Evening ladies, hope we are all well!!
Emzy, sounds like you're super busy at the moment, juggling work and being wife and mummy. It's hard isn't it? I am thinking it's going to be harder when I am back in a few weeks. All I can think is that at least I have done it before and it was okay, and I coped, and I can do it again!! Eeeek. I like your style with the cooking too. Luckily, DH is our cook, so food wise we will carry on as normal, albeit more rushed.
Daisy, sounds good having some time with your OH. xx
Yay Jelly for JJ feeling better, loving the bit about him flirting with the oldies!! Go JJ with the walker too, little love!! And the nursery you're looking at sounds fab. x
Teeny, what an exciting time for you. Well done on the course ending, and good luck at the hospital. And then a wedding and a 1st birthday to look forward to, fantastic. x
Right, I'm off to chill. Sam was up for an early bottle this morning, and just as we were nodding back off together, Jack woke up and started shouting the odds, as he does. "Archie, wake up!!! Daddy, get up with us!!!"... and so it went. We've all been shattered all day, so it's time to be off to bed soon!! x