September Stars

Olivia makes the lip smacking sound aswell. \when feeding her in bed the other night my oh woke up and said to us "is that nice, cause it bloody sunds it !!" He then fell back to sleep !! I too thought it was a laziness thing so take her off and relatch her.
I have missed so much havent been on the laptop for a few days

Louise- your stepsons are so cute and i am very jelouse of the sleep your getting !!

Emzy- i hope things with your mum settle down

Asher_ hugs xx

Fishy- a big thank you for your tip abput tilting the moses basket and lining with blankets, she has been sleeping much better!

we have been out and about at my friends dads 60th party, visiting friends and tommorow we going shopping.

Ive been taking all the newborn clothes out of the draws so sad to see it not needed after such a short time but Layla is now in the 0-3 stuff and Amelia, she is so long ive had to get out the 3-6 month things because of her long legs.

I went to the nct sale on saturday had a ball i spent 30 and got a bumbo two grobags and a huge load of 6-9 months clothes which i was lacking , most of it still had tags on.
Louise- love the photos, such a cute family.....x

asher- im so sorry to hear about your friend, I had a threatened miscarriage and was so sure it was over.... It does make you thankful for what you have... x
Hello ladies!!!

Welcome and congrats to all the new Mummies xx

Sorry for lack of personals but there is way too much for me to catch up on!!

We moved Friday, we are almost unpacked and settled. Hope is rather unsettled, I think she has colic, we have been giving her the drops etc and feeding upright and using the swing but she takes ages to go back to sleep and just crys, I don't know whether its the move or it is colic. I got really upset as all she has done is cry and Muprhy has also been a little git, I also think that we are all tired and still stressed from the move and maybe after a week things will calm down.
I also don't think I have bonded that well with Hope, I feel totally hopeless and really quite teary. I keep blaming myself for her crying and restlessness, I feel like such a crap Mummy.
Aw becs big hugs sweetie. You sound just like me. I have been finding the colic really hard to deal with and sit there in a crying mess after hours of crying and discomfort that I can't seem to soothe. I have said to Matt that It's my fault, that I'm a crap mum, that she doesn't love me and that I don't feel bonded with her. Part of that comes from the fact that I was taken away from her so soon after the birth and I think it mostly comes from having to distance yourself emotionally from the crying- you have to or you wouldn't be able to cope! I don't have much advice I'm afraid as I'm still going through it myself, but I will say please don't blame yourself and get as much help as possible, I've come to stay with my mum for a week for just that reason. Colic is one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with!! Also I bet she is a bit unsettled after the move which can't help. Big hugs sweetie Xx
Louise, lovely pics, they look so proud of her!:hugs:

Hiya ladies!

My friend miscarried her first baby today at 11 weeks. It's hit DH and me quite hard, I think because we can look at Sammy and see the end result. I am appreciating all the boys a lot more tonight. :cry:

Asher, a close friend of mine lost a baby girl near term from an undiagnosed congenital problem, she was a few weeks ahead of me with her next pregnancy when tests revealed the same problem and at 14 weeks had to loose the baby, since then she has misscarried each pregnancy, so sad, and i just didn't know what to do when Rosie was born, but i called her over and she had a long cuddle and we just chatted, and did talk about her baby, but it was difficult, i wanted to cry for her but it felt selfish!
I was worried through my pregnancy as we ware the same age and it makes you aware it can happen, counting my blessings now xx:hugs:

Not stopping by just reading and catching up!

Have a great day all, out today but back later i hope xx

To the breastfeeders, is your babies arm under you out the side or along baby's body?
I find, like under my boob hand towards me not under me positions her closer and she can watch me, and because her face is that little bit closer to me the sound you describe goes with the air swallowing!

Worth a try to reposition for a better latch xx:hugs:

Huge hugs Becs and Emzy. Colic is the hardest thing going. Jack was a very colicky baby, and every evening was a nightmare, with me and DH passing him between us and getting annoyed with each other. Such hard work. I had a hard time bonding because I think I actually resented him a bit for not feeding well and for not letting me have enough time with Archie anymore. The good thing was that it stopped as fast as it started. Don't feel like crap mummies, cos you're so not. You are the best! xx

BTP I was going to ask the same thing about the breastfeeding and the close to you arm. Sam makes the slurpy lipsmacking noises when he's on the left, and he latches and unlatches himself from that side constantly. I am now tucking his arm underneath my arm, as you say, and bringing him closer does seem to help. It gets the rest of his body in a good position too.

