September Stars

jelly tiger woods is on xbox yes i know because Chris gets it every year when the updated version comes! X

im jealous of your meet too...cant believe you are catching a ferry ym! Lol x

James isnt crawling yet but moves a few feet somehow lol...he loves to be standing thou so i think he May just walk! X
It's literally 10 minutes from Tilbury to Gravesend otherwise I'd have to go into London and back out!! Taking me 4 hours!!!! And as my mum lives near the ferry port it will be easier! :)

oh right i see what you mean now lol x

genies forgot to say we went to Manchester by virgin train last week and if you get on the disabled access carriage you can wheel you pushchair into the wheelchair space and its quite wide! X
YM- we have a big boot but as grant has pointed out my pram takes up most of the room but i dont think ill need to take the pram and even if we do for her to sleep in im sure we can fit another on top. We got my pram and suit cases with us last week ,It wont be a problem honey x
Hello darlings!
Things just seem to stay busy in this house! :) Sorry for being incommunicado!
We've been out doing lots of family stuff and then there is the Sisyphean hell of trying to maintain even the slightest amount of order in this house. I get so overwhelmed by the laundry alone. I try to do some everyday, but god help me if I miss a day! I will have a bout seven loads waiting. Babies (and especially boy babies :growlmad:) have such a talent for soiling not only their own clothes, but just about everything and one around them. :nope:
It's hopeless.
And it's hard to fight the good fight against filth and chaos when you know deep down that it's really just futile.

btp - I've been green with envy hearing about your brilliant house de-cluttering and freshening! It's inspiring! Less crap around and some fresh paint does wonders, doesn't it? Maybe that's what I need to do.

Still mulling over birthday possibilities here. I have a few bits and pieces as presents, but not sure yet of theme or even whether we'll have a party for other babies or just for family.
BTP- Ollie is crawling everywhere and is pulling himself up on everything and cruising along furniture which has only happened in a matter of a week.
We are hoping to have a BBQ for Ollies birthday his birthday is on the bank holiday Monday so hoping it is nice over that weekend and have it on the Sunday we have a big garden and his cousins have their own bouncy castle so will be borrowing that for the kids to play on.
Sarah, I must admit the place is starting to look 100x better, lounge done, hall will be done once i have moved the dining chairs currently boxed up in the hall! I can start painting the dining area next week, and having taken the curtains down, put some pictures on the wall that were on the window ledge, and thrown out huge amounts of crap, I have taken the curtain pole down, I could never work out why it was up in the first place! I am putting blinds up at the window, the walls are going to be like a light magnolia so very fresh, and the blinds are aqua so we shall see! I am going to match everything up with them.
I wanted a big double fridge freezer but because ours is not broken dh says we should wait, the fact i have to cram the bloody thing every week, and everything falls out on me when i open the door!:dohh:
I may have to find fault in it!! Not sure why he is moaning its my money i have saved up to buy the new one:shrug:

They are lucky babies being born at a nice time of year, I am hoping to have many an outdoor party in the future, i am not risking her first being rained off but it does sound lovely, we have a gazebo in the shed...mmmm!:hugs:

I just don't remember this phase of 'under feet' baby, and Rosie being my 5th you would think it would be familiar!! Perhaps it is a short phase but she is everywhere, and if she catches me she pulls herself up on my legs and I am stranded with a baby clinging to me! :haha:
Yesterday i took the pine cones off the fireplace that she kept scattering and replaced with some decorative ball things which didn't drop bits, and she has lost them, how on earth I don't know:shrug: I only found 1 of them today!!

You are lucky meeting, I loved meeting with Ladyk, we had a lovely time, I would love to meet every week, but I am going to start seeing more of my closer friends each week, I decided less looking after dh and more being out doing what i want, make him less reliant on me, and miss me a bit when i am out...think it will do him good to see how much i do for him, a day a week to fend for himself will help, or he will decide he is neglected which is fine by me!

Right off i go, back soon xx:hugs:
Hi ladies! I'm sorry for being such a rubbish poster the last few weeks! I have been keeping up with reading just not posting!!

Only 4 days left at work, had my school summer concert last Tuesday, the kids did me so proud, and the teachers and parents were full of praise about it saying it was the best one yet even after having only 3 weeks to organise, rehearse and put it on! So glad it went well, I love this school and really wanted to go out with a bang!

We move house a week tomorrow so it's all boxes and packing and cleaning at the moment! So tired! Working all day, spending as much time with lilia in the evening as I can, then packing and cleaning! If it's not clean enough we get charged so dont want the extra expense!

Lilia is pulling herself up on all the furniture, and cruising a lot, she can walk well with her baby walker but not daring to let go! She has changed so much, she suddenly seems to have lost some of her podgyness and looks more like a toddler/little girl than my baby!! She's also very vocal at the moment, still screams though!

I can't wait for the Maidstone meet! Can't wait for these babies to meet each other!

In other news, we have two new kittens. Silly I know! It was a trial, dependent on our other cat and lilia but Wayne has fallen in love with them! They are cute.. They won't go near lilia which is good, and the dog is a bit scared of hem. The cat is not keen which I'm worried about but hoping she'll come round soon.

