September Stars

7 seater is what we are looking for but we cant agree on which one, does anyone know if you can fit two car seats and a 13 year old in the back seats of cars? someone says once the car seats are in there is no room in the middle.

Louise- their mum needs a slap ! my ex's wife can be hard work at times and for Jakes sake i still have to be nice, but since she has had the baby she has been a lot easier.x

Fishy- congrats on the job, let me know where you will be when you start and see if we can cross paths for a chin wag x

Sarah- I had to chuckle over the poo story, every time i put Paige in the bath im always on poo alert, its going to happen when im least expecting it. I will always remember when i was younger and my sister pooed in the bath... I was screaming and mum laughing trying to calm me down and get us out, amazing what memories we keep as we grow up ! x
Hey Ladies....

OH NO Blob!!!!!!! Soooo hope they don't get you :cry:

Thanks for all your hugs.. I'm feeling MUCH better about it now i've calmed down a bit - what will be will be, and there's no point worrying about it anyway.

Fishy -Congrats on your job, and Fx emzy that they get in touch soon with yours!!

Sarah, sorry but I had to :haha: at the bath poop. Izzy was sick in the bath with me in it too, and it made me gag so much that I had to get out - floating chunks :sick:

Louise - that woman is CRAZY. I hate people like that :hugs:
BUT yey to 9 sleeps :happydance:

I've just put it on Fbook, but chris and I are running the Great North Run this year. We're running it for Bliss, the charity that helps babies born too soon, too sick or too small to survive on their own. We would be running in memory of Gemma Louise Holmes and Donna Adele Holmes, my older twin sisters who died after being born too early. My mum was seriously ill after a complication with her pregnancy that had only ever been known of once before. My dad was given the choice whether to save his wife, or his unborn babies. After the babies were born, their lungs were not mature enough to keep them alive, and the hospital did not have enough equipment to help them survive. My mum was unconscious for 6 weeks following this, was given a very small chance of survival and thought she was still pregnant when she woke up. She never got to see her babies, and no pictures etc were taken. We want to raise money to help others in this situation, and make a difference in memory of two babies who never were given the chance to live.

Chris works in PR, and will contact the media to help raise money (through promoting a just-giving page or similar). My mum is helping us to raise awareness through her story, and we feel this will generate media interest and public support. I plan to approach local schools that I work at (I am a supply teacher) to discuss non-uniform days, help pack bags at local supermarkets and put our story in notice-boards around our community. We aim to get donations from friends and family, as well as local businesses and sports teams etc.

I know that you, and all the baby and bump team will support us the best you can, and you'll all hear LOADS about it when we get into the swing of things - probably after the wedding. But, if you have any ideas about fundraising techniques that'd be great. Just thought i'd let you know about it early - we've only signed up today so you'll be sick of hearing about it come sept!!!

Best get a wriggle on, not done much today apart from get all excited about our run!

Louise, I hate she tries using the children for getting her way, It is one thing that really annoys me, whatever the failings of the parents it is nothing to do with the children. :hugs:

I have a headache and I am tired today, I think it is :witch: time but because of the coil I don't know, I just seem to get a bit low, ache, and headache, although my dh doesn't help, he got really stroppy with my ds earlier and i got rather annoyed, I said he wouldn't treat his own like that so not to start on mine, we have come back from his physio I took them all to MacD's and I think he is either in bed or on the xbox in our room, I am not his friend atm! (just hearing xbox go on!)

Also the blackbirds nested in the garden again but last 2 days have abandoned the nest, there are 5 eggs in the nest, does anyone know why they may just abandon it? The roof did blow off the wendy house where they nest but i put it back and they went back in after but a few days later stopped and I have not seen them. Its their second lot, the first 3 at least fledged.
It is sad because I don't like the thought I could hatch them and feed them up to fledge, a big bucket of live meal worms and keeping the nest warm, but i suppose its not that easy:nope:

Time to go, was just popping on!
Opti, just cross posted, Good luck with the fundraising, I am sure there are loads of ideas for fundraising, fundraising coffee mornings are the thing now!:thumbup::hugs:

Ladyk, sorry forgot about the car thing, depends on the size of the car seat tbh, we fit 2 boosters with a teen in the middle, but it is not a long drive thing! Also width if car the zafira I think is fairly narrow, something like a fiat

This has a 3 seat front 3 seat back, full seats and would suit really well I think, I wouldn't mind one of these, i had a Dublo and it was great! :thumbup::hugs:xxx

Ps I am not cosmetically bothered with cars, dh is a right fuss about it, he used to call my dublo the disabled car....cheeky sod!
Louise - that woman seriously needs to sort her life out, I just feel sorry for the boys

Fishy congrats on the job sounds ideal

Opti - it's looks great what your planning. Car washing is always a great fundraiser in the summer months!

