September Stars

I have fed til 10 months the latest, looks like Rosie may go on longer because it's all she has atm, but i found once solids started my milk gradually weaned and i found i was putting them on to feed and they were impatient and frustrated because i was producing less and less, so stopping was right for them, I had a really good run so was ok with it, I was grateful for being able to feed in the first place, I know friends who just haven't been able to but wanted to.
Rosie being my last it will be end of an era for me so i will be very upset,:cry: but i am glad she was my last as i have finished on a good feeder, Sophie was sick at every feed and weaned by 6 months because of it!:hugs:

Ladyk, Oh how I agree wholly with your sentiment on relationships!!,
'' Im different to you, i dont trust men and i dont trust women'' Exactly as me! I also have this understanding with dh, i have basically said unfaithful the only thing that would end things, i am not actually jealous because i have been single and a single parent and so if he wanted something else i would want him to take it, just not keep it from me and string me along, the worst is the length of time behind a wife's back this stuff goes on, that is my worst nightmare( i paid the house off so its MINE!!:haha:):hugs:

Got friends over in a sec and i am doing lunch so best get in gear!!:hugs::hugs:xx
I believe in not giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with :winkwink:
Wow you guys are chatty!!! I've been awol for a few days and there's about 20 pages!

BTP - It's funny that you mentioned pro-biotic drinks a couple of days ago...

I actually need some advice.

Basically, around 2 weeks ago I started to get bloated. I assumed that it was because I was training more, and was dehydrated, so I drunk more water. Still bloated.
I thought (TMI) I was a little constipated. I stopped being constipated. Still bloated.
I thought it was because I ate too much. Noticed in the mornings, with an empty stomach, I was still bloated.
Went to docs, doc thinks it;s some sort of IBS complaint. Started IBS medicine - still bloated. (no constipation/diarrhea either so maybe not ibs?).

Now, i've been almost CONSTANTLY bloated for 2 weeks. Seriously, my stomach hasn't gone down. I'm also really tired all the time, and a little gassy. I've narrowed it down to a couple of things:
1) the only thing i can think of in my diet that I've changed is eating more yogurts in an attempt to lost weight before the wedding. So maybe some sort of lactose intolerance? I've stopped eating most dairy and have switched to soya milk yesterday so fx i'll notice a change soon.
2) a yeast infection in my stomach/unbalanced bacteria in my stomach. I've started on holland & barrat's 'yeast buster' tablets today, and have cut ALL sugar and yeast from my diet (called the candida diet). This is sooooooo hard, basically for the last couple of days, i've been living off rice cakes, oats, seeds, veggies and dust. No change as of yet, dunno how long i can keep the diet up but i'll keep the tablets up (cos they cost me bloody £19!).

I could REALLY do without the bloating - I need my wedding dress to fit in 2 weeks! To be on the safe side, i've bought a waist clincher from tk maxx today - it's like a cheap version of the one someone mentioned on here a few days ago. Hopefully i won't need it.

It's completely stopped me from training, and has put a stop to :sex: too... I feel awful :(

Any ideas ladies????

Best concert I ever saw was either Green Day or U2 :thumbup: glad you like take that ladies :)

Eeeeek teeny! Good luck with TTC :happydance: :dust:

Good luck with the job Emzy - that's a great wage! I got one on Thursday, it's still cover supervisor but in a school permanently. There were 5 people against me, so i'm really pleased :D I start September :happydance:

As for the pram - get a claim in!!!! That could have been really dangerous for Holly, nevermind that it should have lasted longer. I'd put a HUGE complaint in!

Can't remember anything else, sorry!!! best get off, OH looks pissed off that i'm on here cos he wants to watch a dvd :)
Evening ladies, blimey it's been quiet, look at me back in again 2 days running!!

Thanks for your BF support, Kara, I do feel sad, it's the end of an era really. I did feed him first thing this morning, and a little bit mid morning, then nothing until he woke after going down tonight. It was just easier to shove the boob in his mouth than sort a bottle out!! So I think it will be a gradual slow down and end, and I'll just take his lead on it. He was happy with the boob when he has had it, so we'll see how he goes. BTP, Jack didn't wean from the boob until 13 months, but he wouldn't take any milk from a bottle, so boob it was. It's weird but nice how they're all different. xx

Jelly, thanks for asking. No, we didn't do anything for our anniversary. We've got a fab all you can eat Indian restaurant nearby which is like a banqueting hall, it's great. It's the only place we really eat out as DH loves to cook and claims he cooks as well as any restaurant (and I believe him!!). So we had thought we might go there if the in laws would babysit last night or tonight, but they've gone out. So no, no meal out!!! Grrrrr. Maybe next week. I can't believe it's been 10 years!!

