September Stars

Blob, have you thought about a star/reward chart? I used to do one with the boys, thy were a bit older though 3 and 4, one of their targets was to go to bed like a good boy, the next morning they'd get a star on the chart and if they collected say 5/10 they got a reward, anything from a trip to the park to toys or sweets or painting etc! Worth a try?
In fact a few weeks back they asked to start one up again so we have them at the moment, and they're 6 (nearly 7) and 8!
Aww poor Holly :( Hope shes feeling better tomorrow poor little thing x :hugs:

Asher thanks for mentioning swimming :blush: As those of you on fb will have seen about my embarrasing incident today :blush: :blush: I was in the cubicle getting dry after a swim, and my 8 year old sister had followed me in, and evidently forgot to lock the door! I was stood there completley stark naked when the door opens and a man stood there staring 'oh sorry love' he got a right good gawp! To make it worse i kind of rushed towards the door to shut it , everything wobbling and jiggling and generally ew! :blush: I was absolutley mortified , my heart stared racing and i thought i was going to cry! My sister found it absolutley hilarious, and has not stopped laughing since!
Well theres my chuckle for you all for the day :haha: Asher if we bump into each other at swimming lets just hope its more civilised than that! :dohh: x
Hi all had a good time last night at the party my voice wasn't great but I had a microphone to talk so that was okay I think my friends enjoyed their surprises.
I had way too much to drink Unfortunatly , I really needed to let my hair down but it resulted in me and dh having a blazing row about money which was a real shame all sorted now but you know what it's like it's hard to forget what's been said and I felt like an awful mummy for being that drunk !

Emzy I hope Holly is feeling better?

Jelly your food suggestions were great I am often unsure on what to offer them to eat
Aww gg I hate drunken rows! Glad it's sorted now though!

Lilia omg how awful! I think I would have died with embarrassment!!

One question... Are babies allowed tuna? I thought it was discouraged because of the mercury in it? I have thought about giving it to lilia before but have always been advised not to?

Oh one more question.. Is anyone still sterilising bottles? I am and intend to continue until she's a year old, but the amount of wives here who have scoffed at it saying they only sterilised until their baby was 5/6 months old is doing my head in! I'm not particularly precious about germs, we have a dog, cat and bird and lilia has already had feathers shoved in her mouth, the dog often nudges his ball to her (to throw for him) which is HORRIBLE and so far I've always got it off her in time, but she also has a tendency to lick shoes (I know) and arms so I know she's in contact with germs left right and centre... But.. I don't want to stop sterilising her bottles yet! Mucky left on milk wouldn't be good for her, plus it goes into her stomach which (hopefully) the feathers etc don't! Am I silly, or do you all still do it too? Silly people and unwanted opinions!
GG - glad you had a good night, try not to think about the row

Lillia - you must of been so embarrassed hope he didn't take a good look ;-)

Louise - I know pregnant and nursing mums should limit tuna to 2 medium cans a week but there's no recommendations I can find regarding babies. Some sites recommend it. I think as long as it's in moderation and not too often.
Louise i tend to wash James' bottles in hot soapy water then give them a blast in the microwave but i was only thinking the same as you the other day!
I know iv been away from here so May have missed something but is lady k ok?
Btp James is back to waking every hour since going into his own room the lil monkey he has always been a real mummys boy, he used to always fall asleep on me but now he likes to go off on his own in his chair pram or cot think it has something to do with him having a bottle now not breast which im gutted about but it was a decision i made to benefit James. :(
poor poorly babies James has a uti again but is still his happy self bless him!
Haha lillia i saw your Facebook lol x
blob have you got any twinkley fairy lights you could put on her ceiling it May settle her...or just super glue her to the bed Haha x
Louise forgot to say I'm still sterilising JJ bottles same as I always have. I sterilise spoons, dummies and beaker mouthpiece. I don't sterilise bowls just pour boiling water. Its just a habit I've got into and feel uneasy stopping even though he eats my slippers and puts everything in his mouth.

Lady k is back at work now so think she has less time to cone on here. Think she's been out with grant and Paige too as seen fb pics of walks etc.

Lbb - it's good that James us able to settle himself now even if it's heartbreaking :-( have you seen the consultant yet?
Hi everyone!
It's Mother's Day here in North America, and I am looking forward to this evening: I have been promised an uninterrupted bubble bath! Oh bliss!
As husband is back at work today, we plan to celebrate later this week.

