September Stars

BTP - did you watch this morning regarding school uniforms ..... I was waiting for them to say ' and now on the line we have a mum of 5 BSc xxxx xxxx'

YM - I can't believe the council won't move you, I'd struggle with 3 flights if stairs and a buggy with one child let alone pregnant or two under 2. I'd go to citizens advice and see if they can help you fight the battle with the council.

Fishy - they say moving house is one of the most stressful times :hugs:

LBB - loved James' new shoes !

YM that's shocking, defo get onto citizens advice about that. What a load of old rubbish!!

Well the :witch: got me this morning, right on the dot! Just what I wanted for the weekend, thank you!! Not sure what the spotting was earlier this week then! Fingers crossed for a September BFP!

The nursery nurse paid us a visit yesterday after I spoke to the HV on the phone. She was lovely and very reassuring. She said it's almost certainly a stress reaction to me going back to work. And her Dad, as she's had him at home too since he was made redundant! She said that she sees so many babies act like this when they start nursery or childminder- good as gold at nursery or wherever and love it, but act up something chronic at home. She said to ignore the tantrums she is throwing, put her down on the floor and walk into another room and to only go back to her and start to play with her when she has calmed down. With regards to the food, she said to keep plodding on but don't offer her anything different, if she doesn't eat it after a while, then take it away and don't give anything else. She said she seems to have learned (probably through other people looking after her) that she gets given something else if she doesn't like what she's got, so she needs to learn that she doesn't get anything else. With regard to the night wakings, she advised letting her CIO. Now, we'd inadvertently had to do this the 3 nights she woke this week anyway, as picking her up was making her lots worse, so I would just leave her for 5 mins, then go in and check on her and cover her over and go back out and wait outside the door for 5 mins, etc. I've never liked CIO, I'm too soft and have always preferred to give her cuddles but seeing as cuddles were making it worse, I had to. And it seems to have worked as she didn't wake up once last night!

Last night she ate all her tea, this morning she ate all her breakfast and we've also been to a teddy bears picnic this morning at the childrens centre and she ate loads there too, so that's reassuring! And only one tantrum today so far too, which is good for her this week lol

At the Teddy Bear's Picnic at the Children's Centre with her friend Jake
Emzy - that's so good that they came out to you. Reassuring to know what to do now. Hoping JJ finds the transition ok. Teddybears picnic looks really cute too. Fingers crossed for a sept BFP
Afternoon ladies, just popping in before we go off for our swim. DH is upstairs with the big boys, "sorting" playmobil out. Sam is asleep in the pram in the utility room. Bliss. 5 minutes peace to myself, although I have done the ironing and stuff!!

Emzy, that lady sounds lovely and so reassuring. Fingers crossed Holly continues to perk up for you and you can settle down again, loving the teddy bear's picnic pics, so cute!! I love love love her curly hair, it gets me every time!! Hoping for a nice big BFP next month for you too, you and Matt will be busy busy busy!!!!

Jelly, how's your dad today?

Go BTP on the uniform victory!!

YM what a crappy council, you need somewhere more accessible!!

Right, I'm off, little man is stirring. He gets his Friday pm bottle before we have our swim, as his treat to keep him going as he has a later tea on a Friday because of the swim thing, I know it tickles you Jelly!!!

I'm off out with the girls tonight for my birthday, have been debating what to wear, as I just don't buy going out clothes cos I don't go out!! So it's either skinny jeans with a vest type long top or flarey jeans with a flowery flarey top and wedges. Can't decide. Grrrrr. I'm nervous about going out too. This from the girl who used to be out 3 nights every weekend back in the day! Pathetic!!

Catch you all later xx
How annoying put a post up and internet went down, bloody useless!!!
As I remember i said,

Jelly, I didnt see the programme, It seems to be quite a hot topic atm, although the head said only one other parent had complained, but i think they just cant be bothered round here! :hugs:

Ym, good luck with everything to do with the VBAC, you sound pretty uncomfortable now, just the last few weeks though xx
Hope your house can be sorted soon, doesnt sound very good all that lugging, and having to leave the buggy:nope::hugs:

Fishy, House hunting is so frustrating, i remember moving in a place years ago, and the neighbour said we had been lucky as the previous owner had sold it various times over only to pull out at the last, we hadn't realised!
My friend is trying to sell their house, and its been on the market ages, she is getting fed up of keeping it like a show home with 2 large dogs and 2 small children!!:hugs:

Asher, go for the flowy top wedges and jeans combo!! :hugs::thumbup:

Emzy, cute pic xx

Right got to go, if anything to get this post in b4 i flippin loose it!!

