September Stars

She went in her cot at 11.30...slept til half 12...had her bum changed and a feed then wouldnt settle....i left her for about half an hour....then she started screaming so into our bed she came and settled on mummys chest til 10am this morning. Daddy then took over and let me sleep til half 12.

Honestly...I enjoy our co-sleeping but it is tiring as I worry I will roll over or something so I dont sleep very well...

But she will not settle in her cot for more than an hour. She hates it :(
hi ladies, :wave:
wow i missed loads, :blush:

Ollie has been much better now that we are using infacol, he is crying alot less & settling loads better.
we use the dentinox in the 2 night bottle still and the infacol with all of the other bottles.

YoungMummy18 lovely pic of kimi :cloud9:

Asher poor Sam, i hope he's been better today :hugs:
i'm dreading Ollie going for his injections in a coulpe of weeks

ouch Jelly, sounds very painfull :hugs: hope your wrist is on the mend soon.

optical :hugs: i havnt dtd yet, may sound stupid but talk to your OH about it i dont feel good about my body atm but talking about how i am feeling has helped :thumbup:

Well Ollie will be 6week tomorrow & i'm no way near been healed :cry:
at 3weeks i passed a huge clot went to dr's who said it was probly nothing & didnt think it was my placenta as it has been 3weeks since i gave birth.
he felt my tummy which was sore but put it down to me still healing.

Went for my postnal check up at dr's yesterday, dr felt my tummy and it hurt loads she said it felt like my womb is swollen :nope: so i possibly have an infection, i am on 2types of anti bods been having weird discharge too (sorry tmi) she said maybe there is something in there and it just needs to expel :shock: yeah great thanx for that doc!!

I'm at hospital in couple of weeks to check if my polyp is there if so they will be removing it, so doc said they will be able to have a good look around then so there is no point her doing an exam on me now :nope:

so OH will be getting no dtd for quite sometime needless to say.

great to see this thread been busy now, fx i can come on here more often
hope you all are having a fab day with your lo's :kiss: xxx
Young Mummy - I'm guessing you missed my post last week as I was having the same problems with Scarlett suddenly not wanting to sleep in her crib and wanting to stay in bed instead. Sorry I haven't got time to write a massive post as I'm supposed to be packing for a weekend away, but basically we sorted this problem by doing the following:-
1.Not feeding her in bed with us - taking her to the living room with only a lamp, not talking to her or stimulating her in any way. It's hard when you are tired but it worked the first night I did it and I've done it ever since
2.Using a hot water bottle to warm her bed before she goes down and then while I'm feeding her so she doesn't go back into a cold bed
3.Not taking her out of her crib unless she is properly crying not just the odd moan, groan or shriek - if she stirs I firstly try resting my hand on her chest and also stroke her head - sounds simple but it works. I also rest my hand on her chest when I first place her in her crib, the pressure makes her think she is still being held.
4. I don't swaddle as such because Scarlett doesn't like having her hands trapped but I lay her on a blanket and then wrap it over her so she feels cocooned. I know that sleeping bags have worked for some people but Scarlett isn't keen on hers at the moment.

Hope this helps
I also have been putting my hand on my lo's tummy when I put him down so that he thinks I'm still holding him and it's working quite well. x
I slept with her blanket last night so will try that tonight....its just so hard to leave her in her cot when she is screaming...i feel so guilty knowing that picking her up and giving her a cuddle makes her happy!!

But I dont want her getting used to being in with me and Luke....otherwise she will never stop!!!

Time to be cruel to be kind I guess!!!!


I had the exact same problem when jake was a baby, and he slept in my bed till he was 6 !! paige is going the same way and its always easier to give in.. most nights she is fine in her moses basket but there is the odd night when its just easier to give in... they say it gets harder before it gets easier.

BTP - I too have been contemplating a hair cut. I don't especially want it cut off but Scarlett is already grabbing big clumps of it and it really hurts sometimes. I'm not really the kind to wear it tied back. DH really doesn't want me to get it cut so that's the reason I'm stalling at the moment.
Mine likes it long too, but i was hoping either layers would still look longish, or a longosh bob would look cute, ish!

