September Stars

LadyK- I do basically the same as Louise make the bottles for the day then just boil the kettle to warm when needed
Does James throw up every feed, breast or bottle or just the bottle ones?

I haven't had many breastfeeds but they have been fine, breast bottles seem OK too (still early days). DH and I have decided to limit amount of milk he takes as I said if he's still hungry he will look for his next feed sooner and then can up his quantity.

Powdered milk- make up as needed ..My MW said you cant fill bottles with boiled water before hand and leave out and add powder when needed.. she said i have to boil the water and add powder when needed... is she having a giggle !! can take 30 mins to boil and cool and 3am with a screaming baby thats just not a option...!!!!

once the bottles are sterlised can i put them together with lids on and leave out on the kitchen table until i need them? or do i have to sterlise them when i need them?

Hospital said fresh each time.... MW came yesterday and said its absurd there was a study done in 70's showing formula had semonella if not made fresh but they have been unable to replicate findings. She also said its stupid as they say its ok when going out to travel with bottles of warm water in flasks and leave for hours.

She advised sterialise your 6 bottles and heat fresh kettle. Make up bottles with water and teats lids etc and leave on the side. When need a feed add the required powder and heat if wanted (we feed using room tempreature)

have you tried nipple shields hun i assume they r like a can then remove them part way through!? x

I have bought some but JJ just gets really upset even if i'm not trying him to latch on. DH and I were thinking of trying these again tomorrow (always seems more settled then)

My friend is coming round tomorrow with her Medala (sp) pump which she said was great when expressing. If I get on with this I think I'm going to make the decision to bottle breast so at least he's getting the goodness without the distress for me and him. I'm feeling really angry with the NHS at the miment that they can drum into our heads about breast is best etc etc and then when you n eed their help in hospital they are useless and contradictory.

Right best be off for a quick pump :)

I feel really privaliged with the support i got now...i recieved a DVD from the breast support lady at the hospital too not watched it yet but il see if i can upload it so you can watch it! :) xx
lady k- im the same as most others i make up bottles with the boiled water and leave in the kitchen on a tray and then measure out the powders into containers and then combine when needed and i serve at room temperature.

Thanks everyone for your support i have had a much better day, enjoyed playing with the girls and went to tesco and visited my friend.
Ive noticed today how much Amelia loves being on her tummy , part of her trouble at night is she hates being on her back so im trying to give her tummy time during the day which seems to calm her down .
Layla downed two bottles one after the other today which is a miracle for her.
I have health visitor coming at 10 tommorow and then got to go to drs at 12.30 im going to have to be extra organised to get all that done.
Glad to see everyone is doing ok despite the pressures of BF and lack of sleep for most of us !!

Is anybody dream feeding with their babies ???
congrats new mummies :flower:

jelly i have amadela hand pump if u want it its just a a small hand held 1 it has been opened but only to be serilised u can have it for free itss just lying there doin nothing , or if u dont want it any1 else can :flower: x

Thanks for the offer Apaton I've already got a manual one it just takes ages to use xx

I feel really privaliged with the support i got now...i recieved a DVD from the breast support lady at the hospital too not watched it yet but il see if i can upload it so you can watch it! :) xx

That would be good Thanks :)

Is anybody dream feeding with their babies ???

What is dream feeding ?
Quick selfish post from me. I'm typing with a baby on one boob and a cat trying to push her furry little head under my hand as I'm typing. :)
Here's a quick and silly pic of the To-bebe and our other cat, Handsome Hobbes, who seems to adore this baby (under Mama's careful supervision, of course!).
And one of two brothers: Simon and Tobe. :cloud9:
Hope everyone is well! :hugs:


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Sarah, gorgeous pics xxx

Genies, glad you are feeling better!! Go Layla!!

Lady K, I do the same as Louise, make them up and then heat in hot water!!