Louise, I don't sterilize anymore. I wash everything really well, but I don't boil it. If you have the patience and time to do it, there's certainly nothing wrong with it. It's always a good practise to be as clean as possible about things that you know are going into your kid's mouth. I have definitely adopted the "what doesn't kill them" attitude towards my long-suffering offspring. If they survive my shocking parenting, they'll be indestructible! Absolutely bomb-proof! The WHO will be taking blood samples to extrapolate the incredible array of immunities my boys will have!
I'm working awfully hard on excusing my filthy house, aren't I? :blush:
Hehe Sarah! Same with lilia.. I'm spring cleaning my house at the moment trying to de clutter before Wayne gets home, have painted and glossed the hallway and sorted the front room, it feels good.. But I'm a bit of an all or nothing girl, some days I do NOTHING .. Literally... But if in in a cleaning mood the house gets gutted!
Louise - I saw your status the other day about the parcels for the soldiers and have decided I want to do one...what sorta things can ya put in them?? Sorry for the dumb question but i dont know how much things have changed since my brother went out on tour!! Can ya PM me a list of things please if ya catch a few minutes???

Emzy - Hope Holly is feeling better soon!!!

Lilia - Hehehe!! How embarrassing!! :dohh:

Well...we're off to see the dietician in the morning so hopefully we'll have a better idea of what was wrong with Kimi and what she can and cant have!! Then probably going to spend the day with my dad, who has seriously hurt his back so is pretty much housebound and he absoloutely adores Kimi and she loves him so will spend a few hours having a chit chat with him!!

Hope everyone is getting some sleep!!!

Thanks for the well wishes for Holly! Last night, she had another couple of runny nappies, which resulted in a complete clothes change and a bath, then went back to bed at about 11pm. She woke up crying a few times but stayed there til 8.30, so that's good. She'd had another runny nappy at some point as well, as she had a dirty nappy when I changed her this morning. She took her whole bottle this morning though! Yay! And so far she's kept it down. I'm sticking with just milk today, going to offer her 4 bottles instead of her usual 2, so I'll offer bottles at lunchtime and tea time instead of food. Maybe a bit of dry toast at teatime too. Uh oh I can hear another runny nappy occuring as I type... I have to say I'm extremely impressed with how Pampers Simply Dry are handling the runny poos, we've only had a couple of clothes changes so far!

Louise I still microwave sterilise Holly's bottles. My HV said the advice is to sterilise bottles for as long as you use them, because of milk deposits and stuff. I don't sterilise anything else, just wash in hot soapy water.

As for Tuna, I've read that in moderation it's ideal to give to babies. Holly loves tuna sandwiches, tuna pasta and jacket potatoes with tuna and beans!

YM good luck today with the dietitian, hope they can shed some light on it for you. BTW I'm selling some of Holly's 6-9 stuff on here, thought I'd let you know as I know you had some of her 3-6 stuff :) The thread is here I'm not selling it all, as I've put some aside to give to a friend, but I'm selling some of her nicer bits :)


Genies glad you had a good time, I hate drunken rows. Why are they always about money as well?! How's your throat?

Sorry to anyone I haven't mentioned, I need to go sort this nappy out and Holly has rocked/shuffled her way over to the sky box and is poking it, so better go stop her. She's sooo close to crawling! The cat walked past earlier and she launched forward after him onto all fours and sort of rocked back and forth trying to go lol The poor cat wont' stand a chance when she can go! Uh on she's got her xbox controller, better go

Emzy, What a load of rubbish from nhs, if she is not properly recovered she will just throw it all back, normal food is just going to irritate a tender tummy, i agree with you and stick with toast today, as long as she has fluids she will be fine and it gives the bug a chance to get out as it has nothing to feed on and make her sick, it is really horrible for us not to feed our children but worse i suppose if they are sick!
If you are worried about her not getting enough fluids then ask the doctor about replacing them with something, you can get powders but they are vile so its unlikely she will take them, hopefully the worst is over and now you just need to take it slowly with foods start dry and plain. (toast, rich tea biscuits)
Hope she feels better soon:hugs:

Louise, not long now! Good luck in getting the house up together, I am trying to get decorated for a new sofa but i cant say having cleared the lounge then painted it much has changed, everything got piled back in, which was not the idea!! I still have to clean the carpets!
On the subject of sterilising bottles, I agree with you, there are enough germs around without ones that can be prevented, there is also something about something that goes into a babies mouth and tummy. I am not sterilising bowls etc because Rosie is mainly eating off a tray picking bits up i give her, yesterday she loved a roast potato! I don't spoon feed so we have no spoons to sterilise, and frubes she sucks on the packet!
I understand the other side of the argument that babies put everything in their mouths, but we have no pets so my hair is the worst thing she trys to eat, at the moment that is!:hugs:

Sarah, we were bought up with the 'a little bit of dirt and a little bit of gristle is what gives the police man the strength to blow his whistle' but my mother was a bit extreme in that the animals seemed to live along side us!! It has put me off having pets tbh, our cats would lick the butter, my Mum wouldn't blink!! And dog hair on everything is something that still makes me feel a bit sick, my mil always has a bonus dog hair in the tea she makes and i politely decline her offers of tea!!
We never had bugs as children but i expect we had cast iron interiors, we had experienced every foul germ out there!
My mum blames the anti bac on germs, she says if my children live in a sterilised environment they will be suseptable to germs outside, if mine get a bug, (last time Ben had something at school that made him ill) but my mum blamed my sterile environment at home, and it is hardly that, a bottle of detox hardly constitutes as hospital clean house!!:haha:

lilia, OMG!! I would have been moritifed, no one see's my stretch marks but my dh!! I feel for you, I would have not come out of the cubicle!! :blush:

