September Stars

Lilbumpblue they got worse when she was hot or angry? But they just had to go on their own :nope: Only thing that helped was bathing her everynight and also making sure she had no milk on her face :)
thank you blob....funnily enough the hv has just turned up a week early lol...she said to use plain water and they are just milk spots!! :) x
Ouch Cafferine, sounds painful! No episiotomy for me, and we waited until about 3 weeks, and it was still uncomfortable. Don't think having to use condoms helped.

Lilbumpblue, my bottom's a bit sore too. I think I may have a pile! I had the same after Jack, and I think it was from the pushing. Also, I don't do myself any favours. If I feel I need to go to the loo but there are other things going on, which is pretty much all the time, I make myself wait! So when I finally do make the time to try and go, I am a bit constipated and struggle more. It's a vicious cycle!
Has anyone started having sex after an episiotomy? I'm just wondering how long you need to wait? I wasn't told and tried last night and as he started to put it in and it tore me a little (ouwch!) But 3 weeks may have been way too soon?

I was told to wait 6 weeks before DTD.

Daisybell hope you manage to get a solution soon :hugs:

Is it normal to BF for over an hour on one side? I still had milk coming through so didn't change JJ to the other side. I know BF occurs more often than FF but didnt realise the feed itself would take longer ?:shrug:
I think your milk will just keep coming...i swap after about 15 ins so i dont have wonky boobs!! haha xx
Has anyone started having sex after an episiotomy? I'm just wondering how long you need to wait? I wasn't told and tried last night and as he started to put it in and it tore me a little (ouwch!) But 3 weeks may have been way too soon?

I didn't have an episiotomy but I had a 2nd degree tear with stitches and I'm not gonna DTD til 6 weeks postpartum lol.. I'm too scared, I still feel sore down there x
Lilbumpblue - Ellie came out in spots too, they were really bad and covered her whole face, and even started popping up on her shoulders. Here's the link to the thread I started about it with pics of it. Really looked quite nasty! I was really upset about it too, but it can't be helped and it's cleared up now on its own. It took 3 weeks to clear and got gradually worse before it got better. Don't put any products on it because I was told it will irriate it even more and cause it to get even worse. I just bathed her face with cotton wool and warm water once a day :D

Then this is her two days ago, so you can see it's just really dry now and a bit flaky but the spots are all gone! :wohoo:
Asher we had a good night last night too! We also got a stretch of 4 hours!! Whoop whoop!

GG, we did a few things differently last night and not sure if it's a coincidence or not but he went down without hardly any issue. We raised the mattress as he has a cold but also rolled up a blanket and lined the edge of the moses basket with it so that he feels cuddled iykwim? It helped with the startling as his hands didn't hit the sides. We had to use the dummy after the 2nd feed but other than that he was a little star! A friend of ours had a baby that would only sleep on her tummy so they gave in in the end and let her. It was the only thing that worked.

Mixedm - the photo is adorable! What a pretty lady you have there.

Daisybell have you tried Colief? It's meant to work a treat for windy babies.

Lilbumpblue - Harry also had spots in those places, which got worse when he got hot or upset. My health visitor said it was normal and not to worry. They have now gone right down.

Emzy, I'm so jealous that Holly is sleeping through!

As for sex, I didn't have any work down there as had a C-Section but I'm still a little sore just from the failed vontouse. I've told my dh that I'm waiting until 6 weeks which is next week! Wish me luck!

Jellycat, apparently a good feed will mean the boob empties in approx 10 mins but everyone has different storage capacities so it could vary, plus it depends if they are drinking the whole time. Harry sometimes just suckles in between which makes the feed last longer. I usually squeeze my nipple when he falls off to see if there is any more milk (I read this somewhere). Also the breast feeding clinic told me that if I'm not sure, just put them on the other boob. x
lilbumpblue, sounds like piles, that can feel sharp when you poo, and can be bloomin agony, i found in the past i suffered in silence for ages, then used some cream which was magic stuff, bliss! I wouldn't suffer again, but i am too infrequent to know if i have any problems atm!

Cafferine, oh owchy, sounds sore, is said 6 weeks and esp after a cut which is supposed to heal slower than a tear, may have to find alternative bedroom antics for a while!:hugs:

Sorry, mind gone blank again!

Anyone else really hungry? I am exclusively bf, i am feeding a lot but just seem to be so hungry, i am drinking plenty, and was trying just to eat healthy, dh is on a diet and i am weighing his food and counting it in ww points so it is a good chance to do it with him, but not strict to allow for the feeding, but i am finding it impossible to just do 3 meals and not stuff my face in between!

