September Stars

Hi Sarah love the pics!! x

Boony...WOW4 weeks!!

Well James will most definately be sticking with his prescribed formula...they have changed it from neocate to something called 'similac' i love the fact it comes pre-mixed in little glass bottles but hate the fact its a beige colour so it looks like he has a bottle of tea...yuk!!!!!!! lol x

Well James has had a haircut today hehe...totally unexpected lol...Chris was at the barbers where he has been going for 13 yrs so he knows us well, and i joked and said 'do you want a haircut james, your fringe is getting in your eyes a bit' and Andre, the barber, took his comb and scissors and trimmed his hair at the front...........

.......i then took the scissors to the whispy bits at the sides that go past his ears :hehe: xx

Anyway hope everyone is well! xxx
I just wanted to pop in and send love and kisses...

only had one day off (today)spent it all shopping and cleaning, back to work tomorrow.... I have four days off starting Monday and promise ill be back to read all the posts I have missed..
apologies for the numerous consecutive posts - my pc keeps crashing so i dare not write one long one as i read.

Emzy, is Holly properly awake during the night? Even though her eyes appear open? Amelia has had a few night terrors which sound similar, harmless but scary as hell for us parents & apparently the children don't know anything about them. Other than that i'd say it's teething. Amelia is off her food, makes herself sick by putting her fingers down her throat, screams at me for no reason (but loves anyone else :cry:) and has had strange poopy patterns??? Reading a few more of your posts i really do think it's teething hun. Amelia normally falls asleep in her pram, the other day i took her for a walk to get us some fresh air & settle her off. She was fine as her Granny strapped her in, as soon as we turned the corner of the street she screamed blue murder until she vomited & continued to cry until we got back home. She was so red & blotchy she looked terrible. I'm sure her Granny (DH's Mum) thinks i'm a bad Mum as she stopped crying the second she got her out of the pram like it was all my fault!
As for cheap & cheerful - are there any sure start groups around? I take Amelia swimming with ours & it only costs £1. Arrange a playdate with a friends little one? Bake fairy cakes (16p for an asda's own packet mix - add 1 egg & water). Re-arrange the furniture in the house if you have room, using some sheets make tunnels and tents to play hide & seek and tick :thumbup:

Jellycat - Amelia had her 1st check up when i had a root filling (she has to come with as i have no-one to have her for me) & the dentist checked her over, she was about 8 months & they told me to officially book her in when she is 12-18 months.
Wow i feel like Ive missed soooo much :cry: My ipad broke :cry: the laptop broke :hissy: so ive had no internet really :( Gutted.

BTP yaay for the uniforms (we've all gone back to school)

YM aww hun thats shit I have to carry ours down stairs but I have a car and just leave it there. In regards to the VBAC I would suggest looking into the natural birth bit it loves to talk about VBAC. In my opinion birth carries risks but c section holds far more than natural birth. We give our babies injections after bith..risk. We get injections ourself to pass the placenta...risk. We have babies in a hospital full of germs... We do so so much that carries risk really it comes down to how you personally feel. If your MW has said that it is safe then its really down to you. x

Awww Emzy that must be so so hard on you both :hugs: I cannot even image.

Sorry everybody ive left out I NEED to still get birthday presents URGH!!

Also WOW Boony 36 weeks hope it goes really fast for you :hugs:

Sarah OMFG how cute are those photos!!!!!

Hey Kara hope everything is good.
I know I havent posted in here much but I cant belive our babies are almost 1 year old :( its come too fast.
phew, i think i've caught up now :wacko:

Emzy, i'm glad you got some advice on Holly - it's horrible when they turn from happy to crazy!
Boony i've just clicked that you'll be another spetember star heehee - great timing :thumbup:

