September Stars

Right Primark blanket it is then! And possibly something personalised as well, I like the bear with a Tshirt idea. I love that Primark blanket. I might buy another one for Holly while I'm there, we're on her 2nd but it's lost some of it's fluffiness as it's been used and washed so many times!

Thanks for the link firstbean! They are sold out though, I'm not surprised! I well would have gone again!

BTP I know it's sooo sad, I had a sort through Holly's toys yesterday and put away all the ones she is too big for, like the rattles and stuff and felt soo sad that she isn't a little baby any more. I desperately want another baby already, my broodiness is getting worse and worse!! I love her at this age though, I love that she's so independent now she can crawl and pull up and cruise, but I miss my little helpless bundle too!

I've received my copy of my CRB check this morning for the HMRC job, so I'm really hoping they will be able to confirm whether I definitely have the job or not soon! They are bloody taking their time with everything though, it's been a month since my interview! I believe the start date is beginning of July though, so I really hope they tell me soon! I REALLY hope they offer it to me, we really, really need the money. And the money is so good, I'd be bringing in in excess of £900 a month which is pretty good for part time work! If I went to work weekends in a shop on min wage I'd be lucky to bring in £200-£300 so I really really want this job!!! Plus I really want a permanent job with them so this would be a foot in the door!

Aww blob thats really kind of you, i'm going to look at them next weekend and see if i think its worth it, i dont want to mess you around with posting if i dont think they'll be big enough so can i let you know?
I dont think your over-reacting at all i dont think i would like my DH having another woman here with my kids without me here either. Esp since most of the women my DH still talks to are ex's lol.

Tyler and Jayden both had the primark blankets and loved them i've bought a pink one for the new arrival aswell.

Fingers crossed for the job emzy!
Yea well let me know - for me I used it not all the time but if I went for walks, then I wouldn't put her in the carseat?? Or if I was going to be out for a while the the cot was better? It was a bit awkward sometimes with the bar but if you're getting it for free then you can just use it when you need it doesn't feel like you've wasted money :winkwink:
yea i see what you mean i'll only be using it for the nursery run because if i go any further then DH is normally with me and then we'll just take the apple and my graco stroller so didnt really want to spend almost £100 on a brand new one and started looking on ebay and the prices werent much better lol. I'll go and have a look next weekend and let you know then if i think its going to be too small i dont have to mess you about with postage etc. Thanks for the offer though its really kind of you!
Blob, am I missing something here!! There is not a chance on this planet i would want anyone else in the house while i am out, fat, thin, pretty young thing or old witch i don't care who they are its your place with him. A visit while you are in is fine, and for him to get huffy about it:shrug: what is that all about?
Like you say it is not a trust issue it is just a respect each others wishes thing! Plus like you sat i hardly see him being happy in the same situation, sometimes its not til i reverse it on dh he can see why something is not acceptable:hugs:

We have friends over tomorrow, we have been to theirs a few times now so really is out turn! There is a festival type thing in the park that backs on to our house so i have invited them to that and food, I am just throwing some salad, hot bread rolls, ham, cheese a few pizza's for lunch, and prob hot dogs for tea! We have 9 children between us all so it is housing everyone that we struggle with, they have a huge house! We manage though, just easier with the outside to use on nice days!

Right off i go, dh movimg the lawn, I am still in a mood with him, I am annoyed that my worry was taken as 'clingy suspisious' when he couldn't be further from the truth, I am not like that at all, I think if he thought the grass is greener then off you go, i have managed single and loved it i could again, the worst is behind your back but he has no chance to:shrug:
I think when you are genuinely worried and it was just chucked back at me as nagging, that is what is bugging me!

Back later xx:hugs:
Aw its a shame Emzy I was a bit late with the link they had them yesterday when I looked. And fingers crossed the job get in touch with you soon.
I am a proud Mummy today Ollie has been starting to play with the shape sorter for the past couple of weeks and OH and I have been sat playing with him to show him what to do and he hasnt got it then today all of a suddden he put the circle and the square in and been doing it over and over so wasnt just a one off and heres me thinking he wasnt going to get it. :haha:
I am also a proud mummy today! The past week or so Tyler has been standing in his play pen and letting go but falling straight to his bum (i think he was using it as his way of getting down! But today he let go and stayed there for a few seconds before he fell down!
Oh and hes also learnt that if he crawls to one side of the play pen and stands up he can see the chameleon then if he sits down he can see the bearded dragons so he's constantly up and down watching them all lol.
Awww boony that's so cuuuute and omg how clever is he!!!

