September Stars

Emzy- I watched that last time it was on and it made me really angry. I couldnt believe what some people feed their LO's its awful.
My ovaries are doing somersaults too suddenly, even dreamt I was pregnant last night but I lost the test after peeing on it!!!

Thanks for comment about the stupid cow!! I think she still has a thing for Wayne, she's engaged again at the moment to a guy she met in April but a couple of weeks ago Wayne got a text at two in the morning on a Saturday saying' you still think of me' so she's still hung up! She actually told alex yesterday that she's going to marry this bloke on alex's birthday next year!
My ovaries are doing somersaults too suddenly, even dreamt I was pregnant last night but I lost the test after peeing on it!!!

Thanks for comment about the stupid cow!! I think she still has a thing for Wayne, she's engaged again at the moment to a guy she met in April but a couple of weeks ago Wayne got a text at two in the morning on a Saturday saying' you still think of me' so she's still hung up! She actually told alex yesterday that she's going to marry this bloke on alex's birthday next year!

Seriously ?? On his birthday !! Inconsiderate bitch :growlmad:
I wouldn't put it past her to plan it for his birthday just so we don't get to see him on his birthday!! Mind you it would be the first birthday she's had him for since his 5th birthday, and he'll be turning 10 then!!!!
Jelly we're not going through courts at the moment but if and when she tries to move away with this bloke we will. The boys are too scared of her to say they want to live here!
Laura..Congratulations on the pregnancy honey. To say I am jealous is an must be overjoyed!
Louise..I saw your FB and the boys Mum just sounds mental (at least they have a great stepmum in you!)
LBB...Big Hugs for you and James. x
So, Uni is finished now and I just have to wait for my is the biggest weight lifted from my shoulders and it feels good.
Wedding planning still full steam ahead only 17 days to go!
Riley turns 1 in 2 weeks today and we are having a small family party next Sunday so I need to start with those preperations...It is so sad that time passes by so quickly and in the blink of an eye these little babies are growing up too quickly. :cry:
My hospital appointment is on Saturday where I am having a scan to once again check my ovaries and with the findings of that I guess a treatment plan to help me conceive will be discussed next week!

Only a quick catch up as I am off to the dentist soon and I need to get Riley ready. Have a great day ladies. x
Afternoon girls!

Teeny how exciting, your wedding is so close!! What date is your wedding? It's our 2nd anniversary soon, we got married on 5th September 2009! We have also been invited to 2 wedding receptions that weekend (3rd) so it must be a good time to get married!

Been a busy day already today, cooked a batch of shepherd's pie to freeze, it's handy for Matt and Holly's dinners whilst I'm at work as Matt gets back so late. Then took Holly to be weighed for the first time in ages. She's 25lbs now! I nearly cried as it was the last plot on the graph on the baby page, next time I go she's on the graph for 1-4 year olds! :cry:

She's been such a good girl this week. My friend from baby group is looking after her from 3.45-6 at my house this week and next and she brings her 8 month old too. She has to give them both their dinner at 5.30pm! Fortunately she can just pop Holly's into a bowl and she helps herself, but I feel bad for my friend as Holly gets in such a mess!! She's starting a childcare course in a couple of weeks and I've offered to look after her baby while she goes. It's only once a week for 3 hours on a Monday and seeing as I don't do anything, I don't mind doing it.

Holly's still asleep in her buggy by the door so I'm grabbing 5 mins to myself with a brew before I have to start running about again. It's hard work going to work every evening after a busy day at home! But I'm enjoying the job and the wages are fab, so I can't really complain too much. It's tough though, as some days I don't see Matt at all. Last night he had tried to stay up til I got in but fell asleep on the sofa! I don't get in til 11.15pm and he get's up at 6.30am bless him.

YMummy the service was brilliant :thumbup: i couldnt fault them at all xxx

Louise she sounds horrid! :nope: ive just seen your FB status, like Vikki said I dunno how u hold your tongue with her, the poor bairn she dosnt seem to care that her behaviour is upsetting him.

Teeny good luck for sat & congrats for finishing uni :happydance:

:shock: just 17days to go bet your getting really excited!!

aww emzy your 1st anniversary was on Ollies due date :cloud9:

Been the cinema today which was a nice treat just to spend some time alone with OH as its a very rare thing! if anyone is thinking about going to see the inbetweeners do it! it was soooooooooo funny!

to top things off Ollie slept through last night 6.30pm untill 6.30am :wohoo: he didnt even wake up for one bottle!
Teeny - hope the scan goes ok and they can get the ball rolling with TTC (fxd your bleeding stops soon) - congrats on finishing your studies !!!