Hope your lunch went well BTP!!

Hope everyone else is okay tonight? xx

Edit: Hope you're feeling better quick Optical! Can't believe your wedding is in 2 weeks!! Wowzers! x
Opti - 2006 - 2009 I suffered badly with IBS mainly diaherrea gas cramps and bloat
I went to a homeopath who put me on the candida diet, no dairy and minimise wheat. It took a long time fir things to become normal however I saw a vast improvement on my return from honeymoon which made me think it also was linked to stress.

I agree candida diet doesn't leave much to eat remember not to have anything with ose ie sucolose, glucose. A good thing to have to settle stomach is rice milk rather than having soya milk as rice is a good healer for stomach. I drank alot of peppermint tea too for digestion and try and eat little and often. If you do seek bread type thing you can have Ian rankin plain soda bread (best toasted) or potato cakes. On this diet I lost slot of weight and bloat (probably due to being so limiting ) . Before I forget get yeast free stock cubes from health food shop. Message me if I can help with anything. I'm sure the bloat will soon pass but you need to try destress as much as possible for the wedding xx
Thanks honey... it's like a vicious circle.. The more I stress, the more I bloat, the more I stress about being bloated :dohh:

I have no idea how i'm going to run 13 miles that diet. Tonight I had 100% wholegrain brown wheat pasta (apparently allowed?), chicken breast and pesto (and salad). I wasn't sure if the pesto was allowed, but I couldn't face plain pasta and chicken. The dry salad is bad enough :/

I had plain, unsweetened rice cakes the other day. I soon realised that i'd rather not eat.
I think pesto is ok as it's made of oil and basil :)
With plain rice cakes I used to eat cold meats like chicken.
Ah yeah.. they're just so dry :/

The carrot sticks for breakfast were pretty crap too. I've now realised I can have porridge with soya milk. Bland, but not carrot sticks :thumbup:

How long did it take you to feel a difference?
I got a 2nd hand buzz the other week as hated my luna. I love the hood as it goes up and down dependent on baby's height. Mine came with an xl seat that you change for when they're bigger. Have also bought the 2 wheel attachment for the front to make it more sturdy. Again 2nd hand (being thrifty). You can always get replacement bits 2nd hand as people generally sell them as parts. I personally highly recommend!!!! Oh and also getting a custom made seat liner from someone who makes them for you. She also does bugaboo, iCandy covers so that you can pimp your pushchair.
Opti - if I'm honest it took me about two to three months to feel better however u had been suffering with it for years. As yours has only started recently hopefully it will rectify quickly. I was going to recommend porridge earlier but thought you'd know, it's what u had most mornings.

Blondie I love finding a good bargain. Most baby things of jjs are second hand. Only thing I did buy new was the pram !
Good evening, Starry Mums!
I made an excellent decision this evening to replace housecleaning with a really nice bottle of Spanish Garnacha (wine lover's best buy right now: Beso de Vino - yummy! :wine:) and will now wax eloquent on Young Master Tobe's milestone: nine months today!
It has to hit you at this 3/4 mark - they have now been outside the womb as long as they've been inside! Well done baby!! (and parents!)
Permit me a moment of extreme sappiness, but I can barely remember my existence without beautiful Tobe - big eyes watching, big smile always ready, big heart pure and open to the world. Love you so strong, little boy!!!! :cloud9:

Okay, back to chatty old me - off to host programs at the Zoo tomorrow, and have plans to bake a few rhubarb pies with Simon. Hopefully, I won't be regretting this excellent wine come tomorrow! ;)
Trying to post but just deleted it somehow, baby getting too big to feed while i type!
She is mega clingy atm.

opti, stick with one thing see how you feel, just 1 change at a time, 1 week at a time should give you an idea if any difference will be made, thet may improve further with longer but a week will give you an initial idea if your doing the right thing xx

I got some flowers today...i never get flowers unless its to say the sorry he cant actually say! I shouldn't be so grumpy about it, nice o get flowers even if they are a weak apology!

Got to go, sorry for lack of personals, just so difficult with Rosie clamped to me !:haha:

My IBS has come back, it went while i was pregnant.... i dont know what the trigger is, some people say you can get IBS from emotions, or it can start after a certain emotional time in your life, giving birth is one of those times

I've been busy the last few days and need to catch up with every
One , so hello hope your all well x

The girls have colds and Amelia is still struggling to sleep she wakes screaming s lot at the moment she is alsopulling herself to standing at every opertunity , Layla is just so fast at crawling and very determind !

