September Stars

Me again!

Just popping on for some advice. Do you think I should be worried about Holly? I think I mentioned that at the beginning of last week she went off her food. Now Holly normally eats LOADS and eats anything you put in front of her. But Monday last week she refused to eat her tea and has been funny with her food ever since. Now Monday was the first day my friend was looking after Holly, so I assumed it might be that. Then last Monday night she woke up in the middle of the night and was sick all over her cot, so thought she must have picked up the bug I had the week before. She was funny with her food the rest of the week, not totally off it but she'd pick at a few things but mostly didn't want anything. She was having her usual milk and water though. This went on all week but seemed to improve a bit at the end of the week. I also noticed last week that 3 teeth had broken through at the top at once, so that may have been why along with a tummy bug, so I wasn't overly worried. But then she woke up like that last night and was lashing out at us and hitting us, she wasn't very happy at all and she seems to have gone off her food again. Again, not totally- apparently she ate some of her dinner last night but not much and she picked at a bit of toast this morning, but didn't eat as much as usual. She seems happy and fine in herself (aside from last night!), but I can't help worrying that she's not eaten properly for over a week now! Do you think it's just teething? Should I just go with it and hope she starts eating properly again soon? I guess it's been a bit of a change for her lately as well, what with me and Matt being at work and her being with my friend for dinner time as well.

I'm just being silly I think, but just wanted to see what everyone else thought. I think I've been spoiled so far with a baby that eats anything and everything!


Emzy, I can't tell you not to worry because you are a Mummy and it's our job, however I would like to say it is totally usual to see the sort of changes in Holly you are, I have experienced at least 2 of my babies eating fab until they hit 1 then being as fussy and stubborn as anything about food!
Jack ate everything then at one he choose 'cocoboose Mummy' (chocolate mouse Mummy) and refused point blank to eat anything else!:haha:
At the time it is horrible as they have been eating so well, I have asked the doctor about it before when i was worried they would need the food and a good diet, apparently it is part of growing up, they start to see that they have a bearing on Mummy and Daddy, and a certain amount of power! Kick off and i set Mummy and Daddy into a frenzy! To a point she is testing you, so stay calm and don't make meals a problem, as this can run through toddler and into older if you make it into an issue! If you worry jot down exactly what goes in her mouth all day, you may be surprised that the odd snack is actually amounting to her eating ok.
As long as she is having fluids just sit her with you to eat, offer the food and just go with it if she refuses, she will eat when she is hungry.
I think and hope that baby led will come into its own now, as Rosie picks up her own foods from what she is offered so I hope not to notice a difference, although she is currently trying to eat the pretend coal from the fire place:wacko:

I am sure teeth are having a helping hand in her being upset, but the general refusal of things is more her stamping her mark on her individuality.

Welcome to 1+ The fun starts here! :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:
Louise can you remind me nearer the time my sky planner only goes a week in advance but I'd really like to see it.
Thank you BTP. I have heard other people say that they can become picky when they get to 1. I hope it's just a phase! I've been trying to not make a big deal and just have her eat with us and if she doesn't eat it then clear it away. But it's been hard a tea time as I'm not here so my friend has been giving her her tea at the same time as her baby. Do you think that might be the problem? That we've not been here at tea time? I still sit her with me to eat at breakfast and lunch time.

Today Holly has been terrible so far. My lovely happy baby seems to have turned into a screaming tantruming brat! She threw her beaker of milk on the floor when I gave it to her this morning, and pushed my hand away when I handed her some toast. She did eat nearly a slice of toast eventually though. Then she played a bit a seemed ok, but got cranky again, so I took her up to get her ready and she threw her arms and legs everywhere whilst I got her changed and cried all the way through my shower (she usually sits in her bumbo and looks through her books no problem whilst I'm in the shower). When it came to lunch time, I sat her with me and she put a couple of bits in her mouth before blowing a raspberry and throwing it all on the floor and throwing a tantrum. I put some teething gel on, which she actually let me do and I can feel the top ones have come through some more now. She then threw herself on the floor, rolling about screaming, so I've just taken her up and put her down for a nap and then come downstairs and burst into tears myself! I want my happy baby back!

