September Stars

Fishy- she does it every time she feeds at the moment, i think i may have found the reason though, she has a blocked nose due to a cold and i think she is struggling to breath and then panics .

Lady k- i have a snoring baby next to me on the sofa and a groaning one asleep in her bouncer so i guess noise is pretty normal

Youngmummy- congrats on the good night hope she does the same for you tonight

Deidre- lovely neat scar, i beleive mine looks like that i just cant see it as its very low down under my saggy twin carrying skin :)

Stmw- i hope poor Roxys having a better day with less crying?

We are off out into town tonight for our friends birthday it will be the fist time we are out together without them they are going to nanny and grandads.

The girls are two months today! I dont know where the time has gone x
Oh dear, I'm getting a bit worried about how much I feed Ellie reading your posts!
She's 7 weeks today, 9lb(ish) and has 5oz feeds but alot of the time cries and cries afterwards for the extra ounce so mostly she's taking 6oz every feed. I even asked the HV about upping her to 7 and got told a big "NO!" I didn't really know much about babies or how much they need feeding but i'm not ignoring her and I've been trying to just stick to the 5oz. Even the HV said she doesn't know where Ellie puts it all. :dohh:

Have a lovely night tonight Genies and Carley :D It's nice to have a night off. My OH and I have been very lucky since both of Ellies grandparents want her almost every weekend and she's been between the two every friday for the last 3 weeks or so, me and OH catch up on sleep then and sometimes go for a drink or two. Grandparents are taking her tonight though for a change and we're having a few drinks with a friend.

Deidre - Scar is healing very nicely!

STMW - Poor Roxy, I hope she's feeling more herself again soon :(

Well, grandparents just took Ellie and I'm going to go and get a well deserved bath. Don't tell anyone but I haven't had time to wash my hair in 4 days! Eruuughhh.
I can totally sympathise with the hair washing!!! Mine so needs a wash and tonight I am going to make time!! The housework etc can blody wait!!!

Bekks, Hope is on 6oz bottles, tbh I take no notice of the HV, you know your baby and if she is hungry then you feed her, its simple!

Where has today gone??? Been and walked Murphy, done housework and put some pics up on the wall!! Got my family over tonight as its my Mums birthdaytoday and mine tomorrow! I really need to take some picturesof Hope, its been ages!!
I am so jealous of you ladies going out! Harry won't take a bottle (as yet) and regularly needs feeding so I can't go anywhere without him. We've just bought a Tommee Tipee version so fingers crossed he likes this one. I've just expressed 3oz so I hope I don't have to throw it all away again.

Hi ladies

Sorry I've been awol for a few days, been so busy! I'm still down at my mum and dads in Kent and we've been so busy! We went to Winchester yesterday for my sister's graduation which was nice. Matt joined us yesterday for the weekend and is going back tomorrow. Tonight my sister is babysitting and we're off out for a few drinks with my mum and dad and a few friends, looking forward to it!

Sorry I haven't got time to properly catch up, I've been browsing on my phone during feeds trying to stay caught up but it's not easy to post from the phone! Someone was saying about noises in sleep... Holly is sooo noisy in her sleep! She grunts and groans and whines and whimpers all night and always has done!

I can't remember anything else! Everyone seems happy with their lovely babies! Holly seems so grown up now. She's grown loads this last week and she's smiling and laughing and 'talking' to us! It's so cute, you talk to her and she really concentrates on your face and she trys to move her mouth in the same way and little sqeaks and coos come out! Soo cute.

Anyway, better go for now. Speak to you all soon


ps here's a nice piccy of Holly I took yesterday :flower:


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Bekklez - Charlie-Jack is also 7 weeks old today and he is taking 6oz every 3 hours or so although i'm sure he would have a good go at 7, he is such a greedy baby!! He's not as tiny as your Ellie though he weighd 12lb2oz on monday so he is definitley putting all them oz's on!!
stmw pleased that roxy's tummy seems to be getting better :thumbup: bless her!

Carley have a good night!!

Kimi slept in her own bed last night all night!!!! :happydance::happydance:

YoungMummy thats fab news! go Kimi :happydance:

genies girl have a good night!!! wow 2months thats flown over!
i carnt believe that Ollie is 6weeks today! xx

ladykara Ollie make some weird noises i believe it is normal, he even crys in his sleep sometimes (must be having a bad dream, bless him)

Bekklez Ollie is 6weeks old & has 4oz feeds every 2hrs! he has started to drain the bottle now so i will be starting to make 5oz soon incase he wants more.
I dont pay to much notice to the HV as becs said you know your own baby.

becs happy birthday for tomorrow, have a fab day (just incase i dont get on the net tomorrow lol)

Fish&Chips good luck fx'd, bless ya :hugs: ive not been out yet & i'm bottle feeding lol

Emzywemzy have a good night hun, wow holly is getting big, she is such a cutie!!!

OH is doing a long shift today/night so just me & the lo's, big sis is in bed now just got little man to bath & feed so have a fab night ladies what eva you are up too :kiss: will catch up soon xxx
Carley Bekkelez Emzy - Hope you all have a lovely evening out !

