September Stars

Emzy - Glad your doing ok. xx Its good that you have your mum to help and let you start the healing process. xx

BTP - With regards to BF - I have no idea when we will stop. I am just not going to put a time limit on it though I think I will struggle if she was still feeding at 2. Just because my nieces have been so grown up at that age and I cant see her wanting to feed. I am still feeding Olivia between 5 and 6 times over the course of the day and night. She is having 3 meals a day but because she is a slow weight gainer I am reluctant to drop any feeds at the mo. The only downside is as Sarahkka said I would really like another and havent had a period as such yet. My HV has said that unless it was absolute necessary I really shouldnt introduce formula at this age.

Becs - You sound like me - I dont leave the house in the morning until the house is spotless and the dogs are walked and dinner usually prepared !!

Hope everyone else is well. xxx

Ive had abit of a dreadful day really, my little rescue spaniel got set upon this morning by two big gsds. She ran off and I had to try and catch her with a screaming baby and a labrador going nuts and wanting to see off who was fighting her sister. My poor woof has spent the whole day pacing our garden and looking for an escape route :nope: there goes 2 years of hard work down the drain !! Not good. Bath and bed for me I think :sleep:
Aww no Laura your poor doggy :( I hope she gets over it really fast.

Ok girls I need some more advice on tabs, I know it's hard in here and all I seem to do is moan about sleep.... But I have no idea now. Ive tried the chart, giving her nice things when she has gone to bed. I've tried shouting at her, I've tried taking things away I've tried ignoring her. She wakes rosalie up from across the house screaming when I tell her off. I'm about to cry, I dont do hitting but I'm sad to say that I'm rather tempted :cry: can't see it working really but omg I need help :cry:
Aww blob hugs hun :hugs: I really don't have any ideas for you, as I don't have any experience. I'm sure some of the others with toddlers will though. Moan away though hun :hugs:
Ok girls I need some more advice on tabs, I know it's hard in here and all I seem to do is moan about sleep.... But I have no idea now. Ive tried the chart, giving her nice things when she has gone to bed. I've tried shouting at her, I've tried taking things away I've tried ignoring her. She wakes rosalie up from across the house screaming when I tell her off. I'm about to cry, I dont do hitting but I'm sad to say that I'm rather tempted :cry: can't see it working really but omg I need help :cry:

Sarah I know its probably not everybodys ideal way of getting your child to sleep but my sister has just had one of her daughters prescribed something called "phenergan" - Its a very old fashioned medicine. She has been using it a week and my niece has completely changed. They recommend a certain amount and then you reduce it as the child falls back into a natural sleeping pattern. My sis was at the end of her tether as niece was going to bed at 7pm and was still wide awake at 11pm and like you she had tried everything she could think of. My niece now goes to bed at 7pm is soon asleep and is alot better in the mornings. As I said its not for everyone but my sister is going to be reducing the dose from tomorrow and seeing where that gets her!!
Teeny - check out for bottle tips. It's a great breastfeeding resource site.

btp - I do both BLW and spoonfeeding. I am trying to let Tobe explore and experiment with chewing and different foods and such, but I also feel like having cereal and fruit purees helps prepare his little gut for non-breastmilk sustenance. I help him with the spoonfed stuff, then offer him bits off my plate (provided it isn't too salty or spicey).
Unless, Rosie is sliding down the growth scale or you want to change her behaviour somehow, I wouldn't worry too much. I think babies are pretty clever about taking what they need! :baby:
Just had abit of a google on it Sarah and there seem to be very mixed reviews on its effectiveness and that it can become addictive - I know our family doctor has only given enough for 2 weeks and then for it to be reviewed before moving on. Gosh I hate google sometimes but I think you really should speak to a doctor and see if they can recommend anything similar(ish) that could help you both. xxx
Blob, moan as much as you want! I know I do! Not sure what to suggest, have you tried completely ignoring her? Maybe she likes the reaction? alternatively the supernanny techniques maybe? Putting her back in bed saying its bedtime, next time just say bed then every time after that don't say anything? Or perhaps something like 'oh dear, looks like you won't be getting a sticker on your chart if you don't go to sleep' ? Alex won't sleep for his mum but sleeps fine for me, that's a choice he makes, but I always do wind down activities with them and give lots if warnings that bedtime is coming up, like 'bathtime now, then reading then charts then bed, then after the bath I say reading then chart then bed, then they either read their books or I read to them and then I say charts then bed, then after doing the charts I say bed.. Theyre well prepared for it then and they don't question it x

Laura how awful, I have a gsd and he was attached as a puppy by a bull mastiff, he's still very wary of dogs 4/5 years on! I hope your doggy gets over it quickly.. If you know the owners I would report them x
Evening ladies. I am loving the "How long to BF" discussion, I've been having it in my head for weeks with myself!! I think the conclusion I am at is that for now I am happy with our arrangement. I think if Sam naturally drops any BF feeds, I will let him but not push him. I know with Jack, in the end, he was only feeding for a couple of minutes in bed in the morning when he was nearly done, and that was my cue to stop really. For now, with Sam, purely because I am lazy, I will carry on as we are because since being poorly he's feeding in the night again. But he loves his solid food, so he's really only taking the boob as a drink and a comfort. We'll get there. I just can't get over the idea that if he is the last, I don't want to stop just yet.