Oh and just wanted to put in a vote of aggrement to the chart for good behaviour, we use a school method of having goals with my dh who has trouble understanding behaving!
We made a short goal list for 3 times a day, it can be whatever you like and then we drew and laminated a goal post and some footballs, for each completed goal or set of goals the reward was to stick the football in the goal and shout 'goal' this way there is no big sweet reward or cost involved but it really does work!!
We had morning goals brush teeth, get ready for school, and did the goal before school, so Blob you could have a goal to play quietly or cuddle up in bed, we did have one for going to bed nicely, and like i say it did work.:thumbup:

Got to go, dd has dentist again today, poor love has poor teeth but due to her milk allergy has had lots of suggary juice on her teeth, even with brushing she has missed the milk. at least she can have it now.

Back later, have a great day all xxxxxxxxxx:hugs:
Morning all :flower:

I still sterilise , god knows why because charlie will put literally anything in his mouth but it only takes 4 mins in my microwave steriliser so even if it doesnt make a difference its not really a lot of effort i suppose!

BTP i dont know how i did leave the cubicle! I made my sister go out first to check he wasnt there, and i made her just towel dry her hair so we didnt have to hang around the hairdryers :blush: :haha:

Well i went to see the HV about charlies eating this morning and she says he is just pushing his luck! She said he has probably realised that if he refuses his food, he gets milk instead so he is doing it deliberatley! She said i have to cut down his milk to 3 8oz bottles a day, and just to regularly offer him food, especially finger food, and if he refuses a meal not to give him milk but to offer water and food later on. Little monster !
She also said i need to go back in a month to make sure his weight gain has slowed down, because despite the not eating he is 24lb 3oz and on the 98th centile so she doesnt want him gaining as much! Tbh i dont care how much he weighs as long as hes eating properly and is happy and healthy, his dad is 6'5 and 16 stone so he is hardly going to be teeny!

Well im off now, going to try and get a bit of housework done while he is napping! xxx
Lilia Charlie Jack sounds the same as Holly, 2 weeks ago she was 23lbs and on 98th centile too. I asked if it was a problem and the HV said not at all, she said never put a baby on a diet! She said it'll all level itself out as she gets older and it's not a problem. She said you only have to look at her to see she isn't fat, but she's 'big' and robust lol She's right, she's broad and chunky rather than fat and flabby if you know what I mean. Her dad is 6' 2 and is 15 stone as well and I'm not exactly small (short but not small!) at a size 16/18 so she was never going to be slight was she! Hope her suggestions work, 3x 8oz bottles sounds about right. Holly has only 2 now, one morning and one night x
Here's my chunky money :baby: look at her chubby legs, I just wanna eat them lol


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Hehe what gorgeous little legs! Lilia is fairly dinky but with chubby arms and legs and cheeks.. If that's possible?! She is about 17 lb 10 now but need to get her weighed tomorrow, she was 17.3 on the last weigh in, I'd love to see all our babies next to each other, they all look the same on photos but I bet there's about a 10lbdifference between biggest and smallest!

Lilia I'm not sure how to take the advice! Did she presume you were trying to feed him when he's not hungry?! I still offer bottles before meals bit am going to offer lunch and tea bottles after instead I think now... Not entirely sure how you just cut a bottle out of their diet! I don't really want to give milk to her in a sippy cup because the nuby one doesn't come apart so would be hard to get all the milk residue out?

Lilias having a nap now, it's funny but while she's been teething she seems to have slept even more! I am going to wander down to the welfare office and see if anyone is in the coffee shop, then take a drive to boots for supplies!

... Just had a knock at the door, a bunch of flowers in a vase has arrived for me from Wayne! The card reads 'not a day has passed that I haven't been thinking about you'.... Aww!!
awwwww Louise how sweet!! With the bottle dropping, I always offered a bottle before food and only stopped giving it when Holly stopped taking it. First to go was the teatime bottle, she'd only have a few sucks then pull away and not want anymore so I stopped. Then a fortnight later she did the same with her lunchtime bottle. So I upped the morning and night bottles by an oz and she now just has the 2 x
Ahhh Louise that's lovely, Wayne is so good with things like flowers etc

Lillia glad the gp took you seriously and was able to give advice. Let us know how you get on

Emzy glad Holly got a fairly decent sleep. Hope she manages to keep more down today.

I feel dreadful today think it's PMT, sore boobs, back ache, nausea. Really hope AF comes soon as been feeling like this for almost 2 weeks. JJ is still kissing his mirror today. Oh and my new carrier has arrived but haven't had time to try it out yet, hope JJ loves it!

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