September Stars

Sorry havent visited this page!!! Was still on the old one!!!!

Well, having a bit of sleeping difficulty with Kimi!! She hates her cot and prefers to sleep in with Mummy and Daddy (on one of our chests)

The only way we get to sleep is this way and we really don't want to sound selfish but this is our time to have a cuddle and a chat when she is soundo...but if i try and put her down once she is asleep...she will wake up and scream the house down!!!

Help me girls!!

Thanks :)

Tyler is on 5oz already and has been for a few days now but every baby is different. Jayden was quite abit older when he was put up to 5oz.

Once they start draining the majority of their bottles they should be put up by an ounce. I think Tyler is going to be a little piggy lol
Try swaddling her hun and perhaps wear a tshirt then put it in her cot like a sheet on her matress so she can smell you! xx
I slept with her blanket last night so will try that tonight....its just so hard to leave her in her cot when she is screaming...i feel so guilty knowing that picking her up and giving her a cuddle makes her happy!!

But I dont want her getting used to being in with me and Luke....otherwise she will never stop!!!

Time to be cruel to be kind I guess!!!!

Cafferine, Lilia is on 5oz bottles and has been for a couple of weeks now... in fact after I stopped BFing at 3 1/2 weeks, she was only on 4ozs for a few days before she wanted more! She drains over 50% of her bottles now but always seems totally satisfied and we have a bit brought back up, when she seems restless after draining a bottle I will put her up an ounce I think x
MrsJ08 - I am stll getting pains and I am 7 weeks post tomorrow. When I had my 6 week check my Dr (who has had 2 csecs and is about to have her 3rd) said that the pain is normal as the nerves below the skin are still repairing themselves. She said you will experience on and off pains possibly for up to one year after. HTH. x
Hey ladies with babies!

Did anyone else get in the post a letter from oxford university asking to take part in their vaccination study? They want to test to see if the 3/4 vacs they give for MenC is actually needed or if it can be reduced but i'm not sure whether to take part. My partner likes supporting medical research but I don't really know if the research is that important.

Also for FF babies is anyone's baby on 5oz yet? I'm wondering when the normal age is. Reuben finishes most of his bottles but seems content with 4oz at the moment.

Cafferine, we are participating in a similar study here in Alberta. It really isn't a big deal to the LO. They need to have a vial of blood taken after some of the injections to monitor immune response. Simon was offered a localized numbing cream and seriously did not even blink when they took the blood sample. The benefits are that we will know from the titration that he has developed a proper immune response to the meningococcal strains and the study results help make the vaccine schedule more efficient for everyone. We basically took him for his regular vaccine/well-baby check-ups with a couple of extra stops at the blood lab (which was on site).
BTP - I too have been contemplating a hair cut. I don't especially want it cut off but Scarlett is already grabbing big clumps of it and it really hurts sometimes. I'm not really the kind to wear it tied back. DH really doesn't want me to get it cut so that's the reason I'm stalling at the moment.
Mine likes it long too, but i was hoping either layers would still look longish, or a longosh bob would look cute, ish!

If you exclusively bf then try drinking the orange juice yourself, a few small glasses i found by next feed gets into milk and baby poos fairly soon after, just drink juice every day to keep baby regular. :hugs:xx

Anyone trying to get baby to settle in a basket, pram etc, could try a tshirt worn or kept in your bed for a few days either lie baby on or swaddle in, the smell of you may help baby feel familiar and sleep, Rosie slept for ages on my pyjama top the other day, that had milk and allsorts on it!:thumbup:

I am feeling a bit rubbish, my son went to see his consultant today and she is a good friend of mine as well as a doctor, she said i should keep an eye on the depression, as i have been feeling rather miserable, i found it hard to accept last time but she said it is not unusual as a side effect of the pregnancy and to nip it in the bud early if i feel like it too often.
I keep crying over nothing, and then i just pour with floods over nothing! I have told dh i feel a bit worried and that he should keep an eye on me just because he will know if i am being too different.
I still feel traumatised by the birth because it was a shock things were not as smooth as i thought, i also feel angry the midwife was not as understanding or helpful as she could have been, i hope to get there without doctors etc, i think its just the hormones adjusting!
I am not so sure its depression because i can 'see' Rosie and enjoy her, i love feeding her and looking after her, and i remember last time that was all clouded with my eldest, she is just perfect! I am also sleeping fine which also helps! I am up once in the night and then she gets up with just enough time to feed her b4 my alarm clock goes off.
Will see how things go.
Went shopping today, my dd was a nightmare, she runs off, screams, is just a pain! We went in 1 shop!

