Hi Ladies
Lilia - I'm really sorry you had to go through that. Scarlett had blood taken on day 4 and they tried to put a canula in her hand. Listening to her cry was traumatic and I really feel for you as I know how dreadful I felt. I'm glad all is on the mend now
Mixed Mama - Ava is gorgeous
Lilbumpblue - Scarlett has had little white pimples too. To be honest I have just left them well alone, have only used water on her face and as Bekklez said they have just cleared up on their own. Today she has a little dry skin on her forehead but I know it will be gone tomorrow. The only think I've used on dry skin is Avent Magic Cream but that was on her feet not on her face
On the sex from - I didn't have an episiotomy but I had a C-Section. We dtd 10days after but after a while I found it too uncomfortable with my scar. I feel a lot better now so I may give it another go this weekend if the opportunity presents itself.
Jellycat - Scarlett will sometimes feed for an hour on one side, other times it's 15 minutes and sometimes she will do 20 minutes on each side. Sometimes she guzzles her milk and seems to drain my boob really quickly going through the full cycle of quick sucks, long deep ones and then fast sucks to finish. Other times she seems to graze for ages with lots of pauses. At Breastfeeding Support group I was told that this was all entirely normal. x
BTP - I am really hungry too, but at the same time don't really know what I fancy as nothing really appeals. I'm trying not to stuff myself with chocolate and having a piece of toast or a banana instead. I don't think I am eating or drinking enough to be honest.
Sorry if I have missed anyone xx
I'm still having problems with Scarlett sleeping at night or rather settling in her crib to sleep rather than on me where she will happily sleep for hours. I asked the counsellor for some advice at Breastfeeding group today and they recommended the following:-
- getting DH to put her down so she can't smell my milk
- using a hot water bottle - did that yesterday didn't help but will try again
- making sure she is well winded
- not changing her nappy during the night
- if she wakes smooth her head rather than picking her up
- if she starts crying, take her to another room for a feed rather than taking her into bed so I know whether she is genuinely hungry or if she just wants to be in bed with me. Then put her down in her cot not take her into bed.
I'm going to try all of the above but I know it will be hard not to take her into bed as I'm feeling so exhausted. In the end I think at least if she sleeps on me I get some sleep too. I know this is learnt behaviour though and I have to break it now or I will be making a rod for my own back. I don't blame her, she is bound to prefer to be cuddled in bed with me rather than in her crib but it's a habit that has to be broken or I'm never going to get a decent sleep.
Hope everyone is well