I'm feeling really down in the dumps today. First of all because she's being like this and I'm also finding it really hard leaving her and going to work every evening and I don't even see Matt most days in the week, as he's in bed by the time I get back :( I wish I could quit and be a SAHM but we can't afford it :(

Sorry for the moan there girls! x
Emzy :hugs: I agree with BTP regarding changes once one+ as a friend of mine had the same issue. With wanting to be sahm at least you get to spend quality time with Holly during the day but it can't be easy not seeing Matt too :hugs:

Louise - you will have to remind us nearer the time so we can all record it :) I remember you saying about it when they were out their filming.
Thanks Jelly. I don't think I'd feel sp bad about going to work if she wasn't being like she is at the mo! I keep thinking it's my fault she won't eat her tea and that it must stress her out that I go and leave her and that's why she won't eat and is being such a pain at the mo! I'm probably being silly. I think I have PMT :growlmad:
Emzy - at this age, it is good for Holly to be going out and meeting/forming bonds with people outside her family. It's very healthy developmentally and most babies thrive on it.
I think btp is right - what you are seeing is a foreshadowing of toddler personality combined with teething blues. The change of you returning to work may be a factor, but I bet it's a lot smaller factor than you think. Poor you, though! :hugs:
It can be very stressful!
Emzy, as long as she is alert you know she is eating enough and nutritionally fine. Riley has had a temp these last 2 days which I am blaming on the teething so perhaps it is teeth or a bug going round. Just keep an eye on her and I'm sure she will be back to her usual self in no time.
Louise..I remember you mentioning the filming, keep us reminded and I look forward to watching it.
LauraK...I had the ovarian drilling to have Riley so I think that is out a 2nd time. I'll just keep my fingers, toes and everything else crossed (apart from my legs) lol, and hope we conceive soon.
Genies, the mothers sound rude and obnoxious and I personally wouldn't bother. The suggestion of a letter sounds like a good idea to me.
Asher, I hope you feel better soon.
Must dash, off to the church. Catch up with you guys soon. xx
Emzy it's so hard to know but I'd say it's probably a combination of teeth being older and separation anxiety ? It must be awful to see her in a state, with regards food I've found they are going off things now and throwing on the floor I wonder If they want done more new things to try ?
The leaving thing is so hard and not seeing matt must be hard too? Is there no way you could look at other jobs or hours?

Louise defiantly remind is nearer the time be interesting !

I sold my buggy on eBay today but the person still hasn't contacted me about collection I hope they not a time waster !
Emzy - No advice from me but I hope Holly cheers up soon!!!

Louise - Remind us closer to the time and I'll record it... I hated watching anything when my brother was out there but I am so proud of our men and what they do!

BTP - Hope they're not a time waster....and they collect soon!!!


Kimi crawled properly from me to my dad today.... she has been army crawling since we went to Maidstone but today she did it properly!!
I know alot of the babies are taking their first steps so I was starting to worry that Kimi will NEVER crawl but now I know that she can do it and was just taking her time!!!

Also, we've decided to put her on to SMA Follow-On milk as the docs wanted her off Neocate LCP and she has thrived on it!! No sick, no bad belly and took to it like a duck to water!!! So we're really happy!!!

I'm sad that my pregnancy is nearing an end too...although I've struggled with my scar and had a few rough moments... i'm sad that i have just 6 weeks left before my 2nd princess is here!!

I still need names... ( Louise is already giving me names and is determined to help me find one but you can all help :p lol)

Hope everyone is okay!!!

Had terrible session at nursery with JJ today. Was meant to be half hour stay, half hour leave. So I left and waited outside he was crying so much and screaming I continued waiting outside then they called ne back in and asked me to stay because he'd got himself in such a state. Even in the room he was difficult to console, near the end of the hour he started to play away from me for couple of minutes but then cry.

I'm hoping it's because he was tired ??? I put him to bed this afternoon earlier than normal and had 2hrs but when we got back I put him back in his cot and slept fir another hour. I think today highlighted to the staff how much my son likes his sleep so they have agreed he will sleep in a cot with the other babies until he's abit older.

I've got another 6 sessions now until I'm back at work but it's made me really nervous.

Sorry for selfish post
Oh jelly you poor thing ! Hopefully he will get used to his new routine , surely the nursery will go with his needs ? It may take time for him to settle but in sure he will cone through the other side especially as he is getting bigger! Big hugs though my love it's not easy xx
Awww Jelly im sure he will be fine...av they said you can only do 8 visits then?? Usually if a baby is unsettled on visits it can be better for them to just start and they end up just getting on with it. Hugs though i know what its like xxx

YM some names iv come across at work are...Amira, Ella, Ellie, Amelia, Francesca (Frankie), Isabella, Poppy, Bridie, Phoebe, Harriet....blimey there are so many more lol x

Hope everyone else is well...poor Holly bless her, im sure its not anything you are doing Emzy xx