If you exclusively bf then try drinking the orange juice yourself, a few small glasses i found by next feed gets into milk and baby poos fairly soon after, just drink juice every day to keep baby regular. :hugs:xx

Anyonust because he will know if i am being too different.
I still feel traumatised by the birth because it was a shock things were not as smooth as i thought, i also feel angry the midwife was not as understanding or helpful as she could have been, i hope to get there without doctors etc, i think its just the hormones adjusting!
I am not so sure its depression because i can 'see' Rosie and enjoy her, i love a pain! We went in 1 shop!

Sorry no personals just dropping by really, hope to be back tomorrow for a better catch up :hugs: xx

I am waiting for BB to hit me, i get ratty and im craving ciggies all of a sudden.. which makes me short tempered. but all this could be lack of sleep..

If you ever need a chat honey im always here for you xx:hugs:

Anyone want a alarm clock? Keeps perfect time every three hours, never misses! Answers to the name of Layla? ;)

LMAO !!!! I have one of those too... if i take layla ill have a full set :flower:

hi ladies, :wave:
wow i missed loads, :blush:

at 3weeks i passed a huge clot went to dr's who said it was probly nothing & didnt think it was my placenta as it has been 3weeks since i gave birth.
he felt my tummy which was sore but put it down to me still healing.

Went for my postnal check up at dr's yesterday, dr felt my tummy and it hurt loads she said it felt like my womb is swollen :nope: so i possibly have an infection, i am on 2types of anti bods been having weird discharge too (sorry tmi) she said maybe there is something in there and it just needs to expel :shock: yeah great thanx for that doc!!

I'm at hospital in couple of weeks to check if my polyp is there if so they will be removing it, so doc said they will be able to have a good look around then so there is no point her doing an exam on me now :nope:

so OH will be getting no dtd for quite sometime needless to say.[/COLOR]

great to see this thread been busy now, fx i can come on here more often
hope you all are having a fab day with your lo's :kiss: xxx

Oh honey sorry to hear about your problems... it must be a worry... i have been getting pains when going to the loo all of a sudden and it really worries me so can imagine what your going through.. at least they have given you something for it.. but poor OH... no sex ...My hubby keeps asking me when he gets the green light....
hi ladies, :wave:
wow i missed loads, :blush:

Ollie has been much better now that we are using infacol, he is crying alot less & settling loads better.
we use the dentinox in the 2 night bottle still and the infacol with all of the other bottles.

YoungMummy18 lovely pic of kimi :cloud9:
Asher poor Sam, i hope he's been better today :hugs:
i'm dreading Ollie going for his injections in a coulpe of weeks

ouch Jelly, sounds very painfull :hugs: hope your wrist is on the mend soon.

optical :hugs: i havnt dtd yet, may sound stupid but talk to your OH about it i dont feel good about my body atm but talking about how i am feeling has helped :thumbup:

Well Ollie will be 6week tomorrow & i'm no way near been healed :cry:
at 3weeks i passed a huge clot went to dr's who said it was probly nothing & didnt think it was my placenta as it has been 3weeks since i gave birth.
he felt my tummy which was sore but put it down to me still healing.

Went for my postnal check up at dr's yesterday, dr felt my tummy and it hurt loads she said it felt like my womb is swollen :nope: so i possibly have an infection, i am on 2types of anti bods been having weird discharge too (sorry tmi) she said maybe there is something in there and it just needs to expel :shock: yeah great thanx for that doc!!

I'm at hospital in couple of weeks to check if my polyp is there if so they will be removing it, so doc said they will be able to have a good look around then so there is no point her doing an exam on me now :nope:

so OH will be getting no dtd for quite sometime needless to say.

great to see this thread been busy now, fx i can come on here more often
hope you all are having a fab day with your lo's :kiss: xxx

