon in the fridge after you have opened it, and use within 24 hours. so does that mean i could pre pour them in sterlised bottles and store in the fridge and just reheat as i use?

Powdered milk- make up as needed ..My MW said you cant fill bottles with boiled water before hand and leave out and add powder when needed.. she said i have to boil the water and add powder when needed... is she having a giggle !! can take 30 mins to boil and cool and 3am with a screaming baby thats just not a option...!!!!

Why is it ok for the cartoons of ready to pour stuff to be kept in the fridge for 24 hours while the powdered stuff you cant?

once the bottles are sterlised can i put them together with lids on and leave out on the kitchen table until i need them? or do i have to sterlise them when i need them?
Genies - Hope your having a better day today :hugs:

LBB - I don't think I will be wanting to DTD for a very long time

James is constantly projectile vomiting after each bottle, twice has been over DH which will teach hime to stop giving me a hard time. Still very much struggling trying to BF JJ lays on my chest but is now unable to latch on... think he may have nipple confusion? My quantity has improved managed in 4 expressions to make a 80 ml bottle which i'm just about to give him.

Had discussion about stopping all bottles to see if BF would work, DH doesn't want to try since knowing he was bottle fed and so few of our friends have managed to BF. I cried and he just cant understand why as he said just to express instead. I explained that this wouldnt be a long term solution because when he goes back to work my life would revolve around feeding and expressing. I'd never manage to get out the house... anyway hope to sort it all out soon.... I know he means well but i just feel like i'm letting both of them down especially as I'm very emotional at the moment crying over the smallest thing.

JJ had his first top n tail today and is now fast asleep in my arms. His Jaundice is still not improving so wonder what the MW will say tomorrow when she comes. Been putting him by the window etc

Hope everyones enjoying the sun today

have you tried nipple shields hun i assume they r like a can then remove them part way through!? x

hey guys,

hoping someone knows the answer to these questions as i really need some help !!...

breast milk.. must go in fridge straight away and used within 3 days, is that right?

ready to pour cartoons of formula- open cartoon and place cartoon in the fridge after you have opened it, and use within 24 hours. so does that mean i could pre pour them in sterlised bottles and store in the fridge and just reheat as i use?

Powdered milk- make up as needed ..My MW said you cant fill bottles with boiled water before hand and leave out and add powder when needed.. she said i have to boil the water and add powder when needed... is she having a giggle !! can take 30 mins to boil and cool and 3am with a screaming baby thats just not a option...!!!!

Why is it ok for the cartoons of ready to pour stuff to be kept in the fridge for 24 hours while the powdered stuff you cant?

once the bottles are sterlised can i put them together with lids on and leave out on the kitchen table until i need them? or do i have to sterlise them when i need them?

I have a leaflet which says 5 days for breast milk in the fridge.

I cant see the harm in pouring the carton into a bottle to store it!

The whole formula thing is a minefield...they used to tell you to make them and put them in the fridge and warm as needed...really dont know why this is no good now! pfft x
Hmmm, I make my formula bottles up in a morning... I make up 6 bottles, enough for 24 hours! I store them in the fridge and then just warm them up in a jug of boiling water as and when I need them... I know it says on the tin that you must make the whole bottle up as and when you need it, but that is just not practical! Everyone I know has always done it that way, I don't see any harm in it, it's chilled!
Hi Ladies, I'm new to this thread...had my little guy, William on Sept. 17th. Hard to believe it's been almost 4 weeks since his birth. The time has flown by!

For those of you who are BF, just wondering how often your LO feeds. William is pretty regular and feeds every 3 hours, including throughout the night. We've been lucky to have no feeding issues and he still spends the majority of the day sleeping (between feeds). Anyone else's LO on a similar schedule?
I only know about breast milk, 3 days in fridge or you can freeze it and use as needed.
I agree with Louise though, if i was bottle feeding i would make up the day and use as needed from fridge, as long as bottles are sterilised i don't see the problem in it, seems crazy to make as needed and cool, far more chance of using too hot surely?
It is a minefield isn't it!
The pre packed stuff seems easier, although at a price.

Sorry I am not much help!

Rosie is glued to the screen, she obviously knows more about it than me!

Totally ot, my hair is driving me nuts, i am thinking about getting it cut, it seems to need scooping out the way of Rosie all the time, she was on my shoulder earlier and it was in her face, i have never had it this long with a baby and its just in the way when i feed or do anything, don't like it up if i can help it, think a cut is the only way!

Time to go, Rosie got her evening glut of hunger on!

Night all, hope our babies sleep for us tonight! Just a few hours please little miss! :sleep:
Welcome Shwhattam to the thread :flower:

Olivia is now just over 5 weeks - We try to do a 6,10,2,6,10,2 routine, however she sometimes needs a top up in between. I am trying to stick to it as much as possible but obviously sometimes we have to be flexible and she may sleep through one feed.
Does James throw up every feed, breast or bottle or just the bottle ones?

I haven't had many breastfeeds but they have been fine, breast bottles seem OK too (still early days). DH and I have decided to limit amount of milk he takes as I said if he's still hungry he will look for his next feed sooner and then can up his quantity.

Powdered milk- make up as needed ..My MW said you cant fill bottles with boiled water before hand and leave out and add powder when needed.. she said i have to boil the water and add powder when needed... is she having a giggle !! can take 30 mins to boil and cool and 3am with a screaming baby thats just not a option...!!!!

once the bottles are sterlised can i put them together with lids on and leave out on the kitchen table until i need them? or do i have to sterlise them when i need them?

Hospital said fresh each time.... MW came yesterday and said its absurd there was a study done in 70's showing formula had semonella if not made fresh but they have been unable to replicate findings. She also said its stupid as they say its ok when going out to travel with bottles of warm water in flasks and leave for hours.

She advised sterialise your 6 bottles and heat fresh kettle. Make up bottles with water and teats lids etc and leave on the side. When need a feed add the required powder and heat if wanted (we feed using room tempreature)

have you tried nipple shields hun i assume they r like a can then remove them part way through!? x

I have bought some but JJ just gets really upset even if i'm not trying him to latch on. DH and I were thinking of trying these again tomorrow (always seems more settled then)

My friend is coming round tomorrow with her Medala (sp) pump which she said was great when expressing. If I get on with this I think I'm going to make the decision to bottle breast so at least he's getting the goodness without the distress for me and him. I'm feeling really angry with the NHS at the miment that they can drum into our heads about breast is best etc etc and then when you n eed their help in hospital they are useless and contradictory.

Right best be off for a quick pump :)
congrats new mummies :flower:

Louise i premake bottles too although Eoghan eats 6 in 12 hours:dohh: hv said by week 6 it will settle 5 days left! beleive it when i see it:haha: hes 10lb10oz :shock:

hope every1 is well

were going to London on friday Eoghan is meeting his nannie and grandad and other family members for he first time ,and im going to be godmother to out neice we haven met on sunday, shes 14 weeks old :wohoo:

jelly i have amadela hand pump if u want it its just a a small hand held 1 it has been opened but only to be serilised u can have it for free itss just lying there doin nothing , or if u dont want it any1 else can :flower: x
Just a quick one: ladyk I was making up bottles and putting in the fridge but I now do it this way- I sterilise all bottles in the morning, fill each with 4.5 oz cooled boiled water, screw on lids and leave on the side. when I need a bottle, I top up each bottle with 1.5 oz freshly boiled water, add formula and shake and that makes it just the right temp to drink. much easier than messing around making bottles up fresh!! how are we meant to do that and feed on demand? It's daft. I was making up in advance and storing in fridge, but I noticed that the last couple of the day smelt a bit funny so I changed x

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