September Stars

I've got another 5 stone to lose to get to goal but 3 stone I'd be happy with. I've lost two stone since JJ but only 11 lbs since January it's so slow coming off and that's me really upping my exercise. They never said a waterburth would be a problem with my bmi.

GG - hope you calm The natives !
Emzy, Good luck in reaching your targets, you will feel better for it anyway, and ttc will be easier or so they say, (I mean fertility not the actual dtd!!):hugs:

I am always broody, I always say no more and so far have just got broody again! I start getting broody early on and it just gets worse! With Rosie it took 9 months of ttc which was very frustrating, but very worth it!
I am finished now and i think my mind is ruling and winning, I know its not fair on anyone to have any more really, 1 more would be nice but I am too old for any more agro with pregnancy!

Louise, enjoy Take That, and saw the ring, its beautiful, I wear my wedding, engagement and promise ring on my wedding finger, i will one day exchange the promise ring for eternity but i like to remember the 'event' with rings, my engagement I proposed and choose my ring for him to get me! It is a carat of diamonds and i love it! My promise ring he got me and its special as we exchanged rings long before we were engaged or married, he kept his promise ring as a wedding band and i had to search for my wedding ring to match his, which it does! He keeps saying he wants to get me an eternity ring but i have put him off til i decide what i want:haha: xx

Time to go, Rosie up now and been put on me! She is up 2 hourly at 12 and 2 then seems to have a long stint if nothing is bothering her and tooth 3 is just lumpy gums atm!

Back soon, oh and my fave bumpy pic, this was still with 2 months to go!
Holiday 2010 004.jpg
I was such an odd shape but I loved it!
:hi: ladies :hi:

Well, i'm not at work today.. I'm off to the docs instead :( I'm still bloated, despite being on ibs meds for nearly a week, and changing my diet, and taking 'yeast busters' from Holland and Barrett. It sucks :(

Emzy - I LOVE the pics! And your playtable was a right bargain. You heard anything more from work yet?

Louise - I know everyone is being all sympathetic with Wayne, but maybe he needs a kick up the arse :haha: Ok, so he's been on the front-line, but hey, parenting isn't easy either :winkwink: Just because he's home now doesn't mean that he can slack off :winkwink:. Ok, so maybe give him a while to chill.. And the GORGEOUS new ring has banked some major brownie points, but then i'd get him told. Then again, I am a harsh bitch. Most of the time, I walk around looking like this ---> :growlmad:

Asher - I can't even begin to imagine still BF at this point - it completely and utterly amazes me how all you bf mummies do it. It's not the feeding itself as such, it's the constant responsibility for feeds that really got me down. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back - it truly is amazing :thumbup:

Kara - I hope your sister is doing ok. I think that there is a difference between types of cheating... I could forgive Chris for kisses with a random in a club, or maybe even a one night stand, but a full affair? I'm not sure I could get over that. I think i'd find it easier to forgive a drunken one-night-stand with a randomer than a sober kiss with a work colleague too. It all depends on the circumstances, but he'd be out the door I think if it was me.

YM - Yey for Pip's Vday!!!!! :happydance: Hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:

Awww... all this talk of iccle babies :kiss: I WUV 'em. I too am broody... but it looks like i'll be waiting FOREVER. I tend to spend my time between here and WTT - I really, really daren't go to TTC just yet! OH has said he wants a full year after the wedding before we even begin to think about it, and my new job is only temporary for a year before becoming permanent. So, I need to get that made permanent first so that they renew it! Plus, we now have NO savings whatsoever left because of the wedding, and i'd want a brand new pram. And maybe even a loft conversion too. And I know that if I had a boy, i'd have to spend at least £500 more on cute boy print nappies :blush:

God I'm sooooo tired, but it looks like i'm not the only one. :hugs: to everyone today.

Right, best get motivated for docs. Back soon!
Hey girlies

At my hospital they have a birth suite and a delivery suite. The birth suite is meant to be a home from home and only for 'uncomplicated' and 'low risk' pregnancies otherwise you have to use the normal delivery suite. You're not considered low risk if your BMI is above 35 and so you can't usually use the birth suite and that's where the pool is. When I went for my growth scans (they do an extra 2 for high bmi ladies) I saw a consultant and after the last one he said everything was fine and he said it was ok for me to use the birth suite and have a water birth and he wrote it on my notes. However when it came to me going in to have Holly they said no and said I had to go to devliery suite and they insisted on monitoring me. So for my whole labour I was strapped to monitors, all because my BMI was above 35 and despite what the consultant had written. At the time I didn't care, I was just bothered about her arriving safely but now that really pisses me off. So next time, I want to get my BMI below 35 so I don't have to have all that aggro again.