I went to the docs this morning due to increasingly heavier bleeding and irregular periods, been very tired and ligh headed too so he's order loads if bloodwork for me looking at hormones, thyroid, diabetes, kidney and liver. I think it will be my hormones as had an imbalance 14 years ago and only stabilised once on the pill. Hoping they work out what's wrong soon as we hope to be actively TTC in Jan

Emzy - I keep meaning to do batches of food but haven't alot of space :-( we are trying to eat through it all at the moment to save us some money. Sounds great what you and your friend have sorted together and it's nice for them to be able to play together too.

Got James a push along walker today as he keeps using the bumbo to stand with. He loves it ! Was going to wait for his birthday but decided to get it now for him. He's still not himself due to his toothypegs but he enjoyed flirting with the tons of pensioners today chatting to him - I've never spoken to so many in one trip in town he was lapping it up with all the attention and compliments!

Looking at another nursery too, he's already got a place but this other one opens half an hour earlier in morning and closes half an hour later. They have their own allotment and large garden. It's also £150 cheaper if I decide to go down to 4 days a week so wouldn't be such a financial strain and means I can spend an extra day with my man. Looking at options as we don't know where dh will be working so I may need to do drop off and pick up. I like the fact I can just turn up at this nursery to take a look around and they have outstanding on everything for offsted.

Daisybell - love the inbetweeners !
Evening ladies, hope we are all well!!

Emzy, sounds like you're super busy at the moment, juggling work and being wife and mummy. It's hard isn't it? I am thinking it's going to be harder when I am back in a few weeks. All I can think is that at least I have done it before and it was okay, and I coped, and I can do it again!! Eeeek. I like your style with the cooking too. Luckily, DH is our cook, so food wise we will carry on as normal, albeit more rushed.

Daisy, sounds good having some time with your OH. xx

Yay Jelly for JJ feeling better, loving the bit about him flirting with the oldies!! Go JJ with the walker too, little love!! And the nursery you're looking at sounds fab. x

Teeny, what an exciting time for you. Well done on the course ending, and good luck at the hospital. And then a wedding and a 1st birthday to look forward to, fantastic. x

Right, I'm off to chill. Sam was up for an early bottle this morning, and just as we were nodding back off together, Jack woke up and started shouting the odds, as he does. "Archie, wake up!!! Daddy, get up with us!!!"... and so it went. We've all been shattered all day, so it's time to be off to bed soon!! x
He's still not himself due to his toothypegs but he enjoyed flirting with the tons of pensioners today chatting to him - I've never spoken to so many in one trip in town he was lapping it up with all the attention and compliments!

you made me giggle "he enjoyed flirting with ton of pensioners today chatting to him" sounds like Ollie :haha: i needed a giggle after a 3.30am start today, cheers Ollie, he has just gone back to bed now but i carnt as OH is at work :dohh:
i hope your results wont take to long to come back :hugs:

Asher i hope you got a better nights sleep??

ive got back to school shopping to do today so i best go & have a shower xxx
Morning Daisy! Nah, crummy night again, thanks to Sam this time. He was in bed early last night so he woke even earlier this morning, he was screaming before 5. He came in with us, and had a bottle, but then was tossing and turning for ages, grrrr!! I'm all up and showered as my friend and her 3 kids are coming today, so I want to at least make an attempt to make the place look tidy!! I know it won't last but I'll give it a go!

Enjoy your back to school shopping, it's a killer isn't it? I have done most of mine now, just PE bags to go, thank goodness!!!

Right, off for another coffee and some toast before we start tidying.... if Sam will let me, he's not leaving me alone this last couple of days, follows me round crying and climbing up my leg. Yuk for clingy babies!!!

Hope everyone's okay this morning. xx
I have a clingy baby too he is really chesty and snotty i think it may be his teeth as he was like this last time he was teething and yesterday was off his food and what he did eat after his beditme bottle he threw back up all over bless him. Nothing planned today so just going to have a snuggly day as tomorrow he is off to his Nanas for too nights as me and OH are going to watch Rise of the planet of the apes which I am super excited about lol and then I am going to on a hen night to Manchester on Saturday which means setting off at 8 in the morning so my Mam has offered to have him, I will miss him loads I havent been away for him for longer than a night before.
Dasiy enjoy your back to school shopping glad I dont have any of that to do just yet.
Asher poor Sam hoping you get a better nights sleep tonight and enjoy your day.
OMG school!!! Mine are back in 2 weeks and I have not bought a stitch of uniform! One is at a new school, best get in gear then!