We had a good night, but yesterday Hope was so unsettled, felt like she was feeding all the time but I think as we were busy packing the time went so fast so she was doing her normal 4 hours!! I don't think living with all this upheavel is helping either and I can't wait to move and get her cot up amd start some kind of routine with her. We are nearly sorted on the packing front, gonna sort the kitchen today and go through all my drawers in our bedroom and have a good throw away!! Hope's clothes need sorting too, she has loads of things that don't fit her anymore, the charity shop has done well out of us lol!!!
I am still in my pj's and Ian is still in bed with Hope, we are teating ourselves to a new bed today!!
I'm here just saying hi! The time is just passing me by so quickly! Will try and be back later to catch up properly.

Laura, I am dreamfeeding most nights. Jelly, I feed Sam at about 10.30 or 11pm when I go up to bed. I literally just pick him up and feed him without waking him. You just offer the boob or the bottle and the theory is that they open their mouths and feed. You shouldn't need to wind them as they are relaxed and therefore not gulping. The idea behind it is that you are topping the baby up with extra calories in the hope that they will then have a few hours sleep. To be honest, the most sleep Sam has done after it is 3 hours, but that's an improvement on me going to sleep at 10.30 and then waking again at midnight to feed. Having at least a couple of hours sleep before the first proper night feed really seems to help me.

Am off for a bit now, I have a friend coming at 10 with her little baby. Will be back later hopefully!! xx
Hi ladies!! Well I now have my internet back and as I no longer have to monitor the other thread for updates, I can spend more time here!! Good times.

Well Harry has a cold, the poor thing. Last night was really hard work. He's not good at night anyway but with a cold he's a nightmare! I feel so bad for him and he's too young for calpol.

It's good to be back! xx
congrats new mummies :flower:

jelly i have amadela hand pump if u want it its just a a small hand held 1 it has been opened but only to be serilised u can have it for free itss just lying there doin nothing , or if u dont want it any1 else can :flower: x

Thanks for the offer Apaton I've already got a manual one it just takes ages to use xx

I feel really privaliged with the support i got now...i recieved a DVD from the breast support lady at the hospital too not watched it yet but il see if i can upload it so you can watch it! :) xx

That would be good Thanks :)

Is anybody dream feeding with their babies ???

What is dream feeding ?

Glad you asked that question i did wonder lol x get that dvd in a sec just feeding little lord james! x

Quick selfish post from me. I'm typing with a baby on one boob and a cat trying to push her furry little head under my hand as I'm typing. :)
Here's a quick and silly pic of the To-bebe and our other cat, Handsome Hobbes, who seems to adore this baby (under Mama's careful supervision, of course!).
And one of two brothers: Simon and Tobe. :cloud9:
Hope everyone is well! :hugs:

Cute pics hun xx this is the website jellycat im still working on the dvd! x this is the website jellycat im still working on the dvd! x

MW just visited and we had our second Breast Feed :happydance:

She's told me what I need to be doing etc and top up with formula etc I feel less emotional now :thumbup:

I'll check out the site, thank you xx
Jellycat, sorry I've not been keeping up to date with this thread to date. Have you been having BF issues? I did at first but my sister gave me some great tips on how to get LO latched on and since then he's been feeding really well. Let me know how you get on. xx this is the website jellycat im still working on the dvd! x

MW just visited and we had our second Breast Feed :happydance:

She's told me what I need to be doing etc and top up with formula etc I feel less emotional now :thumbup:

I'll check out the site, thank you xx ...this is the DVD i have hun! Not watched it myself but it has about overcoming challenges & stuff! Well done on your second feed :happydance::hugs:! xx
Just wondering if anyone is doing 'tummy time' with their baby yet? I'm looking for ways to incorporate 'play' activities but am wondering if my LO is still too young. He's almost 4 weeks.
thanks guys for the advice.. one good thing about having a baby last is the fact you guys have done it all already..

i only managed to get paige latched on once... i would love to do both but everyone is saying its impossible to bottle and BF... so i feel there is no point in trying. I want to ask for help from MW but worried she will just say "well you shouldnt have started on the bottle" but due to being left in hospital for 3 days prior to giving birth i was sooooooo tired it wasnt fair to paige or me.
thanks guys for the advice.. one good thing about having a baby last is the fact you guys have done it all already..

i only managed to get paige latched on once... i would love to do both but everyone is saying its impossible to bottle and BF... so i feel there is no point in trying. I want to ask for help from MW but worried she will just say "well you shouldnt have started on the bottle" but due to being left in hospital for 3 days prior to giving birth i was sooooooo tired it wasnt fair to paige or me.

