September Stars

Sorry I've missed a day been busy with various friends went on a gnome hunt at the garden centre with my friends little boy which was sweet

Layla is now taking steps independently and not just between us it is so cute to see !

Laura Layla only has two teeth , Amelia is just popping 5 and 6 , feel free to moan away ,

Louise love the cute lilia clip on fb !

Ym hope you get some rest xx

Jelly hope jj is okay , good luck with the nursery !

Ahh all the back to school talk reminds me I'll be back to work soon :(
Hi darlings!
Just a quick pop on to apologize for being MIA and to say hi!
Things are just really busy and I can't seem to keep up here right now!
Hope all are well!
I can't believe the birthdays are already started! :shock:
Eek BTP only 2 weeks away!! Tab starts pre school on Thursday :shock:

Emzy I feel that too rosalie is learning so much more it's really cute :cloud9:

With children everyday is amazing!!!

Rosalie is SO snotty it's gross :dohh:

Laura :hugs: I hate being pregnant :hugs:

Hope everything is ok Sarah

I haven't even started birthday shopping AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Asher sorry you had another crappy night, Ollie has been the same for the past 2 days :wacko: was up at 4.30am today & 3.30am the day before.

but 3days ago he slept through the night :dohh: we think he maybe cutting new toothy pegs as he is off his food again & wont let us near his mouth to look.

yes it is a killer, me being me i try to do it when andrew is at work lol & bethany dosnt like shopping at the best of times but after i finished i took them around smyths toy shop to have a look around at what santa might bring :winkwink:

BTP i have just started :haha: i have ordered her uniform & ive got her tights, pants, sock & shoes now. Only her a new coat (when i see one that i like) & PE shoe's since she is now a size 13!! big foot or as she says pasty foot :haha:

Laura you can moan away in here we dont mind :thumbup:

YMummmy what a spoilsport eh? :winkwink: sounds like my OH :haha:

:wave: to all will be back later, must dash im at work in 1/2 lol xxx
Hiya everyone :hi: sorry i have been mia for so long - i have no idea how you peeps manage to find time to come online. I can just about keep up on facebook - and that is only cos i can get it on my phone whilst doing other things (like burning dinner :blush:). I hope everyone is ok! I can't even start to catch up but here's a little update from us if anyone is interested (understandable if you can't be bothered when i can't lol). Amelia is 11 months in a few days :shrug: not quite sure how that happened! She's walking (with us or her walker) teething - oh the joys! We now have 8 teeth & the iminenet (?sp) thread of no 9. She normally sleeps through from 7.30pm to 6.30 am but the past few nights she has woken up crying at 4am and hasn't been able to comfort herself back to sleep, i can only presume it's a teething thing :shrug:. She says 'mama' 'dada' 'nana' ' baba' your getting the drift of it now eh! She is very good at baby sign language and uses that to communicate effectively, the clever little monkey her! My friend looks after her when i'm at work so she has an 18 month old' brother' on those days lol (someone i met on here actually!). Ummm, not much else to tell. I am broody as hell but we certainly can't afford no2 for a few years as we'd need to move house first and DH is still in temporary rolling contracts which roll a bit too close to their end dates for my liking. I've added a few pics of my treasure, i promise to try and come on & catch up now the pc is out of her bedroom and in ours :thumbup:. Love and :hugs: to all xxx


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Hey limpet :hugs: :hugs: she is so so cuuuute!!! I just have a manky house and come on here instead of cleaning oooops!!

Daisybell :hugs: sleepless nights are so hard
Hi Limpet Amelia is lovely and sounds like she is doing great.
lol blob! I'm just never in to get online. I guess i just like getting my use out of all my prams lmao
I've just looked at my ticker. t says amelia is 10 months 4 weeks and so many days old........doesn't 10 months and 4 weeks make 11 months? :wacko: maybe it needs a few more days to be perfectly accurate!

Well today i got sent home from work with a potential migraine, i've been seeing red and green flashing lights since driving home from my inaws last night and luckly the sister at work told me to scarper before our manager appeared and i was forced to stay all day. I've had a bit of a nap & feel slightly better now. I left Amelia at my friends so i could rest up, i suppose i'd better go get her now lol. I also need to get a minature rose bush as it's my brothers anniversary today :cry: 17 years, seems like yesterday - i just wish he wcould have met his neice. I'll let Amelia choose the colour of rose we buy this time :flower: maybe it'll even survive if i remember to water it long enough for it to make it into the garden :dohh:.
Sorry to depress, i'm off now. Smell ya all later xxx
Evening girls, hope we're all okay!

