September Stars

oh yes genies he loves it went to my mums this afternoon and took it with us and he went straight to the fireplace and tried to grab the pebbles and had his eye on the parrot too lol!

Well we have had a lovely weekend popped to trafford centre yesterday and been out for a carvery and to get James his walker then went to visit my mum whilst Chris went fast lane karting! Hope you have had good weekends too just a shame its back to work tomorrow X
Good Morning Girlies,

I was feeding last night and it dawned on me Rosie was 10 months in a few days and that meant I had breast fed for nearly 10 months, with my boys who I fed the longest I stopped at 10 months as they lost interest and were eating and drinking fully weaned. Anyway all this leads to the fact I will be feeding longer than i have before and my target is 1 year and it looks as if we will be doing that which is fab:thumbup:
She is eating so much better now, last night she had pasta and meatballs, and the night before sausage and mash, and she is loving strawberry mouse, and just this last few days I have managed to get her to have some baby pear juice, from a tommee tippee with a soft spout, it has been the only thing she has taken to!

Lbb, Love the walker, so does James from the look of it! :hugs:

Fishy, I had forgotten this stage of intrigue! I know everything is amazing at this age! Rosie is into everything she knows she shouldn't be! She loves my pine cones and decorative stuff on the fireplace.:hugs:

Jelly, It took me a good year to order my wedding pics, they didn't seem too bothered so it must be usual! :haha::hugs:

Genies, I have put some things on ebay, and i want to find more stuff today in the attic, I need pics of my moses basket and have decided to sell the baby car seat that goes with the pram, the frame is stuck 'up' so not really much good to sell as a 3 in 1! So may as well sell the car seat as a single thing.
Sounds like a lovely day splashing in the paddling pool! And good luck with continued sleeping with the girls! :hugs:

Right got to do food shop online, and still got to do the blind, I was holding off as i needed a new blade on the hack saw but my ex has just leant me a different one! Funny how men choose to be useful when you are not with them:dohh:

Back later :hugs:xx
Hello ladies xxx

Louise, hope the move goes well xxx Get well soon Lilia x

Fishy, 12 teeth, poor Harry xxx I was gutted I didn't get to meet you the other day, you were so close!!!

Blob, OUCHY sunburn, that was me last year, I had blisters and everything!!!

GG, well done on the controlled crying, took Hope about 4 days and now we have no problems!!! Well worth the effort!!

Jelly, how is JJ's nappy situation??

Sorry if I have forgotten everyone, just having a catch up while Hope eats her breakfast!! Can't believe our babies are all coming up to 1, where has the last 12 months gone???
What is everyone up to today??? I have to pop to sainsburys, Ian is off to London tomorrow with my nephew and bro in law, they are going to nat history museum! Wednesday we have Station Families day and I have offered to make some cakes!!
Morning all :wave:

Jelly sorry to hear about your DH's job, fx he will find something before the end of Aug & thats good news about JJ's nappies improving

yay for the pregnant freinds, ive noticed there seems to be alot of people pregnant this yr (that i know) feel sad my baby isnt much of a baby anymore, went we to the park yesterday & he was walking around holding onto just one of our hands (usualy needs to hold both hands to steady himself) he's getting so much more confident :thumbup:

Lousie good luck for the move today :flower:

F&C wow 12teeth :shock: poor lad, least he is getting them out of the way with, i think the molars are the worst.

Blob ouchy! i get sunburnt a few weeks back, my fault :blush:

been a little awol we are having problems with DD, she has been wetting the bed for 10nights now, it came back that she has an infection but the medicine isnt working :nope: (doctor said she should stop by today) so we are off back to the dr's this morning, jus feeling a little frustrated that there is nothing i can do to help.

we are off to see horrid henry on friday with her (grandma is having Ollie) will be the 1st time in a long while were it has been just the three of us, she is is really excited!
Poor Bethany :( I hope she gets better soon.

Btp, they really do keep you on your toes don't they?! That's amazing news about your bf. Harry still loves the boob too and it's so nice to hear an experienced mum being totally happy with it as I've been worrying that I'll never wean him off!

Becs, gutted! I wasn't sure how close I was. I knew you were roughly over that way but then again I thought Louise was too! In hindsight I now remember that she is in Suffolk, or was! Tbh I was late for my appointment and then it ran over so I got home relatively late anyway. Maybe next time? X
Awwww poor Bethany :( got to be awful for her.

Rosalie isn't ready to stop bf think the bottle thing was a phase/teeth? But tabs fed till 16months so going to go the same I think.
Hey ladies!

Well, first proper day of the school holidays :happydance:

And... I have a crawling baby! At Last!!! :happydance: She went to her grandad's house for the weekend and has come back crawling (even though it's not proper crawling... she kind of moves about with one leg bent and one straight). Although now she's in to everything. She too really likes the xbox lol.