Give it a go hun, James has a bottle of espressed milk off his Daddy now & then he loves it! :) xx
:wave: Shwhattam welcome to the thread :flower:

RE making up feeds we do the same as Jellycat but we have the cooled hot water stored in a flask and the powder seperate n just make up the feeds when he wants them. i couldnt be doing with boiling the kettle n cooling it down each time i mean really how do you know when your lo wants a feed in advance if you are feeding on demand :wacko: crazy.

Pleased that you had a better day genies :thumbup:

Sarah love your pic's lush little boys you have!

wellcome back F&C nice to see ya, aww bless him, hope it passes soon xx

Shwhattam i do tummy time with ollie, he loves it!! he lifts his head up and has a look about for abit n trys to crawl with his legs lol

i lye next to him and have abit chat and he usualy coo's at me (would love to know what he is trying to say)

i only do tummy time for short periods and on my bed where it's nice and soft for him, william is only 6days younger than Ollie so i wouldnt say he is too young to start tummy time xxx xxx

well Ollie is still pleged by wind, we have now moved onto the fast flow teats as the med one's seem to be getting clogged :shrug: strange as they have never done it before. cow&gate milk is still going ok but i hate to see him crying in pain coz of wind :nope:

a friend said her mate uses Colief Infant Drops and reccomends it.
Has anyone else tryed it??? does it make the milk thicker???

the baby gaviscon was crap made the milk way to thick so i dont want to buy anything that thickens the milk. thanks in advance xxx
Just popping by to say hello,
Dh's back has gone into spasm today so poor love is crippled!
I had a friend round, she is 23 weeks pregnant and had her 1st dd the same time as i had my dd so we seemed to talk non stop all morning, it was great!!

Re breast feeding, i am just so used to it, and too lazy to do anything else, i can suffer sore nipples so i don't need to sterilise bottles and go downstairs in the night! It is born out of lazyness and i am just lucky it works for me, I have never managed to express, and just feed on demand, which can vary between all the time or the most has been 6 hours, but she has only done that twice! The average is 2 hours but then breast milk is less filling and i expect to feed more reguarly.
Sorry i am no help with bottles, but if you have any questions on bf then feel free to ask, if i can help i will.
The best bit of advice i ever had was positioning the baby properly, no cushions or props just in your arm, baby face to boob, nice open mouth, bottom lip curled out, nice wide open mouth and kind of push baby to boob when mouth is wide, like i say i have been lucky and its worked for me, and i have just gone through the sore stage, it was worse on my second and Rosie and they both have really hard sucks, and Rosie had some bad habits with not latching on properly but she is getting better.
I would say it does seem relentless with the breast feeding, i feel like a lactating cow, and i feel constantly on tap to her, it would be nice also to see how much she is having, i need a gauge on my boob!

Back another time, hope everyone ok, Jelly i was going to say something and its gone, ahhhh my brain!!:hugs:

F&C welcome back!!:hugs:

Back soon:hugs:
Oh my good god that took FOREVER to catch up!!! and now i have forgotten everything!!! Glad people are doing so well with their babies and i do agree with *someone* that all our september babies are just gorge!!!

Jayden is doing really well at home and dave is helping out loads, although hes back to work next weeks so im a little worried about being left on my own for days with bubs.... but i cant do that much wrong i suppose....

Boony - how weird is that you having a Jayden and Tyler was our second choice of name too!!!

I thought id attach some photos for you all but they are too big so feel free to add me to facebook if you wanna have a peek!! (Carley Morris)

love to all and ill try and stay in touch a little better... these babies are time consuming little critters!!!

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