September Stars

:rofl: kara I would be doing that if I could!! I'm so bad at things matching!!
Kara - I'm in temporary accomadation at the moment, so we haven't been allowed to start decorating and the like, but when we get our new place soon then we will start sorting out colours and such stuff but right now, nothing matches and my house looks like a bombs hit it!

Sarah - I wish I could go on holiday but my OH wont let me so he said why dont I count maidstone as a holiday?!?!

Well, weaning is not going well....i'm doing everything you suggested...even ignoring her completely when she has got food...and she is still screaming... I cannot take anymore... I know weaning is hard work but this feels like a battleground!!!
YM. persist but gently, it will all work out, when she is 1 and stuffing in chocolate muffins and chunks of banana you will laugh it off! Plus they are all different so pip will prob be weaned by 6 months! :hugs:

Ahhhh, holidays! When I met dh he has his son and I had 3 so we all ready had the children to consider and we never planned any more than weekends away.
Even our honeymoon was a weekend, and Sophie came with us! :haha:
We go every year to cornwall, stay in a caravan, there is a beach there, a pool and plenty of local things to do! There is something for everyone. Ladyk, Ben would rather be in an arcade too so last year the boys started playing poker in the caravan with tiny bits of money, Ben see's his money goes much further and he doesn't vanish for hours on end where i cant watch him!
I think we make a big effort for everyone to enjoy themselves, but all in all they are pretty good and we all have fun, I would say it is a bit of a bus mans holiday for me being self catering, 8 of us eat out is not cheap but this year we have saved more in an effort that i will not need to cook so much.
Then we go away just us and our 2 every few months for a weekend, just to enjoy each others company, i use either tesco vouchers or we book the premier cheap rooms, our next is Oct in a travelodge £19 a night room, for 2 nights!:happydance:

I think the kids prevent too much fussiness, but i am, particular about stupid things!! I dont stack certain coloured plates, bowls or cups together!:wacko: I do like minimal and co ordinates as my new lounge will reflect, but not sure how long for with the children! I will do the lounge and one child will bring home a multi coloured pot they painted and expect it in pride of place in the lounge!:haha:

Blondie, sounds good, Let us know if it is any good long term, useful if you have 'that dress' to wear! :hugs:

Emzy, Glad Take that were all that:thumbup: xx

Well don't want to talk too soon, but :sex: AGAIN!!:shock: Again I left him little choice in the matter but it's a start!!:thumbup:

Right off on my usual facebook, cityville rounds! Rain prevents :laundry: today which is good!!:haha:

Morning all, sorry for being crap and not really posting since coming back. I feel like the referee in this house!! Archie and Jack either love or hate each other at the moment, and it's hell!! At the mo, Jack is throwing a huge fit in the lounge because he wants Archie to play with him with his toys, and Archie just wants to draw. Argh, give me strength!!

BTP, woo hoo for the rumpy pumpy!!!!

Will try and be better later on with a catch up! Had to go to the docs yesterday. Just before we went away, I got a nasty coldsore, then whilst we were away I got the worst case of acne going, lovely on the pics eh? It's no coincidence that after the best part of 8 months on the mini-pill, I have now also had 3 really big bleeds in the last 3 weeks. So I took myself off to the docs and she's given me a course of super strong antibiotics to clear it. She agrees it's hormonal, and has advised some time off the pill to see if things improve, which I know they will. Been here before!! It seems that anything with a progesterone only base, like the mini pill, depo injection, mirena coil, are all fine with me for about 6 months, then I gradually get more and more sensitive to them. I have to either be hormone free and rely on condoms, or go back on the combination pill, which I can't do whilst breastfeeding. So condoms it is. I had a "discussion" with my mum yesterday who is so judgemental it's untrue. What if I should get pregnant and it's not planned? How will she explain that one away to her sister? Who bloody cares!!!!? Not me. So we had a few words. Then DH and I had a good chat last night about vasectomies. He's more than willing to do it, but agrees that we haven't decided yet whether our family is finished or not. It's too much of a final thing, so we're leaving it for the time being. Phew, why is life so complicated?!!

Sorry for the selfish post, feel better for getting it off my chest. Am now having a horrid time with this current set of bleeding. It's heavy and I am just so uncomfortable, back ache and tummy ache. Let's hope Take That tomorrow takes my mind off it!! Glad you had a fab time Emzy and Firstbean!! xx
Lady k I love matching I try to co ordinate everything! The first bouncer I got was beige :) then we got pink ones given so I had to do colour! I can't beat the lounge too cluttered a little with two of everything but I keep on top of the toys they have two wicker baskets sector boxes and I swap toys round each week that easy they don't get bored and I dont have to look at them all the time !

Btp great idea with the travelodge rooms we will be doing that sort of thing , we not having another holiday this year I'm going on a hen night overnight and and we going to a wedding and staying over . A breaks a break isn't it

Emzy is take that better than last time? I was t sure if anything would top the circus tour?

