September Stars

Helloo Everyone :)
Just a quick one, hope you're all well!
I'm going to try Charlie in his bag tonight after reading about everyone elses! It is a 2.5 tog one, the last time i put him in he seemd a bit sweaty in the morning but now its a bit cooler i will try him in it, with the heating off.
I have got my six week check this week i am looking forward to getting some proper contraception sorted, condoms are rubbish! I was thinking of the coil, whats everyone elses experiences with it? Good or bad?
Re the weight thing, i was lucky and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within two weeks but now i have reached a plateau and am stuck at 11st and it will not shift! I think i'm being too greedy, and because i'm mixed feeding i'm probably not getting the weight loss benefits of exclusively BF! My body shape has definitley changed, ive got much wider hips and a proper mummy tummy!!
I'm off to bed now anyway, OH and CharliePants are snoring away and my eyes are closing on me !
night night everyone, hope we all have good babies and plenty of sleep :) (wishful thinking eh!!)
x x x
Hi Ladies

Well the tips from the BF Counsellor seem to have helped :happydance: On Friday night Scarlett did two 3 hour stretches and one 2 hour stretch, last night she did 4hours 45mins and a 2 hour. :wohoo: I think the latch issue was definitely causing her wind. I honestly hadn't noticed how often she was making the lip smacking noise before. I'm having to un-latch her 5 or 6 times during a feed but if it means I get some sleep I don't mind.

Scarlett isn't a big fan of the sleeping bag, I'm not sure why. At the moment I am wrapping her in a blanket my Grandma crocheted for her and then putting another blanket over the top.

On the weight front, I don't use the scales but judging by my clothes I don't think I'm far off but I was a size 16-18 before pregnancy and really didn't gain any beside my bump. I want to lose the 2 stone I've gained in the past couple of years and get back to a 12-14 so I'm trying to be good but don't want to restrict my diet while I'm breastfeeding. I find I lose weight best when I cut back on carbs and I know that wouldn't be the right thing to do for Scarlett

Lilia - I'm interested in coil experiences too as I think that is what I am going to go for. My Mum always used the coil and raves about it. I don't know if I'm going to be having any more children (I'm 35) and if I do it wouldn't be for a couple of years. I don't want to go back on the pill as I suffer from migraines and I don't like the idea of the injection. I'm going to do some research on the types of coil available on the internet today.

I'm really looking forward to my 6 week appointment as I am going crazy not being able to drive. I feel like I could drive now but I'm not going to risk it as I know that if you drive before the 6 week mark after a C-Section you invalidate the insurance.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend

Good Morning All xx

We've had a lovely afternoon. We had an invitation up to our friends who used to live across the road from us. It's a long story, but Andrea is the mum (moved away) and Julia is the daughter (still lives around the corner), and we have chosen them both to be Sam's godmothers. So we went up for "afternoon tea" - we left at 9.40pm!! We had a lovely time, they put on a fab spread for us, and the boys did craft and played games all night with Julia's wee girl, Millie. Such lovely people, and the kids were really well behaved. Both the godmums bathed Sam in the kitchen sink and got his PJs on, and they loved that!

Off to bed in a mo, so tired at the moment! See you all tomorrow! xx
That does sound lovely! I find the children are so well occupied with other children, in a way we have had more children because it becomes the more the merrier!:hugs:

I was thinking of the coil, whats everyone elses experiences with it? Good or bad?

Good, i have had a normal copper coil since i had my eldest because i am allergic to normal condoms, and can't take the pill due to migraines starting when i took it, docs said don't use it, so it left me with the coil, which has always been fab, but i got heavier and heavier periods so after my 3rd i went for the mirena coil, which if you google only seems to have horror stories but i found fine, it minimised periods, eventually reducing them to virtually no bleed, i would get one again, i knew i wanted more children last time so just had a copper coil back in so not to interfere with fertility, but it took longer after the normal copper coil which i think was just down to my fertility dropping off, i was ovulating some months day 12 others day 17, the randomness of that suggests my fertility changing, it took 9 months ttc Rosie but 3 months my dd b4 and i had the mirena so mirena doesn't interfere with fertility in my experience.
Am going for a coil again, the only bads are a higher risk of infections or eptopics, but in about 16 years of having one coil or another i have never had either.