Genies, I am going to have to start with the 3-6 months stuff for Sam I think! He is so long. His 0-3 months vests are all starting to pull on his neck! I can't believe he's so big at only 8 weeks! Still my squishy little man though.

Just back from the school run. Had a couple of brews but no breakfast yet. Think I might sneak a piece of toast in while Sam still sleeps in the pram. xx
Thanks MrsJ. I think Harry can be a lazy feeder. I'm going to watch him feed closely today to see if he's making those noises.

Louise, those photos are adorable! Glad the boys are being allowed to see her!

Ladykara, Harry is almost 6 weeks and is still waking me up every 2-3 hours so you're already doing better than me!!

lilbumpblue apparently the spots are due to LO's skin being exposed to all the chemicals etc that are around in every day life so water is all that's needed.

Asher sorry to hear about your friend. I agree that any sad news re babies is even more upsetting now.

Laura lol at your oh!!!

GG, glad you're having more success with the sleeping. Harry is also in some of his 3-6b mth clothes but some are so much bigger than others!

Aww Becs :hugs: Harry is also often unsettled, particularly in the evenings. It's so easy to blame yourself but the truth is some babies are much harder work than others and I would imagine the move would have a big affect on your LO. Babies love routine and familiarity, plus they can sense when you're tired and stressed. Don't be hard on yourself, it just sounds like you have a moany baby at the moment. xxx
Emzy I didn't realise that Holly also has colic. I keep looking at your FB page feeling very jealous! Harry has colic too and it is hard. I also told my dh once after a particularly bad session that I thought Harry hated me! Because he was s fussy at feeds I didn't know if he was asking for food or not so worried I was either force feeding or starving him. It is so hard. I don't know how we would cope without his swinging chair, it's the only thing that can calm him!!
Thanks ladies xxx

Emzy I think thats my biggest problem as I was whisked off to get patched up so didn't have that first special bonding moment, I am quite jealous of Ian as he did! I just feel so useless, and as a Mum you are mean't to be able to soothe and comfort them. Ian is brilliant with her, which is such a relief. Another thing they don't tell you about at antenatal!! I keep wondering whether I have PND, but my Mum thinks its just me adjusting and what with the move we haven't really had anytime to settle since she was born.

After I managed to get her to settle we went for a walk, I needed to get out for my own sanity, I really need to look into mums and tots and start meeting people!!
Becs - feel free to tell me to buzz off but I'm worried about you. Your posts set off some alarm bells for me. Are you just feeling a bit blue or is there a chance it could be something more? If there is a even the slightest chance you could be suffering from post-natal depression please go and have a chat with your GP. My Mum suffered terribly with it after my little brother and it really is very common especially when birth hasn't gone quite as planned. Please take care of yourself xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Becs I've wondered about that too and have been extra worried about it as I've had depression in the past. I don't think I have it as I don't necessarily feel depressed, just a bit overwhelmed and sometimes feel unable to cope. I think its totally normal to feel that way with a baby with colic, but the way we both feel about the bonding after being taken away isn't nice. I feel jealous of Matt for the bonding time he had too. I have to say I think its improving now she is smiling and cooing at me. However I've come down to stay with my mum for a week and if I still feel the same I'm going to have a chat with my gp as like Mrsj said its best to nip it in the bud x
A really personal question Becs, so feel free to ignore me but how often are you crying at the moment? Also do you have any feelings of happiness? I agree that maybe you should speak to your GP but it could well be just like what Emzy is saying ie things are just a bit overwhelming. Also we found dummies and the swinging chair a God send with Harry. Do you have some 'tools' you can use to give you a break?
emzy and becs- I suffered baby blues which then turned into depression when i had my son. He was also taken off to get checked out after i gave birth.. and i didn't feel i bonded with him. I went to live with my mum for the first year of having him and my mum did everything for me which helped me cope but also meant i didn't bond for the first year. Ill be really honest too, i didnt enjoy being a mum, even with mum doing most of the work, i found it hard work and just cried every time he cried, i felt like a crap mum and would get angry which would then turn into depression etc.... I went to the doctors and they gave me medication which i only took for a week... there is so much help now with mums who suffer with baby blues or depression.. but you need to ask for help ASAP... its VERY common and most women get some degree of it, even if they just put it down to tiredness. I am waiting for baby blues to effect me as i have had it before. It can make you feel very alone and its hard to know there are people who are going through it too and people who want to help. as other have mentioned before get help now... but its really good you have mentioned it on here.. it helps to talk about things like this x:hugs:
Becs, chat to your gp, far better to nip any pnd in the early stages, you will feel better just knowing you have some support. (hugs).

