September Stars

It wasnt any of you ladies who speak on here.... god help any of you lot who deletes me !! ill cyber stalk you by other means....The person deleted others so it made me feel better others didnt make the cut either...

Having a really shitty time with Paige tonight.. she wouldn't go down at 7... screamed for ages... then i just heard her again...we have only just got her to sleep 7-7 now this !.

We are still thinking of trying again this xmas, but grant is now saying we dont have the room.... but not willing to move anywhere within the borough, but if we go out of borough JAke will lose his placement and there is no way he would get on at a main stream school... So do i have another and put up with the lack of space or have regrets we never had any more....

Hope you are all well

Jelly- How cute !!!! the baby days may be leaving us but the toddler stage looks fun x
That's a difficult one - we haven't got slot of money (especially at the mo) and baby no 2 would need to share a room with JJ. We've kind of decided it would be tough for a few years but in the longterm we want JJ to have a sibling. If we were talking about no 3 I think we would have to say no at the moment. Dh at the mo may have a job opportunity in east anglia and has asked if I'd be willing to leave my job and move up there ....... I really dont want to as I feel my job would offer more security and all my family and friends are nearby. We can't agree where we would both be happy to move to. Have you shown Grant houses in your local borough that he might like or is he really not interested?
I had 2 people delete me off fb, and they were supposed to be 'friends' but only by contact, they were my dh's best man's wife, and another of dh's friends wife and they were all friends along with him and his ex when they were together, I was sort of seeing them about (at school which is another reason i am glad i moved the kids!)and they both came to my hen night, I though we were friendly but one deleted me shortly followed by the other!!
I think because they were in a group of friends and i invited them to my hen night and wedding but not dh's ex (why would i??)
It's so insular its vile, my dh's ex was dating who his ex is now married if you get that...everyone's at school with a cousin!!!! I think when i came along out of nowhere its like, UH? STRANGER?!!!:dohh:
My friend is having her 12 week scan today so will announce her pregnancy.. not many people know.. im so jealous !!!! Going to get major broody

BTP- i thought i would have problems when i broke up with my ex, but turns out they all hated him as much as i and when he got with his new wife the friends he had left all left him because she is more of a nutcase ...x

Jelly- thats the thing, i would rather deal with lack of room than not have any more children, Paige gains a brother or sister and thats really important.. other wise only only rich people can have babies !!!! as long as we can fit a bed somewhere thats the only thing i think is important...I have all this baby stuff so its not like it will cost us much more... He doesnt want to live in this borough because of his ex girlfriend. She is not the most nicest person in the world...x
All this talk of TTC is making me jealous! Me and DF had been having unprotected intercourse since Riley was born! We were kind of hoping that my fertility would increase after him but it hasn't. :cry: My scan on saturday showed that my ovaries are still very polycystic and my left ovary is very enlarged...I am back to see the gynae on Thursday and see what he decides to do in helping us conceive #3.
On a plus note...Riley turns 1 next week and I can now say I'm getting married NEXT week too!!!! :happydance:

I'm off to the doctors now in a hope that I can have something to stop AF (10 weeks and counting) so that it is not a nuisance on my wedding day.
:flower: Enjoy this afternoon ladies and I'll catch up with you soon. xx
BTP - sounds like you should be on jeremy Kyle ....... Is it strange our best man was my ex boyfriend lol

Lady K - can't you get the ex to move would becso much easier! Dh doesn't want to move back to where he grew up (lovely small village) but is happy for us to move upto East Anglia ???? Crazy men

Teeny - wow next week eeekkkk !! Will you be having a honeymoon? Hope you manage to get something to stop the bleeding. Sorry your ovaries haven't improved fxd doc will sort something easy to help TTC

JJ had his first hour at nursery today. Was shy when we first arrived and upset as some kids were very noisy . His key worker took him off to the ball pit and he was laughing away at the other children almost forgot I was there ! It was really reassuring to see.
Jelly, RE climbing out of the cot, yes the all do eventually lol DD was about 18mths when she 1st did it, Ollie is trying to do it now :dohh:

:hugs: Ladyk hope paige settles back to her routine soon

:happydance: Teeny wow hasnt it come around quick!! good luck at the doc's & good luck on thursday hun :hugs:

Sleep deprivation has well & truly set in i feel like a zombie, god knows what im going to be like at work tomorrow, i can cope with the crying & windging through the day but no sleep on the night is killing us atm, hey hoo joys of parenting eh.

Emzy i loved your pic on fb of you holding Ella rose, you face was glowing!!

awww all this baby news & people TTC does make me feel a little broody :blush:

its the hardest job but the best job in the world being a parent :cloud9:

:hugs: to all xxxx
Teeny after i had Jayden i had the depo injection, which apparently you arent supposed to have until 6 months after childbirth but nobody told me that and it made me bleed constantly i put up with it for quite a while thinking one day it would stop but it never did so i went to the doctors and the only thing they could give me to stop it was the pill! Which was fine for me at the time but obviously with you it wouldnt be ideal. They do another pill which you can take to stop periods that isnt a contraceptive (cant remember what its called) but they tend not to offer that because it costs more than the contraceptive pill so if your doctor tries to give you the pill ask for this other one i wish i could remember the name of it for you!