Well a nice chilled day today, have made a beef stew to slow cook all day, for mine and dh's tea. the children get something with more fat and less veg!
Just have to get bread today and take ds to his job, looking after my granny for a few hours, it is hard work, she does't know who anyone is and gets a bit aggressive at times, not something i can do any more, i know who she was and it upsets me to see her now, i feel guilty for not seeing much of her but i know what i can deal with, and emotionally i am still a bit of a wreck and it could tip the balance!
My little baby girl on my lap, she is such a Mummies girl, she even cries if i leave the room, i have to put her swing in the kitchen with me, she is fine then!
Yesterday she was on my bed just cooing, i put my sleep top under her and she was asleep on it for ages, really contented!:cloud9:
Wish they could stay these little dollies forever, i just love everything about her so much!

Back later, hope everyone has a lovely Sunday xx:hugs:
Thanks BTP, I think Harry might be getting too cold as I use a 2.5 tog and he's only in a long sleeve vest. Going to try a short sleeve one and body suit tonight. We have 2 thermometers in our room and they gave two different readings so it's either 18 or 20 c in our room at night. If it's 18, he definitely must be cold, poor sausage!

Mrs J, what problems with the latch did you have? Sorry I missed your previous post. Harry keeps getting major wind so maybe I have the same problem. I'm a bit naughty and don't always wait for him to open his mouth wide. Could that cause wind?

BTP has your granny got Alzheimers? My grandad had it and it was heart breaking watching him change. Either way my heart fully goes out to you. I know how tough it is. xx
hey guys,

Im so jealous of those of you who have lost weight, i was 13.4 stone before i gave birth.. the day after i gave birth i was 12.9 stone ..... I only lost paiges weight and a little bit more..... i must be the only person who put weight on during their labor !!!

Im 12.4 stone now so must be slowly going but i was hoping to lose more after giving birth..I have two stone to lose, tpook me 12 years to lose my pregnancy weight when i had Jake..

Im mixing BF, FF, and expressing.. and its working well.... She has started sleeping in her moses basket.. third night in a row... but she still sleeps most of the day and wakes up about 11pm...
Nooo! let's not talk about weight. I was a size 16-18 pre preg so I wasn't tiny then, but I haven't bothered watching what I eat since the birth, I had the diabetes during pregnancy so I didn't eat any sweet things just plain foods and salad so I actually lost weight in pregnancy but now I'm pigging out every night and I've just finished making a HUGE batch of scones. I must be piling it on now :rofl:

On the sleeping bag note, I got given one in a small size from a friend for Ellie when she was born but I've been too paranoid to put her in it incase she's getting too warm in the night. I've noticed she comes out of it really toasty!
My little boy slept 8 hours last night!! At 3 weeks old i was quite impressed!

My big boy is currently being potty trained were on day 2 today and hes doing quite well too not had many accidents.

I havent really thought about contraception yet.
Nooo! let's not talk about weight. I was a size 16-18 pre preg so I wasn't tiny then, but I haven't bothered watching what I eat since the birth, I had the diabetes during pregnancy so I didn't eat any sweet things just plain foods and salad so I actually lost weight in pregnancy but now I'm pigging out every night and I've just finished making a HUGE batch of scones. I must be piling it on now :rofl:

On the sleeping bag note, I got given one in a small size from a friend for Ellie when she was born but I've been too paranoid to put her in it incase she's getting too warm in the night. I've noticed she comes out of it really toasty!

is that you in your fb photos? because you dont look size 16-18 at all in them...i would buy scones,rasberry jam and sqirty cream and eat them all night... its all got to stop for me now..:cry:........ bollox! i might go buy some later and start the diet tommorrow !!

P.s i uploaded a photo of paige in the blue version of that dress, doubt it will fit her for long....x

My little boy slept 8 hours last night!! At 3 weeks old i was quite impressed!

My big boy is currently being potty trained were on day 2 today and hes doing quite well too not had many accidents.

I havent really thought about contraception yet.

well done on the potty training, i heard boys are harder to potty train that girls, i know my son took longer than my friends daughter...x
BTP has your granny got Alzheimers? My grandad had it and it was heart breaking watching him change. Either way my heart fully goes out to you. I know how tough it is. xx
Yes, but she has windows of reality so gets really distressed when she realises, its horrible. She is 96 but until a fall last year was 100% self sufficient.
She went into a home but hated it, i fought to get her home with live in help, she says it was one of the best moments in her life when i picked her up to take her home, at least i made her happy then, she doesnt really know where or when she is now :cry:xx

Boony, My dd has just potty trained herself, girls are more independent so she took it upon herself to train and now she is using the toilet, with my son i just got him some nice pants and he was done in a week, he used to stand on my feet to reach the loo to wee!
It is my least best bit of toddlers, like having a puppy! Good luck xx:hugs:

Got a headache, dh was all grumpy about my eldest, we argue about it, he thinks ds is lazy and grumpy, show me a teenager that isnt!
It annoys me, i said i had him when we met so why choose now to moan about it.
I am still over emotional, wish i could say my bit without crying about it but am still fragile over the birth and just hormonal, bloody men, why cant they have a smidgen of understanding? :shrug:

Off now, check out facebook!


