September Stars

I feel your pain. Harry is the same but we just keep trying with the basket. He has to be asleep before we place him in the basket and sometimes this means allowing him to fall asleep in the swing. He has to be in a deep sleep though before we move him which is about 15 mins or so after he drops off. x
Holly has never slept in her moses, she hates it!! We moved her cot into our room and she sleeps fine in that. She is a wriggler and I think she was waking herself up banging on the sides x
They were taken when she was 5 weeks Kara - so nearly 2 weeks ago (She'll be 7 weeks on Friday). Shes still quite tiny though - She weighed 6lbs 5ozs at birth and was 9lbs 2ozs today when weighed by HV. x

Wow she was tiny, Paige isnt even two weeks yet and weighs more than your LO !!! Paige is now 9.4lbs...

Gorgeous photos!! I spend half my life oohing and aaahhing at all of your baby photos on fb! Asher is right we have some gorgeous babies!!

Hollys rash has gone now too and the dry skin has more or less gone too. I was putting regular e45 on it as that's what I use and it says suitable for babies... I didn't know there was a junior version!

Well hollys nice little routine has been well and truly disrupted by having my mum and gran visit and now us coming down here. She's sleeping at all funny times! I hope we can get it back on track as she was sleeping through and now she's not!

Omg cringe... my gran is watching a film in the living room and I'm sat in the same room browsing the net. I just looked up and the people in the film are having full blown noisy sex. There is something very wrong with watching sex scenes on the tv with your gran!!! Christ knows what she's watching!

I spent a lot of my time looking at all the baby photos too, some people dont post enough photos !!!!

Just to really bring this thread down, the most viewed video on youtube is videos of peoples reaction to a very well known revolting porn scene... Just the name of it makes me sick but im hoping you know which one i mean.. Alway thought about filming my nan watching that ... and of course post on youtube

Good morning,

Olivia is gorgeous, what lovely pics xx

Just wanted to say about hair, while everyone is chatting about it!
When baby is a few months old, i think about 4, your hair that was retained during pregnancy drops out and you moult!
You don't loose any more than you would if you shed it normally during pregnancy but for some reason you retain it in pregnancy and it all comes out after.
I am going to go darker because i have some blonde strips in it now, but i am thinking of a bob as well, shoulder length, poissibly with some layers to the front, just really to make it more managable when it starts shedding!
At the moment it is long and i can imagine Rosie getting handfuls and mouthfuls of it so i think shorter is the way to go for me!
Just thought i would pre warn you guys of what is yet to come from pregnancy, another weird unexpected thing i remember freaked me out the first few times! (tbh it always does because so much hair comes out when you brush!)
Does anyone else that has had a baby b4 remember this happening, it seemed to be everyone on my last thread it happened to!

Back later to catch up, :hugs: xx

Yep, i remember how my hair went from lovely full pregnancy locks back to think dull hair.... :cry:

Hi Ladies, just wondering if anyone else is having issues with their LO sleeping in a crib or bassinet. My LO seems to absolutely hate his bassinet and I've resorted to letting him sleep in his swing (which he loves). He'll also sleep in his infant chair. As I don't see either of these as long term solutions, just wondering if anyone else is going through this and/or has suggestions.

Paige will only go in her basket if we put her in there asleep.. she wont settle very well otherwise... wish i could help but i think some babies just get funny about were they sleep...
Just a quick visit, will make personals later. Hope everyone and babies are ok. :)

Health Visitor came around Monday to check on Ellie. She's now 8lb 8oz at almost 7 weeks old, she's grown so much the last few weeks!
She's measuring 9th centile for weight and 2nd-9th centile for legnth so I think that she's gonna be small like her daddy!
I can't believe some of you have babies in 3-6 months clothes!! We have just today tried some 0-3 months stuff on Lilia as newborn is getting a bit on the snug side, but 0-3 seems to still swamp her! She is 25th centile so also quite a dinky baby, though not as dinky as Ellie!!

I am sorry to announce that we had another full nights sleep last night! Tried a night time bath for the first time (have done mornings up till now) and added a bit of Johnsons bedtime bath... up to now have used plain water. She likes baths but not so keen on getting out and dried and dressed... she screams her head off so always thought night time bath would just wind her up! Then gave her a bottle but she fell well and truly asleep so only had 3 0zs.. so I was NOT hopeful for a good night! But she was asleep by 10.30, and woke up at 7am! She did grizzle a couple of times in the night but a couple of rocks of the moses basket stand and she was back to sleep... I try to calm her this way first, if she doesn't settle straight away I'll put my hand on her chest, and if that stil doesn't work I plonk her dummy back in.. only then will I get her out and give her a bottle, but quite often she settles herself back down.. maybe this is helping?! I would recommend a rocking moses basket stand to anyone!! I wasn't going to get one at first, as my thoughts were that a cot doesn't rock so it will be difficult when she transfers, but it's so good i'll just cross that bridge when we come to it!