Took dd to playgroup this morning, she loved it, i knew she would, she needs to play with children her age, dh came with us which was good as Rosie just wants me constantly, hates the pram or car seat and is limited in the rocker, its Mummy she wants! I tried her in the carrier yesterday as in a get on the scales and then hold her type weigh in she is heavy enough! She loved the carrier, fell asleep straight away and i had to keep checking her!

Sorry not caught up very well, currently got 2 girls on my lap and i am one finger typing!

Back soon, :hugs: xx :baby:tp xx
btp.... i am hungry but trying not to eat much at all as i was a real piggy when preggers so am trying to eat "normal" portions at the moment **I WILL LOSE WEIGHT** LOL
I heard that BF means you use up or need more calories than a body builder so I'm eating like a pig!! xx
BTP, I'm the opposite! I have to force myself to eat for LOs sake otherwise I could go the whole day without eating.
Hi Ladies

Lilia - I'm really sorry you had to go through that. Scarlett had blood taken on day 4 and they tried to put a canula in her hand. Listening to her cry was traumatic and I really feel for you as I know how dreadful I felt. I'm glad all is on the mend now :hug:

Mixed Mama - Ava is gorgeous

Lilbumpblue - Scarlett has had little white pimples too. To be honest I have just left them well alone, have only used water on her face and as Bekklez said they have just cleared up on their own. Today she has a little dry skin on her forehead but I know it will be gone tomorrow. The only think I've used on dry skin is Avent Magic Cream but that was on her feet not on her face

On the sex from - I didn't have an episiotomy but I had a C-Section. We dtd 10days after but after a while I found it too uncomfortable with my scar. I feel a lot better now so I may give it another go this weekend if the opportunity presents itself.

Jellycat - Scarlett will sometimes feed for an hour on one side, other times it's 15 minutes and sometimes she will do 20 minutes on each side. Sometimes she guzzles her milk and seems to drain my boob really quickly going through the full cycle of quick sucks, long deep ones and then fast sucks to finish. Other times she seems to graze for ages with lots of pauses. At Breastfeeding Support group I was told that this was all entirely normal. x

BTP - I am really hungry too, but at the same time don't really know what I fancy as nothing really appeals. I'm trying not to stuff myself with chocolate and having a piece of toast or a banana instead. I don't think I am eating or drinking enough to be honest.

Sorry if I have missed anyone xx

I'm still having problems with Scarlett sleeping at night or rather settling in her crib to sleep rather than on me where she will happily sleep for hours. I asked the counsellor for some advice at Breastfeeding group today and they recommended the following:-
- getting DH to put her down so she can't smell my milk
- using a hot water bottle - did that yesterday didn't help but will try again
- making sure she is well winded
- not changing her nappy during the night
- if she wakes smooth her head rather than picking her up
- if she starts crying, take her to another room for a feed rather than taking her into bed so I know whether she is genuinely hungry or if she just wants to be in bed with me. Then put her down in her cot not take her into bed.

I'm going to try all of the above but I know it will be hard not to take her into bed as I'm feeling so exhausted. In the end I think at least if she sleeps on me I get some sleep too. I know this is learnt behaviour though and I have to break it now or I will be making a rod for my own back. I don't blame her, she is bound to prefer to be cuddled in bed with me rather than in her crib but it's a habit that has to be broken or I'm never going to get a decent sleep.

Hope everyone is well

Could someone please tell me why I chose to live in Calgary?
It is SNOWING already!!!!!!
There go my plans for the day at the Zoo with Simon and Tobebe.
It is freezing out, with heaps of big wet flakes dumping down.

I love snow and normally I would be happy to just spend the day indoors, but Simon is already crawling the walls and keeps asking to go outside. And Tobe was up over and over again last night with an upset tummy. Lots of gas, runnier than normal poos, spitting up and general discomfort, poor babe.

I am one tired mama bear.

