September Stars

Hello Everyone :flower:
I've not managed to get on here for quite a while and it has just taken me a looong time to catch up!! Glad everyone seems to be generally well :)
I've had a bit of a nightmare week really Charlie-Jack was in hospital from Sunday Morning to yesterday :cry:
He had an extremely high temperature over saturday night and literally did not stop screaming ALL night. We took him to the out of hours doctors on sunday morning, the doctor was so so rude! He kept on and on about how this was our first child and i'm sure he wasnt even going to take him out of his car-seat to examine him! He seemed to automatically think that because it is our first child that we were over anxious parents but we knew something was wrong! As soon as the doctor took his temp he changed completely as Charlie-Jack's was 39 which is very high especially for such a young baby, and he told us o go straight to hospital. :(
My poor baby had tp have a canula fitted, a lumbar puncture an x-ray and then IV antibiotics every 6 hours into his hand. It was just absolutley horrible :cry: It turned out to be a viral infection but thy had to keep us in until they got the results back from his brain fluid to make sure it wasnt a brain infection. Well by day 2 charlie was back to his usual self and was constantly chewing at his canula and had to have it re-put in a few times! Well at least he is home now with his greediness and exploding nappies!! :)
I seem to have tempted fate by mentioning exploding nappies to got to go! Sorry for lack of personals will catch up once i've sorted my poo monster!! x xx
Lilia, you must have been so scared. Glad that Charlie-Jack is feeling better now. x
Lilia :shock: that must have been awful hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: so glad he's ok!!!

Not been on here in ages REALLY need to keep up but i seem to be so busy :dohh: Tabs does far too many activities :haha:
Cannot believe how old our babies are getting :cry: :cry:
i know 3 weeks tomorrow for my lil boy....seems like yesterday
hi Ladies ive missed a couple of days sorry.

Becs- we have a bedtime routine, they are bathed at 8 and then put into sleeping bags and moses baskets, if they dont settle i offer there dummys, Amelia doesnt like her moses basket and screams and i am up and down the stairs replacing the dummy and eventually she goes off , she seems to hate laying on her back but loves her front, but i obviously dont let her sleep like that at night.

i had the 6 week check layla is now 8lb 8 and amelia is 10lb 14 they doing well , the dr wants me to go for physio because of my stomach muscles being split.
Lilia, that sounds scary, it's horrid being in hospital with lo's but that young is just really scary.
I remember a doctor being the same when i had my first, on the one hand they are saying, 'if you are worried about anything at all just come in' then this doctor said to me 'this is your first baby isn't it' as if to say i was worrying about nothing and making a fuss, I was so cross and still remember it 16 years later!
Anyway sounds like everything is good now, that must have been one huge relief for you:hugs:

As for sleeping, it is a tough one because you don't want to create bad habits but on the other hand it just seems too early to start laying down the law!
I would say try swaddling if it is arms hitting the basket that are the reason baby is not happy.
I am sleeping with Rosie if she wants, cuddling her as much as possible and just being lead by her, she is fine in the basket, but i do swaddle her, with the bag i just wrap her arms round so its not to hot but her arms are still in, and she likes lying on a fleece type blanket just little things that i notice she settles better to.
My other dd who was the hardest to settle, we got a winnie the pooh music thingy with lights above the basket, it helped giving her music and lights, but they are all different, she had a dummy, in fact she had anything imaginable to settle a baby and still didn't really sleep that well in anything, until a bed at 15 months old!

Got to go, things to do and children to get to bed!!

Back tomorrow xx:hugs:
Lilia, scary stuff xxx

Genies, thats fab about the girlies xx

Blob, good to see you!!!!

Well we are all packed and ready for the removals at 7.30!! Its going to be manic here in the morning! We are getting up at 5.30!! The house is a mess and I will be so glad to get unpacked tomorrow.
Hope likes laying on her fleece blanket too, we put it in her carrycot for her to lay on and she snuggles right into it!!
BTP - JJ had his hearing test at the hospital

Lilia - :hugs: you must of been so worried, glad he's feeling better xx

Genies - Is it painful with your split muscles, hope the physio sorts it out soon xx

Becs - I'm planning on having a routine at night by around 6 - 8 weeks encompassing his bath. At the moment each time we place JJ in his cot I play a little musical 1 minute chime toy so he can associate sleep with the chime sounds.
Good luck for your move tomorrow hope it all runs smoothly xxx

Had a really good day today DH let me stay in bed today as he knew I was exhausted and needed to catch up on sleep. In Laws came over and JJ was well behaved and I have managed to BF every feed today using nipple shields (we are still topping with formula and pumping). I really think it won't be long maybe week and a half before we can completly exclude the formula. Aiming to go for our first walk tomorrow with JJ I'm really excited :) Hope everyones had a good day xxx
Oh gosh I haven't been able to catch up with this thread! Time seems to disappear when LO arrives. Well here is my princess Ava at 6 days old (although she's a bit of an imposter because she missed out on having a september birthday by two minutes!!! she was born on 01/10/10 at 00:01am lol) xx


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Evening lovely ladies!

