September Stars

Didn't think about doors ..... Or shopping it's bad enough in some shops just getting a single pram through. I had misshapen with my baby carrier today, after crèche u went food shopping carrying in front JJ. When I got back to the car he had peed all over my front where his nappy had leaked. Glad no one noticed or it being poop . JJ didn't seem bothered he was just happy chewing on the strap as per usual.

My sister when niece was 3 had a buggy board on the back of her pram so when she was tired she could stand on that. Think it depends how long your walking for eg shopping bluewater would need a pram as it's also handy for your bags and Lo's get tired
Hello lovelies!

Had a busy couple of days - lots of house and garden chores, appointments, shopping, etc.
Tomorrow we are zipping off to do a day trip to one of the national parks to the south of us. We usually just go to Banff National Park as it's so close, but my husband has never been to Waterton, and the wildflowers are spectacular this time of year, so I'm determined that we'll make a day of it. I have a lot of packing to do tonight! :)
I'm feeling very kitchen-goddess-y at the moment. I whipped up a sort of strawberry shortcake yesterday. I used an old recipe of my mum's, called Lazy Daisy cake, and made it in a bundt pan so that it was pretty, then smothered it in real whipped cream and strawberries.
I think I'm having a bit of a P90X rebellion... :blush:
I'm also stuffing the house with vases full of lilacs and harvesting all the rhubarb for pies and muffins.
btp - is this nesting thing catching? :)

I'm not broody just yet. Maybe because I know we are pretty sure that we are going to TTC and probably by fall. So I am determined to just focus on getting in shape and enjoying eating/drinking what I like for just a little longer.

So, my wee Tobe is being a very very bad boy about biting while nursing. He is teething, so I don't think he means to. And the really bad bites happen as he's falling asleep. He really isn't meaning to do it. I don't want to stop BF, but this is just brutal. :( I was considering getting out my nipple guard last night. :nope:

Oh! On pram news, I found out that my husband's new health benefits has money for fitness expenses, and one of the approved expenses is that lovely jogging stroller with the x-c ski attachment that I was considering before we bought our Joovy Caboose. So, we might just get both, after all.... :)
Ohh Sarah that all sounds yummy!

Jelly I have to say it is very strange going back to work I have to say I went back to a new team and it's still strange and you have half a building of faces to get used too! I think the main thing I've learnt is to view it with new eyes as work had changed the same as I have! X

Kara my pear gets in everywhere , I have the older style chassis as they have just bought out a new one but it's lovely , I got it on eBay for £350 in immaculate condition and the only reason I'm selling it soon is because I want to make my money back on it but side by side buggys are just not exciting but they like going in the basic one we keep in the car

Work today and coffee with boss after hoping to re bond :)
Just wanted to pop in and say helloooooooooo

I have not had a double buggy for the girls and there is 2yrs 9mths between them, but Sophie is quite a determined walker, at times it would have been easier to have a double, and i have carried Rosie and put Sophie in the buggy also!

Emzy, just wanted to say don't worry about tearing with no 2, I was stupidly scared after the first as i tore inside and out, i had 2 pints of blood(4 on standby) and they took 3 hours to stitch me inside and out, i had some magnetic therapy treatment for healing and i said NEVER AGAIN!! I saw the midwife before i even got pregnant with no2, i also went to see a consultant about my fears.
I went to yoga for preggies, and use the oil, and he was a 6 hour labour, popped out in 1 push and no rips tears or stitches, so please son't worry you have done it once now so just get as supple as possible with yoga, which is brilliant for relaxing too in pregnancy and during birth :hugs:

I am off on usual rounds, form filled 2 forms i needed to get done and just got to pick another admission for for the pre school which Rosie 'ate'
She seems to have a new interest in food, we went to kfc yesterday and she mauled a chicken pop, she is now eating her sisters quavers so i had better go and make her something a bit better to munch on or she will get her thirst for junk food like her Daddy and big sis!:dohh:

Back later xxxx:hugs:
Catch up time !!!

