September Stars


BTP I also have a weak stomach valve and with Holly being such a sicky baby I always thought she had inherited it, but now she eats all food as it comes, unless it's particularly hard to chew and then I'll chop it up smaller, but she is rarely sick now so I'm hoping she didn't inherit it after all or if she did, then it's not as bad. I'm sick so easily!

Oh and I forgot to tell you all, Holly full on choked for the first time last week in Asda cafe! On a segment of satsuma! I was surprisingly calm at the time and just lifted her out of her chair and hit her on the back and it came flying out, but afterwards I was shaking! It's funny how you just react to things like that, I always thought I'd freak out! She was fine, coughed and spluttered for a bit then carried on eating!! Everyone in the cafe gasped when she choked!

LBB that sounds so scary about the bus, I hate some bus drivers, they do it to me as well. I have had to ask them to move closer to the curb so I can get off and they huff and puff. Glad he was ok xx

Oh and LBB why don't you put a post about the bump collage in the september stars page on facebook, as I don't know about everyone else but I get a notification when someone posts in there, so maybe everyone will see it?

Happy first birthday to Charlie-Jack and Ellie! And happy birthday party to Lilia! Have a fab time!

And congratulations to teeny, you looked beautiful, I just saw some pics on FB. Stunning dress!!!

We went to a wedding yesterday afternoon and it was lovely. We only went to the ceremony itself as the reception was up in blackpool and we couldn't really afford to stay over. The ceremony was at the registry office where me and Matt got married and was in the same room on the same Saturday that we got married 2 years ago, so it was lovely! It is our 2 year wedding anniversary tomorrow. It brought it all back and it seems like like yesterday! Here we are getting married:

After my friends ceremony we went for a pub lunch with Holly and it was lovely. She ate her body weight in cheese, tomato and garlic pizza! Then last night me and Matt had our anniversary meal. We had that tapas to take out from Tesco and it was bloody lovely! Was just as nice as you get at La Tasca or somewhere, highly recommend it. We exchanged gifts too, I got Matt a nice watch and he bought me a beautiful sparkling fancy necklace! The we watched xfactor with a bottle of wine and ahem... resumed the ttc for the month! Was a lovely day all in all.

Holly has been loads better this last 2 days. Matt's convinced it's because she hasn't been having cows milk (except on her cereal) but has been having toddler milk instead. We will have to see, if it stays this way whilst she's on the milk then maybe it is? I don't know but she's been like a different kid this last 2 days! Full of smiles, no crying, no tantrums, sleeping 14 hours at night, napping 2 hours in the day and eating all her food. She's been lovely! Maybe it was just a phase? I hope it stays this way! Although she has her jabs a week on tuesday booooo! Dreading it. At least my hours at work reduce that week so she won't have to go to anyone anymore.

Anyway I'll stop banging on now! I'm a bit bored, Holly's asleep, Matt's asleep... what to do?

Have a lovely day girls x
I have seen a few of teenys pics pop up too, she looks beautiful, awwww love a good wedding!!

weddinghenpartys 937.jpg

Our wedding xx:cloud9:
Mamabird & sisterrose :wave:

Kara im pleased im not the only one still hormonal, it defo aint just your body that changes after having a baby xxx

Lousie sounds lovely, it will be my due date tomorrow (1yr on) feels so strange that this time last year i was trying to get Ollie out lol who knew i would have to wait another 6 days to see him x

LBB i would make a complaint too, how awful he could of easily of been hurt, stupid bus driver!! oh i must of missed the post too, will email one ova asap x x x

awwww beautiful pic's ladies, yes ive seen a few of tennys pic's on fb gorgeous!! looks like she had a wonderful day x x x

feel abit miffed today, OH went to work for a meeting 8.45am told me he would be back 10am at the latest & rolled in at 11.45 :growlmad:

wouldnt of minded but he knew that i had plans & he left me with no car or pushchair & the buses dont start to run untill lunch so i was stuck in the house untill he got in.

A txt would of been nice but didnt even get 1, he rang 11.15 & said "wont be long im dropping 2 people off at their houses" :saywhat: grrrrr, rant over

off to make tea :kiss: x x x
F&C - yes, we are BFing on demand and are at about the same most days. Tobe usually has a feed just before his nap, before bed, and several mini-suckles in the night which are mostly for comfort (and to shut him up so I can get back to sleep! :))
If he is really grizzling, I may offer him boob as he needs.
I have given him bottles of whole milk, but I noticed that it seems to be giving him some weird, runny poops, so I don;t think his little gut is ready for that yet. He does jus fine with cheese and yogurt, though. :shrug:
We have some formula to give him when I'm not there.