Hmmm. Maybe I should go buy Simon some skis and we'll replace our Zoo trip with some slalom? :)

F&C - can't remember if someone already suggested this, but if the startling is waking baby up, have you tried swaddling? I've had mixed success with it. Nether of my boys seem very happy with being too tightly wrapped, but other babies love it. Could be worth a try if you haven't already? :shrug:

As for weight loss, I have to say, the damage to my body seems much much worse this time around. Serious flab rolls and stretched out skin. I am starting the diet and exercise regime right after I get the okay at my 6-week post-partum.
And you need 500 extra calories a day for BF, according to what I've read, so snacking would be necessary if you aren't getting enough cals at meals.
Thank you for my birthday wishes. I had a lovely day. x :flower:
Here is a pic of me and Riley enjoying my birthday.....

ah Teeny you look fab!

both girls wanted cuddles all day and were awake all morning but are sleeping now, it will be bath time soon so hope they settle down again and im willing amelia to settle quickly, ive raised her mattress with a thick blanket as suggested i hope it works.
Thanks Sarah. We did try swaddling and at first it was great but now he really seems to fight it and it works him up in to a frenzy so we gave up. I'm tempted to give it another go though and maybe swaddle him when he's half asleep.

MrsJ, I've heard babies can't learn bad habits until they are approx 10 weeks old so I would just do what you need to do to get some sleep. :hugs:

Teeny, wow I can't believe how much older Riley looks already!

Good luck tonight GG! Hope the blanket trick works.

Harry has been super grisly tonight and all the normal tricks aren't working. Having said that he has finally just fallen asleep in his swinging chair. I think he's over tired so who knows I might get a good nights sleep after all this hard work!
Have you tried putting your LO on some clothes you've worn also?? I've had both of mine in the bed until they slept longer...Tabs moved into a cot fine :thumbup:

I seem to have nearly lost my weight but all i want to eat is museli and buscuits :dohh:

Still not DTD as having a baby in the bed and DH gets up at 5 everymorning he falls asleep watching tv :haha:
btp.... i am hungry but trying not to eat much at all as i was a real piggy when preggers so am trying to eat "normal" portions at the moment **I WILL LOSE WEIGHT** LOL
I will too, but i remember my first i carried the baby weight 10 months b4 i lost it, the others it came right off straight away without really trying, I just want to wake up tomorrow a size 8 again!!:haha:

I heard that BF means you use up or need more calories than a body builder so I'm eating like a pig!! xx
It is something like 200 calories a day, which is nothing when you eat like i am!!:haha:

BTP, I'm the opposite! I have to force myself to eat for LOs sake otherwise I could go the whole day without eating.
I was like that for a few days but all of a sudden hunger has kicked in!

My worst habit is picking at biscuits, cakes and any other nice treaty thing i can stuff down nice and quick then feel guilty after!!:dohh:
I have just had a cup of tea, a piece of bread and butter, a carrot cake slice, and then had to escape the kitchen b4 i started on the chocolate!!
I am 11stone 10lb and my usual weight is 8st 10lb tops, i am like stuck in a different body and i can't explain it, i know i gave birth less than 3 weeks ago but i loved my bump and now its gone all i can see is my jelly belly and my fat arse.
I tried some clothes on in New Look and could have cried, and i know its all self centered selfish stuff and i would not give back my beautiful baby if i was double my size but i can't help feel how i do!
Anyway end of my venting therapy session for today, thanks guys for being there even if you didnt read!:haha:

Back tomorrow hopefully feeling a bit better, must not weigh every day, especially with these boobs i have gained!!

Bye for now,


Oh and Teeny what a lovely picture, you look so happy, gorgeous, gorgeous xx
Have bought infacol today (we used it with DD) fx it helps & unlike the dentinox we can use it every feed! i even thought about changing his bottles but the one's we have help to reduce wind.
i'm going to see how we go with the infacol & if no joy we will be trying the colief stuff next.

ah Teeny you look fab!

both girls wanted cuddles all day and were awake all morning but are sleeping now, it will be bath time soon so hope they settle down again and im willing amelia to settle quickly, ive raised her mattress with a thick blanket as suggested i hope it works.

fx it works hun, also i bought a comforter (teddy bear hugging a soft blanket from mothercare) to put in his moses with him they told me to put it down my top for awhile so it smelt of me which i did, i think it helps him settle more so maybe worth a try too? xxx

no dtd going on here, i still feel sore :(

Teeny lovely pic of you both!!

babythinkpink i'm over 2stone bigger than before & it took me ages to lose the weight when i had DD & i didnt have a car then either so i'm not holding much hope of been back to my start weight anytime soon, i carnt even get into my maternity jeans :blush: my hips are huge!!!!!

Ollie has settled so going to atempt to go to bed but have the feeling that he will wake up soon as i move him :dohh: wish i had a sofa bed!!

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