KAra, your first year with your son sounds so tough, your mum sounds like a star!

How are you all losing weight already lol! I need some weighing scales to monitor my weight. I won't diet yet as I worry about my milk quality but I'll try to eat sensibly and worry about weight loss when she's getting food at 6 months. Well done to all you skinny minnies though lol!

Sophia still has some breastfeeding jaundice, she has a slightly yellow face in the mornings (I'm guessing it's because my oestrogen levels peak during the night?), then she goes pink in the afternoon. I had to battle against the health system not to get her blood tested and had a whole lot of drama last week being sent with a newborn to a ward full of really sick kids (suspected menningitis etc). I left feeling it was more detrimental to her health being there than not getting the bloods done would be. She is happy and healthy, she gained 1lb in a week last week, has plenty of healthy wees and dirty nappies and is lovely and alert. Blooming protocol driving me crazy., I wish healthcare professionals would use common sense at times (hv was covering her own butt with baby having extended jaundice but it's ever so slight). My GP agrees that she is fine and he said bfing jaundice beyond 1 month is common in 10% of bf babies.

Ahhh my stress levels have been sky high.

Hope you are all
here is a wee vid of Amelia im trying to make her giggle ...sorry its on its side! lol
Little A, lovey vid of your happy little girl, I got the first smile this morning, directed at me when i was talking to Rosie, lovely feeling getting that first smile or glimmer of recognition from baby! XX

Thanks ladies xxx

Emzy I think thats my biggest problem as I was whisked off to get patched up so didn't have that first special bonding moment, I am quite jealous of Ian as he did! I just feel so useless, and as a Mum you are mean't to be able to soothe and comfort them. Ian is brilliant with her, which is such a relief. Another thing they don't tell you about at antenatal!! I keep wondering whether I have PND, but my Mum thinks its just me adjusting and what with the move we haven't really had anytime to settle since she was born.

After I managed to get her to settle we went for a walk, I needed to get out for my own sanity, I really need to look into mums and tots and start meeting people!!

My 2yr old dd is particually close to Daddy, a real Daddies girl, it was strange that only he could settle her, but Rosie is like that with me now.

I had pnd with my first but it was a combination of a traumatic birth, a baby that needed ressusitation, (sp?) loss of blood, stitched inside and out, not getting to hold baby and his first feed had to be bottle because i was flat on my back having blood and the hospital wouldn't let me have him to feed. (then put on my notes didn't feed baby which upset me more!) he had colic for first 3 months, i was hugely over weight, in a rubbish relationship with Mr possesive and it just spiraled, i was so depressed i didn't even think about my son, i just wanted out, i don't know what made me see my way out of it but i split with oh, moved in with my Mum and Dad til i found a place of my own, gradually things got better and my son and i have a really close bond, i love him to bits and feel he is what kicked me up the bum, i had to be ok for him.
It has made me worried about pnd since, and having had a few bouts of crying worry more about it, but i do feel i have been stressed and put it more down to that.
Having been through it though i would get help from the outset just as the others have said to nip it in the bud, it took me 9 months to get through mine and start bonding with ds, and it was not til after i moved out, so 2 years b4 totally better.
My friend had an undiagnosed breech birth and was really traumatised, she had pnd and i think that initial bond and trauma at the birth have lots to do with it because you are recovering from something emotional and physical, not just physical.
The docs have a guide to pnd and how you feel to gauge if they feel you may have pnd, at the 6 week check you may get a questionare that asks how you feel, how many times you cry, or feel sad, that sort of thing.
You have had lots of stress, moving house and a new baby are tops of the list for most stressful things you can do, so your Mum may have a point!
Hope your feeling better soon, take all the help you can to give you a chance to have you time, even if its just a candle lit bath, or pedicure or something xx:hugs:
Genies and Asher Rosalie is already in 3-6 months and has been for a few weeks now :wacko: She doesnt even look small in them... EEK!!

I've found infacol works really well (but didnt with Tabs) a friend of mine who has just had her baby didnt know infacol was for babies :lol: she's a doctor and when they do the 'sticking the tube into the tummy' they use infacol to get rid of the bubbles so she said she's seen first hand that it does work if used properly :thumbup:

:hugs: To you all with colic babies :hugs: :hugs:
Becs I agree with the others, it could be partly down to the fact that you've had a stressful couple of weeks, and a traumatic birth, but I think you should go and see your GP, even if you don't take anything for it it means they can keep an eye on you... big hugs hun xx

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