Lilia, good to see you back! It must have been horrible being in hospital with little Charlie-Jack -thank goodness it was nothing too serious, am glad you are back home again.

Becs, good luck with the move tomorrow!

Re the sleeping thing, I think Sam would share with us all night every night if he could! Jack certainly did, it was the only way I could get any sleep!!

Sam had a fab night last night, so I actually got 4 hours sleep in a row! He slept in his sleeping bag now it's a bit cooler, and seemed nice and comfy in it. I didn't change his nappy all night as he didn't poo, so I literally fed him, winded him and put him down. It worked well, but I'm not building myself up for a repeat performance, he's too little!

I took Sam to be weighed today- 13lbs 3 oz at 7 weeks! He's a bruiser! But he's so long, not fat really, and I'm so proud it's all mummy milk magic!!

Am off to have some supper and get off to bed. xxx
I just don't want to leave it too late to start a routine, I figured it would be alot easier while she is still small! I know she will probably cry at first but we will get there in the end!! I am just looking forward to having a bit of us time back or being able to make a bit more noise downstairs without waking her up lol!! Probably sounds a bit selfish!!

Hubby is reading the baby whisperer, he is going to a few things they mentioned about a routines..

Hello Everyone :flower:
I've not managed to get on here for quite a while and it has just taken me a looong time to catch up!! Glad everyone seems to be generally well :)
I've had a bit of a nightmare week really Charlie-Jack was in hospital from Sunday Morning to yesterday :cry:
He had an extremely high temperature over saturday night and literally did not stop screaming ALL night. We took him to the out of hours doctors on sunday morning, the doctor was so so rude! He kept on and on about how this was our first child and i'm sure he wasnt even going to take him out of his car-seat to examine him! He seemed to automatically think that because it is o
I seem to have tempted fate by mentioning exploding nappies to got to go! Sorry for lack of personals will catch up once i've sorted my poo monster!! x xx

Honey im so so sorry to hear what you went through:hugs:, so pleased he is ok, it must have been scary but dont think much of your doctor...

Oh gosh I haven't been able to catch up with this thread! Time seems to disappear when LO arrives. Well here is my princess Ava at 6 days old (although she's a bit of an imposter because she missed out on having a september birthday by two minutes!!! she was born on 01/10/10 at 00:01am lol) xx

Hey you !!!! so pleased you posted a photo as she is adorable... cant believe the date and time she was born, you wont forget that in a hurry : )
Hi everyone!

Sounds like everyone is slowly getting their feet under them with all the wee stars?


F&C, I don't think you are going wrong anywhere on a bedtime routine. It's early days, yet! I am maybe quite a slapdash, seat-of-her-pants kind of mama, but I just do what works in the moment and will work on the routine thing when Tobe is a little older. We did that with Simon and really didn't have any problems. I'm hoping it works well for Tobe, too.
So far, he's slept well in both the cradle beside my bed and in the bed with me after feeding. We'll continue with whatever lets us both get the most sleep! :)

Jellycat - I am using the nipple shields on my right boob and they make a huge difference. I guess there is some concern about not emptying the breast or something with using them, but I say, whatever helps him feed well and me stay out of pain works for me! :thumbup: I have pretty much phased out the formula at this point and am just doing some extra pumping because it's nice to have on hand and I am still monitoring his weight gain. He's at 9 lbs 12, by the way! A full two lbs up from his lowest. I'm not quite producing jersey cream, but at least a nice, fatty homogenized? :)

Beautiful pics posted lately! Such lovely September babes.

Take care, everyone!
Jelly- nope my muscles dont hurt at all, i knew i was finding getting out of bed tricky and im certainly a very odd shape but i didnt know there was a problem, hope you enjoy your walk today!

Asher- well done , what a little star your man is !