Btp - I also have a headache today and waiting for the witch cd69 grrr however I think my headache is due to the stormy rather we have down here today

Had another wet night last night and with huggies, going to try Asda next if they don't work go up a size and use resuasable inserts. Poor JJ woke at 11 soaked nappy only lasted 4 hours.
Fishy - it was Tobe who pooped in the bath, not Simon. Simon and I stopped the BFing at 7 months due to a disagreement over using my nipple as a teething toy. :growlmad:

Opti - great project! Wishing you the best of luck with it!

btp - let nature take its course. The blackbirds have already had one batch and they may have sensed that the eggs were not fertile or that other pressures are taking priority. That would be my professional nature nerd advice! :flower:
Just a quickie jelly I use asda action fit nappies I really like them!
Just a quick warning for anyone who has the same bath seat as me(Claire has Sam in it in profile pic), it's utter rubbish, lilia leaned forward in it tonight trying to get the plug and the whole thing fell forward onto it's front side putting her face down in the water, obviously I grabbed her straight out but we both had a shock, not good! Goingbto ring the company tomorrow!
Just a quick warning for anyone who has the same bath seat as me(Claire has Sam in it in profile pic), it's utter rubbish, lilia leaned forward in it tonight trying to get the plug and the whole thing fell forward onto it's front side putting her face down in the water, obviously I grabbed her straight out but we both had a shock, not good! Goingbto ring the company tomorrow!

Oh scary, hope you are both calming down. It is horrible when anything like that happens, I change all nappies on the floor as that is my biggest scare, and we don't use a bath seat, just me, but usually she prefers the kitchen sink because its small.
Good luck with the company, let us know what they say.:hugs::kiss:

Was going to say to anyone who has a baby bath keep it a while longer, they are great paddling pools for the summer, Sophie gets in Rosie's and I remember washing my dolly clothes in mine when i was a tot!
Also those flexi tubs are great for tots, they are £3 for small £4 for big in asda and again in the garden to sit in a tub of water they are great, of course Mummy present at all times! xx
Louise, give them hell, thats awful. That bloody woman, I could slap her!

We can't use the bath seat we bought as its too wide for our old bath, the suction thingys don't stick, so looking into a flexible seat thingy, its a nightmare, atm we are having to support Hope in case she slips, she is very strurdy but the fear of her getting over excited and slipping is too much. I thought about an aquapod but I think they are rigid underneath!!

Hope is so funny, she is following me round the house, she gets a right spurt on, had to put the stair gates at the top and bottom of the stairs!!

Sorry I have beem AWOL, busy sorting the christening and Hope has a right cold which has resulted in her coming in with us the last 2 nights!!
Hey girls

I've got a headache so can't do a proper catch up I'm afraid. Must be a storm brewing, I always get a headache before a storm. I saw on this page though about bath seats- Louise that's terrible, defo complain! Becs we don't use a seat either and we were finding Holly was kicking her legs and slipping backwards, so we bought one of those non slip bath mat things for £1.49 from Sainsbury's and that means she can sit up and play and not slip.

I'm shattered tonight but feeling loads better. Still a bit sore but not half as bad as it was, so it must be healing nicely! Even got to pick up Holly today, I've missed that! Sort of ended up going 0-60 though and doing everything a bit too quick I think, as I'm feeling quite sore and pully down there tonight. Will have to take it a bit easier I think.

I had a call from HMRC today, they just wanted me to fax something over to them and they said it's going to be another 3-4 weeks before they can confirm anything with me, as they are only just sorting out the CRB now!! Grrr! I think I'm going to have to keep looking in the mean time as I don't even know for sure if I have it, but I really want this one!! So annoying.

Anyway going to go for now and try and get rid of this headache, have a good night girls xx
what do babies need for swimming ???
do i just need one of those disposable swimming nappies or those reusable ones? I have a swimming costume but didnt think much after that, there must be rules on what babies wear in public pools.

optical- good luck with the fundraising plans, hat is off to you x

BTP- i have to admit i used to call them disabled cars !! but i heard they won loads of rewards, i may have to look into them but not sure if i can shake off the look of a disabled

Louise- i think i have the same seat, it was that or the aqua pods i didnt know which one to go for. I will be ultra careful now, hope she is ok, this its more scary for us, but thanks for the heads up x

Jelly- did you see my reply to your post on FB ? i have just brought some huggies and they leak very easily, i only brought them because of the offer they worked out cheaper than asda and tesco own brand.... i will need to take them back and stick to the asda brand, im really not happy !!!! x
Emzy- i get headaches before a storm....... we had one today but was asleep for it, get well soon honey xx
Evening girlies!