I am very baby-led, so I don't think there is any such thing as too much nursing before the age of two. It depends on what you need and what baby needs.
I was so scared of Paige chocking i couldnt do baby led weaning... Im much better now but it still worries me, she sometimes will gag and go into a panic.

Love the wedding photos x

BTP- I googled dividing ideas a while ago but Jake plays on his xbox talking to friends up till 10/11 on a weekend so i need something which will reduce the noise a lot.. Thats why i think i may have to build the wall up to the window, but i think ill use a foam board to cut to the shape rather than shaping the wood so if i ever did need to get to the radiator I can just slid the foam off, the foam can then be cut snugly up to the centre bit of the window.. its a double window so has a centre wooden bit which happens to be central to the room, im just worried that even with the wall up Paige will still wake with the noise from Jakes room.... but its better than nothing i guess.Thank you so much for your help and advice.. would be lost without you. xx

F&C- im northwood down the road from Watford... i know im not far from you i just dont know how x

Sarah- yay on tobias's milestone achievements.... I still think Paige will be a late walker.. but you just dont know, She is not even 11 months yet, i sometimes forget she is the youngest x

LBB- did you get my photos? x
Lbb - I would definitely complain to the bus company a serious accident could if occured if you hadn't had assistance from the woman. Glad James was ok. I still need to send you a pic of bump.

Teeny - you looked fantastic, gorgeous dress !

Loving the wedding pics emzy/BTP

Lady K - hope you have a good week off. I was the same with the whole choking baby led thing. I am getting better but I hope I'll be more confident once he's at nursery.

Emzy - Glad Holly wasn't bothered after choking. Love the walking pics

Daisybell hope oh realised he's in the doghouse!

Had a lovely time at Lillias birthday tea and JJ was spoilt with sausages and chocolate fingers and cake think he was in foody heaven! He gave her a big birthday kiss much to Waynes disapproval wanting to know jjs intentions with his daughter lol

Spent the rest of the afternoon organising my work things - so annoyed I got my passport pics ready for security and now can't find them searched everywhere, got to get another set done now. Really nervous not sure where I'm going as new office and tom-tom takes me 10 miles out of where I need to go, new office, new boss, change in job, 50% of staff I won't know - feels like starting a new job and hoping I 'fit in'. Off to bed now as up early. Going to miss JJ so much, really hoping he settles quickly and has fun, already looking forward to picking him up at the end of the day :)
I have to agree Teeny looked amazing!!!

And Emma, thankf for sharing your wedding photos you looked beautiful!! and so scary about Holly choking! Not sure I could be as calm as you if that happened to Peyton.:nope:

Sorry there were several things I wanted to say and now I forgot :dohh:

I will have to start opening my reply on a different page and responding as I read.

Oh, btw, here are a couple of pictures of Peyton's pool party! and 1 year photo shoot!


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Mama I love your tutus! Great peyton pics!

Jelly good luck today be thinking of you x

quick question what does everyone use at bed time as covers? They grew out the gro bags and I didn't replace them I have a fleecy and a crochet blanket depending on how cold but my friend was saying she wouldn't use blankets so it got me thinking ?
Love the pics MamaBird.
GG I use a fleecy blanket in on Ollie at night time we did have gro bags to but he grew out of them and havent replaced them I am going to get a new one near winter time when it starts getting colder again.
Hello ladies!!!!

Louise - Glad Lilia had a good birthday party!!!!

Emzy - Glad to hear Holly has settled and your wedding pics look gorgeous!!!

BTP - ooooooo you look gorgeous too!!! (no jealousy here of all these wedding pics :dohh: )

LBB - I'll email you my bump picture in a little bit when I've woken up properly!!

So, I had doctors on Friday and I do have SPD :( She has referred me to physio but she doesnt hold out much hope to get me in before baby is here but she is trying her best!! I can't believe it has taken this long for someone to actually listen to me.... but at least I have a diagnosis now!!!

I have my growth scan on Friday and consultant straight after so I will know if I'm going natural or having c-section. I still am ummming and ahhing over what to do.... Luke is no help and my mum just told me to do what I feel is right....but I just dont know!!!

I feel like if I dont try naturally again, then I'm not giving my body a chance...but if I do and something goes wrong....I just dont want to rely on everyone else to look after me??

Big decisions have to be made this week and I'm freaking out!!!

Hope everyone is okay!!!

Morning all!

Well Holly decided to wake up again last night, this time at 2am and wouldn't go back to sleep until 4am! There was nothing up with her, she was just wide awake and cried every time I left the room. I really hope this is a short phase as I'm shattered! I'm currently looking at her dancing along to the Jungle Junction theme tune though and she looks so cute, all is forgiven :)

Raining cats and dogs here today! Got a roast chicken in the oven as it has to be cooked today, so cooking it up for Holly and Matt's dinner and I'll have some for lunch too. I'll try and have a nap when Holly does today otherwise I'm likely to be a zombie at work!