Do you think it is true that (most not all) the more advanced at moving the less they babble? I'm not worried but rosalie doesn't talk :haha: says mama and that's all...but she's very good at moving.

Thanks BTP he only huffed for like 10 mins so obviously wasn't too bothered. I did say again today and he did agree that me not being here was wrong. I feel odd having his brother here all the time. Because his brother works here when robins away hes in the house all the time and spends tons of time with the girls :dohh: but thanks ;) letting me know im not being a total biatch by saying no. Never got on with her anyway :lol:

Aww BTP your DH is being really crappy :hugs: :hugs: men are gits!!
awww clever babies!!!

Blob I personally wouldn't mind, but if I did mind I would expect Matt to respect my wishes and not have her in the house. If you're not happy with it, he should respect that, end of!

I went out today, got to the end of my road and bam, the wheel comes flying off my iCandy Cherry!!! I black bit flew across the road and Matt spotted a silver bit as well, so we collected the bits and wheeled it home on one back wheel! It had been looking a bit wibbly wobbly on the wheel but I didn't think it would do that!! It's just lucky that it didn't happen in the main road or when I was in town on my own, as I wouldn't have been able to get it back on my own and Holly could have gone flying! Anyway, when we got back I rang iCandy as I registered for the extended 2 year warranty and the woman was so so rude. She tried saying, well if it's the wheel they are only under warranty for 6 months because of wear and tear but I said it wasn't the wheels, it was actually the chassis that broke, where the wheels fit on. It looked as if the metal bar that the wheels fit onto, a bit on the end had snapped off. So she was really rude, telling me it wasn't their problem it was John Lewis where I bought it from, even though the warranty is with iCandy. So Matt rang John Lewis and they were brilliant. Told us to take the pram in, they'd send it to iCandy and give me a courtesy pram. When we got there they tried to give me a lightweight stroller and I asked if they had anything a bit more robust like the iCandy as I was travelling down south next week and she'd be in it all day to sleep and stuff, so they have given me a Quinny Buzz til it's back. They also gave me the maxicosi adaptors, which I thought was nice! I just hope that bloody iCandy fix or replace the pram now! I did not spend (or rather my Dad didn't!) £500 on a pram for it to break after 10 months!! We do use it a lot as we don't drive, but come on 10 months!? It's meant to last til they're 4 or something!!

Wow!! I would be registering a complaint with i candy for having such a bitch on the phone!!!!

Glad you got a pram though :flower:
Evening ladies!! Hope all ok!

Emzy, that was fab of John Lewis, I think their customer service is (in general) really good. How are you liking the Quinny? You know, re the TT tickets, I was looking too, and I was almost gonna suggest if we could have got a couple of the cheap ones we could have gone together! Ah well. I was gutted I couldn't get any. I know loads of people who are going tonight or tomorrow, and I really wish I could go again, even though justifying that cash would be hard!! Anything for Mr Barlow! Actually, after Wednesday night, anything for Robbie too!! I never liked him, but by the end of his first song, I was just a little bit in love! He's naughty and rude. Yum. Ha ha, easy tiger!!! Hope Lilia has a good time tonight anyway.

Blob, the moving/talking thing I think is an interesting one. Archie was super slow at both but I think maybe it's because of him being so prem. Jack was very quick at both, or maybe it just seemed that way with Archie being so much slower. Sam seems to be in between somewhere. He's just doing a few new things all of a sudden this week. He's properly crawling instead of slithering now, and he can sit himself up from crawling. He's also pulling himself up on lots of things, and clapped his hands for the first time yesterday. He is also very clearly saying "mama" and "dada", and making "woof woof" type noises at the dogs. He seems to be very vocal this week, trying out lots of new noises and grunts and screams. Lots of little brain connections being made this week I think.

I also think we're coming to a mutual end of our breastfeeding. I am sad but also happy for it to be happening now I think. He's really enjoying his bottles now, and is having a couple of small ones in the day as well as his nighttime 8oz. He's having two little snackeroos of 4 or 5 oz first thing when he gets up, and then mid afternoon, and really loving them. I am still offering the boob in the day if he seems interested, but he's not really bothered. The only time he really really wants the boob is when he comes in with us when he wakes up, so generally 5ish at the moment. He loves it, and it sends him back off to sleep with me, so I'd like to keep that up for the time being if nothing else. It's bittersweet really. I think I need to have one more baby so I can do all this again!!

Sorry for being super selfish, I promise I am going to try and keep up more....... really!!