Jelly I have about the same to lose. in total. I have already lost 1st 10lbs since having Holly but want to lose another 4 stone. But I've set an interim target of 2.5 stone as that seems so much to lose and I can't get motivated! And 2.5 stone would bring my BMI down to about 33, so I'd be happy to TTC then. My problem is, I am so short so my BMI is so high! (that and I eat too many cakes!!)
Emzy - it's amazing how different pregnancy care is accross the country. I had to ask for a GTT as I knew it was a possibility with my high BMI. I was never offered any additional scans so I paid private without a referral to check everything was ok at 34 weeks. Never had to speak to anyone about going into labour or anisthetic. I had the choice of a water birth. Whilst in labour they had difficulty finding JJ heartbeat but I think that's because of my weight and mw wasnt happy to have water birth as she said she would struggle finding the heartbeat every 15 minutes. She was newly qualified and the other mw had no problem monitoring yet I still think it was my own fault. I suppose the good thing is slowly off means we won't have our weight creep up again my diet killer is Swiss roll :blush:

Opti - hope the doc manages to help you today
I wack on the weight during pregnancy, so by the time the birth comes i am huge, not sure how they would deal with that emzy!
I remember them working my stuff out then doing it again at 14 weeks and crossing all the 9 week stuff out, i had increased by then! :growlmad:

Just been to town with the children, ages 11, 8, 3 and Rosie! the 3 yr old got in the pram, facing each other, and it worked quite well, Rosie was giggling away at her sister it was lovely! :cloud9:

Opti, agree there are different relationship cheat levels, for me i couldn't forgive any of it but a relationship more than one meet up behind my back is the ultimate one for me, i would chop his nuts off for that:hugs::haha:
As for feeding I know no other way, I am confused with bottles, milks, teats, I mean what is is all about,:shrug: I just get a booby out and off we go! And Rosie hasn't worked out any cup yet, and spits a teat out or gags on it so boob it is til i can wean her to a cup. (my eldest could use a straw at 4 months i squeezed some juice into his mouth and he got it straight away, so i may try straw first!:hugs:
Hope doc gets you sorted out soon hun xx:hugs:

Back soon xxxx:hugs:

ps carpet sorted today, bargain off cut reduced from £400 to £200 and then to £100 plus £60 fitting, so very pleased with it, a sort of sandy colour, nice and plush with all the stain guard and stuff on it:happydance:
Then old sofa covers in washing today at last a sunny day, that is being collected Sunday, then we are getting old carpet up monday, to have new fitted tuesday, and sofa delivered following week sometime!:happydance: Then i can get all the red things out i have bought to finish the lounge off!
I am trying to get house sorted this year, its upstairs next to move girls and boys room round as boys have more room atm, so i have 2 bunk beds to dismantle and move, I am doing it in the school summer holls so they can camp in garden while i do it in case it takes more than a day! I am swapping it all and getting new furniture in boys room, just a wardrobe and unit, then eventually putting the cot in the girls room, but just a huge tidy of our room before then will help!
I have this big nesting thing going on right now, I have painted but still have to sort out kitchen diner, and upstairs its all slowly on going and bloody expensive so just doing it as i can afford it bit by bit! But i do find it hugely frustrating as i want it all instantly!

Right off now i vented that!!

My dd just shown me a card she has done for her dad, it days 'Happy Farthers Day' Oh i love kids so much, I just said its lovely!
Sophie (3) has stuck strips of ripped up white paper onto a piece of white paper, i can hear dh telling her how great it is, and how clever she is! :cloud9:
Aw BTP that is so so cute "farthers day" awww bless :cloud9: And I pile the weight on in pregnancy too, I think that's why my BMI was recorded as 39 as I gained a stone by my booking in appointment at 12 weeks LOL! I weighed myself 3 days before having Holly and I was 4 stone heavier!!! A week after having her I was 1.5 stone heavier and I have lost that plus an extra 5lbs and kind of got stuck/lost motivation. But now I have it again so a new plan for me! I'm going to focus on it when I get back from my Mums on Tuesday though, it's impossible to diet at my mums!!

Jelly it is amazing how different things can be depending on where you live! It's crazy when you think about it. I really, really want to try for a water birth next time around. Or at least use the pool during labour. Mainly because I am SOOOO scared of tearing badly again after all that happened this time and I read that giving birth in the water reduces the risk of tearing... anyone know if that's true?

Opti how'd you get on at the docs?

