September Stars

Lbb - my niece didn't get her first teeth until 18 months :)
Lbb Layla has only just properly got get first teeth the bottom two came at the same time!

Btp enjoy your meet up with kara x

Take that were amazing as lots of you already know ! And Asher yep you were spot in with your timing :)

We went to a christening today more pretty dresses for the girls :) I wish I'd taken more pics on my phone last week as it's easier to upload from my phone than it is with the laptop!
thanks genies so not far off then! Im still gutted a bit that i missed going to see westlife this year too :o(! Hehe x
Hey girls!

OMG I've been sooo crap at keeping up since starting work, but I'm trying to make sure I read!! I had intended to catch up this weekend, but time has run away from me! I will soon, when I get a chance I promise.

I'm really enjoying my new job and Holly was fine by the end of the week, she must have got used to me going and realised that I do come back, even if she does think I come back in the morning! lol She had lots of fun with her Daddy on Friday night and didn't cry once, so I was happy. We've had lots of fun this weekend and I have LOVED doing her bath, bottle and putting her to bed as I've missed it so much this week. We actually had a bath together tonight, I made it deep so just her head and shoulders were out of the water and she loved it, we splashed about everywhere and played with the ducks!

For those of you that like following Matt's blog, he has created a twitter account so he can do 'daddy' updates in the style of his blog. You can follow him @newdaddydiaries. If you don't already have twitter, it's really easy to sign up. He'll be updating his blog soon too :)

Speaking of Matt, he has finally got 2 interviews this week! One is tomorrow for a management teaching position and another in PR on Wednesday. I so hope he gets one of them, he really deserves it.

Holly's doing well, she was off her food for the best part of last week which is soo not like her, she normally eats loads! I was getting a bit worried about her, but she was back to normal yesterday and has eaten sooo much today to make up for it! She had a few runny nappies throughout the week and a slight temp on 2 of the days, but didn't seem ill so I was wondering if she was teething but still no more teeth! She's still only got the 2 bottom ones. She's started to take less and less milk, to the point where she was only taking a 6oz bottle in the morning and then would only take 3oz at night! She was still sleeping through no problem, sometimes going from 8pm til 10am without a peep, so she obviously didn't need it! Tonight though she had a massive dinner and then sunk 9oz before crashing out on my lap, so she must have been hungry!!

Emzy Harry has been the same and yesterday finally ate well so I am hoping it's because his new teeth are almost through.

Jc, I know I can't believe he has so many teeth! These will be numbers 9 and 10!

I have to say that teething is pretty horrible so you ladies with gummy babies are very lucky! X

Emzy glad the new job is going well and that Holly has settled. Good luck to Matt for his job interviews!
We have 2 teeth, but no signs of any more, I thought once they started they would keep coming but she has just 2 diddy pegies in there, she uses then to scrape stuff like tomato flesh off the skin!
She really loves tomatoes, and savoury stuff, and turns away most sweet things, she likes fromage frais and mini milks but anything chocolate she throws down now!

Looking forward to my meet, leaving in about an hour, dh still in bed, getting the girls dressed in little matching outfits, very cute, I like sisters to match if possible and if it doesn't look too strange like identical EVERYTHING!:haha: However if i had twins the temptation would be there to make everything exactly the same, after watching a thing on multiples i agree they should all be allowed to dress their way...but while they are small they are mine, all mine, whahahahahah!!

Emzy, glad to hear the job is going well, good luck to Matt for the interviews xx:hugs:

Genies, my camera and phone seem both to be a pain to upload pics, and from laptop to fb is a real pain, i can only do about 2 at a time, i tried everything but it only will do it on simple uploader...rubbish!

Right time to go, girls to dress, coffee to drink, facebook to check! Back later :hugs: xx
Emzy pleased your enjoying your new job, yay i knew Holly would settle down once she got used to you going, awww think thats what i will miss once i go back, the bath time fun since Ollie go's to bed so early, between 5 & 6pm :wacko: unless my boss lets me leave early to get home in time :winkwink:

good luck Matt with his interviews!!

yes i agree F&C teething is the worst part.

we had another bad night, he was up every hour & half :nope: the only thing that got him to settle was some milk (which he only snacked on)
but i think his teeth have been bothering him which is why he kept waking up, you no sooner fall asleep & he wake's up :dohh:
Daisybell :hugs: hope you get some sleep tonight

Emzy - FCC for matts interviews both sound interesting

Another runny nappy this morning so decided to not go to the gym incase it is a bug..... Got my smear test tomorrow morning looking forward to getting it out the way

GG - loved the dresses the girls were wearing yesterday so pretty :)
Awww what a lovely morning, Ladyk you really are a star, what a lovely family and how nice it was to meet you all, Thank you for meeting up, I think we could have talked all day, Hope you got back safe, and you get unpacked and sorted faster than I have, just put another load of washing on!!!:haha:

Meet was great, just as well a 'mini' meet, don't think anyone else would have got a word in:haha:

Right tea is in oven, neighbours kids knocking on door, then all mine go off out the door and it takes 10 mins to get everyone in the house, and i have asked the girl next door not to knock, she still does:dohh:

Back soon xxxx:hugs:
How was the meet??