Going to do room today, it is in a heap at the moment and so have to put beds together and put everything somewhere, although the wardrobe and unit dont get here til next week so a bit of an excuse not to totally finish today.
I was going to buy a unit to go in the corner but it has dawned on me i can cut the old one down, it is only raw wood shelves and so if i cut them down i can just take the old ends off and put the new ones on the old shelf supports, hey presto its 4 inches shorter and fits!! Now to find the saw!!:haha:

Sorry no personals, I have just a few mins to wake up check here quickly and run! Its picked up on her with us broody hens thinking about babies, my creaky ovaries won't be doing anything! (much to match the creaky dh:haha:)

Big :hug: to all will try and catch up better next time I promise!:hugs:xx

Ps, 1st Birthday venue booked, invites sent, on target so far!:thumbup:
Morning girls!

Just had to pop on and share as I thought it was so cute. Holly got 2 baby dolls for her birthday and this morning she was feeding one of them her beaker of milk (literally pouring it all over it's face lol) saying "bayybee" it was so so cute! We also have Jeremy Kyle on in the background and every time the audience clap, she claps too ha ha!

I've noticed a real development in her lately, she understands a lot now and can follow instructions like "bring me the book" or "come into the kitchen". She's also learnt to point at things she wants. She brings us books to read and follows the pages! She loves books, think she takes after her Daddy! She's also learnt a few words, like baby and yesterday she said something like "thank you" a couple of times. She's also really into giving cuddles at the mo and is prone to major tantrums where she throws herself on the floor and rolls around lol All this has happened in the last couple of weeks, she's changing so fast! She's not walking yet, but she's starting to stand unaided for a little bit now and also attempting to walk further away when holding onto furniture to reach something, so she's only holding on with her finger tips! I wonder how long it will be before she lets go and walks by herself.

Last night I got home from work (at 11.15pm) and Holly was downstairs watching mikey mouse clubhouse in her nappy!! She had been sick EVERYWHERE in her cot and Matt had to strip down her and her cot. She didn't seem ill, but the girl looking after her that evening said she wouldn't eat her tea. I was worried it was the shepherds pie I made, but me and Matt had it and we were fine? Maybe she's got the bug I had last week. Matt was feeling off over the weekend too so it's prob doing the rounds. She seems fine this morning, downed 2 beakers of milk but didn't want her cereal so I did her some toast which she ate no problem, so hopefully whatever it was is out of her system.

Daisybell - hope you had a good time shopping

Asher is Sam teething hence the clingyness ?

Firstbean - enjoy the cinema I haven't been in ages

Emzy - that's is supercute Holly feeding her baby. Hope the sickness has passed.

James was so tired this morning he fell asleep being fed, now he's cranky because his teeth again.
Teething must be in the air! Lilia has been clingy and grumpy today too an had a couple of 'teething poos'! She only got number 8 a couple of weeks ago so they seem to be coming thick and fast now (if it is her teeth!) I actually think her rash from the Maidstone meet may have been teething related as it disappeared once the tooth popped through! Could be coincidence though... Seems a bit dramatic to get a rash though but that's my lite drama queen!!!
Oh the rash could be teething. Los do get temps etc so wouldn't surprise me !
I forgot how scary 1st tri can be :cry:

Think I will have to do what Boony and YM have done and just moan at you lot instead !! :haha:

And on a side note - Olivia still has no teeth - not even a bloody sign of them - Is anyone else still a gummy baby ?? xx
Laura - Moan away at us.... I didnt even go into 1st tri...just stayed with you lot... :)

Louise - Ahhhh these teeth seem to be popping through!!!!! Hope she cheers up soon!

Jelly - Hope James cheers up soon and these pesky teeth stop giving our stars grief!!!!

Emzy - That is soooooo cute :) I love how our stars are growing up sooo big!!!

I have started on Kimi's birthday presents but Luke says I have brought enough and I'm not allowed to buy anymore (SPOILSPORT!!)

She has 5 books, a shape sorter, some building blocks and a push along walker that turns into a ride-on..... I may get her some bath toys and little bits but I dunno if Luke will let me!!

Also, I'm not really going to be throwing her a party either as I will be 2 days away from dropping and dont wanna book something and have to cancel last minute!!! So will be a small family gathering i think and then a bigger party for her 2nd???

Went out to Bingo tonight with my mum and won a tenner but feel really ill and got bellyache and back pain but got in and Luke had run me a bath and may even offer to get up with Kimi so I can get some rest!!!

Hope everyone is okay!!!


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