Evening ladies, only me popping in to say hi!!! Another busy old week, have read through all the posts!! Hi Apaton! Hope all is well with you and your wee man!!
LadyK, I really was working myself up to you being preggers!! Hope you're ok, it must be really hard for you at the moment with your leave being cancelled. I hope for everyone that it settles down soon. xx
I can't seriously believe that Holly is one this weekend Emzy, it seems like 5 minutes ago that we were being updated on how things were going with your labour. Wowzers. And I always use Holly as my Sam milestone, as he's less than a fortnight behind her! Scary stuff!! This time in 13 days I will be the mother of a one year old!! (and a 4 year old and a 6 year old.... when did I get so old? Oh and somewhere in there, I'll turn 34 too.....eeeeeek).....
LBB, way to go James for his weight gain!! Little poppet, he's doing well. Hope his sicky stops soon, poor lamb!! Thanks for your concern re the riots in Manchester too by the way, we are 4 or 5 miles away from the city centre and haven't been affected really, although like other places, we had loads of rumours about local riots which turned out to be a couple of kids nicking sweets from the Spar shop at the corner of the road....
Argh Blob, hope you're okay with your unprotected rumpy pumpy hee hee!!!!
We're just plodding on here, busy busy busy, been out loads with the boys this week so we've not had as many temper tantrums or fights. My gorgeous little Sammy has finally cut the first corner of his third tooth overnight, after 5 months of having 2 bottom teeth!! It's going to be weird seeing him with more teeth in his little mouth!!!
On a personal note (I know I can vent here...), I know previously I had mentioned my cousin who was in the TA and volunteered to go to Afghanistan, telling his parents and his wife that he had to go, not that he volunteered. Well, he's a policeman, I don't know how, he's so corrupt, but he is. And he has been spouting crap on his FB, and so has his wife who is a police woman, about how big and clever they are and how many people they have arrested in the riots etc etc,..... this pees me off to start with. He has no right to pretend to be morally superior given his past. Then my mum phones me. My Grandad is 84 and lives with my mum and dad. He is cared for by them, starting to dement, forgets to turn off lights, taps, goes looking in the bins in the kitchen and outside for things to hoard in his bed drawers, you get the picture.... so, every Wednesday he visits my Aunty for a couple of hours, the hero's mum. So this week, he goes as usual, and she says she has to go out as she's got a hospital appointment, so he gets ready to leave and come back to mum's, and then the hero arrives on the doorstep with his monster of a 3 year old son, says there's no way he can find childcare and he HAS to go and work because of the riots, his mum tells him she's off out, so he leaves him with my Grandad for 2 hours. WTF??????? He thinks this is appropriate? What on earth could have happened? Even if the little monster isn't the one who does something irresponsible, my Grandad could well do!! I see him on a daily basis, and wouldn't leave Archie who is almost 7 with him for an hour, let alone a very boisterous 3 year old for 2 hours. Crazy. And what's worse is that said hero hasn't seen my Grandad since October last year when he came to see him before he had to go off to Afghan. Don't get me wrong, I have massive respect for our police force, and our army, but none for this plastic hero. Argh I am so frustrated!!!! I could scream!!!!!!!!
Sorry, rant over, I am going to go off and enjoy a nice glass of half price Shiraz I got today. Yum. Forget the plastic hero. Hmmmmmmm!!!