:baby:tp xx
BTP that is awful, I'm so sorry but that's great what you were able to do previously. xx
Hey everyone , sorry I haven’t been on here for ages! It’s been my birthday and i’ve just been so busy – so here I go catching up on 15+ pages!! Sorry if i repeat myself as im going to comment on each individual reply!
BECS0375 – where would I get childrens olbas oil from? Would they sell it in a pharmacy as opposed to Tesco etc? I have to write lists to make me remember what needs doing lol my house is full of them!! Ive been trying to incorporate some kind of routine ie: bath, feed, relaxing time before bed. It seems to work in regards to chilling her out which helps alot! Hope your house move went ok?
BABYTHINKPINK – Roxy hates her hair being washed aswell. I leave that until the very end as theres not so many tantrums then before bed! Ive found though I cant seem to use any products on her head, such as baby shampoo as it makes it go all dry! Does anyone else have that problem? Did the midwife give you any advice on your LO only snacking and not being able to poo? As Roxy is having the exact same problem – she seems to be in soooo much pain when she needs to go and then when she does its like diaragh (sp?) (cant spell that word for the life of me!)
LADYKARA – congratulations and welcome
GENIESGIRL – I know how you feel when you cant figure out why they’re crying. I hate it so much when shes bawling and I cant for the life of me figure out whats wrong! :( I think they just cry for the sake of it sometimes! I hope your feeling a bit happier now *hugs*
EMZYWEMZY – how did the baby massage class go? Im meant to be going to one with my mum and baby group – im hoping it will be a good way to settle down Roxy before bed.
BOONY – ooo your so lucky that Tyler loves his sleep!
LILBUMPBLUE – james is gorgeous! What a lovely smile! Roxy has developed spots on her face aswell!! I wonder why that is?! Ive still got my linea nigra!!
BEKKLEZ – Roxy has been smiling since she was a week old and she was born 38+6 so im not sure whether term+ babies develop quicker. I think they may do with other things – would be interesting to read about.
MRSJ08 – did the hot water bottle thing work? So sorry to hear about your infection – hope your feeling a bit better now?
DAISYBELL – glad your first day alone with LO wasn’t too stressful!
LOUISE3512UK – ive been using the saline drops aswell – they’re really good aren’t they!
SHWHATTAM+1 – congratulations on the birth of William and welcome! Ive been doing tummy time with Roxy – she really seems to enjoy it. I sing to her and play with her rattle etc, and she moves her head up to where I am in the room. Thing is, she gets really tired, so its not for long we do it for.
SARAHKKA – gorgeous pics!
F+C – welcome back! Your evening routine sounds like mine. I don’t think your doing anything wrong – I think your LO just likes being cuddled and doesn’t like being put down in the moses baskets. I have to put Roxy in there when shes asleep otherwise she wont actually settle herself in there.
MRS_N – congratulations!
TEENYWEENY – hope you had a good birthday!
LILIA – sorry to hear about your horrible hospital stay – glad to here he’s back to his normal self!
MIXEDMAMA – congratulations! Shes gorgeous!

Soooo, I think ive finally caught up! Sorry if I missed anyone! It was my 22nd birthday yesterday and so we left Roxy with my mum for a whole 4 hours!! I missed her soooo much! We went to Frankie and Bennies (sp) lol It was crap! :( took ages to get served and the food wasn’t even that nice considering the wait and the cost! Was nice to get out of the house though! Today we have been busy tidying the house as I didn’t do anything yesterday (was having a lazy day) Roxy did her first ever proper hardcore wide mouth smile today at the DH. Shes been doing little smiles, you know, but today this one was immense! She’s had a really iffy tummy atm, hysterically crying when she’s trying to go to toilet, as well as being sick :( am thinking she may have a little bit of silent reflux, so thinking of trying the infant gaviscon after her feeds. She must be ill though as her poo smelt like sick! Im not funny with smells, doing nursing and midwifery you cant be, but I was actually gagging!! Poor little thing! I know this is a bit late, but ill be adding everyone from the facebook group on facebook! My names Louise Connolly, so you’ll know its me when I add you!
Hope everyone is good!
Both my boys loved their sleep. Jayden slept through from day 1 so was very lucky with him.