James is a very quiet sleeper so quiet that we blow on his face and still no sound or movement so have to stroke his hand to check hes ok.

Deirdre fantastic healing the scar looks really good already!

James is currently taking between 3 and 4 fl oz's but we have to be careful when feeding as I think he has reflux as quite often he has projectile exorcist vomited on our carpet.... bit of a shock the first time it happened.

Had a run in with MIL yesterday they came over at 2 and didnt leave until 8 DH ended up cooking for them both too. Anyway I have a good relationship with MIL but yesterday she over stepped the mark. She had been cuddling him for hours whilst asleep. As it started to get late JJ started his usual evening crying. MIL came over clapped her hands at me and took him off me she then walked off and held him for half an hour. I was so angry. I felt she thought I couldnt cope and to not ask just take..... today ive been upset and explained to DH his mum needs to back off as im JJ mum and know how to comfort him, I think it felt worse as today has been the forst day I havent expressed so im very emotional and sensitive about my relationship with my son. Anyway decided I need to speak up next time instead of stewing and getting upset. Also feel bad as my jum hasnt spent as much time with him

got to go baby crying
Hey girls!
All these posts about crotchety babies reminded me of something that I discovered the hard way last time with Simon. Anywhere from 3-8 weeks, babies can go through this unexplained crying, often happening in the evening. We called it the "evening grumps". They are just letting out all their energy and processing and frustrations for the day and most of the time, there is not much you can do for them other than offer comfort. And honestly, after awhile, it might be best for the parents' sanity to just make them comfy in a crib and walk away for awhile. That crying can make you crazy.
Just thought I would share that funny little pattern because it surprised me last time. I remembered feeling really crummy, like I was doing something wrong, and truly, for most babies it is just a stage. Obviously, check to make sure they've got the clean diaper/full tummy/etc before concluding that they are just in a mood, but don't take the crying personally. :flower: And trust that it usually improves pretty quickly.

Blob and Asher - when I master the art of BFing while baby is in a sling or carrier, I'll be in great shape to keep up with Simon. Meanwhile, I am just trying not to feel too guilty about neglecting the firstborn. The secondborn needs to eat and snuggle, too, right? And they haven't managed to create good human clones yet, so what's the alternative? :)

Carley - if you google kellymom, she has a whole page of suggestions for babies who reject the bottle nipple. You can try the milk on the tip of a teaspoon, through a syringe, all sorts of things. That should give your OH confidence while you're gone. You can also leave what you have pumped and buy one of those small servings of pre-made formula, just as emergency back-up. One evening of a bottle and formula is not going to undo all the BFing work. Don't worry! :)
Hi All,

Why is is dh ignores me when i say anything to him when he is on the laptop, but as soon as i get on here he chooses it to start a conversation, and gets shitty if i don't answer him!:dohh:
I felt better today because we have been busy, i do feel 'not right' though, i feel like the shine has gone out of everything, and i see my gorgeous baby and little else at the moment, I will hold out til my 6 week check then talk to the doctor then about how i feel, mainly because i have better days too, like today.
I am also unhappy about my weight, that i know gets me down I can't seem to get it into perspective, I have increased my food yesterday and today and the fats i am eating and Rosie has been much happier and so i am trying to forget my weight til i am finished feeding her, i fed til 10 months b4 my milk dried up but if it had gone on i would have too, so whenever it dries i will look at 'me' then!
I have no courage to start dtd yet, that will prob help me feel closer to dh and perhaps help normality too, its a big combination I think!:shrug:

F&C, yes perhaps reading my birth notes would help, i read my others over and over and i had fab births with them but still needed to go over it!
I would not like to talk it over with the midwife, she would only justify her actions, and i am not really going to agree with it, I didn't know i could get my notes or anything like that, i should look into it thanks for suggesting it xx

Thanks everyone for your comments, I am reading when i get on here, just a bit rushed to do personals, Rosie is quite clingy to me, I know i am not doing anything to discourage her, she just stares at me and its lovely!
I know she is my last baby and i just want her to be this little always! :cloud9:

Back soon, hope to feel up to getting on here properly and chatting to everyone a bit more!

Take care,

Hi everyone!
Firstly i am soooooo sorry i haven't been on to update this thread or catch up with anyone. Tonight is the 1st time i have managed to get on the pc (normally it's on the ipod or the phone during feeding time which is a forum nightmare).
I won't be able to catch up i'm afraid :nope:.
I hope everyone is well & enjoying their babies!
I have a very colicky little girl who screams from 5pm till about 11-12 when she passes out with exhaustion :cry: I know there is nothing i can do to ease it - it's just heartbreaking knowing i'm her mummy & i can't make it all better like i should!
We had the colic confirmed by the gp this morning, on examination her tummy was enormous with trapped gases. We have her on gripe water and infacol but it's still not settling it. I am starting to think about looking into my diet to see if she's reacting to something in that?!?