Tyler sleeps really well but we are having problems with Jayden at the moment. He used to have a lamp in his room but we had to take it out because it was a fire hazard and since then hes been getting up opening his door and switching the bathroom light on so it shines into his room. Hes not scared of the dark so i cant see why hes doing it. I dont like him having his door open because it means the cats can get into his room and then they wake him up and scare him! I cant put a stairgate on his door because he needs to be able to get out to go to the toilet if he needs it. Which is another problem he used to go to the toilet by himself but now he cries until one of us goes to take him even though he'll happily go on his own to turn the light on lol. I just hope he grows out of it soon!

I had a midwife appointment the other day aswell baby is now ceph left oblique so i've been trying to get her to move round slightly but i dont think its working i think she keeps changing from ceph to ceph left oblique. But aslong as shes not transverse/breech like tyler was then hopefully she'll eventually go ceph and stay there lol! Measuring slightly small too but nothing too concerning. Only 5 weeks to go :happydance:
Aw jelly I'm glad he enjoyed it!! When do you go back?

Ladyk hope paige settles back into her routine soon x

Daisy you are right its the hardest but best job in the world!

I'm just in my way to work, holly is with my friend and her baby again this week till Matt gets home then next week and week after she's with my other friend and her baby. Then my hours change so it'll get easier! I've still not got used to leaving her. I still hate it! It breaks my heart as when I go I wave bye and she waves, then crawls after me and cries when I close the door. I know its only for a minute and she has a ball with my friend, who is brilliant with kids, but I hate it!! I thought I was over it, but im back to feeling bad about it this week. Had to hold my tears back on the bus! Pull yourself together woman!! Lol

Have a nice evening ladies
Quick hi from me!
Sending boys off with husband so that I can get a writing project done today.
Don't feel like writing though.
Feeling very nesty and want to spend the quiet day re-organizing the house.
MUST get writing done today, however.
Btp I had to read that a few times to get my head round all that ex stuff :)

Lady k hope you can change his mind if you both want another space shouldn't stop you x

Jelly is a move on the cards at somepoint ?

I've been deleted too from a couple of stars , not regulars on here anymore I don't

I'm taking care of my uncle for a bit my mum is his carer but she has a lump and is at the hospital having a biopsy I'm very worried but trying to not think about it , my uncle has downs and he will be worried that she isn't here to welcome him home from his day centre .

We went on a picnic with the toddler group I'm not keen on earlier , I'm still not keen ..... Someone made a cake and passed it round to everyone , I wasn't offered any , it's that clicky !
Emz I don't know that it dies get easier but chin up chick glad you have nice friends to leave her with that's reassuring ?

Jelly when will jj be starting ?

Sorry others be back in a sec x
All this talk of TTC is making me jealous! Me and DF had been having unprotected intercourse since Riley was born! We were kind of hoping that my fertility would increase after him but it hasn't. :cry: My scan on saturday showed that my ovaries are still very polycystic and my left ovary is very enlarged...I am back to see the gynae on Thursday and see what he decides to do in helping us conceive #3.
On a plus note...Riley turns 1 next week and I can now say I'm getting married NEXT week too!!!! :happydance:

I'm off to the doctors now in a hope that I can have something to stop AF (10 weeks and counting) so that it is not a nuisance on my wedding day.
:flower: Enjoy this afternoon ladies and I'll catch up with you soon. xx

I have my fingers crossed for you hun - Im sure I have mentioned it before but I have PCOS too and was gobsmacked I have fallen again. I am only breastfeeding Olivia morning and night which helped bring my period back again. Have they mentioned ovarian drilling at all ? xx
Btp I had to read that a few times to get my head round all that ex stuff :)

Lady k hope you can change his mind if you both want another space shouldn't stop you x

Jelly is a move on the cards at somepoint ?

I've been deleted too from a couple of stars , not regulars on here anymore I don't

I'm taking care of my uncle for a bit my mum is his carer but she has a lump and is at the hospital having a biopsy I'm very worried but trying to not think about it , my uncle has downs and he will be worried that she isn't here to welcome him home from his day centre .

We went on a picnic with the toddler group I'm not keen on earlier , I'm still not keen ..... Someone made a cake and passed it round to everyone , I wasn't offered any , it's that clicky !

Or that rude?
Forget unfriendly, that's just plain old bad manners. Great classy behaviour to model for all the children there, too. What on earth would possess someone to behave like that?
Better off in a group that doesn't act like a bunch of stuck-up high school kids, gg. I wouldn't go back, myself. But I'd probably send a tersely-worded email off to the group organizer, too, as I am rather strong-minded that way. :)

Looks like I'm doing more home organizing than writing. Procrasti-cleaning! It's great!
Evening all!! Hope we're okay, just popping in as I feel like POO!!!! Have been reading, but am off to bed very soon. I seem to have come down with a nasty head cold which is heading into my sinuses and I feel really fed up!