We tried today putting her down in her cot upstairs for her nap.. thought it might get her used to it ready for when she goes in it full time! She only managed about 45 minutes but it's a start! She's not always very good at napping during the day.. it's all or nothing with her, she either sleeps almost all day, or she has days where she just cat naps for 10/15 minutes here and there.... then she's a grumpy little moo!!

Surprisingly though, it seems to be the days that she sleeps most that shesleeps better at night?!?!

Sorry for long rambling post!

Not looking forward to my hair falling out I have to say!!
wow, Lilia sleeps like a dream. Ellie is still waking every 2-3hrs like clockwork :dohh:
Sooo jealous Louise, Bek James is the same now but he tends to have 4 hours sleep then wake every 1 or 2hrs!!
...oh and im always taking pics just about to put more on facebook in a bit! People will start to get fed up i think hehe x
We are still every three hours for waking!

Laylas must be going through a spurt she had over ten ozs from three bottles in the space of an hour.

Both girls are upstairs sleeping at the mo, they have been a little grizzly today but have both had there baths and gone down for sleep with minimal fuss , i imagine the next feed will be in an hour.

Louise i am so jelouse of your lovely sleeper!

Lady K Paige looks like a real sweetie

Emzy id love a meet up but am absolutly no where near and dont drive :)
...i think once these babies are a bit older we should all bombard butlins! 'September stars butlins bombardment' hehe x
for those who are having bad nights..... I learnt from when Jake was young you need to have a bed time routine.. dont let them sleep in the same place as they do during the day, take any toys away from sight, bath time at night,dim lights, warm milk before bed time and any during the night, if you need to change a nappy do it half way through a feed... dont talk to them or stimulate them (not that you are wanting to do that at 3am)

Im not saying it will be the fix but it might help.

We registered Paiges birth today and i sorted out the child benefit claim form... i got puked on for the first time, infact paige has never been sick so i felt honored she picked me ..:thumbup:
Hi girls, sorry I've been AWOL - too busy staring at my gorgeous little boy!
Just wondered if anyone had any advice to get him pooping - poor little chap hasn't opened his bowels for 7 days now & he's only 10 days old! No-one is worried since he's very well & gaining like a trooper (6oz in 2 days!!) after an initial 11% loss. But I can start to see it's bothering him & I'm sure he'll be more comfortable once he goes!
Just a quick catch up - sorry I had to skim most posts.
My whole household has come down with another head cold from my toddler.
We were so lucky with Simon's health - maybe five colds/bugs altogether duing the first 20 months of his sturdy little life, but now he seems to be making up for lost time. It's been less than a month since the last rotten cold and now here we are again. :nope:
And poor wee Toby has caught it and is snurfling desperately at night - it freaks me out a bit to hear him, to be honest. I am the only one who seems to be well (so far anyway), so I am guessing that I haven't generated the immunity he needed through the breast milk yet. Poor little babe. I doubt he is going to enjoy the same excellent health if his brother is constantly bringing home these nasty germs.

:hugs: to all of those toughing out colic, PND, sleep-resistant babies, etc.
Babies are incredibly hard work.

Lovely pics posted in the past couple of days.
I am really behind on that! Both on FB and here!
Must put that on to-do list! :)
Hi girls, sorry I've been AWOL - too busy staring at my gorgeous little boy!
Just wondered if anyone had any advice to get him pooping - poor little chap hasn't opened his bowels for 7 days now & he's only 10 days old! No-one is worried since he's very well & gaining like a trooper (6oz in 2 days!!) after an initial 11% loss. But I can start to see it's bothering him & I'm sure he'll be more comfortable once he goes!

Mrs N we had a similar problem but only for a few days and when JJ did poop it was like hard play doh.... MW recommended 1oz of cooled water after his feed..... we tried this and it worked. She said if this didnt work to add a touch of fruit juice to the water. Can't believe your MW didn't recommend anything ! Hope this helps to get things moving xx
Mrs N, I was going to suggest water too!!!