Limpets, good to see you!! Fab pics of Amelia, obviously try and keep up on FB anyway! Sounds as though it's all busy busy busy for you and yours, but good to hear you're well apart from a potential migraine, yuk!! Amelia is as gorgeous as ever! Sorry about your brother's anniversary, I remember you talking about it a little bit this time last year. I'm sure it's something that never gets any easier. xx

Daisy, I think you and I are in the same boat with Ollie, Sam, teeth and sleep at the moment. It's shockingly awful! I hope work's not been too bad for you. x

It's quite amusing in our house actually, Sam is struggling to cut his 3rd and 4th teeth, and Archie has now lost 2 bottom teeth (his 3rd and 4th) in 2 days!! Tooth fairy is hard at work in our house at the moment!

Hope everyone's okay tonight, and has had good Fridays! Weekend tomorrow! DH is doing some overtime, can't turn it down at the moment! So I am tidying a bit if the kids will let me, then got a friend calling in the morning with a pressie for Sam's b'day, then we're off up to our friends house for the kids to do their tea and bath thing with the girls. Busy but good! x
Hey Claire :flower:

Well, i took Amelia to pick a rose for her uncle, i lined up 5 flowering rose bushes, a white, pink, red, yellow and a peach one & just to totally freak me out.....she picked a white one (twice!) My brother was never very keen on roses with the exception of white roses :wacko:. When he died we bought a white rose bush and a red rose bush & only the white one survived, probably coincidental i know but spooky all the same.
I've just had a phone call saying DH is taking his Dad up to a&e as he has been vomiting green fluid since having a dialysis line put in yesterday. I hope he's ok & it's not a mega long wait in a&e on a friday night!

What are people doing for their stars first birthdays then? Amelia is having a little tea party with a few of the other little ones she plays with regularly. I'm currently in 'party bag' mode when i go anywhere now keeping my eye out for suitable things to put in them, not an easy task when shopping for little people i can tell you!

Right - i'm off to make fajitas :thumbup: night night all :hugs:
:hi:limpetsmum lovely to see you in here again :). Have to agree Amelia is a real cutie. Sometimes I think children have a sixth sense hence choosing the White roses and your brother close by.

For JJ birthday I've got quite a few people and babies I could invite for a party but our house is too small so decided we are going to take him out that weekend to either a rarebreed farm or zoo.

Asher - what's the going rate for a tooth nowadays? Hope you manage to get more sleep tonight

Daisybell - hope you have a better night too

JJ has been standing everywhere today and us getting very brave letting go of the furniture, can't believe how quickly he's picked it up. Went out for lunch today and my friends 5 year old adored JJ. Kept hugging him and saying he was her boyfriend ..... So cute ! Anyone elses baby still sleep loads through the day? Today for instance ge had an hour this morning, an hour at lunchtime then 3 hours this afternoon - and still manages to go to sleep at 7.30, really thought he'd sleep less nowadays.
hey girls,

Just a quick pop in and question from me.... I have been at work so not had time to read the posts

limpetsmum- hey honey, great to see you on here xxx

Anyone know who Katt Adams is ? sent a friends request and i dont think i know her and her profile is locked up i cant even see what friends we have in common.. thought maybe she was a September star

On another note a September star deleted me as their friend, I only know because i have this program which tells me when people delete me or deactivate their profile...Wish i never knew because now im wondering what I hate to think i posted something to upset her..
aww maybe they didn't realise who you were? Or deactivated their account? It wasn't me was it?? *runs off to check facebook!*

I don't know who Katt Adam's is either hun.

Hi Limpetsmum! Nice to see you on here! Amelia is gorge x

Just got back from work, bit disappointed as I am meant to get home earlier on a friday night but my train didn't turn up so I ended up back as late as I usually am. Me and Matt were planning on spending some time together and watching a film but he has fallen asleep waiting for me :( It's been really hard this week, we've hardly seen each other :cry: Sorry just feeling a bit sorry for myself!

