September Stars

Thanks ladies, I do feel happy and I love being a Mum, I just think I am still adjusting and what with the stress of moving its all got on top of me. Its only when she crys during the day, the dog barking and I am trying to have something to eat etc that I feel upset!! We have a swinging chair and dummies, which are good but only do for a short period of time!!

My sister has had Hope for a few hours this afternoon while cleaned our old house, she said that Hope is showing signs of teething, irritable, bit hot, dribbly and she has a white dot in the corner of her gums and you can feel a tooth there, maybe thats why she has been so clingy and upset??? I thought it was too early for teething but my niece had teeth through at 6 weeks!!
Aw Becs, big old hugs. Perhaps things are just overwhelming at the moment, you have a lot on your plate. Even on the smoothest of days, sometimes all it takes for me is for the noisiest of our two dogs to start barking at someone and I feel like having a good cry!

Sam has been a whingey little man all afternoon. He's finally just having a quick sleep now, before bathtime. If I hadn't let him sleep for a while I think he'd be a nightmare until bedtime! I managed to get up in the loft and get some 3-6 months clothes down, wash them and they are now on the radiators drying off. They don't look that big! Blob, have you had Rosalie weighed lately?

Sat here with a colour on my hair. I am going brown for a change, been blonde for a while now.
Hi Ladies
Emzywemzy – sorry your stressed with your mum, hopefully your week in Kent wont be too stressful *hugs* my MIL was the same but since my DH has been a bit more vocal and voicing his concerns she has backed off
F+C – heya :) I had a great birthday thanks!! I did breastfeed before I got put on my concoction(sp?) of antibiotics, I didn’t go out much at that point though, so didn’t experience feeding outside. You can get fancy looking covers for BF outside from john lewis, in loads of colours aswell, but I bet you can get a fairly priced one on the internet somewhere. As long as your discreet and comfortable doing it in public, I don’t think it should be a problem. If not, the Tommee Tippee bottles are ‘supposed’ to mimic the shape of natural nipple, Roxy seemed to alternate from boob to bottle when I expressed well, without ‘nipple confusion’.
Louise3512uk – very very jealous at your lovely 9 hour sleep stretch!! Happy 6 weeks to Lilia!! Gorgeous pics!!
Lilbumpblue – roxy has a rash which also flare up more when she’s hot!! I presume its a heat rash. Ive got the HV coming tomorrow, so will enquire!! Congrats on your weight skinny minny!!
Mrsj08 – glad the hot water bottle worked!!!
Ladykara – thankyou!! It did take me a few hours to catch up!!
Nursekel – hello :)
123Deirdre – hiya :)
Asher – sorry to here about your friend *hugs*
Becs0375 – big hugs!! Your not a crap mum atall! You’ve a lot on your plate atm with the move and everything, so your bound to be tired! Moving house is stressful enough as it is, let alone with a newborn. Have you thought about reflux? Alot of people (including myself) mistake reflux for colic. If its happening after all her feeds this is more than likely whats making Hope so miserable. You can go to the docs and get infant gaviscon which should help. Keep smiling!!
Little a – awesome video!!

Well today has been a complete chill day really :) the DH is in work and little Roxy has been asleep the majority of the day. Im a little concerned though, as she doesn’t seem to be eating alot – literally an ounce here and there, and is then sleeping! I thought at 6 weeks i was going to get the constant demands for food? Is very strange! Possible TMI coming but i need some advice – since yesterday ive been getting AF pains as well as a brown discharge, I thought this was the beginnings of my periods again but its continued to be rather painful but very light and brown? Did anyone else have this? xxxxx
:lol: nope not had her weighed in aggges :dohh: really was meant to tomorrow but i might take them both swimming instead... am i mad or has anyone else taken two swimming on their own?? :haha:

Becs :hugs: I was like that with Tabs she was teething at around 6-7 weeks but didnt get her took until she was about 3-4 months was hell she just drooled and cried :nope: she fed all the time for comfort i never got anytime that wasnt me attatched to baby.

Asher i'm thinking about going blonde again :haha: I dyed it back brown when i got married...though depends if i can A. be bothered or B. have enough money, good thing though is my hairdresser comes out to the house which is SO much easier for me. :)
Soooo the hair is really really dark! I don't look like me! Ah well, I'll get used to it! I haven't been dark for quite a while now, I maybe shouldn't have gone quite so dark in one go!

There are lots of gorgeous pics on FB of all our lovely babies everyone! These September Stars (and August and October!) are gorgeous, each and every one of them!

Sam has been mega crabby all afternoon and evening, maybe on a growth spurt. He's settled now but I don't think it will last! DH has just taken him to the bedroom, going to have a bit of supper and head up.
Awww Becs big :hugs: for you, you are a great mummy it takes a lot of adjusting! xx
Wow Asher u'll have t pop some pics on!! Blob u must be KERRRRAZY!!!!! so sad how quick they grow isnt it, James is out of his tiny baby stuff now too :( ...and iv forgotten everything else iv read! Sorry!!