Went to the shop and left my stuff to be badged up, he was none too pleased, i could see him eyeing me up and down i think working out how much trouble i could cause him!!! He said he had done me a deal on the embrodered badges on my clothes as it should be £3.50 per badge not £2.50....but that just left me thinking he told me the other day he didn't do clothes not bought from him, so where did he get a price from???:shrug: Anyway its all on order now, we went to get the sports stuff today, and ordered his school bag online, Em has had trainers but needs less at her school, til she is 11 and ad secondary and its all compulsory this and that! (well until i have had my say and made everything more available!!)
Back soon, hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Asher hope you all had a good swim. Dad has got more antibiotics and finishing his steroids, going to pop in with JJ tomorrow hopefully and see him for half an hour. Thanks for asking xx

Laura - you ok? Sound very fed up on FB. Hope you are alright :hugs:

After yesterday of everything being rubbish , dh contract at work has been renewed for another three months. Hopefully he'll find something perm by then (fxd). Nursery I managed to leave JJ for an hour, he cried first ten minutes then was happy playing and laughing with the other children which is reassuring. JJ has nit stopped drinking water all day, after weeks worrying he'll never drink he's now drinking his tt beaker and straw bottle (thanks to stealing Lillias this morning). Hope he keeps up the good work!
Oh JC that sounds much more promising! Go JJ! I am sorry I didn't realise your Dad was unwell. I hope he's better soon.

Emzy darn that nasty witch but at least you can have lots of fun trying for next month ;)

Thanks BTP. Wow the previous owners of your house sound like right pieces of work. We are now thinking of giving up on the house we put an offer in on. We might put an offer in on our backup option. It's lovely but a bit far out of Wycombe for our liking. The trouble is we are now in a rush to get the mortgage sorted as I'm about to go self employed.

Asher hope you had a lovely night! What outfit did you go for in the end?
Jelly - Thanks for asking after me - Im devestated at the moment as we have had to rehome our cocker spaniel. We rescued her 2 years ago but since having Olivia she has become extremely stressed and upset with all the noise that my very loud daughter makes. We have tried to work round it but have had no luck and with another baby on the way we decided to rehome her sooner rather than later. I keep crying and can't seem to function today even though she has gone to friends of my parents so I can see her again if I wish. Just feel like I have given a child away. xx Glad that things seem to be looking up for you hun aswell. xx

BTP - Go you with the uniform !! Do the school not have a Parents Association that you could maybe approach and get your views across. Something I think you would be good at ! xx

Emzy - Sorry to see the problems with Holly. I hope she settles into a routine soon and can deal with it more easily. And I have my FX that your our next pregnant star. xx

Asher - hope you had a good night out hun. xx

YM - Thats ridiculous about your housing. Here you would be a priority (and were not far from you !) to be moved. I hope you can get somewhere else. xx Im not sure if I will have a VBAC or not. Im finding that a bigger decision than names !!

GG - Have fun at the wedding. xx

F&C - How annoying about the house hun - Why put it up for sale if your not sure you want to sell - Grrrrrrrr :dohh:

Blondie - Good news about your work. xx

Sarahkka - I hope we get to see some pics of this blanket when its done! x

Hope I haven't forgotten anything or anyone !! Hello Patience - Good to see you on here. xx

In our other news - I saw MW for the 1st time on friday and they wouldn't send me for an early scan as they dont do that anymore so have got to wait for a letter appt for a scan and that could take another 10 days - Im really annoyed as I am feeling really rubbish and it will be nearly a month since I found out I was pregnant by the time the scan comes around !! Hey ho - Will let you all know when my scan date comes. xx
Aww Laura thats rubbish about the scan! I know how you feel about your dog but at least she wont be stressed now by 'loud olivia' Hehe! And as you Pay she isnt far away x x
BTP great news about the school, i see Tesco are now doing the putting the school badges on your uniform thing, DD school badge isnt there in the list of 1's they do, so ive filled in a form & they are going to contact the school about it.

DD's school only has the 1 supplier & we have to order through the school to get the uniforms with the school badge on :growlmad:

LBB i love james new shoe's :thumbup:

YM i agree with the others it's ridiculous, i lived in a upstairs flat when preg with DD & just afterwards, 20 stairs i had to go up & down everyday just to get to my door! luckly when DD was 2months old the council gave us a house, we were classed as priority due to the stairs & we only had 1 baby att! so i dont see why they wouldn't move you :shrug: like Jelly said go to the citizens advice hun xxx

Emzy lovely pic xxx

Laura :hugs: xxxx
Laura, so sorry about your dog. That must have been so hard. Not sure if it helps, but as an animal lover, it always makes me feel grateful to hear about people who can be that unselfish when it comes to the well-being of their pets. :hugs:
Congratulations on the pregnancy, by the way! Very exciting - hope your pregnancy is healthy and happy! :)

F&C - it's been ages, kitten! Glad to hear that you are doing well! Hope the house stuff works itself out!