OMG I don't know where the hours in the day are going, I don't feel I am 5 minutes, between seeign to Hope and sorting the house and walking the dog!! Its all good fun!

I am feeling much better, I am going to make her an appointment to see the Dr, just to put my mind at ease but I think she is just unsettled. She slept for 6 hours straight last night then another 4, so feeling refreshed!! She is now asleep again and I have just done all my housework and got ready, waiting for her to wake up to get her dressed then go for a walk! Its flippin freezing out there!!
Stupid question alert - How do I give the water?? He's exclusively breastfed, I don't want to cause any confusion by using a bottle.
Mrs N, you could use either a little cup, that's what they often use in hospital to give expressed milk.. or tommee tippee closer to nature bottles are really good for preventing nipple confusion.. before I went on to formula I was combination feeding and I used these bottles to feed the expressed milk and she was still fine on the breast.. otherwise I think they say a syringe or something like that? I agree though, Lilia was a bit bunged up when she was a week or so old but one ounce of cooled boiled water and she was fine and touch wood we've had no problems with that since!!

Becs, glad you're feeling a bit better but you make sure you mention it to the GP just in case!! Enjoy your walk.. oh, and happy month birthday to Hope!!

Lilbump... I agree a butlins bonanza would be brilliant!!

Sarah.. sorry to hear that your little one is full of cold again :( Lilia has been very snuffly for about a week now but no proper cold seems to have appeared, just the snuffles!

I can't remember anything else sorry!!

Lilia didn't go through last night I'm sure yo'll all be pleased to hear!! She went down at 10pm and woke up at 3am .. but it's ok because daddy did the night feed woohoo!! It makes a pleasant change! Most of the nights she's gone through have been nights that Wayne offered to do nights!! I got up with her at 8am and am proud of myself as I've done all my chores!

We should find out by the end of this week whether or not Wayne is being deployed or not... if not, we'll most probably be on for the move to Chatham.... if he is, then more than likely we'll be posted to Maidstone in July... I suppose that way I go back to work and don't need to worry about paying back my maternity pay, but I have to admit I really really don't want him to go now... already 3 of the guys have been injured and one was killed on Monday :( it's horrible, this is not a very nice place to be at the moment :(
Oh Louise that is awful, Chris' cousin is in the army and went to Afghanistan last year and everytime anything bad came on the news it just made my stomache do a somersault!

Well the hv has been today and weighed James and he is 8lb 15oz so 15oz gain in 9 days!! He is a month old today too ...and all snuffly as are most of our babies!!! xx
:hi: ladies

Sorry for my absence - I've been trying hard to get out and about during the day so haven't had time to get on. I tend to read posts while feeding on my phone but it's hard to reply one handed on the phone!

Scarlett went to baby clinic on Tuesday and now weighs 9lb1oz and is on the 50th Centile at the moment. Things are generally good although her arm looks very sore from her BCG injection. Apparently, the worse it looks, the better the protection but it's quite scary when a massive boil like lump comes up out of the blue. Unfortunately she had to have the injection as it's the policy in our borough. It's due to the fact that we live near Heathrow and immigrants pose a risk.

I was wondering whether anyone who had to have a section is still getting stomach pains? My scar is still sore and sometimes I get stabbing pains in my stomach. I've got my 6 week appointment next week. I suspect I should probably go back before then but I can't face it. Scarlett has her hip scan next Tuesday - it's routine for breech babies apparently.

BTP - I too have been contemplating a hair cut. I don't especially want it cut off but Scarlett is already grabbing big clumps of it and it really hurts sometimes. I'm not really the kind to wear it tied back. DH really doesn't want me to get it cut so that's the reason I'm stalling at the moment.

Louise - Really hope that Wayne get's to stay home

Genies - we are still every three hours with the occasional 4 hour stint. The most we have had is 4hr45 mins but that was a one off. One the positive front she seems to be feeding quicker so the time frame between waking and being put back down has got slightly shorter.

Best go - I've got a couple of calls to make before she wakes up again x
Hey ladies with babies!

Did anyone else get in the post a letter from oxford university asking to take part in their vaccination study? They want to test to see if the 3/4 vacs they give for MenC is actually needed or if it can be reduced but i'm not sure whether to take part. My partner likes supporting medical research but I don't really know if the research is that important.

Also for FF babies is anyone's baby on 5oz yet? I'm wondering when the normal age is. Reuben finishes most of his bottles but seems content with 4oz at the moment.

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