Oooh James first smiled when i was talking to him at about 1 week old and he is next to me in his chair silent laughing at one of his toys so i started talking to him and he actually smiled and laughed out!!! Bought a tear to my eye!!! :) xx
Olivia has also developed the rash you have all been describing - My HV today also recommended just pure water. It looks awful when she cries as it gets horrible and red :growlmad:

Thought I would share a few pics (xcuse quality as both taken on my phone !!)
Oh she is beautiful hun :) HV said to put talc on his neck too! x
Olivia is perfect! Sam's rash has calmed down now but has been replaced by very dry skin! So now I'm putting E45 Junior on it, which is really helping.
Thanks girls :)

Oooooo Asher E45 Junior - I knew there was something missing from ny kitbag !!!
laura- loving the photos.. so cute !!!, are they recent... she is a month older than paige but look the same age....
They were taken when she was 5 weeks Kara - so nearly 2 weeks ago (She'll be 7 weeks on Friday). Shes still quite tiny though - She weighed 6lbs 5ozs at birth and was 9lbs 2ozs today when weighed by HV. x
Gorgeous photos!! I spend half my life oohing and aaahhing at all of your baby photos on fb! Asher is right we have some gorgeous babies!!

Hollys rash has gone now too and the dry skin has more or less gone too. I was putting regular e45 on it as that's what I use and it says suitable for babies... I didn't know there was a junior version!

Well hollys nice little routine has been well and truly disrupted by having my mum and gran visit and now us coming down here. She's sleeping at all funny times! I hope we can get it back on track as she was sleeping through and now she's not!

Omg cringe... my gran is watching a film in the living room and I'm sat in the same room browsing the net. I just looked up and the people in the film are having full blown noisy sex. There is something very wrong with watching sex scenes on the tv with your gran!!! Christ knows what she's watching!
Oh and I was wondering if any of you from or near the north west would be interested in a meet? How many of us are there? I know Asher is near by but not sure on anyone else? I was thinking maybe the Trafford centre or somewhere? I know some of you might like to wait a bit til your babies are a bit older... I forget that holly is 6 weeks older than some of your babies! Let me know your thoughts Xx
Emzy there is something awful about watching sex scenes with someone in your family! Cringeworthy!!

I already had the E45 junior stuff in - Jack has phases of terrible eczema on his cheeks, and the pharmacist suggested it. It's great on Sam's skin.

I'd definitely be up for a meet, Trafford Centre would be good for me.

I can't believe Sam will be 8 weeks old today - where is the time going?
Good morning,

Olivia is gorgeous, what lovely pics xx

Just wanted to say about hair, while everyone is chatting about it!
When baby is a few months old, i think about 4, your hair that was retained during pregnancy drops out and you moult!
You don't loose any more than you would if you shed it normally during pregnancy but for some reason you retain it in pregnancy and it all comes out after.
I am going to go darker because i have some blonde strips in it now, but i am thinking of a bob as well, shoulder length, poissibly with some layers to the front, just really to make it more managable when it starts shedding!
At the moment it is long and i can imagine Rosie getting handfuls and mouthfuls of it so i think shorter is the way to go for me!
Just thought i would pre warn you guys of what is yet to come from pregnancy, another weird unexpected thing i remember freaked me out the first few times! (tbh it always does because so much hair comes out when you brush!)
Does anyone else that has had a baby b4 remember this happening, it seemed to be everyone on my last thread it happened to!

Back later to catch up, :hugs: xx
Hi Ladies, just wondering if anyone else is having issues with their LO sleeping in a crib or bassinet. My LO seems to absolutely hate his bassinet and I've resorted to letting him sleep in his swing (which he loves). He'll also sleep in his infant chair. As I don't see either of these as long term solutions, just wondering if anyone else is going through this and/or has suggestions.
BTP - it was only this morning I was thinking how thick my hair had got and how I really need it cut. Think I might hold fire now.

Shwattam - my LO wouldn't settle at night with persistent crying so we used a dummy last night and he only used it for 10 minutes but it really helped. Dont know if this would help you ?

Becs - hope your feeling a bit brighter today xx Try not to be hard on yourself and go see your gp even if you are feeling more positive at least they will then know how your feeling xxx

Going to register JJ tomorrow really nervous as it's our first proper trip out..... Hoping I don't forget anything important for the changing bag.

Hope everyones enjoying the sunny October weather xxx
We do use a pacifier, but it doesn't help at night...he simply spits it out so he can let us know how happy he is in the bassinet. We're brainstorming other options. I'm just not comfortable him sleeping in his swing all the time, as I worry he's not sleeping flat.

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