September Stars

Hi ladies

Just popping in with a quick one on my phone before me and Holly head down to Kent for the week, although tbh I don't really want to go now. My mum and gran have been here visiting all week and they are stressing me out. I had a massive row with my mum as she kept taking Holly off me and Matt when we were cuddling her, saying that she was trying to help. She would ask if we wanted her to take her for a bit and wed say no thanks but shed just walk over and take her! Then yesterday in blackpool we were in a restaurant and I wad sorting out hollys bottle and she just got holly out of the pram, took the bottle off me and started feeding her without saying anything! I asked her not to do it and remember that Matt isn't going to see her all this week (she takes her off Matt every time he has her) and she went mad, saying I was out of order as she never sees her! Fair enough but that doesn't mean she is hers while she is visiting!! Grrr sorry for the rant, I just really don't want to go now. Oh well will just have to bite my tounge for a week.

Hope you're all well and ill try and have a catch up when I can get on a computer rather than my phone.

Love to all x
Laura I do the same as BTP and let him drain one boob before offering him the other. Some times he'll take it, sometimes he won't. I have been told to just make sure the first boob is drained however at the breast feeding clinic they said it's better to make sure LO has enough milk than to make sure they get the full hind milk just until they become used to it all. I guess we all get told different things!

Welcome back stmw and thanks for the FB invite! Hope you had a good bday? Can I ask if you BF? Only reason being is that I would love to pop out for an evening meal but am scared to go anywhere without LO just in case he needs to eat (he can be a bit unpredictable). He did accept a bottle of expressed milk once but hasn't done since which I'm gutted about. I guess it's all about persevering.
Emzy, I know how you feel! My mum has been here quite a lot recently and sometimes when I'm doing something she questions me, or she'll say 'are you not going to put a blanket on her?' and things like that, it makes me question what I'm doing! I've had to say to her that i do what I think is best for her! I do try to let her feed Lilia and change nappies etc as I know she loves to, but I know how you feel about the trying to take over thing!!

BTP - men are rubbish sometimes I agree! Sorry about your gran x

Am I the only one not using a sleeping bag? I'm getting tempted to buy one now! ALthough our bedroom is SO hot... we have the radiator turned off up there but it's still always roasting!

Asher.. thanks for asking about DH... he may be going in the next 2 weeks, but he may not be going at all now.. it's a waiting game still! There's a possibility he could get an early posting to Chatham which is about 15 mins away from where the boys live, but the job is in January which would mean he couldn't deploy... would possibliy cause issues with my work, as in I'd either have to stay here without him until July or i'd have to not go back after maternity leave, but then I'll owe my occupational allowance back... and that's 50% pay for 12 weeks which will be a bit ouchy on the purse strings!

Now for selfishness... Lilia is 6 weeks old today, and she slept last night for ....

9 hours straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10.30pm till 7.30am... much needed too!!
Asher.. thanks for asking about DH... he may be going in the next 2 weeks, but he may not be going at all now.. it's a waiting game still! There's a possibility he could get an early posting to Chatham which is about 15 mins
Now for selfishness... Lilia is 6 weeks old today, and she slept last night for ....

9 hours straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Louise Chatham is only about 10 mins up the road from me, i'm in Maidstone.

How did you manage the 9 hours sleep.... any tips?
Thanks Louise, nightmare isn't it? Lol

Louise and jelly I'm just on my way to where I grew up in dartford in Kent which is just up the road from chatham. I used to hang around in chatham as a teenager lol x
Louise that is just not fair 9hours :hissy:

F&C with Tabs i didnt get out until she was 3 months... i fed her JUST before i left and had a meal. But Robin didnt tell me she cried until she fell asleep :cry: She was a right madam though and only thing that she would take is milk if she was upset she hated hugs and everything :wacko: I have invitations to parites and i want to see Harry Potter :haha: when it comes out but bet i cant.

Laura i always feed like that too :) Did with Tabs also..

Rosalie is SO smiley she smiles all the time its so cute!! She is SOO chubby though :haha:
Louise...9 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could you not go back for a few weeks before moving so u dont have to pay it back?

My DF is from Adisham in Kent...blimey all you Kentish people lol x

Hope you and your babies are all well...James still has his rash, here is a pic what do you think??...


When he gets warm it really flares up and goes red :(
No tips I'm afraid, I was so shocked! She had a feed at about 7ish and then another at about 10.15.. she wasn't crying for the 10.15 one but was starting to get a bit ratty so maybe she was well and truly full up? But still, 9 hours is a long time.. I was actually a bit worried that she might be getting ill and that's why she hadn't woken up for the feed.. but she went 4 1/2 hours after her first one this morning until her next one! Maybe it's a growth spurt, maybe it's the sleeping part of it and it'll be followed by a feed every half an hour\?!
I'd have to go back to work for I think it's 13 weeks to repay the occupational allowance... so it wouldn't really work.. I'll have to look into it!

We had my step sons this weekend... it was lovely, they loved being with their sister, they each had a go at feeding her and changing her nappy! We had major tears when it was time to go home though, the eldest, Alex, he's 8, said he didn't want to leave her and he was so so upset, it was heartbreaking.. he said he wants to live with us. I hope it all gets sorted out with the courts in our favour, it would be the best for them!
I'm very jealous Louise!!

Blob, I hadn't even thought about Harry Potter!! What will we do with our baby?! lol Maybe I could take him in with me and hide him under my top? I had a nightmare about being at the theatre in London and suddenly realising that I had to be home to feed Harry!
Hi ladies

F&C - regarding latch and wind - as my milk was slow to come in Scarlett got used to having to suck very hard. Now that she hasn't got to suck so hard she has got lazy, not opening her mouth so wide and making lip smacking/sucking noises so she doesn't have such a good seal and is taking air when she gulps. It sounds like you might have the same problem? Scarlett gets very cross when I un-latch her and then wait for a good latch but it is definitely helping. The last 3 days have been much better as a result.