The girls had cherios for breakfast I've discovered I like them too and am now picking at them whilst the firms crawl around in their pyjamas still lazy mummy :)
Asher sorry your feeling rough silly question but will you get time later for a nice bath or something? X
Hi girls, sorry to be selfish but it's going to be quick from me, I have read through everything, but no time for personals. It's so good having Wayne home, but it feels weird having someone else feed lilia, or bath her, or just generally keep her occupied! It doesn't yet feel real andbim almost waiting for him to go back! I love it though, we're a family again and I had forgotten what that felt like. Plus he's tanned and so fit after his tour and the 'jiggy jiggy' is better than I remembered!!!

Btp.. We're off to minehead tomorrow night, are you up to much Thursday or Friday???

Love to all! Waynes in work at the moment but shouldn't be long, he's getting his report, it says he needs to be promoted at the earliest opportunity off the back of his tour so that's good! He was doing a WO2 job while out there and by all accounts by insisting to officers and the likes that they redo some searches they found more bombs which had been laid overnight and he saved countless injuries and lives just upon his instinct and knowledge of his job... So proud!
Thanks Genies, I hope so. I've just been out with the dogs, dropped the boys off with mother. Taking them all to Costco shortly, but at least the dogs chore is done. It would be lovely to get a bath. x

I wondered too about whether TT could top the Circus tour, it had everything. But I have watched a few youtube clips of this tour, and it looks amazing. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Louise, you sound so proud of Wayne, and rightly so. I hope he gets the promotion he deserves. And yay for the jiggy jiggy!!!! x
Louise bet its lovely having Wayne back.
GG I think the circus tour was great but I think the only reason this one is better is cos Robbie is back if he wasnt there I dont think it would of topped the circus tour.
Yay Louise, so nice for you to have hubby back and everything as it should be! Jiggy jiggy lol :hugs:
As for Thurs or Fri, i will run it past dh, i think Minehead is about an hour away so possible on a school day, Thursday is Mil day and don't really want her tagging along but it's a possibility to take her for the day out, and Friday is usually playgroup day but will see if we can change it and let you know on either! :thumbup:

Asher, have you thought about just a normal copper coil? you still get periods every month, and it can make them heavier but not always the case, no hormones involved, no messy condoms, no thinking about it! Then if you want more children just get it out, not as final as the snip, which btw I don't ever want dh to have done, much to his relief, I don't agree with it:nope:
Drink bio yog also, I know i go on about it but it really is fab, I had constant thrush and cold sores and the doctor said i was fine, even though i was on medication to try and prevent all this it stopped working, so i said how about a vitamin and he said 'you look fine to me' :dohh: so i took it upon myself to sort and i started well woman vitamins and a bio culture in a capsule from the heal food shop, I never looked back, never had another cold sore or yeast infection, now i just keep topped up by pro biotic drinky yogs. I read up on the whole thing, it helps headaches, lethargy all sorts, much underestimated! (i also took more (2 mini bottles a day) when i was on antibiotics for my tooth and for the first time ever the antibiotics didn't give me thrush, the brand that i knew would if i took it!)

Genies, I look where the deals are then just go there! We are going to Devon I think, i forget!!
We have been to Devon, Derby, and Bournmouth we have done quite a few times now, always plenty to do! xx

Got to go, looking at a pre school today for dd, she has a year before she starts school so we really need to look at her starting somewhere just half a day to start in Sept then gradually increasing, its us that cant bear to be away from her not the other way round lol:hugs:
Hi girls!

GG I LOVED the Circus tour but agree with FB. I loved it about the same but that's only because of Robbie being there and that. I won't say too much as I don't want to spoil it for Asher and anyone else going!! Are you going? It was amazing, loved it!!

Asher I have terrible trouble with hormonal contraception as well. The combined pill I get migraines and terrible mood swings, the depo injection turned me into a hairy psycho and the mini pill made me really angry and aggressive!! The only thing I settled on for a short while before I had Holly was a combined pill called Yasmin. I did a lot of research and really had to argue with the doctors to get them to prescribe it to me. Apparently they are extremely reluctant to prescribe it as it's so expensive, it costs the NHS something like £15.00 for a 3 month supply whereas something like microgynon is £2.50 for a 3 month supply. It was very good but I am the same as you, ok for around 6 months but then things start going mad again. I felt great on it for a while but just before I came off it when we started ttc Holly, I started getting really bad PMT, which baffled the doctors as you're not meant to get pmt on the pill lol! Sooo I've not gone back on anything. I was thinking about the copper coil but what with my prolapse and stuff I don't know if that would be a problem? Oh I dunno. There's not been much dtd going on before my operation and I have a few more weeks til we can, so I haven't really been thinking about it!

Today Holly got me up at 6.15am and has been really grumpy again. At lunchtime I gave her some nurofen and said to Matt that will tell us if it's teeth or just general grumpiness. Within half an hour she was back to her usual smiley self so I think that's answered my question. Her cheeks have flared up again too, so think it's those damn teeth. I don't want to keep dosing her up though! How long is it taking for this 3rd tooth!?