Thank you :) xx

Young Mummy - I'm guessing you missed my post last week as I was having the same problems with Scarlett suddenly not wanting to sleep in her crib and wanting to stay in bed instead. Sorry I haven't got time to write a massive post as I'm supposed to be packing for a weekend away, but basically we sorted this problem by doing the following:-
1.Not feeding her in bed with us - taking her to the living room with only a lamp, not talking to her or stimulating her in any way. It's hard when you are tired but it worked the first night I did it and I've done it ever since
2.Using a hot water bottle to warm her bed before she goes down and then while I'm feeding her so she doesn't go back into a cold bed
3.Not taking her out of her crib unless she is properly crying not just the odd moan, groan or shriek - if she stirs I firstly try resting my hand on her chest and also stroke her head - sounds simple but it works. I also rest my hand on her chest when I first place her in her crib, the pressure makes her think she is still being held.
4. I don't swaddle as such because Scarlett doesn't like having her hands trapped but I lay her on a blanket and then wrap it over her so she feels cocooned. I know that sleeping bags have worked for some people but Scarlett isn't keen on hers at the moment.

Hope this helps

Ahh will try this tonight....something has to work...i need some sleep!!! :( Thank you xx

I slept with her blanket last night so will try that tonight....its just so hard to leave her in her cot when she is screaming...i feel so guilty knowing that picking her up and giving her a cuddle makes her happy!!

But I dont want her getting used to being in with me and Luke....otherwise she will never stop!!!

Time to be cruel to be kind I guess!!!!


I had the exact same problem when jake was a baby, and he slept in my bed till he was 6 !! paige is going the same way and its always easier to give in.. most nights she is fine in her moses basket but there is the odd night when its just easier to give in... they say it gets harder before it gets easier.

Ahhhhh....she is a very cuddly baby too...she loves cuddles with me or my OH!! But I can't have her in our bed...i wriggle far too much!!!
Genies :rofl: I have one that goes every 2 hrs thats called GREEDY PIG!!! :haha:

Youngmummy18 why are you bothered about her in your bed? Is it just the saftey part? DD and Rosalie both have slept in our bed :) DD moved out easily at 4 months once she learned to sleep better and she wanted her own space :thumbup:

Optical :hugs: I feel like that too i just feel so disgusting :nope: Its not like i have much weight to lose but i have tons of stretchmarks and just minging :cry:

Well Rosalie is killing me, she will sit and feed for 4 hours batches and then sleep maybe an hour then want fed again :dohh: I'm so so drained, with Tabs it was ok as i could just feed her and drink tea but i have Tabs also :dohh:

How long are your LOs staying awake?? Rosalie might be awake 10 mins before she's wanting to be fed and then wont stop feeding :wacko: I feel like a bloody cow here :haha:
I am also feeling like a dairy :mamafy:, but Simon was like this too, so I was sort of expecting it. I agree that the hardest part is trying to get the feeding done so that you can spend some time with the toddler. Most of the time I either trap Simon in the room with me somehow (shut the door, block his way with the coffee table, babygate, etc), or tell Toby to chill out and plop him in my carrier. In the last week or so, having him tucked in next to me in the carrier seems to be helping. At least I'm hands free and can get something done and play with Simon.
It also really really helps that my husband is home for nice long spells, since he works shifts. I am very grateful for that. As much as all the sitting and feeding can make me bored and crazy, I keep reminding myself that it goes so fast and that this is what Tobe needs at this stage.

As for awake and alert during the day, he has pretty long spells of looking around him or playing in the bouncy chair and is showing a very different personality from Simon in that already. toby loves tummytime. Simon hated it. Toby is already reaching for things. Simon didn't do that for ages yet. It's kind of neat seeing the differences already! :)

Here's a quick pic of me and Toby modeling his new hat!


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Genies :rofl: I have one that goes every 2 hrs thats called GREEDY PIG!!! :haha:

Youngmummy18 why are you bothered about her in your bed? Is it just the saftey part? DD and Rosalie both have slept in our bed :) DD moved out easily at 4 months once she learned to sleep better and she wanted her own space :thumbup:

Optical :hugs: I feel like that too i just feel so disgusting :nope: Its not like i have much weight to lose but i have tons of stretchmarks and just minging :cry:

Well Rosalie is killing me, she will sit and feed for 4 hours batches and then sleep maybe an hour then want fed again :dohh: I'm so so drained, with Tabs it was ok as i could just feed her and drink tea but i have Tabs also :dohh:

How long are your LOs staying awake?? Rosalie might be awake 10 mins before she's wanting to be fed and then wont stop feeding :wacko: I feel like a bloody cow here :haha:

It is just the safety part really...if it was me on my own in the bed I would gladly have her in with me but my OH wants to cuddle me and cant coz I have the baby usually....

