September Stars

I'm doing well. Shocked that all our babies are coming so close to being one!
hello old faces ! hope you are well! x

fc i think i missed a bit where are you moving to?

emzy id get her ready for bed then you can put her straight down when she gets home

jelly i hope you get a better birthday than that! men eh !

fc the girls loved the beach especially sand :) just such a shame i didnt see it.

my head is still full of sundays up coming Christening i am busy putting things to take in a box so i remember x
Emzy I have done this with Ollie we went to a party till about 9ish and he stayed at a friends and I got her to get him ready for bed and then we picked him up and he fell asleep in the car and then it was easier to take him straight up to bed.
GG Hope the christening goes well I remeber doing Ollies and it was stressful to organise but was a great day.
Good to see old faces coming back.
GG - I see you've started jogging. How's it going ? How long you going out for ? I'm trying to run at the moment but have to jog/walk takes me about 13 minutes now to do a mile. Just started to increase my distance now to 1 1/4 miles
:rofl: @ wise sounding f&c (cannot tell you how much I love the keyring btw)

Well done on the checkup :thumbup: we don't seem to ever get any :wacko:

This thread cannot die :haha: all you lot going back to work....seeeesh

Emzy :hugs: cannot believe that you're going to be starting your new job soon eeek!!

Got to go and check out these house photos fishy ;)

:hi: Krakir how you doing?

Jelly wow give your DH a kick :haha:

Well I'm in Nottingham right now :) got to find something to do today, so looking at a really fab website with tons of ideas ;) got a wedding tonight :cry: I don't know the groom, bride or even a single guest. Gutted!! Hope it's a nice day today.
Just popping in to say hello,

It has been a nightmare, but the important thing is Rosie is ok.
We are going away tomorrow and here is not great via my blackberry so will report back when we get home!

I am going back to take a picture of the hole in the road i fell over, it was at a local school, we were just walking in and i went flying, Rosie was facing me in the front carrier, i knew i couldn't avoid her being hit as i went down so fast, I knew imediately she had hit the floor, she screamed straight away and i couldn't comfort her, i ran into reception and asked them to call an ambulance, Rosie went all sleepy and floppy and was moaning, it was so scary. The ambulance was their in about 3 mins, and the driver said lets just get her to hospital, so we did, they checked her over, after about 50 mins after the accident she started to recover some normal behaviour, but was just grumpy and sleepy.
They held off scanning and xrays until they had observed her longer, she had no bleeding and was responding as she should, so they observed her for 4 hours then admitted her for further observation but she was ok other than a huge bump at the back of her head, they were quite worried about it but as she had no further symptoms they just said to continue observation at home and gave us all their contact numbers.
She has been better today, less clingy and grumpy, but like i said i expect she had a huge headache.
I have lumps and bumps coming up which tells the story of how i fell, i went down on knees and palms, my arms ache especially my left one which hurts all the time, i have a bruise on my left knee, and a deeper bump and bruise on the right knee which is taking longer to come up, but i have been really upset about it yesterday, and don't even want to think about if i had fell on her more or if she had been facing forward or anything.
I think i am starting to feel annoyed because it was not my fault i fell as there was a hole but i have been blaming myself for having her on me when i fell, i will prob only use the carrier to put her on my back in future.

Right i have loads of washing, ironing, packing etc to do, glad the weather is nice!
Have the neighbour house sitting, but my ds is not coming the whole week so he will be back before us anyway. He is 18 next year so its the dawning of new family holidays for us:cry:
And for your age discussions i think i may be the eldest! I am clinging on to being 38 atm!! I have been dreading 40 since 35! :haha:

Back in a week, hope everyone is ok, jobs settling into, teething babies soothed, husbands beaten into shape etc!

Hello everyone, i read the news on fb about the thread dying :(

Though i find it hard to get a minute to myself & find it easier to catch up on fb on my mobile i'm going to start to make an extra effort to post in here :thumbup: even if it is just 1 post a day.

Hope thats ok with everyone??

Fish&Chips & Emzy congrats on your new jobs!