Kara - I love the Britax B Dual - I think its what I would get if I have 2 that need a double. My friend has one and it is fab too push and move about with. xx

GG - the recent pics of the girls are fab. Their so different but I think thats lovely. I hate it when I see twins always dressed the same as they are still individuals with their own little personalities. Hope the bonding with your boss goes well. xx

Sarahkka - shortcake sounds fab - have a lovely day out. xx

Emzy - Dont worry too much about the tearing, my sis tore badly with her 1st with a very quick labour and her 2nd aqnd 3rd were super quick under 3 hours start to finish and no tears ! xx Happy 10 months Holly. xx

Louise- It must be so hard for both you and Wayne reqdjusting to your new roles again. Give it a few weeks though and I am sure between the two of you, that you will have a nice routine going. And your ring is gorgeous. VERY jealous !! xx

YM - Go Pip on V Day !! I cant believe we have some new babies on the way. I so hope that I am one of the next to fall. xx And cute pic of Kimi. xx

Optical - Hope you get the bloatedness sorted soon. Its horrible when you feel so rubbih and yet your trying everything under the sun to eliminate it. xx

Blob - You ok? Youve been very quiet. xx

Asher - Ooooooo number 4??? My sister has 3 girls and is finding it really hard to say no more and my niece is only 6 months. Shes 28 and says she just finds it so hard thinking that she wont do it again. xx

Jelly - Petition signed. xx

Right ive gone back 6 pages but Olivia is now screaming her head off so have to go !! Think I caught up on everything though :hugs:

In our news - Olivia is poorly still with a chest infection and the lovely AB's have given her oral thrush so shes refusing to eat and turned into a booby monster from hell. I am very grateful right now that she has no teeth as I am a little sore from all the feeding alone. She has also started trying to WALK !! Nooooo not sure if I am happy or sad as it seems she is growing too quickly. She can manage 4/5 steps and now stands alone for ages. Ive posted a video on fb but it wont upload to here for some reason. xxxxxxxxxx
With the iCandy if you don't have twins then the apple is the best bet as the apple seat is biggest. The pear seats are teeny :nope: but you can use a pear lower seat and an apple on top :thumbup:

I'm going to cry when rosalie turns 1 :cry:

Saw the film of Olivia ommmmgggg how clever she is :) I had bets on Holly being the first walking star :lol:

Emzy I tore badly with tabs and not even a graze with rosalie :hugs:

Just been major busy with car searching :(
Loving this talk of no tearing with no2 !

Blob - have you got a shortlist yet or is there nothing suitable at the moment?

Laura - poor Olivia hope the thrush passes soon it must be so uncomfortable for her and you :hugs:

Im embarrassed to say put JJ down at 1.30 this afternoon so thought I'd catch 40 winks after the gym this morning...... Didn't wake up until 5 ! I've just given JJ half a bottle instead of his usual tea and bottle as it's so close to bedtime now.......... Hope I haven't made a rod for my own back tonight and have him awake half the night
Oooooh my goodness jelly he must have needed sleep too :shock: and get you going to the gym :thumbup: I want to go but my DH goes when he's home and I can't have him gone all morning and me all afternoon :dohh: I'm really bad I'm ashamed to say when I lose weight it's because I starve myself, I really have to watch though as it gets pretty bad.

Well I know what I want ;) I want a black A4 s line :lol: not at all practical but I think at 22 I'm in no mood to be practical?? May end up changing it within a year though ha ha!! I really wanted a red one but DH says no :hissy: so now its trying to find the best one.
Have to add I want an s line even though I live down a mile long farm track full of bumps!!! Hmmmmm thinking maybe the normal A4 but s line seats??
Blob I haven't a clue either! lol!!

Thank you to BTB, LauraK and Blob for your reassurance about no tearing with number 2. I have been so scared about it, so thank you!! I really hope for a quicker labour with no tears next time! My mum tore with me so they gave her an episiotomy automatically with my sister, although I don't think they do that automatically any more do they?

Jelly hope JJ sleeps for you tonight!! My goodness, he must have needed that sleep! Growth spurt perhaps. Every now and then Holly has a mega nap too and I always wish I had put my head down as well!

I'm off down south tomorrow for 5 days, hopefully Holly won't kick off on the Manchester-London train like she did last time, as this time I'm on my own!! I might not be around quite as much til I get back, but I'll certainly be popping on now and then to catch up :)
Ohhh and I forgot to tell you what I came on for!! Duh!