Emzy, so glad to hear you're feeling better. Not good to have a horrid warning headache though. xx It's hard to slow down hey when you're so used to running around all the time. Argh about your CRB check. I work for the NHS and we obviously have them, and they take a good 6 weeks at least to sort for new starters.

Louise, ARGH!!!! on both counts!!! Bloody woman, she's a crazy. At least you know that when you do go for the boys, they'll be happy with you, and Daddy will be back too!! Yay!! I've also had that issue with the bathseat too once with Sam and once when Jack was a baby. This is my second of the same seat, the first one I used for Archie and Jack, and then bought a new one this time round. I always take it a bit for granted that as soon as I put seat in bath, the suckers will work, but have come a cropper by not checking. I always check all four are down now so it can't tip. Scary though. I would put Sam in the bath on his own in just a tiny bit of water, but he loves being in there with the big boys, so needs a seat of some sort. xx

Optical, go you and your bro with the run. That's a very sad story about your mum and your twin sisters. I bet you and your bro are really excited and proud of yourselves. x

Well, I'm busy thinking about all the stuff to be done tomorrow in prep for hols on Sat!! Got MIL coming round after school run to sit with Jack and Sam so I can get the dogs walked. Got a ton of washing to do too, as well as all the packing. Also got to get the dogs packed off to their respective minders for the week!! And I may try and get a swim in too.... we'll see....!! Had a lovely email from the lady we're hiring our caravan off, basically we can get there as early as we want Saturday morning, so we're planning to leave between 5 and 6am! Gonna let Sam come in with us and feed as early as he wants to, then get going. Hopefully then he'll sleep for a couple of hours and the kids can doze/watch a DVD. Then stop for some brekky and then head onto the camp. About a 5 hour drive, but should be fine. Can't bloody wait!!! Eeeeeeek I think I may well be more excited than the sprogs!! x
PS Yep Kara, a disposable swim nappy's fine! And that and a cossy and towel is all you need for the swim! x

And I use either Asda comfort or action fit too, and really love them. After a big bedtime drink, Sam's is full in the morning, but they appear to be comfy and absorbent. x
Kara, Hope has a costume with a built in nappy, I wanted her covered as you never know what weirdos are in the pool.
Becs - the aquapod is a rigid seat too but manages to fit in our narrow bath.

Lady k - got your fb posts was interesting that you had to put Jake in vests

GG/Asher - definatly going to try the Asda nappies now - I should set up a bootsale for the number if packs of nappys half used :blush: going to take ages using them all up for the daytimes.

Emzy - hope you manage to have an easier day tomorrow. I've also had a headache today then as soon as the thunderstorm arrived it stopped. Can't believe they haven't started your checks yet, hope you hear back soon.

I want to take JJ swimming but can't figure out the logistics of getting him changed and me changed. I wouldn't be happy putting him on the floor as it's always disgusting. Need to rope in a friend to come with me for my first visit

Forgot to say ................ JJs rash has finally disappeared after 4 months if different creams and antibiotics !! Hoping that's it now :)
Optical that's such a sad story. Please do keep us updated on your fundraising.

Blimen hec Louise. I would definitely give them what for!

Ouch Sarah!! How did he take going cold turkey?

LadyK, that would be great! x
Jelly, re swimming, we go as a family most weeks on a Friday. Although Sam's super heavy, we take him in in the car seat. So, he's left in the seat until last, when he's changed and put back into the car seat and carried out to the pool side. Then at the other end, we take his outfit and nappy off in the water, then wrap him in a couple of towels and put him back into the car seat with a couple of toys until I'm done in the shower, then he gets ready. It works well for us, but is tricky!! x
Louise :wohoo: so so close... But omg what a bitch :nope:

Aww btp my mum used to get so pissed off at her husband for treating us differently. He was so so so much harder on my sisters and when his came over he changed and let them off with anything :nope:

I used a bath seat until she could sit up but now there is just no way I could put her in a seat :haha: both her and tabs jump in the water screaming away and throwing water out etc... Mental mental children!!

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