September Stars

Just popping my head in to see if your all ok! the birthdays are all coming up <3 love to you all xxx
I'm alright yea... busy with work, caitlyn and life i guess! :)

You ok??

hopefully things are starting to come right for us this year :) one can hope anyway.

Ian's running the race for life this year for darcie <3 xx
Yea Amy you deserve it more than anyone I know :hugs:

Yip life is good for me just now everything is up in the air but thats the way I like it :)

Ooooh thats awesome!! I cant run anywhere it doesnt agree with me :lol:
Hi everyone currently at my mum's in Anglesey and enjoying my last few weeks before i go back to work and having some money!!!!! Although childcare costs £970 a month(yikes). Lovely sunny day today so went to the beach. Ben was so cute with his bucket and spade and carried the spade like a little trophy for ages!!

Good luck Boony on your imminent arrival. Xxx
Childcare costs are SO much :nope: its just insane, awww Ben sounds so cute :cloud9:
Amy hi, so lovely to see you in here! You're always welcome! I'm sure most of us keep up with you on fb, I know I do! Glad things are looking positive for you, agreed you deserve it hun xxx
Hi girls

I'm sorry for the negative selfish post again, but I've just had the worst day ever with Holly and I just don't know what to do with her anymore :( :cry:

She was alright for a couple of days and I thought she was settling down again but today has seen the return of the meltdowns. I mean she has been slightly unsettled during the night for the last 2 days, but not too bad. Today Matt had booked a half day off work so that we could try a new buffet place in the city centre. I took her to his office to meet him and she fell asleep on the way. She woke up when I got there and she threw a major paddy, screaming and clinging onto me. She calmed down eventually until we had to put her in the pram to leave and from that point on she screamed and screamed and screamed. She screamed all the way into the city centre, then when we got to the buffet place she seemed to cheer up a bit so we got her a little plate of food and she started eating whilst Matt got his and I got mine. Then all of a sudden she had the mother of all meltdowns. She was screaming like I was murdering her and NOTHING I could do helped. Didn't matter if I picked her up, put her down, gave her her dummy, walked around, put her in her pram, gave her to her dad, gave her teething gel/anbesol/a drink/more food.... nothing. It was awful, everyone was staring! Eventually I put her in her pram and walked round and round the restaurant and she fell asleep after another half an hour of screaming. At which point my food was cold and ruined. Then she woke up after about 20 mins, screaming again just the same as before. So we put her in her pram and tried to ignore it and walked around the shops until I had to go to work but she got worse and worse. I then had to leave for work and Matt said she was unsettled all night but not quite a bad as she had been, until it came to bedtime when he said she screamed for 2 hours. She's had calpol and teething gel and anbesol all day too. So she finally settled down at about 10pm, I came home from work at 11.15, went to bed at midnight and no sooner did I close my eyes, she was awake screaming again. I told Matt to go into the spare room so I could try and settle her in bed with me, but she was having none of it, so I gave her some more anbesol and she seemed to calm down for a few minutes before kicking off again, hitting, scratching and kicking me, so I had to put her down in her cot an leave her for a while. She screamed for 10 minutes and has now fallen asleep :( It's so stressful and I just don't know what to do anymore, it's breaking my heart that she is being like this :cry:

Sorry for the selfish post, I just needed to get it out as I feel so stressed with the constant screaming. I just wish I knew exactly what was wrong and how to help x
Emzy - I'm sorry that Holly seems soooo unsettled.... I wish I had an answer but I dont so just sending big hugs to you all!!!

Amy - Hope things are looking up for definitely deserve it!!

Blob - I did have to laugh at them pictures... what a mess!!!

I've been woken up by immense amounts of pains in my hips.... I have been saying to my MW since about 24 weeks that I 'believe' I have SPD but she kept saying no it wasnt...and now I have moved and switched doctors, I've been waiting to get a new MW (WHICH STILL HASNT HAPPENED :dohh: ) so I've got doctors today to see if he will diagnose me...if he does, it may help with housing as means I may have to stay with my mum until I go into labour as I cannot manage the stairs most days....

Hope everyone is okay!!!

Hugs to all the babies.... Kimi sends kisses to them all!!!

Emzy :hugs: :hugs: is it worth speaking to the HV again and saying that her screaming etc isn't improving or speak to people at your baby group as they must of seen other children like this. I know since JJ has been ill putting him to bed he's been crying the first night we cuddled and calpol and settled, second night we checked he was ok and calpol and left him to cry and settled within 10mins. Each night he cries when we put him to bed but it's got shorter shorter and shorter to last night crying for about half a minute. Have you left her to tantrum as the hv suggested when at home? Has she improved then? If so it could be now trying to get attention when out and about? To be honest it's all guess work :-( hope you both have a better day today :hugs: xx

YM - ouchie hope it isn't SPD that's so painful, fingers crossed doctors can help you out xx
Emzy I too wish I knew the answer for you x all I can do is question the usual teeth? Still not coping with the change in routine ? Lack of sleep ? If it persists would you go to gp to rule out pain? Has she had her 1 year jabs? Could it be that? Sorry for all the questions just running it through my mind ! Hope it's a better day today !