Asher - I love chester zoo! Glad you had a good time.

Daisy - fx Bethany feels better soon :hugs:

Lbb - glad you had a good weekend too.

Louise - good luck for your move today!

Blob - ouchie 4 the sunburn. My tan from holiday is fading fast now :(

As for me, I had a good weekend at a friend's party, but really am drinking too much. The past two weekends i've got hammered, and then feel like pants all sunday. I need to calm it, but it's my best friend's birthday Friday and we're meant to be going to a club in Sheffield. Oh dear.

Oh, and tonight i'm going to see Slash courtesy of Chris' father's day present that I got him from the girls. Should be fab!

Shit, Izzy's got the xbox controllers again. Back soon!

Sitting in the garden with my lunch while the girls nap in the buggy , morning nap is in the buggy as they are so used to me dropping them off somewhere at around 10.30 so it's working nicely to just pop them in there !

Thanks for the reassurance on sleep becs glad it worked for hope ! X

Btp glad ex husband cane in useful and well done on the bf hats off to you from someone who never tried !

Optical what do you drink ? I can only take wine these days x

Daisy sorry she is having problems poor love hopefully the cinema trip will help x

My tickets for the trains to Maidstone arrived in the post so I am all sorted to go :) Am soooo excited!!!

Kimi is sooooooooo close to crawling...we think she is gna do it one minute and then she firmly plomps back down!!!

She is also taking her solids a lot better and is finger feeding herself...

Had her weighed and she is still a diddy 17lb 7oz... proper little madam when she wants to be though... and we still have two teeth!!!

Pip is also just 10 weeks away from being fully cooked!!! I am just about ready for this pregnancy to be over... soon will be a mummy of 2!! Scary scary thought!!!

Hope everyone is okay... i promise to catch up as soon as sky have installed my internet which is happening the day of the Maidstone Meet!!!

My OH has said I cannot get too attached to all the walking babies and remember that I only have one baby and cannot bring them all home....

Big hugs to everyone!!!

Thanks everyone, the dr gave her some new medicine today, fx it works :thumbup:

optical enjoy tonight & there is nothing wrong with letting your hair down :thumbup:

Genies i'm a wine drinker too :) Rose my fav tho i do like a good red :winkwink:

YMummy :wave: yay kimi sounds though she is doing gr8 & wow only 10weeks to go :happydance: have you decided on a name yet for pip?
i found choosing a girls name really easy then i found out i was having a boy :dohh:

Well went & got Ollie's first pair of shoes today with him wanting to walk around more,(holding a hand) he is a size 4G :shock: i took some pic's on my phone which i will pop onto fb later xxx
4G :rofl: tabs was a 41/2 when she turned 2 :haha: so cute tho I think I saw pics on Facebook?? Cuuuuute!!!!

YM omfg 10 weeks!!!!!!!! :shock: yaaay for nearly crawling!!

Rosalie has started to crawl really strange think it's her thinking more of walking? :wacko: strange child I have
Daisybell - glad you managed to get some medicine hope it works for her. Yay on Ollies shoes loved the pic on FB xx

Ymummy - wow 30 weeks can't wait to see the bump ;-) I think Kimi will be crawling before you know it!

Becs - JJ nappies situation seems to be improving since changing back the milk, still not 100% normal. However for the first time in weeks I didn't change him last night and he didn't leak so at least that part of the nappy bamboozles has been solved.

Opti - it's good to let your hair down , enjoy it. Just need to figure out how to stop you're hangovers the next day!

Fishy you were in a scary dream if mine last night we met for coffee in this glassed cubed coffeeshop and ended up in the middle of a riot with police etc, we had to make a run for it - very bizarre at least the kids weren't with us.

Went to sainsburys today and got JJ loads of new clothes as realised he will soon be growing out of what he's wearing. JJ has started doing a pyramid by straightening his legs and arms with bum in air. Think he's trying to stand without realising he can hold onto things to stand. Hes nit sleeping well tonight think it's too hot for him :-(
Sorry girls! There are five pages to read and I haven't got a spare moment!
Just wanted to say a quick hi!
We are on holiday at the moment, so I won;t be on much in the next week or so.
:hugs: to all!

Well we're in our new house, it's a lot 'cosier' than the last one so today we have to attempt to fit our furniture in when they drop the read of it off! I think I'm going to take lilia for a wander round Maidstone to get her (and me) out of the way of the upheaval.. And to see what there is of course! Need to find a supermarket! The estate is nicer than I remembered.. The part we're on has a huge park and lots of green and woods which is lovely! I am however slightly concerned about my cat and kittens as we stood in the garden last night at dusk and there were two foxes wandering around on the green bit behind our house without a care in the world, even though they were right under a street light.. Worried they'll get my cats... May have to let Jake have a word with them before I let the cats out! I like foxes but never seen them that brave! And I like my cats more!