I'm having the same problem as emzy they just will not lay still for nappy changes and scream at being restrained and getting clothes on Is a battle!
Evening ladies!

Optical well done on getting the job, that is fab news!! And against 5 others too, that's brill. And if they don't fix the pram then I will be making a HUGE complaint! Sorry to hear about the bloating, I'm not really sure... I would have said IBS or AF but if you've ruled them out I'm not sure. But I defo agree with Jelly about the stress link, I always get bloated and also get bad headaches when I'm stressed, I always blame hormones. Oh and eeeeek for your wedding!

Teeny OMG jealous, I want to TTC now!!! Good luck, eeek!

Asher I think I would feel sad too if I were stopping BF, I felt sad stopping after 2 weeks, nevermind 10 months! You should give yourself a huge pat on the pack for feeding Sam for so long, it's brilliant. I can only hope to do the same with my next baby :)

Blondie glad you like the Buzz! I like it too, but I'm rather attached to my cherry! The seat covers sound cool! Love a bargain too.

Sarah swapping house cleaning for wine... you are my kind of woman!! Happy 9 months to Tobe!! I feel like that too, I was saying to Matt yesterday that it's like I can't remember a time without Holly :cloud9:

BTP aw lovely to get flowers :)

I've been getting really bad PMT lately so I started on strong Evening Primrose capsules from Holland a Barrett around a month ago and I think they are making a difference. I do feel a lot more level this month... I wonder if it's the capsules or if it's just coincidence... does anyone else take them?

We went to a car boot sale this morning and got this bargain activity table for £3.20! They are £40 new! Love a bargain!
GG Amelia sounds like Holly, screaming in her sleep and pulling up on EVERYTHING possible. As well as the nappy change challenge! That's getting a bit better actually, I have resorted on collecting random stuff for her to hold, like various items off my dressing table and out of the cupboards that she doesn't normally play with. 9 times out of 10 it will keep her still enough for me to whip off the nappy and put a fresh one on. But don't get me started on poo nappies or getting dressed!!
Hi girls? Sorry for being AWOL have been reading but not posting! Still getting used to things here with Wayne home, harder still as we're in minehead with his family, I haven't actually had him all to myself yet! Adjusting is hard? He's not doing as much with lilia as I thought he might but then we're busy with family stuff, but tonight he put her to bed, she was awake? She cried straight away and he came in and said right then on going for a fag! Miffed doesn't come close! This was the first time anyone but me had put her to bed, Wayne hasn't before, yet he thought the job was done when he lied her down. Argh! She is teething at the moment, top 4 teeth at once, she was VERY snotty and grumpy yesterday and today the outside two are through and one of the middle ones is cutting, the other so very close the gum is transparent! So she was a grump in-between being very active and excitable, today she seems almost back to normal but she is a bit clingy at bedtime. So I dealt with it.. Then he apologised in a roundabout way on my fb photo! It will take time I know, just wish he was being more pro active with her. Anyway, take that on Tuesday in Cardiff woop woop! He'll have to sort her out properly then! I'm back at work a week tomorrow and dreading it!

Sorry for selfish short post, think I've got a cold coming, all the excitement! Love to all xxx
My sister found out her long term boyfriend has been cheating today. a girl contacted her through facebook asking if she could call her and left her number. I thought straight away it was because he is cheating but my sister was so sure he would never do that... turns out this other girl didnt know he had a GF and they had been seeing each other for 3 months !!! My sister is in bits, i want to smack his face in.....

My dream baby is no longer, sleepless nights and a restless baby during the day. she wakes up at 4/5am but grant cant settle her and will only settle once i hold her (i secretly find this really cute) but while im working he is on Paige duty.. he doesnt hear her crying and when i try to wake him i get abuse !!! im shattered.... oh well only one day of work left then im off for a few days

louise = i didnt expect you to be on for a while... but then again i did think you would have him to yourself for a while ; ) xx

GG- hope the girls get well soon, cant imagine having to do two lots of snotty noses..xx

Emzy- love a good bargain... i think we may have to hit the car boot sales soon x
I'm well excited, I just won a £10 voucher to spend at Bobbies Bands! I think Drazic recommended the shop on fb, they sell cute hair bands and clips and I entered a tag in the photo competition and I won! I never win anything! lol x

ETA it might have been blob?? Well someone on here anyway lol x
Great bargain Emma I like the look of those tables

kara your poor sister , did she live with the boyfriend?

Louise do you think he may be finding it difficult to find his place with lilia ? He has missed so much ?

Sarah enjoy your wine !

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