Well we took James to see the kidney specialist and he was understanding about James not tolerating the tube so we have upped his calories and see where we go if he still isnt gaining he will have to have a peg fitted...he has also got to have a barium swallow and if his reflux is really bad they will operate to tighten the valve and at the same time do the peg. Really worried about him having an operation thou :-S! He has come on so much in the past three weeks...chattering lots, even waving and saying ba-by at the same time bless him! The doc said his weight chart it a disaster lol...and kept stressing how important nutrition is...'no shit sherlock' thats why iv been trying to make someone listen to me when i tell them how sick he is being! Rarghhhhhhhhhhh! but at least they r listening now :) xx
Thanks for all the kind words girls, I feel a bit better about it now I've had a few hours out the house at work! I guess its a period of adjustment for all of us, including Holly and she can prob sense that me and Matt are feeling it a bit. I hope once my hours are reduced it will help make it a bit easier and we can settle into a routine. And maybe these damn teeth will be through properly by then!!

I got AF tonight :( randomly 3 days early which means my cycle was only 25 days this month. Strange as my cycle is always 28 days! Going to really go for the ttc this time around! Even if it means waking him up when I get in ha ha!

Sorry for selfish post, but on my phone so will catch up on laptop tomorrow Xx
ioh and I'm looking for ideas for fun and cheap activities I can do with Holly during the day. can anyone suggest anything? Currently I take her to soft play once a week and to the park a couple of times. ill also be going to a new toddler group when it starts up again in a few weeks. what else can I do with her that's fun but cheap? X
LBB - that's good news they are finally listening to you. When will he have the barium (sp)? Is a peg a tube straight into the stomach?

JJ is going to 2 nurseries owned by same people because they didn't have a free place until the new year. This mean tues/thurs at today's nursery and mon/wed at the nursery we haven't had a settling in session yet. One carer sounded concerned that he was going all day when Im back at work but noone said I should book sessions before I go back to work! They have said best to leave quite quickly when dropping him off but I can't see me going to work when he's in that much of a state. What do you do at your place for unsettled children? What's the best thing I can do?

GG - they do floor his needs to a certain extent but with sleeping they were quite matter of fact saying one sleep a day for 1 1/2hrs. When I mentioned yesterday he likes his sleep they said he could sleep in a cot if necessary but I think they thought I was being over protective mum. Then today I re explained and said how yesterday he'd slept for 4 1/2 hrs during the day (that includes waking him up) that they realised he really does like his sleep. And saw him when tired today (not a happy baby)
Emzy - sorry the witch has arrived boo hisss glad you're feeling more positive this evening :hugs:
ooh i hadnt realised he was going to 2 different nurseries...difficult one really as i dont think its good practice from their end because of the continuity of care. You may unfortunately have a longer settling in period due to him possibly getting confused. Dont want to worry you thou as he May just get on with it and be fine. Sometimes prolonging leaving him in the morning can make it worse for both of You and i always feel rather than sneaking off that its better to give him a kiss a cuddle them hand them to someone familiar possibly key worker and then go off to work leave it an hour and ring to check on him! Try and push them for the place at one or the other nursery thou hun to avoid prolonged tears when you leave him! X
Lbb glad you got on okay and that they are listening to you now! How long do you have to wait before they decide about operation?

Emz boo too the witch , next month will be the one ! X

Jelly I know it's best to go quickly when leaving an older child but I don't know about babies ? I always prefer to settle the girls before I leave them with babysitters
GG- Thats really rude of them !!! I couldnt go to a group like that, have you looked on netmums for others looking for other mums...? Start your own x

Jelly- 2 weeks !!! OMG.. to be honest going back to work is easier than being at home... sometimes i go to work for the break... just hard missing Paige. I am sorry James isnt happy at nursary, i know it must make things a lot harder...hope starts to be ok there x

Patience- Hey honey... great to hear from you... xx

Emzy- im having to give Paige calpol too... hope it passes quickly for you. Babies can change over night when it comes to eating, if your worried it wont hurt to speak to a MW. I totally know how your feeling regarding work.. its missing Paige which is hard, the work i do is easier but not as much fun..Just wish i could win the lotto x

Louise- I will try to remember to sky plus it.... sky only go forward 7 days.. x
YM- goooooooooo KIMI !!!!! woohooooo xxx

LBB-Poor james : ( im so sorry to hear than honey, Must be really worrying... will they be able to fix it with this op ? will he still have problems? x

Teeny- Hope they can sort things out for you x

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