September Stars

Thanks everyone for the reassurance over James' spots! xx

Im eating lots too especially crap n junk food but a healthy evening!

Well i have a dress fitting tomorrow for the bridesmaid dress that was purchased before i got pregnant and its a size in my 8's jeans now so hopefully it will fit...FX'd!!! x
Evening ladies!

Good to see all the faces back! all the ladies back together but with babies instead of bumps!

Sam has also been super spotty, but now he's just very dry on his face and his shoulders. I'm putting some Johnsons natural intensive moisturiser on. It does seem to be helping, although I know it will improve by itself!

MrsJ, I love the BFing tips. I find myself thinking about these things especially at night feeds! Anything to make the feeds easier in the middle of the night. The Baby Whisperer thing which I am sort of using as a framework suggests only using one breast per feed, but if Sam is fussing at the end of the feed or after it I offer the other one. And I do as Ann does, and I give the nipple a squeeze to check how fast the milk comes out and what sort of consistency it is. So if it's slow flowing and creamy, I know he's almost finished the goods anyway!

I'm not doing so bad at the moment with the weight loss. I'm at just over 11stone now. Pre preg I was just under 11 stone, but have swam throughout and since. I'm aiming at 2 good swims per week and dog walks most days, and that's helping, but I know the feeding is doing the majority of the work! I find it hard to find time for an appetite at the moment. I am bad at eating during the day, but DH makes sure I eat a healthy meal at night. If I don't eat well in the day, I feel sick around 5pm and need to eat something sugary. I am trying to learn my lesson but it's hard!

Sam's gone up to bed, and I am currently enjoying a small glass of red wine before bed. Soooo tired, but had a lovely long swim today and feel all nice and achy.
Lilbumpblue i had mine last time for about a year :wacko:
Blob, your new FB pics are gorgeous! Does your hubby know how perfect he makes those pics look with Rosalie in the carrier and Tabs on the pony? So lovely!!
I agree Asher there is defo something about a man with a baby lol x

& thanks...iv always been super skinny but super healthy, its what comes with looking after children on the go all day and mixing with all those germs n bugs! lol x
Babytp - I feel like I am trapped in an ill-fitting fat suit. The strange sagging rolls are so fascinatingly hideous - I don't quite register that I am looking at my own body. I am 34, so technically an older mum, and this is baby #2. It is very possible that I won't spring back, even with crazy hours at the gym and a strict diet. Terrifying thought. I don't mind stretch marks, at all. Sagging rolls of flab on the other hand.... :sick:

I meant to comment, as well - to whomever was worried about wonky boobs, I have them! My left produces anywhere from 2- 5 times what my right does!! And is bigger, as a result.

Good lord, reading that back, I sound like a BFing monster - all sagging flab and unbalanced boobage. Just in time for Hallowe'en! I know what I'm going as! :haha:
:rofl: Sarah 'BF monster' I feel like that leaking all the time I go through 3 breastpads in only a few hours :hissy: drives me mental. My 'let down' always hurts too :nope:

Teehee i like him carrying her also :haha: But i lost the other part of the carrier.

Well we're off down to visit another member of this sites puppies today for Tabs christmas :cloud9:
LOL @ Sarah!

I have to say I'm now not far off my pre-pregnancy weight but I'm still much much bigger with a roll of fat, bigger arse etc. Nice. Dh is treating me to some new clothes today, thankfully as I'm too small for pre-pregnancy clothes and too big for my maternity ones.

Harry only woke up for 2 feeds last night so I got 2 3 hour stretches of sleep! Happy days. x
Blob, my letdown is painful too. I have a very strong milk ejection reflex, which caused no end of problems for Jack, but Sam copes really well with it. If he's hungry he just gulps at it when it's firing into his mouth!

My body's not too bad at the moment, the feeding really seems to be helping me to spring back, the fat is going, but the skin is not. When I bend forward with bra and knickers on, I can see wrinkles! Argh not good! I am trying every firming cream known to man at the moment, and keeping the bio oil company in business!!

I've got a ring sling for Sam but haven't used it yet. I really need to give it a go but haven't had chance to practice with it. It seemed a great idea when I bought it.

Blob, what type of puppies are you off to see?
Yay Ann! Good on Harry!!

Some of my pre pregnancy jeans are now fitting okay, with a lovely muffin top! But my new uniform is leggings. Top wise, I am wearing a long top with either a long sleeved top under it, or a cardigan over the top. Problem is feeding when out and about, as you have to lift loads of material up to get to the boob!!
Yes I here that! It's a nightmare trying to find my boob under my various layers! If I didn't have to wear long tops to hide bits it would be so much easier!
Babytp - I feel like I am trapped in an ill-fitting fat suit. The strange sagging rolls are so fascinatingly hideous - I don't quite register that I am looking at my own body. I am 34, so technically an older mum, and this is baby #2. It is very possible that I won't spring back, even with crazy hours at the gym and a strict diet. Terrifying thought. I don't mind stretch marks, at all. Sagging rolls of flab on the other hand.... :sick:

I meant to comment, as well - to whomever was worried about wonky boobs, I have them! My left produces anywhere from 2- 5 times what my right does!! And is bigger, as a result.