I did manage to get back to the party rosalie decided she just wanted to go in her cot and didn't want cuddles :dohh: though my DH pissed me right off :grr: he had a go at me because he hadn't fastened himself in and blamed ME??!! :saywhat: had the nerve to get annoyed at me for not taking out all the carseats when I picked him up :gun: uuhhhrrr I just went home did bedtime for the girls while you stayed to get drunk!!!!!!!!!!

Rosalie has 6 teeth I think maybe more coming in not sure :lol: I also had a WALKING girl :shock: was at a christening and she walked across the room. Was totally proud and now......nothing!!! Flipping chicken she is :haha:

Oooooh we have TWO 'guests' viewing tonight' :rofl:

Hope babies with runny nappies are ok :hugs:
Blob yay for walking ! Boo for dh being pesky ! You look stunning in the photos on Facebook! X

Btp glad you had a great meet with kara x

Jelly hope your smear goes well and is out the way quick x

Daisy hope your asleep x

I'm so tired can't keep eyes open !
Hi girls!
I suck!
I'm a bad thread-mate! :blush:
Just been really really busy and barely able to skim to keep up with posts in here, let alone make my own posts.
Hope everyone is well! :hugs:
Blob, you get big hugs on the having a dh behave like a 2yr old, :hugs: They are all like it I am sure! Mine flipped his lid at my 11 yr old for getting cross at HIS dd who threw all his lollypops on the floor and took them, they are all my children but he only has blood ties to the last 2 so protects Sophie with his life over stupid arsed things, like that, he raged at the 11 yr old that he shouldn't get cross at the 3 yr old, then when I said she did throw all his lollypops everywhere he said i was protecting him :)dohh: I am his mother:dohh:) and if he had to go and live elsewhere with his dd he was that supposed to be a threat, he would last all of 2 mins without being waited on hand and foot, let alone looking after a 3 yr old, my eldest would be in no rush to move out:thumbup:, and harmony would be restored, but he thinks it was a threat:shrug:
Think i will remind him today to be careful what you wish for!

House painting today, I have to paint the downstairs loo which is obviously a tiny room but needs to be done! I have ordered a jug to go on the top of the toilet in matching colours, and an airfreshner also matching:wacko:
Have now planned dining room, it just needs time and energy to do it!

Rosie has taken to biting me the last few days, it started i n the pool on holiday she bit my arm and i said 'don't bite Mummy' and she burst into tears with the sad face, which she seems to like doing, so she bites during feeds to see what i will do. She will sometimes just do the upset reaction without biting, strange girl! :shrug:

Oh and yes Blob stunning in the pics, love the dress and you are beautiful xx

Right, best be off, painting to start....soon! :hugs:
Thanks Jelly & GG we managed to get 11pm untill 6am :happydance: it's been along time coming i hope he keeps it up coz i could live with that!

BTP & Lady K i LOVE the pic's on fb, what pair of cuties you both have!!!
sounds like you had a fab meet :thumbup: hope you both enjoyed your holidays xxx

YaY Rosalie, it's typical blob, Ollie has taken a few steps but thats it, he still rather crawl everywhere :dohh:

BTP i agree men are all like that! :hugs: they all just ned a really good hard kick up the arse now & again to keep them grounded :thumbup: or is that just my OH? :haha:

Ollie bites now & again, i told him off this morning & he cryed, i'm not sure if he was trying to kiss but fancyed a nibble while he was there? :shrug:

The issue i have is Ollie has started to head butt :nope: not us but his toys, the radiator & the other day the floor!
The grandparents told me he had the "simple simon game" (plastic toy with lights thingy ma jig) & he kept bashing it into his head over & over again :nope:
I'm hoping it's all just a phase & i'm trying not to give him attention for it, in the hope he will stop (he looks at me when he is doing it)

:wave: Sarahkka

:hugs: to all xxx
Rosalie hits her head on cupboards :lol: she seems to think its amusing....strange child.

BTP :hugs: really do feel for you must be such a hard situation and one no doubt you are going to have to counter it by being more lenient on your eldest :wacko: which is going to be hard to avoid I guess :(

Rosalie bursts into tears if I shout :lol: not even at her.

Hey Sarah hope your well :hugs:

Jelly good luck :)
hey guys, had a great holiday in the end... was fantastic to meet up with BTP.. your girles are so cute !!! It made us realise we want our children close together.... and ill be buying matching outfits too !!!!Such a amazing family you have hon...

Butlins is so expensive as you have to pay for loads of extras and i think we had the wrong age kids to really get use of all the free things. We did go geocaching most days, must have racked up 30 miles of walking. We went up into the hills and saw the smallest church in England and it was a amazing view.

I have piles of washing to do...Thank god i now have a dryer.. my fridge freezer still isnt working though..

So what did i miss ????
:lol: kara not sure there was much :dohh: glad you had a nice holiday it's really hard to figure out the right holiday for different ages. I do love that my girls are so close together, if we have more it will be a gap and two more I want them to be really close growing up even if they end up not getting on when they grow up :cry:

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