Jelly good luck for today, hope your first day back goes well x

GG we still use a grobag for Holly as she moves about so much she constantly kicks blankets off and gets cold! She's already in 18-24 month bags as she's so tall and I was struggling to find ones bigger than that, but TK Maxx do them up to age 6!

YM good luck with your decision. I would just think, would you feel really disappointed if you didn't give it a go naturally? If so and if the doctors think that you shouldn't have any problems, then I'd go for it and not worry about what everyone else thinks. It's totally up to you and if it's what you want to do, if something went wrong then you would be in the right place :hugs:

oh yes Jelly he was well in the dog house!!

Mama love your pic's, peyton is 1 gorgeous girl! & if i had a baby girl i so would buy one of your tutu's, do u just make baby size tutu's?

Genies we use growbags, summer 1 atm. well once your lo hits 1yrs (which your girlies are) you can use a baby duvet, i have 2 but am waiting untill the weather gets abit colder before i use them.

:hugs: YM my friend had spd with her son & couldnt walk :nope:
sorry i carnt help you with the decision making, i agree with your mum, how about talking it over with the consultant? voice your conserns ect may help you decide?

Emzy it's a nightmare when they wont go back of to :sleep: but when u see their faces it's hard to stay mad :winkwink:

dont know if im coming or going atm, so tired all the time.
just had some bloods taken today to try & find out why my belly hurts most of the time, still could be IBS :shrug: dr said.

ive already been for a scan & all looks fine in there, feeling a little worried (probably for no reason) but sent a wee wee sample off incase of infection.

i usually get told "it's fine no further action" or "dr has left an prescription for u at reception" but for the 1st time ive been told "i need to make a dr's appointment as they need to discuss the results with me" which is making me think something is wrong :nope:

sorry for off loading & the TMI x x x
oh daisy im sure its nothing to worry too much about. X

hope your first day back at work has gone well jelly! X
Daisybell- i hope the doctors appointment goes ok.. must be really worrying when they ask you to come in.. when is your appointment ? x

Jellycat- how was your first day ? i was going to text you but i remember my first day back, too much to do when i got home .. xx
Daisybell- sometimes receptionist aren't allowed to say . I'm sure it's something simple, when are you going in? Try not to worry (easier said than done) :hugs:

Emzy - hope you managed to get some rest.

YM - I don't think you should feel pressured into having a natural birth, a csec doesn't make you any less of a mum. A friend had a first time and when she was pregnant again really struggled to decide what to do. Maybe write the pros and cons of each to help you decide.

Lady K - glad first day is out of the way :) JJ cried when I left him at nursery as expected but I rang later and they said as soon as he saw breakfast he was fine full if laughs and smiles. Played with another boy and had fun in the sandpit. Was the best sleeper today too. The best thing today was seeing his gorgeous smiling face when I came to pick him up (priceless). Office was ok left to my own to go through files etc nothing difficult. Look forward to Friday now when I can spend the whole day with him :)
Jelly so glad it went ok, maybe the fact he was there longer was a good thing then! And I'm not surprised he was the best sleeper!!

Well all presents wrapped, ready for the big day tomorrow. Scary! After the party on Sunday I've come round to it so don't feel particularly emotional at the moment but who knows about tomorrow! She has a ridiculous amount of presents to open, who knows where all the toys will go but hey!

My tiny little newborn is becoming a little girl!
Ahh Louise have a great day! I bet Lillia will love opening all of those prezzies! LI've the new pics

One issue I did have this morning, was JJ had leaked through the night. He drank loads of water on top of what he had at yours too. Think we might need to go up to size 6 nappies soon if he starts leaking loads again.
Daisy I'm sure it's just them wanting to thorough I expect they don't want you thinking you bring fobbed off x

Jelly I thought of you today , funny how you can about people you haven't met , glad it went well , will the nursery take photos so you can see what jj does? X

Thanks for the tip on gro bags at tk max I may buy one more for this winter and then then move on after that to kiddi duvets x

Louise enjoy lilias birthday look forward to the photos x

I'm not sure if I have teeny on Facebook ? I haven't seen the lovely pics !

I'm back at work tomorrow :( :( although I usually work afternoons tomorrow is onset day and meeting so I have to be in at 8.30 ! I don't know how I'm going to do it ! Luckily my mum is helping me by having them but I have to get them there at 7.45 ,I hate having to wake them ! Ho hum
Jelly what nappies do you use? The only nappies that have ever leaked for lilia are pampers active fit! The baby dry have always been fine, and she drinks loads and sleeps for a looooong time at night! She's in size 4!

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