This fb deletion thing has got me. Becs you're cheeky, you had me for a minute there!! Am intrigued to who's been deleting, I don't really check. I know who my ladies are really, so I don't look. I think I chat to you all on fb, it's so easy!!

Less talk of more babies!! I want one!! Boo hoo!!! xx

Right, am off, will catch up tomorrow when hopefully feeling more like me. xx
Emzy : I don't know how my dh managed to go back to work after only a couple of weeks old. Hope you feel better tomorrow

Sarahka - STOP Cleaning !!!! Am I going to have to come over there and sit you down to write ..... Naughty .... No treat for you this evening (wagging finger in disgust)

GG - there is no need for ignorance - as Sarah says how rude. At least you have another group you can go to. Bring with you the best nicest cake and have it all to yourself hahaha

Asher - I used to suffer terribly from sinus issues and have had two operations to sort it out, had them washed out, scrapped out, bone chipped off nose, nose cortirised etc etc. Try a straw and salt water (put finger over straw and release when straw in nose) it's very good to wash out gunk. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

I'm back to work 2 weeks today, officially my may leave has finished and I'm taking two weeks holiday...... Feels weird to think I'm going back but looking forawrd to my parsnip this month :). I do hope JJ manages to get enough sleep dh today he had hour sleep this morning, this afternoon he slept from 2.30 till 6.00 I had to wake him up in the end as he needed tea. I can't see nursery letting him sleep that long in the afternoons.

Anyone watch horizon tonight about the effect of being in the womb and this determines your health ? Eg lots of thin Indians are open to getting diabetes even though they are thin and have a healthy diet of veg etc. Try and watch it on iplayer if you missed it
Hi everyone! Not been on the site for ages!
Was sat watching tv tonight and it suddenly popped into my head!!
How's everyone getting on? And all the little ones about to turn 1?!
It's gone far too quickly!! xxxx
Morning girls

Worst night ever last night! When I got in from work Matt said that Holly had screamed the place down for 3 hours before going to bed. She then woke up at 3am and screamed for another 2 and a half! I went in to her and picked her up for a cuddle and she was lashing out and hitting me!! It was awful! I know she is teething, so tried to give her some calpol and she was having none of it, she hit my hand and it all went flying then did the same to Matt when he came in. So we tried to give her some Anbesol and she hit us away again. I got her a bottle of milk in the end to try and calm her down, which she drank and then carried on screaming. We finally managed to pour some calpol in her mouth after about an hour of her fighting with us and it must have kicked in as she seemed fine then, but now wide awake and wanting to play. We tried taking her in bed with us but she just kept crawling around so eventually at 5.30 I just put her in her cot. She cried for a but then fell asleep and is still there now. Me and Matt on the other hand are exhausted!! I've never seen her like that before, she was proper lashing out at us, I even now don't know what exactly was wrong :( x
Emzy that sounds awful bless you, hope she wakes up a bit happier after a good sleep xx

Sorry for selfish post, set your sky planners for the 13th and 20tg September at 10.35pm, there's a program called the bomb squad on, it's the documentary they made while Wayne was in afghan, the news team followed him and his team around for some of hhis time there so he should be on it!! X
Me again!

Just popping on for some advice. Do you think I should be worried about Holly? I think I mentioned that at the beginning of last week she went off her food. Now Holly normally eats LOADS and eats anything you put in front of her. But Monday last week she refused to eat her tea and has been funny with her food ever since. Now Monday was the first day my friend was looking after Holly, so I assumed it might be that. Then last Monday night she woke up in the middle of the night and was sick all over her cot, so thought she must have picked up the bug I had the week before. She was funny with her food the rest of the week, not totally off it but she'd pick at a few things but mostly didn't want anything. She was having her usual milk and water though. This went on all week but seemed to improve a bit at the end of the week. I also noticed last week that 3 teeth had broken through at the top at once, so that may have been why along with a tummy bug, so I wasn't overly worried. But then she woke up like that last night and was lashing out at us and hitting us, she wasn't very happy at all and she seems to have gone off her food again. Again, not totally- apparently she ate some of her dinner last night but not much and she picked at a bit of toast this morning, but didn't eat as much as usual. She seems happy and fine in herself (aside from last night!), but I can't help worrying that she's not eaten properly for over a week now! Do you think it's just teething? Should I just go with it and hope she starts eating properly again soon? I guess it's been a bit of a change for her lately as well, what with me and Matt being at work and her being with my friend for dinner time as well.

I'm just being silly I think, but just wanted to see what everyone else thought. I think I've been spoiled so far with a baby that eats anything and everything!


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