So I was doing a little bit of photo editing this morning and I came across a couple of Tobe that I had to share. While we were on holiday, we went to hear an outdoor concert by a pipe band. I don't think Tobe had heard bagpipes before. This was his reaction:


  • TobeBagpipes1.jpg
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  • TobeBagpipes2.jpg
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Thanks, btp! :)
I'm a little biased, but he is the sweetest, funniest little boy. :cloud9:
Sorry i've been rubbish at posting again but i've been ill! Hubby has been doing absolutely everything bless him. I've been managing to read but not reply. I cant remember much now either.

Sarahk - bless tobe hes so cute!

btp - Good for you on the uniform! I remember my mum having a similar argument when me and my sister were at secondary school they expected everything to be badged but wouldnt sell the badges seperate but buying everything direct from the school would've cost her a fortune! So she bought everything in the right colours but they never had badges on and nobody even said anything in fact most people at my school never wore the school badge lol.

ym - i thought you had only just moved into that flat?

fishy - i know how you feel with the house hunting my mum is selling her house and shes had a few time wasters messing her about aswell! Also me and Tarron are looking to buy our own but we've got to pay a little more debt off first. I dread all the messing around that happens though i can remember from when my mum and dad moved when i was around 16 years old.

Well my little monster tyler has been taking the odd few little steps for a good few weeks now but this morning he took 4 altogether for the first time! I figured he would be a quick walker because he still cant talk and my other son was exactly the same he walked from 11 months but never really spoke until about 18 months-2 years, he still doesnt talk much now and hes 3!!

Also i'm 36 weeks tomorrow thank god! Time was going really slow but it seems to be speeding up now especially as i have alot to plan for next month. we are going to see lee evans on the 10th so ive been arranging the dog and kids staying at my mums. Then Jayden starts pre-school on the 12th so Tarron has taken a week off to help me with that (i'm not able to walk very far at the minute without going dizzy and needing to sit down). Then theres tylers birthday on the 27th and baby should arrive round about the same time fingers crossed!

sorry if i've forgotten anything important!

Happy birthday to all the stars just turned or turning 1!!
Hiya ladies! :flower:

Jelly, glad to hear your Dad is a wee bit better. Has he got an ongoing condition? Hope you and JJ managed to see him. xx

Laura, so sorry to hear about your doggy, you are a very brave person to have made this decision. It must be so hard, lots of love. On the pregnancy front though, I'm glad things are progressing as they should, although it's frustrating about the scan. xx

Sarahka, loving the Tobester pics, he is such a little cutie. x

F&C, good news on the house, saw it on FB! Yay! Loving all your recent Harry pics too, such a gorgeous boy. x

Boony, can't believe you're 36 weeks!! Yay! And a very busy few weeks coming up for you! Are you well? x

I am knackered, off to bed very very soon!!! I went for the flared jeans and flowery top combo last night. Was a good night, we ended up doing Dance Central and Lips on the Wii at a friends house, and I ended up fed up because even though I only live round the corner, they wouldn't let me walk home, so I had to wait for a cab, and didn't get back til after 3. Still, I was very sober by then so no hangover today, just tired!!
In other news, I gave Sam a bottle of cows milk for bed, and much to my surprise he drank it! not a fuss in sight!
What are people doing re milk when their little ones turn one? The retail pressure is very much on buying toddler milk, which to me tastes like milkshake. I think I am going to stick to good old cows milk, but I'm not 100%sure!!
Asher Holly has just cows milk, we decided against toddler milk as she has a balanced diet so I don't think she needs it! X
Emzy does Holly have her milk in a bottle or is she only using beakers now?
hey ladies,
Boony - how out of it have i been? I've only just realised your pregnant let alone due!!! WooHoo!!!

Kara - you can get cool bunk beds now where the top one is actually a cot (well both can be cots if you need them to be) i saw them at the baby show this year!

Jellycat i watched the horizon programme, very fascinating indeed!
She has a beaker of milk in the morning and a bottle at bedtime. I was intending to stop the bedtime bottle and put that in a beaker too last week, but what with her being unsettled this last couple of weeks I haven't yet. When she settles down again I intend to try the beaker at bedtime too, but I don't want to change anything else at the mo! X

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