STMW - yes the hot water bottled helped thanks and I put it into my bed while she is in the crib

Got to go sorry - I can hear her waking

I get jealous of you girls losing your weight and your babies sleeping long hours but i forget paige isn't even two weeks yet some of you are a month or more ahead... im hoping my turn will come... we have managed to get her to sleep in her moses basket.. she feeds every 3 hours at night.. hubby does the midnight and 3 am and i do the 6am and 9am feeds, problem is he wakes me up on his shift... and last night she did a major poo and hubby couldn't cope to change it on his own so i got woken !!!

STMW- happy belated birthday honey and thanks for the add of FB...and boy arnt you good at catching up on this thread !!! i was rather impressed with all the personals...x

Emzy- i noticed you were off down south, i wondered how far south you were going.. but its not near me... im west london... have fun honey xx

Lilbumpblue- i remember my son having baby acne, i was told its because its their skin getting used to the bacteria in the air as they have been protected until now... Paige is starting to get a bit now... such a cute photo BTWx
Sorry for filling up the thread but just wanted to share some photos of the boys with their sister...what do you think??



Hi ladies! I have just now had the time to hunt down the new thread. I have read through the last few pages trying to catch up. Whew! LOL
Sounds like everyone is adjusting to motherhood wonderfully as evidenced by all the beautiful, happy babies. Congrats again to everyone and it's great to se everyone again!
I'd have to go back to work for I think it's 13 weeks to repay the occupational allowance... so it wouldn't really work.. I'll have to look into it!

We had my step sons this weekend... it was lovely, they loved being with their sister, they each had a go at feeding her and changing her nappy! We had major tears when it was time to go home though, the eldest, Alex, he's 8, said he didn't want to leave her and he was so so upset, it was heartbreaking.. he said he wants to live with us. I hope it all gets sorted out with the courts in our favour, it would be the best for them!

Oh hun poor boys the pics of the 3 of them together are lovely i think Lilia slightly resembles the youngest!

I get jealous of you girls losing your weight and your babies sleeping long hours but i forget paige isn't even two weeks yet some of you are a month or more ahead... im hoping my turn will come... we have managed to get her to sleep in her moses basket.. she feeds every 3 hours at night.. hubby does the midnight and 3 am and i do the 6am and 9am feeds, problem is he wakes me up on his shift... and last night she did a major poo and hubby couldn't cope to change it on his own so i got woken !!!

STMW- happy belated birthday honey and thanks for the add of FB...and boy arnt you good at catching up on this thread !!! i was rather impressed with all the personals...x

Emzy- i noticed you were off down south, i wondered how far south you were going.. but its not near me... im west london... have fun honey xx

Lilbumpblue- i remember my son having baby acne, i was told its because its their skin getting used to the bacteria in the air as they have been protected until now... Paige is starting to get a bit now... such a cute photo BTWx

Thanks see health visitor said to use just water but surely that wont get rid of the grease in the skin which will cause more??? Its going quite dry now, he also has loads of spots under his skin but i think they may be viral he has been snuffly and DF & I have had colds and sore throats! :o(

Well im so pleased with myself...iv always been 'underweight' (don't shoot me lol) and iv finally got batteries for the scales (Stolen from the VCR remote lol) weighed myself and im 8st 5lb :happydance::happydance: im so pleased cos iv always been 7st xxlb never in the 8's and with breast feeding i thought id go down again!!! ...sorry im just so happy!! :flower:
hi everyone, seems like everyone is doing fantastic! i cant believe my Roxson is already over 6weeks old!

can i be added to the first page, my name is under september 15th - Roxson Paul Healey, 3/9/10 @ 10.24pm 7lb 13oz
Louise they are two gorgeous boys, lovely photos xxx
Hiya ladies!

Louise, I commented on all your FB pics! The boys look sooooo good with Lilia, the best thing that could happen is for you and Wayne to get them. I really hope things work out in your favour with regards to his deployment too. Big hugs! Lilia is so lovely, I had to show DH her hair pics, it's fab!

Hello to all the new mummies heading over! I can't believe my boy is almost 8 weeks! Wow, where did the time go? He is just smiling now the last couple of days, and is the chunkiest monkey going! I am holding out to put him into 3-6 months clothes, he's just chub on chub! And all from my milk! He is such a little star.

My friend miscarried her first baby today at 11 weeks. It's hit DH and me quite hard, I think because we can look at Sammy and see the end result. I am appreciating all the boys a lot more tonight. :cry:

I am crap crap crap at the personals at the moment. I sit down to type and get pulled away by DH or one of the boys, or just my tiredness!!!

Hope everyone's okay tonight! :hugs:
My friend miscarried her first baby today at 11 weeks. It's hit DH and me quite hard, I think because we can look at Sammy and see the end result. I am appreciating all the boys a lot more tonight. :cry:

It is upsetting the same thing happened to my friend when I was pregnant a couple of weeks ahead of her. I'm meeting her next weekend and know it will be difficukt for her 'as to what could of been'. On a positive she is now expecting in April . big :hugs: to you and your friend xx
Awww Asher :hugs:

Louise gorgeous photos i saw them on FB too :thumbup:

Rosalie makes the lipsmaking noise but i think its when she's mucking about as not matter how many times i unlatch her she keeps doing it :hissy: She only does it on one side though??

Lilbumpblue water seemed to work for Rosalie the most, as soon as we started to bath her every night they started to clear. They are still there a bit and look worse when she's all hot and annoyed.

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