Good morning ladies! :flower:
Planning an epic house clean and laundry day, followed by Playgroup Registration Night. I am the Registrar, so I will be madly processing 50-odd families through our little system this evening.
Goodness, I am getting very ready to get Tobe into his own bed. The last few nights, he has fallen asleep around 7 pm, like a nice, sensible baby, then popped awake at around 8 pm, all refreshed and ready for play! He is so squirmy and funny and wriggly. :) But I'm also so tired, and it takes him a good two hours to settle down and sleep again! :dohh:
Troublesome child.

Oh, and he is teething like crazy right now and is well into experimental biting. The worst is when he bites while nursing. :( But he also comes at people with his mouth wide open. It's hilarious - like a determined little cannibal. Simon is very stern with him and tells him "No biting!". :cloud9:
Emzy yep in going to Wembley in a couple of weeks time ! :)

What was the best concert or band you ever saw ? Anyone?
Um, I have to admit that I have no idea who "Take That" is... :blush:
I am notoriously un-hip and never listen to Top 40 radio or watch music channels. For instance, I know who Lady Gaga is, but I couldn't name a song by her to save my life. :)

As for best concert I've ever been to..... hmmm.
For classical music, anytime I've seen Yo-Yo Ma play, I've been blown away.
Yes, I am a nerd. :haha:
Hi again!

Yes btp let me know, it would be great to meet but Wayne will be tagging along!

Talking of teething, lilias top centre 4 are all breaking through at once! The two outside ones have already cut through but thR centre two not quite but any day, but she's happy as ever... At the moment!!

Got to go been beckoned!
Louise all Ollie top centre 4 are breaking through at once and he has had no bother with them the left 2 are through and the right 2 are nearly through and he has been fine. He had no bother with the bottom centre 2 either so fingers crossed our 2 are fine with the teething.
Tylers top 4 came through altogether too with not much bother. He had a few bad days but nothing major. Hes suffering more now with some others coming through but i cant see which ones he wont let me look lol!!
Evening ladies!!

BTP, thanks, I had been considering the copper coil but just not sure about it. I think I may just go for that as it would be minus any synthetic hormones. Anything's worth a try!! And there is no way we can go down the snip route, it's way too final.

Emzy, you sound a bit like me with the contraception issue!!! I just don't get on with much at all. I am a much happier person when I am without hormones! All day today and this evening, I am still bleeding really heavily and I feel awful. Tummy ache, back ache..... bloomin rotten.

Well, I didn't get my bath after all. BUT..... Archie came with me to Sainsbury's this evening, and he was going on at me about not being able to come to see Take That tomorrow, so we decided to take a 20 minute detour and go past the City of Manchester stadium!! It was just after 7.30, and we slowed right down and luckily sat at a red traffic light for a few minutes, so we heard the Pet Shop Boys!! I was getting all excited!! All ready for tomorrow, far better than the bath I was fancying!!!

All these poor babies and their teeth! Sam's got his bottom two, that's all he's had for almost 3 months!! His top centre two are very close, and the ones either side of that are just behind those. He's not too bad with his teeth, until they're super close, when he's terrible! Hope all the little ones are better tomorrow.

Genies, best concert? Hmmmm. My teeny bop side would say Take That. BUT we've seen the Foo Fighters a few times, and they are absolutely fab live. Aha were surprisingly good, and Duran Duran were too!!!
Will Young live was fab !! He is so funny and really interacts with his audience, I do like him ALOT !!

Sarahkka - Nerd or not, I cant believe you havent heard of Take That !!! xx
John lewis said the car seat will fit in my car, The first lady was not 100% but showed it to two other people and phoned maxi cosi and they said it will be fine. yay ! i now also have a high chair, double yay !. Paige now weighs 17.6lbs. The first night with the black out blind and it worked.. she didnt even wake up at 11/middnight nor did she wake up at 5am or even 7am.. my alarm went off at 9am and there she was talking to her toys... !! I had to check she was breathing twice.. i dont expect tonight to be as good..

Realised i need a stroller for when we go on holiday as we wouldnt be able to fit the pram as well as golf clubs and luggage. I got all excited with the chance to buy a new buggy, spent 4 hours searching the internet and getting matching bags and footmuffs (as your do)... then grant said "we have that roof rack for the car we only used once" FFS !!!! so no new buggy for me : ( My husband never thinks, he is never right but why does he have to start using his brain now !!! I hate him !

I dont live far from wembley.. i used to do security there before the new one was built.

Usher- I am on the mini pill but started getting bad acne, i was given medication (antibiotic type but very strong) and i started getting joint ache, took me weeks to work out it may be due to the medication.. i have just started taking the pill and stopped taking the mini pill in hopes it will help with my skin... but the pill makes me moody and sick in the mornings, cant find anything which works without side effects.. i say they should take the male pill !! x

GG- I have a brown wooden basket with Piages toys in... once she is in bed it all gets put in there and hidden so it doesnt drive me insane !!! x

Louise- They always talk about the men getting used to being home, which is understandable but they never say anything about their wifes getting used to them being home, it must be strange with having the routine changed or even having the help... but glad your enjoying being a family again, i loved the photos x

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