Good luck for Monday Emma

Jellycat that sounds something my OH would say without thinking :dohh: i have to tell him what i want, he is not the spontaneous tpye.

I'm sooo jel i have loads of weight to lose, i'm currently seeing the dr as i have put on nearly 1stone unexpectedly :cry: he thinks it's IBS, nice :nope:
it's awfull when i see mums at Bethanys school who have just had thier babys & are like matchsticks :cry:

BTP i'm in tears reading your post, your right it's not your fault :hugs: i would take a picture of your injuries too, it's completely unexceptable that the pot hole had not been filled in, especialy as it is next to a scholl!!!

:hugs: to you & Rosie

We are having problems with Ollie's eating, he is refusing to eat much at all & is waking more during the night coz he is hungry

He is still in the same room as us (we only have a 2bed home) & i find it hard to let him cry, if only he would take to a dummy to soothe himself instead if using it to chew on :dohh: xxx
:hugs: :hugs: BTP def take a photo!!! That's just awful that there was such a huge hole right next to a school just waiting to happen :grr:

It really was not your fault :hugs: :hugs:
Btp I was also in tears about your post. It's terrible the way pot holes are being ignored but to ignore one right outside a school is incredibly irresponsible and a law suit waiting to happen. Big hugs to you both.

Blob, so pleased you liked the keyring!

Yep we're selling our house and moving to one still in our town but closer to a better school. We live in one of 6 victorian terraces up on an embankment. To get to them there is a steep private lane which has a drop on one side. It's a nightmare although we've always managed. The only two incidents I know of was once when a delivery guy drove a wheel off and lost traction which happened to be the evening I went into labour! And this house viewing. He was meant to park round the back.. grr
BTP - big hugs :hugs: , glad Rosie is starting to feel better xxx hope you heal soon too xx

:hi: Daisybell - if it's any consolation I'm sure your smaller than me I still need to lose another 4 1/2 stone to get back to my slim years - I'm just back down to my fat pre preg :)

Blob hope you have a great time at the wedding. I loved Nottingham when i visited.
Hello my gorgeous ladies xxx

I have been majorly AWOL!!!!!! Hope is trying to walk and is everywhere so she keeps me really busy!!!

Hope is just getting bigger everyday and she does something new everyday!! Its so sweet!! As the weather has been so nice we have been out loads!! My PND has had a few off days and we are waiting on an address to move near Ian's work! So I am packing ready to go lol!!

We had unprotected sex 3 weeks ago and I am still waiting for af, I have had alot of pains etc but still nothing!!! We just got carried away in the heat of the moment!! WOOPS! My periods are not regular anyways so this means nothing to me, I have been quite stressed lately so its probably that!!

I am so sorry I havent been n for ages, I do keep up on fb as thats on my phone! Our laptop is dying a slow death so we are going to get a new one soon!!!

Hope everyone is ok, lots of love to you all xxxxxxx
Evening lovely ladies!!! I too have been AWOL, monster in law problems, you all know the score, so I won't bore you with it!!! Needless to say, she's still a horror, and things are still nasty! Hey ho!!

BTP, so sorry to hear about you and Rosie, it frightened the life out of me reading that. So glad Rosie is ok. Massive hugs to you. xxxx

Good to see all the oldies back!! I know we do all keep up on FB, but it's lovely to hear a big update.

Well our news of the week has definitely been getting the wii. DH and I have spent every night on it playing golf. No golf tonight, hence I can catch up with you ladies!!
Sam's still a star, sleeping ever so slightly better, not great, but better. The BFing has now stopped altogether, so for a week he's been on bottles, and is just fine, and so am I, if a wee bit sad.
Archie and Jack are their usual selves, either lovely or horrible, no inbetween ha ha!!!
Does anyone watch CBeebies and has seen Mr Bloom's nursery? If so, I have some random info..... we live on the edge of a country park, Reddish Vale, and walk the dogs down there every day. This is where Mr Bloom's was filmed, but we missed it. DH and Archie (on his bike, obviously) went down the vale with the dogs this afternoon, and they're setting up for another lot of filming!! Archie was so excited! He said they saw the composterium!!!! So tomorrow, we have to go down and have a nosey, as Jack just loves it. Yippee!!