Sorry no personals just dropping by really, hope to be back tomorrow for a better catch up :hugs: xx
btp: :hugs:

Well, everyone seems a little healthier today. Hopefully this family cold won't linger. I've seen enough toddler snot to last me a lifetime. :sick:

Toby has cradle cap in his eyebrows. It's hideous, but I love him even more when he looks a bit homely! :haha: I have some nice balm to put on it, so hopefully it will clear up quickly. I really need to clean up my house. It looks like a bomb hit. Toby wants to be held all the time while he's sick, so that may have to wait. I'll just try not to notice the chaos, I guess.
Hope all you mummies and babies are doing well.

Havent been on for a while, there doesnt seem to be enough hrs in the day. Ollie has his 8week check next week and then his injections which i arent looking forward too poor baba.

MrsJ Ollie is still only takin 4oz during the day but on his bedtime bottle he will take 5 and then will be only up once in the night
Hiya ladies, I'm just on quickly tonight, little Sammy is not well after his first vaccinations. Everyone else seems okay just busy? I am trying to promise myself a proper forum catch up tomorrow, but it probably won't happen!

Sam had his jabs this afternoon. He screamed for a minute and then had his dummy and was fine. Then after his bath, around 7pm he just kicked off. No fever or anything, just super unsettled. Wouldn't feed, was just inconsolable for ages. He finally fed and settled around 8.45 but he's kicking around again in the carrycot now. I don't think I am in for too much sleep tonight!! Will attempt to read posts on my phone in the night!

Lots of love! x
BTP - quote birth because it was a shock things were not as smooth as i thought, i also feel angry the midwife was not as understanding or helpful as she could have been, i hope to get there without doctors etc, i think
its just the hormones adjusting!

I feel upset about my labour too as I was so disappointed to have smooth 10th dilation but not being able to stand and have contractions for the pushing stage. Instead was told epidural and syntocin vs c sec. Decided yesterday to move on as it was upsetting too much. Hope you get to feel better about your labour soon :hugs:

Hiya ladies, I'm just on quickly tonight, little Sammy is not well after his first vaccinations. Everyone else seems okay just busy? I am trying to promise myself a proper forum catch up tomorrow, but it probably won't happen!

Sam had his jabs this afternoon. He screamed for a minute and then had his dummy and was fine. Then after his bath, around 7pm he just kicked off. No fever or anything, just super unsettled. Wouldn't feed, was just inconsolable for ages. He finally fed and settled around 8.45 but he's kicking around again in the carrycot now. I don't think I am in for too much sleep tonight!! Will attempt to read posts on my phone in the night!

Lots of love! x

Ahhh poor Sammy, hope he feels better soon. It's horrible seeing Lo's poorly after injections

We registered James today and it was our first outing out having to use car seats and prams..... Thankfully there was two of us so went quite smoothly!

Been upset again today regarding trying to Bf.... it would seem my milk is still not increasing and is taking longer to get my standard 1fl oz. DH and I have discussed and decided to not continue when he goes back to work next week as it would be too much strain on me for each feed to Bf,top up bottle, wi d and then pump. I would never get time to do anything but feed. It breaks my heart.

On a good note third night of trying to settle JJ by feeding 6 8 10 with bath at 7.30 and placing Moses basket upstairs after 8. My baby boy is fast asleep without any music or dummy! I'm wondering how long it will last cross fingers a peaceful night as I'm on duty tonight. Did anyone else hate the though of OH having to go back to work? I really don't want him to go :-(

Sorry for bad typing post but I've been banned from laptop so have to use my phone due to going to docs today and being told I have tendon tech blah blah basically an overstretched overused tendon in my wrist so been told to rest it or need steroid injections..... Not easy to rest with newborn but been told no laptop. At least I know whats wrong with my wrist now.
Well I'm just about to put Kimi down for the night!!!

I'm expecting to be back here in the morning....well early hours anyway with a screaming baby.....

But every night she isnt in my bed is a step forward I guess.....

Got a t-shirt ready to go in the cot and imma put a hot water bottle in there to make it warm!!!

Then imma wash and sterilise her bottles and get to bed myself.