I see that lots of our babies are having trouble settling in there moses baskets at night? anyone found the cure?
Amelia takes ages to settle she just seems to hate being on her back , ive turned her onto her stomach just now as im next to her and she has gone straight to sleep just wish she could do that at night on her back.
oh Lilia you poor thing that must have been an awful experience :hugs: x

Wow genies ur girls are doing great :flower:

Jellycat... YAY for the nipple shields & breast feeding!!! x

Good luck with the move becs x

In the early evening James feeds quite frequently and then naps, his feed we do between 10:30 pm - 11pm is never downstairs i always go to bed get my pj's on get in bed and feed him there, its quiet and soft light and i think he knows that its bedtime just from that as i feed him and he goes fast asleep and i transfer him into his moses basket! He usually wakes at 3 & 7 but think iv jinxed myself telling people because the past 2 nights he has woken every 2 hrs ... :wacko: <---so thats how i look at the moment :haha:

Mixedmama beautiful baby girl!! x

Evening lovely ladies!

Lilia, good to see you back! It must have been horrible being in hospital with little Charlie-Jack -thank goodness it was nothing too serious, am glad you are back home again.

Becs, good luck with the move tomorrow!

Re the sleeping thing, I think Sam would share with us all night every night if he could! Jack certainly did, it was the only way I could get any sleep!!

Sam had a fab night last night, so I actually got 4 hours sleep in a row! He slept in his sleeping bag now it's a bit cooler, and seemed nice and comfy in it. I didn't change his nappy all night as he didn't poo, so I literally fed him, winded him and put him down. It worked well, but I'm not building myself up for a repeat performance, he's too little!

I took Sam to be weighed today- 13lbs 3 oz at 7 weeks! He's a bruiser! But he's so long, not fat really, and I'm so proud it's all mummy milk magic!!

Am off to have some supper and get off to bed. xxx

I love that phrase & well done you!!!! lol x

James has come out in awful spots on his face im beside myself and feel i have to justify it when people look at him :cry: is Rosalie's skin now blob?? What did you use?? xx

...there was something its gone! lol
:wave: contrats again MrsN! great to see you!
:wave: Choc1985

Teeny i hope you had a fab birthday!!!! :flower: xxx

lilia :hugs: pleased charlie-jack is ok now, god you must of been scared.
annoys me when doc's judge you :growlmad: he's you baby even if he is your first you know when they are unwell.

mixedmama ava is beautiful! xxx

genies we put a folded blanket under his moses matteress to prop it up abit works a treat! before he just wouldnt settle xxx

Went to doc's about Ollies wind and belly button (which hasnt healed but is normal, we av to rub salt onit:wacko:) and ended up in hospital :shock:
doc rang for advice on what to prescribe for wind thats all & they said to go in so they could see him.
we were there from 11:30am untill 7pm :growlmad:
2 people saw him, did the normal checks (all where fine) & he was given some stuff for his wind & something for reflux n we were told we had to wait for the doc to see him.
5hrs! it took before the doc saw him!!
i was at home arranging some1 to look after DD when the doc saw ollie.
andrew said he spent 5mins looking at him & was really rude! said he wasnt going to prescribe anything and we could stay the night if we wanted so they could observe him but he was happy for him to go home (dunno how they were planning on doing that since it took him 5hrs to see ollie & when he cryed the dr said thats a normal cry, if he hung around more than 5mins he would of seen him pain cry which is due to his wind!!! soooo we decided to go home since we didnt even want to be there in the first place! & we are back at square one!

get this we were told if we wanted more help/advice we had to go back to see a GP!!!!

lilbumpblue Ollie has spots on his face and skin not loads all of which is normal we were told. we dont use anything special just non perfume stuff ect and in time they should clear up xxx
the doc may give you something if you took him to be seen xxx
Lilbumpblue holly had lots of spots. They were really red for a week or 2 then it went really dry and now its more or less gone. I just put oilatum on when it was dry.

To those with Moses basket problems, holly has always hated hers so I put the cot in my room next to my bed and now she almost always sleeps through from 12ish til 7or 8ish. Sometimes she still wakes for a feed in the night but more often than not she skips it now she's in the cot x
thank you ladies...they are like pimples but very red around them and are on his face ears neck and his scalp :( xx
Has anyone started having sex after an episiotomy? I'm just wondering how long you need to wait? I wasn't told and tried last night and as he started to put it in and it tore me a little (ouwch!) But 3 weeks may have been way too soon?
Has anyone started having sex after an episiotomy? I'm just wondering how long you need to wait? I wasn't told and tried last night and as he started to put it in and it tore me a little (ouwch!) But 3 weeks may have been way too soon?

i have tried :blush: ...wanted to for df but just felt ouchy and stopped, he hadnt pressured me into it or anything but i felt really bad for him and cried he was very sweet and held me and told me it was fine and not to cry and get upset! :cry::cry: becs was told 6 weeks and to use lots of lube! lol x

Im feeling funny going for a poo now, well the past few days...feels like im being scratched as (TMI) its coming out...anyone else?? x

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