BTP - I too have been contemplating a hair cut. I don't especially want it cut off but Scarlett is already grabbing big clumps of it and it really hurts sometimes. I'm not really the kind to wear it tied back. DH really doesn't want me to get it cut so that's the reason I'm stalling at the moment.
Mine likes it long too, but i was hoping either layers would still look longish, or a longosh bob would look cute, ish!
If you exclusively bf then try drinking the orange juice yourself, a few small glasses i found by next feed gets into milk and baby poos fairly soon after, just drink juice every day to keep baby regular.
Anyone trying to get baby to settle in a basket, pram etc, could try a tshirt worn or kept in your bed for a few days either lie baby on or swaddle in, the smell of you may help baby feel familiar and sleep, Rosie slept for ages on my pyjama top the other day, that had milk and allsorts on it!
I am feeling a bit rubbish, my son went to see his consultant today and she is a good friend of mine as well as a doctor, she said i should keep an eye on the depression, as i have been feeling rather miserable, i found it hard to accept last time but she said it is not unusual as a side effect of the pregnancy and to nip it in the bud early if i feel like it too often.
I keep crying over nothing, and then i just pour with floods over nothing! I have told dh i feel a bit worried and that he should keep an eye on me just because he will know if i am being too different.
I still feel traumatised by the birth because it was a shock things were not as smooth as i thought, i also feel angry the midwife was not as understanding or helpful as she could have been, i hope to get there without doctors etc, i think its just the hormones adjusting!
I am not so sure its depression because i can 'see' Rosie and enjoy her, i love feeding her and looking after her, and i remember last time that was all clouded with my eldest, she is just perfect! I am also sleeping fine which also helps! I am up once in the night and then she gets up with just enough time to feed her b4 my alarm clock goes off.
Will see how things go.
Went shopping today, my dd was a nightmare, she runs off, screams, is just a pain! We went in 1 shop!
Sorry no personals just dropping by really, hope to be back tomorrow for a better catch up