I took Holly to the doctors today for her eczema as it has been so bad lately and she's been making herself bleed, so the HV said to go in and request a referral to the dermatologist. I took her this morning at 9.50 and the doctor didn't turn up! So I had to rearrange for this afternoon. So we went in and saw a locum doctor and pardon my language, but he was a complete and utter w****r!!! I went in and explained that the last time I brought her in the GP said to try one more cream and if that didn't work then they would refer her. Well he jumped down my throat and said "well, what do you think the dermotologist is going to do??" and I said "errrm, find the right medicine for her skin??!" He said she was already on the right cream and that was that and Matt said "well no she's not as it's not working and she's making herself bleed!" He then said "well, there is no magic cream you know" in a really really patronising voice and Matt told him not to be so rude. Then he said "well, you will march in here demanding a referral" at that point Matt said he had enough and walked out. I stayed there and thought I'd try once more to explain and he said again, what do you expect them to do about it and I explained that the HV had insisted on a number of occasions that I come and get a referral, especially seeing as I have a skin condition. He asked what skin condition I had and I said ichthyosis and he said, "well, what's THAT then?" again in a really patronising voice as if to imply that I was making it up!!! I then felt myself welling up and getting really angry and said you haven't even looked at her skin, if you had then you'd see it was bleeding and I got up and walked out.

In the mean time, Matt had gone and got the practice manager and we went in a room together. She apologised profusely and said that she was sure that Holly's usual GP would do the referral without seeing her again and that she would sort it out and that they wouldn't use that locum doctor again. When we came out we made a formal complaint via PALS. I can't believe how rude and insulting he was!!! At least we have her referral now anyway x
I tore with Jayden but not badly didn't even need stitches. I was in labour for about 5 hours with him. With Tyler I was in labour for 38 minutes and didn't tear! Let's hope this one isn't quicker my hospital is an hour away lol
Emzy - OMG! I would've been furious!!! Good on you for making a complaint!

Blob - You lost me...must be a car!

Jelly - He must've needed the sleep but I hope he sleeps tonight!

LauraK - I can't belive Olivia is walking!! I had bets on Holly walking first... clever girl though xx

Well, I've been trying to do housework today but have had more luck trying to draw blood from a stone... I can't bend down to pick things up as I end up in pain and I've been literally begging OH to help me...but his first love came first...the blooming PS3!!! ARGH!!!

(here comes my rant)

I know he needs to relax too but with his mum back around...I know she can slip at any point and SS will be round banging on the door and the flat looks like a bombs hit it... there's piles of washing to be done... washing up...hoovering....general cleaning...he leaves his fags, lighters and tablets on the coffee table and now Kimi is moving...its not going to be long before she grabs things and these things are dangerous!!!

I literally begged him to help me and he picked up a few things then jumped back on the ps3... god give me strength!!!

:rofl: well I think jelly asked if I had a short list for cars...

Kind of like this one anyway

Emzy :hugs: that's fecking awful I really hope that guy gets his ass kicked for treating you like that!!!!!!!!!!!
Also dont stress seriously tabs I remember sitting lying for ages getting stitched up and then with rosalie I was up shopping the next morning perfectly fine. Didn't even have a problem peeing :shock:
Blob - audi is always a good car to have. Don't think a4 s line would be that impractical at least you can fit the kids in the car. My bil just bought a mini as a family car they have 3 kids !

YM - my dh is 38 and he still spends every night on the xbox, however does pull his weight when needed. Try and explain you need his help and hopefully he'll do a bit more.
Awww YM :hugs: men are generally tits :holly:
I don't think that ss would care at all about mess, just concentrate on things that would harm her and the rest is fine.
Emzy - so glad you went with Matt so it was both of you able to support each other in the disagreement. Can't believe the ignorance of the doctor. Poor Holly
Well, we woke up to pissing rain and the forecast said it was the same in Waterton, so we scrapped the trip. :( Way to far to drive for hiking in bad weather, and our boys are too little for that. (Although, with the carriers, it's mum and dad who get soaking wet, while baby ridea high and dry! :))
So instead, I went absolutely mad with housecleaning. It was like a pregnant nesting frenzy without the pregnant. I baked two rhubarb pies and two dozen rhubarb ginger muffins on top of all the cleaning. I must be channeling Martha Stewart or something. :nope:

Emzy - what a shocking way to be treated. Glad you and Matt dealt with it so well. Hope he gets some sort of discipline for that behaviour.

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