I'm taking Holly again tomorrow with her eczema, it's got so so bad again :( I took her to baby group today and it was handprints so I stripped her to her nappy (to avoid mess!) and she scratched her skin so badly it bled everywhere :cry: The Nursery Nurse told me to take her back to the GP and demand to be referred to a dermatologist. I have asked them before but they always say no and give me a different cream to try, but it's not good enough, I want her to be referred, it's not fair!
Oh poor Holly, only thing that works for JJ is steroid cream which usnt a long term solution. Hope she gets given something decent. I bathe JJ in oilatum and wash him with aqueous lotion, makes him very slippery getting him out the bath.

JJ has been a nightmare today with constant crying really got himself in a state at times, wish his tooth would hurry up
aww poor JJ, bloody teething! I know the feeling, wish number 3 would hurry up.

Yes the steroid cream works well, but can only use for a week at a time and as soon as I stop using it, it comes back with a vengeance. We have tried: Oilatum (bath and cream), Double Base (bath and cream), Diprobase, Hydrmol, Aqueous, Hydrocortisone cream and none of them work (apart from the hydrocortisone cream) I feel so bad for her, I hope they do something as it seems to be really distressing for her :(
Oh and Happy 10 Months to Holly!!! My goodness, in just 2 months she will be 1!!
Oh my God when you say it like that ..... This year has gone so fast! Am I the only one who will get emotional on Lo's birthday or us that normal for every mum? I'm so annoyed when I go back to work I've got every Friday off, but they have asked me to work the first week of each month due to tight deadlines. Really annoyed as really want the day after JJ birthday together. Might see if I can work around it somehow not sure how.
I will defo be emotional, I am emotional already 2 months before!! lol

OMG all this talk of ttc number 2 and I am already looking at double prams :haha: I really like the look of the icandy peach blossom but I am not paying £850 for it!!! I also like the look of the Baby Jogger City Select Tandem but again it's expensive at around £600 I gather. Blob do you have a double? And anyone else with toddlers and babies? I'm a bit obsessed with prams. Maybe if I can obsess over double prams it will keep me occupied for 6 months! lol
Loving this baby talk, i remember there is a WTTC section... may go and have a peak...

I was 10 stone before i got pregnant, i had put on over a stone by 12 weeks and i ended up over 14 stone when i was 40 weeks !! i only lost 13lbs the day after i gave birth !!! i was crying when i weighed myself... But im now 11.10lbs so i have about 2 stone to lose.. i just pile on the weight when im pregnant. I also suffer from PCOS, but its never stopped me getting pregnant even though i was being told all the time i wouldnt be able to get pregnant.

I want at least one more because i dont want Paige growing up as a only child like Jake was, Jake and Paige age gap is too big for them to play together and my mum was a only child and made sure i had a sibling to grow up with..

happy 10 months holly xxx
All this talk of babies, I do miss my bump :(

iCandy pear emzy I got mine from eBay !

Hopefully you will sort something about work jelly! When do you start back?
I just don't know where the time goes I can't believe we are all heading towards 1 !

Amelia can stand at almost anything now bless her and Layla is into everything :) I have to say though they are such good girls very easy really I'm still busy planning their christening still looking for ideas for godparent presents ?
GG is the pear able to be converted back to a 1 seater do you know? x
Yes it had this attachment called a pip converter and that's what the two seats clip to but if you take it off it can be used as a single, I do if I take just one baby up the shop. I believe it's a apple chasis base but with the pip and seats that's what makes the pear x
Emzy - :rofl: doing your pram research already, love it. I like the city jogger as it's easy to put in and out of the car too. However my friend is holding onto her tandem for me lol she told me when JJ was about 8 weeks old!

GG my maternity ends mid august and go back 5th September to completely new offices as they have relocated so what was a 10 minute drive has resulted in a motorway 45 minute commute :-( my company are very good to work for but have suffered with a lot of people leaving due to the relocation. I'm going to have to get to know 50% of the staff including my big boss eeekkk !
i have been looking at double prams for the last 4 months, grant wants the icandy pear but i dont want to spend that much sooooo

Really itching to buy a new pram !!! but need to hold back
peach and apple i thought are the two which can turn into a pear with just a attachment and a seat and eaily goes back to one seat... grant was all excited and spent 2 hours making the lady go through how it all works... !!!! he keeps saying how he will sell my stokke xplory and with two change of covers, two footstools, and two parasols and the matching footmuffs i think the whole thing is worth £1300 + but ill be dead before i will allow him to sell it.. !!! if i cant buy a twin as well as keep my stokke then im just going to use the baby carrier !!!

Is the city jogger able to fit through doors? my mate said she wishes she never brought a tandam...she cant get into some of her shops in town.

What age up to would you need a double pram ? i dont even know what age they normally dont need a pram !!!

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