I'm in Basildon so only a short distance really from the riots that happened in East Ham/Barking etc so was very horrible to watch as I know people that live there!
I don't understand how someone could go about destroying their own community and things... but I hope the police get more power and show some of these scum that they cant get away with it!
Emzy - That is so cute about Holly bringing you books! I try and read to Kimi but all she wants to do it slap the book and turn the pages!!
GG - I have been told by the doctor that Kimi HAS to get off Neocate LCP asap but I don't see the point in putting her back on another formula for 2 months then trying to switch to cows milk... so although she is just shy of a year... I may try cows milk... she has had cows milk with cereal and in food so I am pretty sure she wont react but I'm really scared just in case she does as I don't want her to get ill again!
LadyK - No chance of me having a baby early...I can see Pip being as stubborn as her sister and staying put til I'm atleast a week overdue and that is all based on my scan on the 9th September...if it looks like there could be problems or a big baby...I'm booked in for a c-section!!!
Blob - Ouch at pulling stitches out!! Hope she is okay now!!
I didnt even know but my sister found another 2 teeth on Kimi the other day... so she now has her bottom 2 and top 2!! We are suffering a little bit as she has become very clingy to me and all she wants is to be constantly with me which is a bit hard as I'm meant to be on bed rest for at LEAST another 2/3 days but I just can't. I have sooooo much I need to do before Pip arrives....
Here's my list
Buy new teats for bottles ( incase BF doesnt work out again or I can express)
Buy nappies
Sort out all Pips clothes
Set up cot
Set up moses basket
Pack hospital bag
Move babies room around so there is space for my buggies!
Tidy my room and try and get some wardrobes!
Paint bathroom
Sort out Kimi's birthday presents
There is more but I have drawn a blank.... Kimi is currently in front of Baby TV eating a biscuit and I'm shattered!
I went Bingo with my sister last night and had such a good night...my brother-in-law babysat for me and it felt great to have no stress for a few hours...then Luke picked us up about 11.30 and brought us home so I didnt have to try and get a train home.....
I will try and get on more often and keep up to date!!
Hugs to everyone!!!!