I bought the plates, party bags and napkins for Amelia's birthday party the other day. I've been trying to decide a theme for ages, i wanted to go all out girly but i wasn't keen that all the pink stuff had princess all over it (which just reminds me of katie price lol) plus most of Amelia's friends are boys and i doubt they'd be impressed by princess party bags lmao. When i saw a collection in the sale at mothercare that made my mind up for me :haha: so we have a bright jungle theme :thumbup:. I've collected bits for the party bags, i need to buy banners for inside and outside & i'm buying a helium cannister to inflate our own balloons (i can just imagine her face as she comes down stairs on her birthday to find a living room full of balloons heehee). As it's just a birthday tea party i am keeping food simple, jam sandwiches, sausage rolls, breadsticks, jelly and cake. Now i am searching for a party dress (Emzy's fault after seeing her piccies lol) I wanted something all out, big party dress stuff, but that's not really Amelia. She looks awful in pastel pink or white - she's more a black, red, blue bright & bold colours! Hmmmm my search continues.

Anyway, sorry for hogging a selfish post. I appear to have lost my husband to the duvet monster (1st time since i was pregnant that he's been in bed before me lol) so i guess i'd best go find him. It's my lie in day tomorrow whoop whoop! Best take a drink & my painkillers up with me so i can lie in in comfort:winkwink: night night all, i didn't realise how much i'd missed you all :hugs:
Laura :hugs: sorry to hear about your dog at least you know they have gone to q good home xx

Sarahkka - love Tobes and the band definitely a face of dislike !

Kara - hope you get some rest before your next shift - zzzzzzzzz

Limpets - how you feeling ? I see your on ab and painkillers hope it clears soon xx

Asher - I'm going to gradually introduce cows milk With JJ after his bad reaction to stage 2. I think cow juice is better than formula in the long term but will use formula if staying away for the evening. Glad you enjoyed yourself last night. Dads been ill long term for the past 11 years with leukaemia (hence a poor immune system), if he gets a simple cold it can really attack his system for months, also diagnosed with a lung disorder thus tune last year so finds it very difficult to breathe and keep active.

JJ and I are both I'll today with colds and sore throat. He's only slept for an hourcduring the day because he's all bunged up. Constant upset putting him to bed. We bought him back downstairs in the end and calpol. Think we both of must have picked something up from nursery settling in sessions.

:hi: blob was wandering where you've been. How do the girls settle now at bedtime after your troubles couple of months ago ?
tell me about it tiggy. I love your statement by the way tiggy :haha: brilliant!!!
Limpets sounds like the party is coming together. Great choice on the jungle theme. I had a helium ballon for my birthday and JJ loved playing with it. I'm sure her outfit will be fab. Louise and I were saying Friday we are impressed how Amelia always has her socks and shoes on as our lo's always pull them off.

Hi Tiggy
Limpets - how you feeling ? I see your on ab and painkillers hope it clears soon xx QUOTE]

The symptoms come and go throughout the day so it's hard to keep the pain under control when it does come on. If i have another episode once i've finished this course i'm being referred to an ENT specialist for investigation. Thanks for asking hun, how are you guys? Have you tried snuffle babe? It's like a mild vicks - Amelia loves it (literally, she walks around with the jar when she can get her mitts on it lol).

Can i just share that Amelia learned to cuddle today :cloud9: i said 'awwww love a baby tad'
and she picked him up, kissed him then cuddled him whilst saying 'aaahhhh' copying us when we have showed her :cloud9: so proud!!!! :blush:
Limpets sounds like the party is coming together. Great choice on the jungle theme. I had a helium ballon for my birthday and JJ loved playing with it. I'm sure her outfit will be fab. Louise and I were saying Friday we are impressed how Amelia always has her socks and shoes on as our lo's always pull them off.

Haha, you would have laughed to see her today then as she insisted on pulling her trainers off - she loves velcro at the minute! I was horrified when DH bought her into the gp surgery (he was getting her out of the car so i went on ahead) with one shoe on & the other still in the car! I always get comments asking how i get her to keep them on.........superglue! JOKE :haha:. I've always put shoes on her since she was about 3 weeks old :blush: so she is used to wearing them. She even goes in her own shoe basket now & picks out odd shoes (we have to comprimise on which one wins lmao). Sadly i lost count of her shoe collection when it went above 50 & i started to sell her small outgrown ones :blush::blush::blush:
Oh god I'm an idiot forgot to use the snuggle balm on him this evening. I'll put it on if he wakes or in the morning. I always forget because it's not with the other medications.