Well - i guess i'd better see if i can update some of the front page.......eeeek just the thought fills me with dread lol
Hiya ladies, I am just here with a quickie as usual! Deidre, your scar is looking fab!

Sarahka, I am with you on the evening grumps situation. These little ones just don't know what they want. Sam gets to a certain point and gets really tired, and I take the chance to fill him up to the top with milk then put him down. The feeling of relief when he goes to bed is immense! Also Sarahka, you're so right. It doesn't matter what number baby the current one is, they all need the same amount of loving and cuddling. It's a good job that as mums, we're all programmed to lavish that love! I look at Sam and fall in love with him every time!

I've not done the bottle thing yet. I have expressed a few times, but thrown it away. I've expressed as I have felt too full if Sam's been a bit slow with his feeding, as I don't want my body to think it doesn't need to make the milk. I will try him with some expressed milk at some point, I just can't be bothered with all the sterilising and stuff! I am lazy......

Enjoy your night Bekklez, you deserve it!

STMW, hope Roxy's better really soon. x

Yay young mummy for Kimi sleeping in her bed! I bet you felt like a new woman this morning!

Becs, Happy B'Day for tomorrow!

Emzy, gorgeous pic of Holly as usual! Little honey! x

Jelly, your MIL definitely needed to step away from little JJ last night! It's good you were able to talk to your DH about it though.

BTP, hope you feel more like yourself very soon. Big big hugs. xx

Well, DH and I are just about to stuff ourselves with our homemade pizzas, then fall into bed! Nighty night all. xx
Just letting you know i've updated the 1st page (sorry F&C i stole your info from the other thread :blush:) & i have got as far as putting our girlies in pink, i will be back to do the boys when i next get chance to come online but Amelia is about to kick of again so i'm gonna try to feed her in bed & see if she gets off to sleep! Asher do you wake Sam to wind him after every BF? It seems a shame to wake Amelia when it's in the night or she's been crying for hours but i don't want to make her colic any worse :nope:
Limpets, no I don't always wake him to wind him. If it's during the day I might, but if it's in the evening I don't always. I give him a quick go in the night, but if he seems okay I put him back down. 9 times out of 10 he's fine. The old thing of them being better with wind if they don't gulp a feed down I think is true. xx
Thanks Hun, Amelia guzzled her food like she's been starved for a week! I'm trying to tummy feed her to slow her swallow down. I don't like to wake her in the night to wind her as it takes me all my time to get her to sleep in the first place at the moment
Yeah Limpets that sounds like Sam! If I'm really tired in the night I feed him lying on my side, and that definitely seems to improve the wind situation. Quite often he will settle back off, and then when he wakes in the morning he'll let off a huge burp!

We had a rough night with the little chap last night. He, DH and Archie are the latest cold sufferers, so the poor little mite sounded as though he had catarrh in the back of his nose and throat and couldn't settle as he kept gagging. I couldn't settle for listening to him and in the end he slept with me as I could keep him safe and breathing better. I am all achy this morning for sleeping in strange positions, but hey ho! The little man is worth it!

I need to do all the usual crap today, including a swim, but I also need to try and get packed for our holiday tomorrow. Archie has just come in and told me he wants to take all his pens and craft stuff (there is a lot of it!) and all his playmobil! Erm, no, don't think so!! Hee hee we need a van never mind a people carrier!!

Do you give both boobs? I try and save some if i can, feed one boob, gently wind to get quite big burps up then back to the slightly fuller boob just to settle then put Rosie down. (she tends to go from boob to boob til she cant take any more and i put her down awake and she settles) If she gets hickups after a wind i give her a bit more to get rid of them.
In my next feed, as atm this takes her to about 5am she takes by then a pretty full boob then i put her down without a wind but by morning she is farting like a trooper and moaning and straining!
I think your diet certainly makes a difference, but its trial and error, try a food diary it may make it easier, i find day food takes just a few hours to be milk but thats me i may process it quicker or slower than someone else.:shrug:
I think if you can get wind up do, if not sounds like your lo is pretty bothered by it, it may be better to try and wind her mid feed just to get some wind up.

Good luck xx:hugs:
BTP, it's actually the head midwife who will be going through my notes with me so not actually the lady that delivered Harry. Not sure if that would be helpful for you too?

Jellycat I can totally understand why you got angry with your MIL! Firstly she stayed faaaar too long, then falling asleep with lo in her arms and then taking James off of you without asking when he was getting grumpy! I think I would have broken down crying. Big :hugs:

Unfortunately Harry didn't take the bottle again yesterday. We are going to try again later today (we had no luck again this morning) but he gets so upset I think we may just give up :(

No worries limpetsmum! Glad it's of use.

gotta run.. baby waking..
Limpets, no I don't always wake him to wind him. If it's during the day I might, but if it's in the evening I don't always. I give him a quick go in the night, but if he seems okay I put him back down. 9 times out of 10 he's fine. The old thing of them being better with wind if they don't gulp a feed down I think is true. xx

This is what I do too x

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