I dont want her becoming very clingy...I'm worried she will get used to being in with me and wont stop...

:lol: yea thats what botherd me to start with but i think so long as you dont use your duvet near her and neither of you drink then its not as bad as it portrayed :shrug: DD moved pretty easily and she's the most independant child going :dohh: But i dont think i would have slept otherwise...neither of my two have wanted to sleep on their own. I think you just trust your gut though :)

Sarah, yea i was expecting it too from what Tabs was like but OMG she is never awake and not feeding!! I mean i can keep her awake maybe 15 mins before i have to re feed her its mental :nope: Tabs is pretty good really she just plays by herself and when Rosalie does nap i make sure i pay her tons of attention but its really sad :(
Hiya everyone, thanks for your concern re Sam, you're a lovely bunch!

Well after an awful evening last night, he gave in and settled and then had one of the best night's sleep he's had in 8 weeks! He fed at 1 and 5, and slept well in between. He woke up pretty smiley, and has been good today. I think he's got our cold, he sounds as though his throat is sore, and his chest is a wee bit rattly, but he's been giving me a few fair smiles over the course of the day.

We went for our usual Friday swim this evening, and then took the kids to Ikea for their tea. It used to be our Friday ritual, but we just haven't had chance to do it since Sam's been here, so it was just so lovely to be back to normal tonight. I had resigned myself to having to feed Sam in the cafe if he was hungry, as it was the witching hour, but he was fab. The boys enjoyed their tea, and we had a brew and a piece of yummy cake. So lovely to be the normal family activity. Since we came back Sam's been a star. He had a bath and fed well, enjoyed some cuddles and fed again. I just tucked him up into his sleeping bed in the carrycot and he's gone off to sleep himself! I am in huge huge shock! He is a nice surprise after Jack who was a very difficult baby.

Youngmummy, we slept with Jack until he was about 6 months old, and then after that every morning he would come in with us at about 5am. To be honest, it was the only way we could get any decent sleep, he liked to be with us. Now he sleeps in his own bed all night every night, and doesn't even remember coming in with us! Archie never slept with us apart from when he was poorly, he loved his own bed. Sam usually stays in his own bed, but if he's had a night where he's fed a lot and I'm too tired to sit up and feed, I bring him in in his bag, lie him on top of the duvet next to me and feed him lying down, then we both fall asleep. Sometimes it's just necessary to be able to function the next day!

Blob and Sarahka, I totally expected Sam to be an all day feeder, but he's not, very different from my last boob fed baby. He's a quick feeder and doesn't hang around too much for comfort sucking. What he is doing now though, is unlatching and relatching himself constantly, and looking up at me inbetween with some cute little gummy grins.
I am loving Toby's hat Sarah! And you look very well!

Babythinkpink, hope you're feeling better this evening. I like F&C's idea of a debrief of your labour and delivery, to clarify things for you and maybe get some closure on it. Nig hugs.

We are all suffering here with the remnants of a cold. We're just passing it round! Grrr. Kids have finished school for half term this afternoon, and we're off up to a caravan park in the Lakes Monday-Friday next week. I can't wait! A change of scenery for all five of us will be lovely!!

Hope everyone else is okay tonight? Lots of love to all mummies and little ones. xx
Layla has had a difficult day she is screaming for a bottle and then only taking 2ozs then pushing it away and screaming she doesnt produce much when being winded and then will scream for more milk but not always take it, she is getting more and more stressed her fists clench and she just seems angry, she will settle for an hour and then off she goes again screaming and chewing her arm, im baffled?

Asher glad you enjoyed your tea out

Oh no i cant remember any of the other posts, where did my brain cells go?
Evening all!!!

Been a busy day, the house we have moved into has an infestation of fleas, really nice of them to leave them for us! So all day we have washed, steam cleaned and vaxed all the carpets etc, we have the pest control out of Tuesday! Bloody MoD housing arrgghh!!

Hope has been brilliant, she is now taking 6oz bottles!!! Hungry little money!!