BTP - I went and bought Jayden some pants today with lightning mcqueen on (he loves cars!) and if he has the pants on he will just wee or poo in them as if they are a nappy but if we take them off and let him run around without anything on then he will happily use the potty!
Sorry if I am going to sound stupid here but ive noticed that a few of you are feeding from both boobs at each feed but I was always recommended one boob at each feed and to alternate, so if you feed on right make sure you feed on the left at the next feed ?

Im following this method and Olivia is feeding really well - Just wondered what the benefit was of feeding off both (I thought the 1st bit of milk was the fore milk and the 2nd bit the hind - so they wont get alot off the seconf boob unless its a proper feed???) Or am I cracking up !!

Hope everyone is doing well - Looks like all our babies are thriving !! :kiss:
laura k1982 your right - your 'supposed' to feed off one breast only each feed, to allow fore milk, hind milk etc to come through and then the full fat milk. If you alternate then LO will get too much foremilk producing frothy poo! Everyone gets told different though. Also allowing only one boob per feed allows the other boob to generate a decent amount of milk for the next feed, so no, your not going nuts lol xxxxxxx

p.s - but as said - everyone gets told different information, as I was only feeding off one per feed, and then got told by another midwife I should be alternating, but then by my main midwife to only feed off one. I wish they would give the same info to everyone!! It gets so confusing!!

Thanks stmw - Although Olivia is feeding good this way - I had this horrible panicky moment that I was doing everything wrong and should be offering her both at each feed !!
Hi Guys just to let you know I have finally written up my birthing story if anyone is interested

Sorry of the link doesn't work

Lady K I'm going to pm you as I am doing the same as yourself regaring feeding but would be interested to know how you are going about the breast / express / formula as I keep changing my mind what I'm doing each day so you maybe able to help me. Hope you and Paige are both doing well.

BTP Sorry to hear about your mum I know how heart breaking it is when they were so independant previously my mum was so upset when my Grandad started losing his memory etc................ and yes your right men are idiots

Laura - I'm only using both boobs to feed as I have a big problem with supply and was told by the hospital that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed at all so I haven't much choice but use both boobs when I do breast feed JJ. However a good sign today is if I don't feed or express every couple of hours my boobs start to become really sore so I'm thinking more milk must be coming through !!!

STMW - Happy Birthday for yesterday xx
Stmu, drink orange juice, it goes straight through milk to loosen baby up, i drink a large glass in the morning so it doesnt give her tummy ache at night.
Breast feeding Mummies,
It is worth you keeping a food diary just to keep an eye on if anything gives lo tummy ache, everything you have goes into the milk, so some things may give more wind or looser poo, if you can look back on what you had you could minimise tummy aches or windy babies.

BTP - I went and bought Jayden some pants today with lightning mcqueen on (he loves cars!) and if he has the pants on he will just wee or poo in them as if they are a nappy but if we take them off and let him run around without anything on then he will happily use the potty!
It is just the stage b4 pulling them down, which he will get the hang of, you could try just putting him in loose pj bottoms so he can pull them down really easily and then he will get the habit of pulling them up or down then move on to pants! He will get it whatever you do! xx:hugs:

Sorry if I am going to sound stupid here but ive noticed that a few of you are feeding from both boobs at each feed but I was always recommended one boob at each feed and to alternate, so if you feed on right make sure you feed on the left at the next feed ?

Im following this method and Olivia is feeding really well - Just wondered what the benefit was of feeding off both (I thought the 1st bit of milk was the fore milk and the 2nd bit the hind - so they wont get alot off the seconf boob unless its a proper feed???) Or am I cracking up !!

Hope everyone is doing well - Looks like all our babies are thriving !! :kiss:

I feed one than offer another after about 20 mins when boob is totally drained, if she is hungry she may take both but won't take so much off the second so i start the next feed with that one, the the idea of putting a ribbon on the bra strap of your next boob to feed!
I sit squeezing my boobs trying to work out the next feed!!:haha:

Not stopping by today, still fallen out with dh over ds, not spoken about anything other than shopping list and school run today, and ignored him in bed last night, i think he was expecting i would make it up with him like i usually do, i am always the one to back down and be nice, but i am fed up with him!

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