Good luck tonight ladies :)

hi guys sorry ive not popped in just dont have any time to myself atm!! i hope everyone is ok!! Jayden is a dream and sleeping right through 7-8 hours at a time all the time!! good boy.

ill do a proper catch up soon i promise!! xxx
Anyone want a alarm clock? Keeps perfect time every three hours, never misses! Answers to the name of Layla? ;)
Ouch Jelly, your poor hand! How long are you banned from the laptop?
It's lovely registering the baba isn't it? Plus it gives you a practice run with the changing bag and car seat!
I remember when Archie was born I was really upset about dh going back to work, but once he had gone I got into a much better routine. It was all fine. Big hugs though.

Youngmum, good luck with Kimi, I hope you manage to get some sleep!

Boony, Tylee sounds like a dream!

Genies, that made me giggle! Go Layla!

Right, Sam's actually done quite well and is just finishing up his feed. Going back to bed to attempt another hour before it's time to be up and about with the big boys. X
Asher i hope sam is feeling much better today.

I never got the practice run with the pram and car seat for registering his birth because we did it in hospital with Tyler and Jayden.

Carley your Jayden sounds just like my Jayden he used to sleep through every night right from birth the first night home from hospital he slept from 10pm till 7am and we woke up and shot out of bed to check him lol.

Genies girl :hugs: I cant imagine how difficult it must be being up every 3 hours with 2 of them your doing amazingly well i dont think i could do it.

Tyler slept 9 hours last night from 11.30 till 8.30!! My boys seem to be in sync too they both wake up at the same time every morning yesterday they both woke up at 9.15 the day before they both woke up at 8.15 and this morning both at 8.30 lol
Anyone want a alarm clock? Keeps perfect time every three hours, never misses! Answers to the name of Layla? ;)

Ahh bless :hugs:

Ouch Jelly, your poor hand! How long are you banned from the laptop?
It's lovely registering the baba isn't it? Plus it gives you a practice run with the changing bag and car seat!
I remember when Archie was born I was really upset about dh going back to work, but once he had gone I got into a much better routine. It was all fine. Big hugs

Can't use the lapto until the pain goes but considering I've had it now for 8 weeks I don't think it will be going anytime soon. Last night by 1am JJ was up pretty much the whole night with wind or constipation so constantly picking him up..... So that doesn't help if I need to rest it. I knew I spoke too soon last night about JJ peaceful asleep.

I keep thinking once DH goes to work maybe I will be better at finding a routine, he's been a real help but think I need to work things out for myself eg I really need to start napping in the day if up all night instead of visitors planned for morning and afternoon.

Really don't know why im bothering point I'm sat here with a mere 10 ml and that's taken 20 minutes . Best be off as tesco coming soon and need to clean before next visitors arrive! have a good day Girlies xx
Hi everyone... :blush:

So sorry for being AWOL for so long... I'm not even going to try and catch up i'm afraid, cos if I do then I won't have time to post! :blush:

From my quick skim through, I have to say that there are some absolutely GORGEOUS babies on this thread!!! All the smiles and wide eyes; they are adorable :happydance:

AFM, Izzy is now 10lb 7.5oz, and completely formula fed on cow & gate comfort. I feel so guilty about it, and it's still really upsetting me. I really miss feeding her myself. I know it was hard, but i wish i'd have persevered a little more and never given her that formula. Must say, it's easier to say that now i'm not doing it anymore, and she is sleeping more etc. At the time it was just psychologically draining me.

I'm having a little problem with OH.. Think i'm gonna post in babyclub about it too. Basically i'm really nervous about sleeping with him... not because of any tears or anything - I only had a graze - but just.. well.. I dunno. Feeling a bit crap about myself so it might be that. Back at gym now and my hips are hurting; might have overdone it, feels spd-ish. Bugger.

Hope everyone is well, gonna read regularly from now on, I promise :flower: xxx
Young mummy, apparently they can't pick up bad habits when they're this young so don't worry if you need to continue with the co-sleeping. Harry has to be asleep before he goes in to his basket. If all else fails, a dummy often helps.

How was Sam last night Asher?

How are you feeling today BTP? I've asked for a de-brief of my labour to find out exactly what happened. I have so many questions and I think it will help me get over it if I know why I ended up with a C section. Would something like this help you too?

:hugs: jellycat. You gave it a good shot hun so don't be hard on yourself. I'm sure it will be a huge relief knowing he's getting what he needs.

How did last night go Youngmummy?

Optical, I'm dreading sex tbh. Not sure why as I had a C section. I guess I just feel like a milk machine. It's hard to think dh finds me sexy when I'm walking around with milk and sick down me and breast pads in my bra etc etc. Harry was 6 weeks yesterday so I think my time without sex is over. Wish me luck!


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