Hi Amy x

blob that climbing frame is fab the will love it for years ! Who has the lucky job of making it ? My dh and his friend built a similar one and put the bottom upside down at first :)

Up early as Layla wouldn't sleep any longer as she could see jack in her room , I'm not used to older kids I'm the morning and their questions :) what do spiders eat ? :) ect
Emzy wish I could help maybe speak to your HV again and see what she says about the tantrums.
Clutching at straws now but just thought emzy could it be the milk?
Emzy so sorry hun it must be awful for you. Big hugs. Could it be related to milk? Lilia has been a bit clogged up since going onto cows milk a few days ago, I'm wondering if that had had something to do with her grumpiness too! We also had a screaming moment in the shopping centre the other day, the only way to calm her was to get her out of the pushchair it was so unlike her, I'm blamin teeth/milk/hayfever and allsorts at the moment! I agree though maybe try the gp to rule any pain out. When she's not having these tantrums is she her normal happy self?

Gg you made me laugh about the questions! The boys have gone back to their mums now for the weekend before school, that's her parenting for the summer! But the questions we got were great! Why do we have balloons in this world? Do cats get headaches? Erm....!?

Bad news otherwise, both the boys hamsters died the night before last, both overnight? Very strange, don't know what happened there, wonder if they had something? Very sad. And my sisters dog was put to sleep the sAme evening, he was a Rottweiler and the softest most affectionate dog you'd ever meet, his back end went and he suddenly just couldn't walk, very sad, he was nearly 11 though which is good for a rotty but my sister is heartbroken :(

Lilia has found the baby wipes must go!
Emzy, look at everything that has changed since you noticed a difference in her behaviour, it can be one little thing, When Ben was about 18 months he was hyper hyper, and he had a little rash i noticed after some apple juice he had reguarlly, so because of the rash i stopped the apple juice and oh my god, a different child! For the first time ever he would sit on my lap for a story, or be calm enough to sit and play, it was just crazy the difference that juice made, and you think of apple as a natural thing, but it contains something that triggers certain behaviour in sensitive children like Ben.
I don't know what else to suggest hun, except you will get good and bad days with any child, and she is finding her feet atm :hugs:

Got to go, appointments today coming out my ears, my ds having his first day at 'big' school! It was sad seeing him look all grown up in his uniform, and a little bit scary, i was nervous for him, and still am! :cry:

Blob, loved the frame, we have a huge park at the back of the house and so the garden is not big enough for a frame, but there is a full park, with zip wire and stuff within very close range!
I have got that crocodile thing too, i knew what you meant straight away!!:hugs:

Ym, :hugs: to you sweetie xx:hugs:

Ladyk, OMG, I LOVE YOU!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
(she will understand!!:haha:)

Blondie, big waves and hello's to you xx

Amy, Hello sweet, how lovely to 'see' you, hoping you are well and everything does fall into place for you. :hug::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Really got to dash now xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Thank you girls for all your replies. She went back down at about 1.30 last night and then only briefly woke once after that before waking up at 8.30 in a good mood. Glad someone is lol!!

I do definitely think teeth has played a part in this, but it's very extreme. Her top 2 middle teeth have come through in the last couple of weeks and she is still drooling and hand munching so I suspect there is another on the way. But it doesn't seem to matter how much teething gel/anbesol/teething powders/calpol she has, so I don't think it's the full story. I think lack of sleep is definitely the reason she gets quite so worked up, as she doesn't do well when overtired. Genies funny you say that about the milk as Matt said last night that he thought it could be the cows milk as she has been like this since we fully switched to cows milk 3 weeks ago. So to see if it helps I popped to sainsbury's on my way home last night and got some growing up milk and have given her that for her breakfast and we'll give it before bed too for a few days. If nothing else it'll rule it out.

She hasn't had her 1 year jabs yet (dreading that!) so it's not that. And I don't think she's necessarily in pain as it's intermittent, she can be happy as larry one minute and then full blown screaming the next. The only thing it's like is teething as it comes and goes and is random, but it's so extreme! I think it's probably a mixture of things to be honest. The routine disruption and leaving her with other people, teething, perhaps milk, lack of sleep... I just hope it settles down soon as I'm shattered. It's so exhausting and I'm at the end of my tether with it! I tell you what it's like, it's like colic all over again! Argh!!!
Aww Emzy :hugs: :hugs: you are having a hard time, I dont know what to suggest either. I hate 1yr olds though I think its the worst age, they start having total full on tantrums but they cant tell you what it is :nope: I guess it could be anything at all thats upsetting her, then its going around in a circle with her not sleeping well :hugs:
I'm not on here much as with the time difference (I'm in Canada), sometimes it's hard to keep up. That being said, I just wanted to wish all of the 'September Stars' very happy first birthdays!

I can't believe where the year has gone, and I see a few of you are expecting again. Much congrats!
Shwattan :hi:

Good news - dh has got a job offer it's in east Anglia so quite a long way to commute but it's a really good job :) if I had a magic ball I could of stayed longer off on mat leave ! It's such a relief to know we can now pay the bills etc

Can't believe I'm back at work Monday.

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