Sorry for selfish post I did read everything! Will do proper catch up later x
Lol JC! Having nightmares about me already? You just wait 'til after Maidstone! He he.

Wow YM that has gone so quickly. You'll be easy to spot though!

So how many people are going to the meet? Has anyone got a camera they could bring so that other stars and their mummys can see some pics?
Good luck in your new house, hope you can fit the furniture in!
Not sure about the foxes, there is plenty of wildlife here but not many cats which i think is odd as its the ideal place with no roads or anything, I want a seal point siamese some time, but dh wants to change his car and its the wrong time to ask him!! I want a fridge freezer first, then I can start nagging about a cat!!:thumbup:

Ym, Oh how exiting, not long now til you meet pip!:hugs:

Rosie crawling everywhere at great speed, and I can't keep up! We had stair gates for Sophie still up but never used them so we are closing them all again now!

Sarah, hi! :hi::hugs:

Daisybell, lol big feet! Not had Rosie measured, still not sure she is a size yet, she is teeny everywhere!:haha::hugs:

Off to meet a friend today, my ds is nursing a broken heart today after his 'girlfriend' rang and canceled their meet yesterday and said she couldn't come round at all during the holidays, I feel a bit responsible as I called the house a few times to try and sort out her coming to us for a day, I spoke to her parents at school, then called to try and sort it, but seemed to only get to talk to the children in the house, and I think they thought we are a bit mad, but I get the impression I am much more protective of mine, especially as Ben is adhd and not as 'street wise' as most 11 year olds. I was just trying to make sure they knew she would be looked after but it obviously came over as pushy:shrug:
Girlfriends are apparently easy come easy go at 11 though so hopefully he will be moving on!!:haha:

Back later xx:hugs:
Yes it's true Ollie has a pasty foot :haha:

Jelly ive been buying Ollie some next size up clothes ready for september time (ish) i like to stay one step ahead :thumbup: xxx

Louise i saw you pic's on fb pleased you managed to fit all of your things in you new home (just) i love that you have a park right next to you gr8 for the kids!!

Sarah enjoy your holiday xxx

i'm not going :cry: F&C but yes someone better take some pic's or me & Blob will :gun: haha :winkwink:

you must take one of all the babies together :thumbup:

awww btp your poor ds, these is plenty more fish in the sea, thats what i was told :winkwink:

we are having abit of a lazy day here, watching tom & jerry & eating sweeties, Ollie is soooo tired today, he is now having his 2nd nap of the day & has been up there for 1 & 1/2hrs so far :wacko:

He normaly only has one 1.5hr nap all day. cars going in for it's MOT tomorrow fx'd it sails through xxxx
Sorry for being a rubbish poster recently i have been trying to read on my phone to keep up to date but its quite difficult to post on my phone it doesnt always work!

Well my biggest boy turned 3 on sunday! Cant believe i have a 3 year old! He's had a 4 day birthday because DH had a long weekend off work. Unfortunately we had to cancel his party to sundown due to selfish people dropping out but we still went for the day anyway and he loved it and both of the kids were completely zonked out by the end lol.

I had a midwife appointment yesterday aswell baby is head down but not engaged and measuring perfectly! Getting really uncomfortable now its taking me ages to get to sleep and then i'm not sleeping well even when i do get to sleep. But i only have 8 1/2 weeks to go!!

Having problems with our dog too which isnt helping (esp when the neighbours are complaining thats shes howling but its them making noise in the garden which is making her howl!!!).
We had to have out older dog put down he was very old (19) and his kidneys werent working very well and he didnt seem to be happy anymore so we made the decision to put him out of his misery! We didnt think it would make much difference to Mia because George never played with her or anything anyway but she seems to be howling at night and whenever DH goes to work and when we go out. Shes an akita so we think shes trying to call for her pack. we've stopped her howling at night and when DH goes to work by using rescue remedy but apparently we've had another complaint put in against us and although were not certain what its for we think that either its from the other night when she suddenly howled at around 12am because next door was being noisy in the garden and she thought someone was breaking in or she was howling on sunday when we were out all day. We have considered getting another dog but it would have to be quite a sturdy dog to keep up with Mia and we dont have the space for another large dog (George was only medium sized).

sorry for no personals but my memory is mush as the minute i can only remember the last 5 minutes lol.
31 weeks boony :shock: Happy Birthday to your little boy :cake:

Louise am off to see the photos :)

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