So that's my news, lots of love to all. xxx
Oooo Asher that's really exciting, sorry to hear your still having issues with moo in law.

Glad to see you Beca was wondering how you were doing at the beginning of this week.
Thanks Jelly, hope the gorgeous JJ is well. x
Ohh Asher can I come and stay so I can visit mr bloom? I love him !
Sorry your having problems still try not to let it get you down , don't let her win! X

Btp you must have been petrified you poor thing , hope you have had people looking after you?

Jelly I'm a hippo and haven't jogged for years since my knee surgery but I half walked half jogged 4 km the other night so a good start ! How often do you jog?

I have written three replys on here and each time they have failed if this doesn't work I'll scream!

I've just been packing up a box of bits to take to the christening venue I hope i haven't forgotten anything x
Asher part of me wishes I could stop bfeeding but another part loves it so much. I think it's more a case of knowing how much Harry likes it. If he wasn't that fussed I think I would have knocked it on the head a while back.

Hi Becs, sorry to hear you had a few dark days. Fingers crossed you get more information on the move soon.

I'm impressed with all this weight loss. I have no self control unfortunately!

Asher, Harry loves Mr Bloom so put us down for staying over too!
GG :rofl: I can only do 2k at the moment, I'm trying to increase my speed before increasing distance. My aim is to be able to complete 5k before I go back to work. I also have to jog/walk, but my jogging is starting to increase. Only do it on the treadmill. Tried running outside and was really slow but could go further but it felt alot tougher probably as I live on a hill lol. Good luck for the christening
I think the thread may have just swooned, or perhaps caight a bad cold and had to lie down for a couple of days? Pretty sure no death here yet! :)
Just normal summer busy schedules and babies that are almost toddlers and don't let us type two words before they're eating cat food or ripping up potted plants, etc.

We've been really busy in the last little while trying to get out and enjoy the fleeting lovely weather of the Canadian prairies/Rockies. We had a gorgeous little hike up to a waterfall yesterday. Both boys were very impressed.
And then we made a major parenting power play and re-organized the house so that the boys are now officially back in together and we have our room back baby-free. Sorry couldn't post about that right away - too busy celebrating :)sex: :wine: etc) :haha:
And, so far so good. Tobe and Simon love being in together, but I have to grab Tobe at a certain point and boob him to sleep, leave him in our bed until Simon sleeps, then deposit him in their room. And Simon was woken up by Tobe last night, but it wasn't too bad. It will work really well and hopefully sooner rather than later.
Meanwhile, Kate and Will are visiting Calgary next week. I wish them nothing but the best, but plan to avoid their visit as much as possible. The crowds will be absolute nightmares. I'm happier off hiking up a mountain with the babies in tow. :)

:hugs: to all the poorly mums and babes. Happy meet-ups and holidays to all. And I'll try to post daily so that our poor thread doesn't fade away.

:rofl: :rofl: @ hippo GG

Well wedding was ok I wasn't going to love it, we made SUCH an effort and ended up being the only ones from robins crew that went :grr: but Robin wanted to go since the guy has been so great at teaching him the ropes etc. Was very different to my norm but fun, was just a bit of a party. Though total dodgers in there :haha: there was a woman who saws dressed in trackies, England top, cap and a waterproof jacket on :wacko: and she was missing teeth :shock: yip I lead a sheltered life but omg she was giving it the swagger and everything was weeeeiirrrrdddd. Had a nice time in Nottingham my dad lives here so I love visiting :)

Asher awww @ compostorium ha ha ha so funny think tabs would have been exited seeing that. Rosalie still doesn't watch tv at all but tabs didn't until she was about 2 :wacko:

Becs yay I'm so pleased you're moving and it's going well!!

Is it for any reason they are visiting Sarah? Yaay for getting your room back it's sooo nice :wohoo: though my two definitely sleep better on their own :( tabs has slept full night with no Rosalie and Rosalie has been sleeping 7.30 - 6 on her own :hissy:

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