Hope all the ladies and babies are ok. Apparently Holly didn't eat her tea again tonight :( Think she's had a bit of an upset tummy, she's had a couple of nappy explosions today and been a bit off her food all week. I hope she gets back to normal soon!

Lady K - haven't heard of her before. Also two stars have deleted me but still have active accounts with others I've just not taken it to heart and very much doubt you have said anything to upset them. :flower:

Emzy :hugs: at least you can hopefully spend some time together this weekend. I hate trains, at least two trains get cancelled to my work each week which is why I've decided to drive. Think our train company has a lot of issues and may not get their contract renewed next time.
:lol: I don't think I notice people defriending me :blush: I guess I would notice if we spoke lots on there or something.

Limpet :hugs: she obviously has very good taste. My mum sometimes struggles as Tabs is SO like my sister, I love that she is but wish Rachael was there to see how much alike they are :cloud9: hope you're doing ok Hun x x

I'm going to murder Tabs today she's pissing the hell out of me :gun: :gun:
Morning all!

Nice to see you back limpets, lovely photos of Amelia, she's such a little doll x
GG go Layla on the walking!!
Jelly bless JJ on the flirting!! And well done on the standing etc!!
Emzy sorry you've had a rubbishy week, must be hard for you both :( hope Holly feels better soon!
Asher it's all gaining and losing teeth at yours at the moment isn't it!! Wonder if Sam is getting archies teeth!!!
Kara who deleted you? Can't imagine you said anything to offend! I'm like blob wouldn't know if people deleted me! I went to go on my nephews fb on Thursday to find out how his results were and he'd deleted me!! Had to request him again cheeky boy!!

Can't remember anything else? Sorry if I've missed anything!

Lilia has had a couple of clingy days but seems full of bounce today so hoping we have a better day! She's no closet to walking yet! Still walks loads with the furniture, sometimes just leans on it with her hands up and occasionally let's go and balances for a few seconds but doesn't seem to be interested in walking at all yet! I was walking by ten months so I had expected her to be walking by now!?

I'm sure a few of you saw the video on fb but she has this really cute trick, if you ask her if she's being cute or if you say she's cute she puts her head down on the side and grins, it's so adorable! She's also all about her daddy at the moment, she has him eating out if her hand! Especially as she says daddeeee instead of dada, melts his heart everytime!
She also says her own versions of the boys names, ayesssss is alex and naynaynay is Nathan, they love it!!
Louise Holly sounds the same as Lilia with the walking! Although yesterday she let go of the furniture and randomly started dancing and clapping for quite a while so she can clearly stand by herself, but never does! X
After my post earlier, I turned round and holly took her first steps!! She walked 3 steps towards me and now she can't stop doing it! X
:wave: limpets Amelia is well cute!!! i agree with jelly about children having a sixth sense, im sure Ollie see's a family member that has passed as he keeps looking up in the same spot in our dining room & starts babbling & laughing like someone is talking to him, i like to think it is my nana watching over us, i was really close to her & miss her everyday :cry:

Asher wow the tooth fairy has been busy! poor sammy pants & you for not getting much sleep :hugs: these nasty toothy pegs have alot to answer for, ive been drinking energy drinks at work to get me through, though they arnt helping me loose weight :haha:

Emzy hows Holly today? :happydance: for taking her 1st steps

Louise awww thats is so cute! she sounds like a daddys girl :cloud9:

Genies :happydance: Layla, it is too cute watching them toddle around isnt it xxx

Ollie is now known as spider boy :haha: he scales everything, beds, stairs, sofas (& over the back of the sofa if u let him) he was trying to pull himself upon to the window ledge today so he could look outside :dohh:

i am wondering how long it will be before he climbs out of his cot??

oh & the walking has now turned into running :shock: he gets so far & falls down because he has gone to fast but then just gets back up again & off he goes, he loves chase his sister around hehe
Holly - oh well done bless her

Daisybell - I never realised till this week that kids could climb out if their cots until a friend has an issue with their 18mth daughter....... Do all kids eventually climb out if their cots? Eeeekkkk !!

Had an upset boy today still because of his toothypegs 2 have cut through the surface now so just waiting for his fang and then I think he'll be happier. Been looking for a kiddies chair tonight for his birthday but they all seem for older kids I was thinking of like a small beanbaggy chair as he likes to lean back on our pillows and look at his books sometimes. I'm going to continue the hunt.

X factors just started so I'm off :)

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