Blob, you have my huge sympathy. Tabs sounds exactly like Jack was at her age with the sleep/screaming thing. We tried everything. We let him cry/tantrum, we shut the bedroom door and told him it was bedtime. We brought him downstairs and then took him back up again. We did everything anybody suggested to us. In the end, he grew out of it, but that wasn't until his 3rd birthday. I think my only advice would be for you to give anything anybody suggests a go, as it might just work. And if it doesn't nobody can say you've not tried!! I hate to say it, but I think these little ones just grow out of it in the end. It's just so hard being a tired, stressed out, pi**ed off mummy. Hugs to you. xxx

Emzy, good on you, you're doing so well. And Holly, wow!! She's a little star!! And yep, having more than one is hard, but it's so nice when they play in the bath and stuff. I did notice the difference this morning with the big boys being out at nana's after their sleepover. Sam was much more whingey, cos they normally play with him and entertain him whilst I'm tidying up the kitchen after breakfast and stuff. They do love each other even if they fight!!!

Laura, your poor doggy. Sometimes I too dislike other dog owners, usually the irresponsible ones. Around here, there are a lot of staffy cross, hard dog owners who let their nasty little dogs run off the lead and then don't move at all when said dog attacks another dog. Our black lab was on the receiving end of an attack, the dog had him round his neck, his eyes were rolling and his legs giving way. Hubby's instinct was to kick the little dog very hard, as it's jaws had locked and wouldn't let go. Thankfully it worked - it's owner was extremely drunk and just laughed. Not good at all. I hope you and doggy are okay tonight and not too traumatised by the whole thing. xx

We had a good day! I took Jack to his party, a lovely little girl from his nursery who was 4 today, party was at a local soft play place. She loves Jack, and she is just soooo cute, little honey!!! SO he had a fab time, then we went back to MILs and had a butty. Then picked up DH and the bikes, and met our friends and their two girlies, Holly and Izzy, in the park. Archie's only recently been attempting a little to ride his bike without stabilisers, but he's very soft, so we didn't imagine him succeeding soon. Anyway, within 2 mins of being in the park, he was riding around on his own!!! This little lad surprises me all the time! I am so proud. There is a video on my FB!! We all had a lovely time in the park, kids were tired, all went to bed without any fuss!!

So nighty night all, hope everyone enjoys a good night's sleep. x
Thanks girls ! Shes an ex puppy farm dog and it has taken so long to get her happy around other dogs and now this - Grrrr. I love GSDS though and think its more to do with the idiot owners than the dogs tbh across the board. If I hadnt had Olivia with me I think I would of behaved very differently !
When the mastiff attacked Jake Wayne was with him, he locked his jaws around jakes neck too, wouldn't let go, Wayne said it was a toss up between kicking it in the nuts or grabbing it round the throat so he chose the throat option.. Although he said he had to squeeze very hard!! The owner was a friend of waynes and he said they were just playing!! Jake was only a few months old.

I can't really comment on the bfing but you should all be so proud of yourselves to still be going! If you look nationally at the percentage still bfing after 6 months, then look how many of you do it, it's brilliant!

Lilia has been slightly better today thank you, still clingy and grumpy but she slept a bit which helped! She went to bed better but just woke up SCREAMING!! I ran up and she could barely catch her breath for sobbing, so wonder if it was a nightmare or something? But a cuddle helped and she's asleep now.

Possibly tmi but this time in two weeks I will quite possibly be getting jiggy with it in a room without a baby or bump for the first time in 17 months!!!!
Poor Lilia. xxx And Louise theres no such thing as tmi information on this thread ! I think we've all heard each other at our worst now !!
I have tried the ignoring (she ripped paper off the wall and emptied a pack of wipes for 3 hours). I have trie tried just putting her back to bed etc burgh thanks Asher that gives me hope I know she is going to get there I just wish there was some way I could do something.

Tomorrow I'm going to put out her peppa bed and block out all the light and fx might help. She has been turfed out of her bed I guess :dohh:
Hello I've been reading just distracted because I can't find my cat be back in a mo
Awww poor lilia :hugs: I hate that.
Also I thought that when Robin came home ha ha!! It was the first time we'd had our room to ourselves in a long time.

Your cat? :(
Louise - I saw the pic of lillia yesterday looking ill, it tugged at my heart strings :-( hope she feels better soon. :rofl: getting jiggy

GG - hope your cats just missing in the house xx

Blob - how long are you trying each tactic? If your changing every couple of days then Tabs might get confussed or try her luck more if no long term structure? Just an idea maybe try 1 tactic you think nay work and use it for at least a week. Sorry it's the only thing I can think of

Asher - Archie is such a cutie always seems to try hard to achieve things.

It's been lovely down south today. Went to visit our friends nursery where they have art on show in their glasshouses and cake & tea on their lawn. We enjoyed showing JJ all the different plants and veg and came home with a trayful of pretty flowers and herbs to plant in pots, also bought some cherry tomato plants. Went out for lunch afterwards and this 4 year old girl kept playing with JJ, he sat in his pram laughing with her for a good 10 minutes really wish I'd filmed it now as everyone in our area were laughing at the two of them. I asked her what her favourite toy was and she replied baby - so cute :)
Lol Louise @ getting jiggy! There'll be none of that in my house for at least 6 weeks now... poor Matt must feel like he's married a nun!!

GG did you find your cat?

Stitches feel mega sore tonight. Got the feels like my bum has been stitched up feeling again! Argh!
Emzy, think how Wayne feels! Only dtd 2/3 times during pregnancy, and then a couple of times before he left! Then a couple of times in r&r... To be honest poor bloke has probably had it a total of 8/9 times since december 09!!
Prob about the same here Louise in between pregnancy, stitches, baby in room, sore bits and now stitches again! Lol

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