Good lord, reading that back, I sound like a BFing monster - all sagging flab and unbalanced boobage. Just in time for Hallowe'en! I know what I'm going as! :haha:
I feel just the same, and at nearly 38 I am thinking i am less likely to get right back to what i was!
I have gone back into a shape, just not 'my' shape! I have a flat tummy and am just about avoiding the rolled flabby look, but only by standing up straight!
I am going to go and have a look in my pre pregnancy wardrobe and early pregnancy stuff see what fits!
I can only hope baggy jumpers will fit, i know i wouldn't get a leg in my jeans for a long time!

Asher, layers are good! I use my belly band which looks like a t shirt sticking out the bottom, and mat jeans and baggy tops, the belly band is fab because i can lift my top and not reveal my flab it saves my modesty! I bf just about anywhere, have done it twice now doing the Tesco shop!
Rosie just seems to hate being out, my others all loved being outside but perhaps it is the seasons cooling off that makes her not like it?

Rosie is loving her sleep bag, she had 6 and a half hours last night b4 she woke for her first feed then one boob later she was asleep again! She is such a good girl, I am very lucky for this quiet contented baby, the only thing she cry's for is me and i can cope with that!

Got to go, Rosie is calling!

Happy Saturday xx:hugs:
What tog sleeping bag are you using BTP? I'm worried that Harry is getting too cold at night.
Sam's liking his sleeping bag now too that it's getting colder in the night. He's in a Next 2.5 tog I think. I leave the side unzipped until we go up to bed when the heating's gone off, then I zip it up so he's snug during the night. It doesn't come off him all night now unless he's pood! He seems to be sleeping better between his feeds now. I've gone and said it now though!!!
Well I'm truly Roly Poly but it's only been 10 days. First day DH goes back to work i'n weighing myself :cry: and trying on some trousers. I feel a mess in my Maternity Clothes at the moment especially as some days I dont get a chance to shower until the afternoon.

I'm going to invest in a sleeping bag shortly, I think they are the best invention, I hate using blankets at the moment and never know if I should put more sheets on him. His hands are always cold but JJ sleeps in a Mr muscle pose so theres no chance I could cover his hands anyway.

JJ is very good at night he has feeds before bed every 2 hours of little feeds. Then wakes at 2.30 and 6.30 which I think is pretty good :) Gave him his first bath this morning due to explosive poo all up his back then he decided to wee on his own face ! Poor Little boy it definatly gave him a shock
Hi all!

No time for personals I'm afraid as I have SS's here and it's all go atm! I have read through though.

Regarding weight, I was really pleased that a week after giving birth I was the same weight as at my 7 week MW checkup, so back to normal now, but a bit wobblier! The good part about having a teeny bump I suppose! Wearing normal clothes etc but finding that when I sit down I fold my arms over my belly to hide the rolls that appear!
I still have my Linea Nigra thing too, it looks even darker now it's not stretched!

Lilia is being a good girl at the moment, we've been giving her infacol before feeds to help with the winding issues she had, it has helped loads, we no longer have the hour or so of screaming after a feed, but it makes her throw up a bit when she burps!

She's still sleeping ok, touch wood there have been no issues with her moses basket.. she seems to know it's night time when she's upstairs and settles fairly quickly... the worst was last night when she was put down awake after her feed, it took half an hour of putting her dummy back in every time she spat it out and rocking her a little for her to go back off to sleep... but there was no crying, just grunting and grumbling! We swaddled her until she was a month old as they recommend you don't do it after then? Now we just cover her with blankets and tuck them under her mattress.. she loves being flat on her back though!

Fishy, when i was BFing I would feed her one boob, then change her bum and then swaddle her before offering her the other... she would fuss a bit when I wrapped her up but calmed down once she was back on the boob, then it meant I could put her down while she was sleepy/dozing with no fuss!
What tog sleeping bag are you using BTP? I'm worried that Harry is getting too cold at night.

Its a Next, it says max 3.0 tog, and under that she has a short sleeved vest and long sleeved all in one, but she seems to cuddle up so much better since i tried it.

Had a nice day but tired now!

Had quite a good day food wise, plenty of roast veg! Need to start a weight ticker to encourage me, but tbh trying my clothes on was enough to kick start my diet!

Back tomorrow, hope everyone ok, xx :baby:tp xx
Hiya all! Hope good days have been had!

Louise, Lilia sounds as though she's such a good girl! Have you any more news on Wayne and his deployment? Hope it's ages away for you all. Haven't you done well with your weight loss!

BTP, Rosie has the same arrangement as Sam in his sleep bag. Short sleeve vest, babygro, bag. Seems to be very happy with this set up!

We've had a lovely afternoon. We had an invitation up to our friends who used to live across the road from us. It's a long story, but Andrea is the mum (moved away) and Julia is the daughter (still lives around the corner), and we have chosen them both to be Sam's godmothers. So we went up for "afternoon tea" - we left at 9.40pm!! We had a lovely time, they put on a fab spread for us, and the boys did craft and played games all night with Julia's wee girl, Millie. Such lovely people, and the kids were really well behaved. Both the godmums bathed Sam in the kitchen sink and got his PJs on, and they loved that!

Off to bed in a mo, so tired at the moment! See you all tomorrow! xx

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