That is soooooo cute Amelia giving cuddles. Is it me or are all Our children get scrummier and cuter by the day now they are developing so quickly and learning new things.
definately by the day lol. I keep it on amelia's change table so it's to hand when i need it. I rub some on her chest and some on her sleeping bag too for extra effect :thumbup: If your little one gets really bad olbas to a plug in - not sure if there's an age recommendation for it though.
Right - i really am off to bed now lol, night night xxx

Limpets Holly has night terrors sometimes too and the first time she did it last week that's what I thought it was. But it was different, it was like she was properly awake as with the terrors I was able to take her into the bathroom into the brighter lights and talk to her and she'd come around and calm right down. But this time it was different :( She didn't wake last night or the night before, but she did tonight. I do think it's the change of me not being here that's affecting her as it's like she's got used to it by the end of the week and now I'm here as it's the weekend, she's waking again screaming. She did this last week too! It took 30 mins for her to settle again tonight. Teething is definitely playing a part in it though, as the top ones have broken through fully now too.

We got Holly's party dress from TK Maxx. Hers was pink but they had an awesome range of tutu dresses like Holly's in different colours. They had them in red and purple and also rainbow colours, which I loved!

Oh and I've had to start buying buckle only shoes for Holly as she undoes her velcro ones and takes them off all the time! That's cute about Amelia cuddling! Holly recently learned to cuddle her baby doll and says "baybeee" so so cute, makes my heart melt!

Jelly I hope you both feel better soon. Holly's not been for napping today either!

LBB bless James with his haircut! Holly's hair is so long it hangs in her eyes, but I've been trying to train it into a parting so she can grow it long, rather than keep cutting it. I was trimming her fringe but it grows too fast. What do you think of it in a parting? It'[s got so curly!

Boony can't believe you only have 4 weeks! I'm so jealous!! I hope it's me soon :)

Whoever asked about dentists... Holly came with me when I went a couple of months ago and they did her first check up and registered her. He said to take her every time I go to make going for a check up every 6 months a normal thing for her for when she's older.

Hi Tiggy! I know it's gone so fast!!! Love your siggy thing :) x

Blob, hi hun! Loving the cake pics on FB they are so good! I want a free sample LOL!
Tee hee thanks Emzy :cloud9:

OMG Limpet you are doing so well getting ready for the party I have NOTHING ready...AHHH!!! Just bought the climbing frame though :sick: It was so expensive I wanted to cry.
Aww emzy how cute...i always wanted curly hair but my sister has curly hair and hates it to the point she used to IRON it! Lol x

blob i agree on the free samples! Lol x
Rosalie and Tabs have curls :cloud9:

Limpet 50 pairs of shoes!!! Here I was thinking I was bad enough buying them UGGS and Leli Kelly's :rofl: thats amazing!! Tabs would be jealous so totally loves shoes we have to go into all the shoe shops :haha:
Happy Birthday Leyla and Amelia :cake: :cake:

OMG there is less than 2 weeks until Rosalie's birthday and all I have is a few presents its less than 2 weeks until her party :shock: oh crap think I have to accept she is going to be 1 soon.
Asher I'm ok some days. I'm struggling abit with not being able to walk far without being dizzy and needing to sit down. I can hardly empty the dishwasher in one go some days but DH has been great, hes been working full time coming home and cooking/cleaning and looking after the kids bless him.
I havent decided about milk yet Tyler is abit of a fussy eater so think i might give him toddler milk for a little while just at bedtime.

Limpetsmum - Thanks i am due on the 25th september so yes i'm having another september star. Shes due 2 days before Tylers birthday.
Bless Amelia learning to give hugs thats so cute.
50 pairs of shoes!!!! I dont even have that many lol lucky girl!

Happy Birthday to Layla and Amelia!

Both my kids have straight hair and i'm really pleased. My mum hates her curly hair and i did have straight hair but i had it permed when i was 14ish and since then its been kinda wavy and i hate it i straighten it now lol.

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