Love to all. xx
Rosalie only now feeds at nap times :dohh: she has to be fed in the morning for nap, afternoon and bed....done it again huh - only can sleep with a feed -
aww Asher that would have been so much fun!! I wish we could have got them. I wouldn't have cared if I couldn't see the main stage properly, it would be good anyway! I know, I'm the same about Robbie, I was moaning about him re-joining saying they were better without him, but he made me go a bit weak at the knees and his bit was probably my favourite bit of the whole thing. I was also surprised as I knew all the words to every Robbie song... I'm not sure how!? lol

The Buzz is nice, but I prefer my Cherry. The Buzz is a bit bigger and more robust, but somehow my Cherry feels more sturdy iykwim? It's a 3 wheeler, with 2 big ones at the back, whereas my Cherry is 4 smallish wheels. The seat of the Buzz is very small, whereas the Cherry's seat seems a lot bigger and more roomy. But I kind of like the look of the Buzz more than the Cherry, it looks smarter. And I like the hood. But I feel like Holly is more cosy and enclosed in the cherry. The Cherry is also sooo light and you can steer it with one hand and turn it 360 with one hand, it's so easy to push you forget you're pushing it whereas with Buzz is a bit more hefty x
Blob, I do feel a little bit bad about the feeding, but it'll be fine. I know from the constant "mama mama mama" that he loves me, so I need to hang onto that. Also, he's loving the milk from the bottle, and weeing loads and loads, which is good. The other really good thing which has come out of it is that I changed his teats once he was used to the bottle, so he has silicone Nuk ones now, and doesn't fall asleep on them, so he goes to bed awake. Jack never did that, so it's nice.

Emzy, the cherry sounds lovely. We bought an O baby 3 wheeler for the car awhile back, and it came into it's own on hols, it's a bit bulky but great for the out and about stuff.

Erm, Robbie.... he made me go a bit funny too, and I was almost prepared to completely ignore his bit, I thought he was brilliant. He has got such a naughty look on his face though. Him and Gary, I am in heaven!! Gorgeous boys!!!!
Asher I think we do what ever makes them happy ;) rosalie loves juice so she really doesn't need a feed. But tabs refused anything other than boob :dohh:

Love the photo Asher :cloud9:
evening peeps.... im working now over the weekend so wont be on here for a while unless i get time between shifts.

Paige now moves around in her cot so i have had to clear all her toys... it all started when i sat her up in there and let her play.. now she explores everything !!!!

Tax credits have been doing my head in, I must have phoned 30 times and only got through once.. but the guy couldnt speak english and i found it hard to understand so asked to speak to someone else, then that guy knew nothing and couldnt explain his reasons for his answer to my question... After being on hold all day i decided to use a special secret number for people who live abroad... the first women explained it was for over seas customers but could help me.... i rang again but the guy refused to deal with me, all i needed to do was give him one bit of information to complete my claim... it would have taken 2 mins... but now i have to spend weeks on hold. It cost me almost £50 in phone calls last year. I even emailed them with a copy of my phone bill asking for them to refund me. If they want this information so badly before a certain date why make it cost so much and make it so difficult.... !!!!!!!!

Blob- Every relationship is different, i have never had a partner who had close female friends... Im different to you, i dont trust men and i dont trust women but its the same views as my husband so we have a unspoken mutual agreement, its just never been something we have ever had to deal with. I personally think you have every right to be funny about, as i said every relationship is different but if your not happy about it then he shouldnt either. x

Emzy- How scary, Grant really wanted a icandy and i would think the amount they cost they would have amazing after sales... good on john lewis for coming through.. glad im buying my carseat from them now x

Asher- Sorry to hear about your giving up breast feeding, i hates giving it up.. i was unsure exactly why i was so upset about it.. i really enjoyed it, i had no pain. I was depressed when i gave up and the only thing which helped was when i was told i will be able to breastfeed again with the next baby..knowing my luck ill have problems ..x

Boony- Yay !!! its lovely seeing them do things like that, makes you feel so proud and i think only other mums truly understand how happy it makes us... well done tyler xxx
Blob - I don't think your being unreasonable, I would feel exactly the same. Glad Robin realised .... Eventually ;-)

Emzy - Ive heard mixed reviews about iCandy customer service and after care. Hope they don't muck you around. It really us so lucky you weren't crossing the road at the time!

Boony - that is so adorable, he'll be babbling to them soon!

Asher - glad you and Sam have found a mutual time to stop bf. Did you and Damian do anything nice for your wedding anniversary this week?

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