Better go, more painting to do!
Aww Louise love kittens!! I know it will be so nice for our stars to meet each other! Cute!

BTP Holly crawls everywhere, won't stay still! Pulls up on everything she can and cruises everywhere. Also does the pull up on my legs thing, it drives me mad as I can't move!! She can stand unaided but won't, as soon as she realises I've let go, she plonks down on her bum! She walks well with her push along walker or holding our hands and is starting to walk less on her tiptoes now too, I was starting to wonder if she would ever grow out of that! I'm not sure she'll walk by her first birthday though like I did, but then again she tends to do things all of a sudden. Like when she started crawling, she rocked for a week, then crawled, then pulled up and cruised in the space of a week. So maybe she will, if she gets brave enough! I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BABY WILL BE ONE IN LESS THAN A MONTH!!! Argh!

In other news, this is totally secret, but we have decided to NTNP! Last week we kind of got caught up in the moment and didn't use a condom and then afterwards we both kind of said, well if I got pregnant we'd be really really pleased, so why don't we just NTNP? Then if nothing's happened by December we can properly TTC as planned. Now that we're both employed in good jobs with decent salaries, there is nothing stopping us, even if I am on a temp contract for now it's not a problem as I will have worked enough weeks to claim Maternity Allowance like I did last time. I did want to lose weight first, so I'm continuing with my diet and will just stop if I fall pregnant sooner. Exciting!!

Jelly and LadyK, are you both ok to pick up me and youngmummy up from Maidstone West station at 12.27? If so, I'll send youngmummy the train details and if all works out, she can just join my train at Gravesend.

:hi: Louise , love your new kittens. Hope the packing goes well this week

Emzy - dh keeps asking not to bother and ntnp but I'm currently sticking to my guns for now. Really want to work out my cycles first and be back at work . Yep 12.27 is fine for Maidstone West, how bigs your pushchair? Have you got a lift back or do you need drop off too?

JJ has got massive runny nappies again since yesterday afternoon. He's woken this afternoon completely snotty and is whiney continuously. It's been a week on and off with his runny mucous nappies, not sure if I should take him to docs or let it run it's course? He's not dehydrated nor off his food
Jelly lilia has awful nappies and is full of snot and weepy eyes every time she's teething! This afternoon she has had 3 nappy explosions from nowhere and they're very watery, she gets a sore bum straight away and is back to crying again when we change her, it's horrible! But I can usually spot a tooth close hut I can't at the moment, unless it's one of her back ones? She has just 3 through at the bottom so would have thought the 4th one there would be closest as they tend to come in pairs, her top 4 are through. Hope it doesn't get as bad as last time as we ended up at the doctors due to her bottom being red raw and it started weeping and bleeding, she only gets that when teething!
Emzy, Yes im ok to pick YM up just let me know what time ... xx
Louise - that's reassuring to know. I'll check his mouth again in the morning. He's only got two teeth do far so I'm a but if a novice at this teething lark
Just keep an eye on his temps hun, make sure he is not running too hot, but does sound like teething, it can go on ages before a tooth actually shows, some babies pop teeth out with no worries others are really bothered by them.
As long as he is taking fluids, he may be off food a bit, and is not getting over heated with a temp then I expect its a toothy peg, try him on a mini milk or similar, to cool his gums a bit it may help xx :hug:
Oooooh emzy thats fab :thumbup:

Well rosalie does lots of steps like 7 or so but no 'walking' :lol:

Meant to have been seeing friends an hour ago :cry: still no sleeping in sight :hissy:

I'm doing a joint birthday for the girls :) a big hall bouncy castle and tumble tots :yipee: well that depends on money but that's the plan.
Or a bit if carrot from the fridge to chew on? Lilia barely noticed her bottom teeth and didn't have a sore bum at all but her top teeth were a bit worse for her and like I said her bottom was worst affected, none of them have affected her eating or sleeping though luckily!

I bought a chocolate cooking book from book club at work, loads of gorgeous chocolate recipes, very naughty! Made molten chocolate cupcakes this evening .. Yummy!!!
Mmmmmmnn green & blacks books are yuuuuuuuuum too
Jelly that's what I wanted, for us both to be back at work before even thinking about the next baby. Now that we are, I kind of think, why not?? Not actively TTC though, just if it happens, it happens I guess! It's too stressful trying to work out the fertile days and 'having' to dtd on those days. My pushchair is quite small, it doesn't take up too much room. My Mum should be picking me and YM up, so we should be ok for a lift back, thanks :) Ok, so we'll get into Maidstone at 12.27 then if that's ok with you two, that'd be fab!

Poor JJ :( I think if he hasn't got a temp and is eating and drinking ok then I'd keep an eye on him and see how he goes. When Holly had bad diarrhoea her bum got so sore, so I just covered the living room with towels and left her nappy off for a bit to get some air to it. Then if she did a poo I'd just remove a towel. It really helped her not be so sore. Then I put sudocrem on each nappy change after that. Hope he's better soon.

I'm gonna be billy no mates turning up to this meet on my own !! Looking forward to it LOTS !! x

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