BTP, I have my 3 month review with the lady who stitched me up in December and se says she will answer any questions and go thro the whole procedure with me, in a way I am looking forward to it. In my mind I still have a lot of unanswered questions about it all x

Forgotten what else I was going to say, I have tired baby brain!!
heya all,

sorry I can only do a quick post, am completely knackered!!

Roxy has been quite unsettled :(. Yesterday was terrible, she just cried and cried from the moment she woke up until the time when she finally fell asleep :( the DH even came home from work as I just needed some time to have a wee!! She just would not stop! Today, she has been a little more settled and seems happier. She has also not got the completely watery poo anymore, which makes me think her stomach is getting better aswell :) my poor baby all sickly!!!

She was weighed the other day 8lb 15!!!! eeek! she feels massive to me now! Ive got her dates in for her jabs and check - 4th November and my PN check is on the 11th November - unfortunately theres alot of things I need to talk to the doc about!!

Im sorry I havent been able to reply to posts - i remember something about infestation of fleas (shocking btw - you should complain to someone!! Im not sure who but still thats so bad!!)

have a good night ladies

stmw, poor Roxy, fx'd you have a better night xxx
c_section scar 7 weeks after


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Genies Girl, is it just in the evenings that she is like that? i ask as Harry is like that and I spoke to my HV the other day about it. Apparently they just don't know themselves what they want so it is a common problem. She just told me to just keep trying different things and to stick with it as it will soon pass. It's so annoying isn't it? I switch between worrying that I'm starving Harry to worrying that I'm force feeding him!
ello ello... right i have read it all now whilst my OH cuddles the boy. so im completely caught up YEY!!! NO ONE EVER MENTIONED TO ME HOW MUCH TIME BABIES WASTE!!! i just stare at him for hours. i actually managed to have a shower yesterday whilst Jayden slept.

i have a party to g to later and have been breastfeeding Jay but expressed some milk to bottle feed him later as i want to drink which is fine but i dont know how much he should be taking in a feed ... any advice would be great... hopefully the bottle feed wont make breastfeeding difficult again as i believe its well established now. i dont want to continue with bottle after just every now and then...

Kimi slept in her own bed last night all night!!!! :happydance::happydance:

She went down just before midnight...woke up at half four for a feed, then up at half seven. Then we had a snuggle after her feed before my brother came round at 9am!!!

I was soooo pleased that we managed to do it... and she didnt cry or anything after being put down again after her half four feed!!!

(although it was daddys night to sort her out so we'll see how tonight goes when its my turn)

But i'm majorly happy and in such a good mood!!!! :)
is it normal for babies to make so much noise when sleeping... ? she wimpers a lot... she also sounds really stuffy like she has a cold and has a blocked nose....

ello ello... right i have read it all now whilst my OH cuddles the boy. so im completely caught up YEY!!! NO ONE EVER MENTIONED TO ME HOW MUCH TIME BABIES WASTE!!! i just stare at him for hours. i actually managed to have a shower yesterday whilst Jayden slept.

i have a party to g to later and have been breastfeeding Jay but expressed some milk to bottle feed him later as i want to drink which is fine but i dont know how much he should be taking in a feed ... any advice would be great... hopefully the bottle feed wont make breastfeeding difficult again as i believe its well established now. i dont want to continue with bottle after just every now and then...


I want to wash my hair but before i know it its middnight and having to go to bed.... i need to learn to put her down when she sleeps...

i feed paige about 3oz every 2-3 hours (2 weeks old)... express as much as you can.. and make sure he is ok on a teat before u leave....he may be a boobie only baby.... but a couple of feeds shouldnt cause problems...have fun at the party x

Kimi slept in her own bed last night all night!!!! :happydance::happydance:

She went down just before midnight...woke up at half four for a feed, then up at half seven. Then we had a snuggle after her feed before my brother came round at 9am!!!

I was soooo pleased that we managed to do it... and she didnt cry or anything after being put down again after her half four feed!!!

(although it was daddys night to sort her out so we'll see how tonight goes when its my turn)

But i'm majorly happy and in such a good mood!!!! :)

congrats honey.... great feeling when things go well... hoping tonight goes just as well x

c_section scar 7 weeks after

did u use bio oil? its healing really you feel totally recovered yet?

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