September Stars

Beklez do you know anyone who has passed on who the number 13 might have meant something to them? Just a thought
OOh the 13 thing is weird! I agree with the others though, it's not necessarily unlucky. I always say "unlucky for some" when it comes up as a lot of people say it's lucky for them. Like Genies said, is there anyone who has passed away that it might relate to? Things like BTP said with the feather have happened to me before too, in particular in relation to Matt's late grandad.

Fishy I just read your husbands blog and it's so lovely! I particularly like the line "I told my wife that it’s like showing a visitor around your hometown – except that we’re showing him around the whole world!" How cute is that?! I don't think Matt's updated his blog lately actually.

I'm still down at my Mum and Dad's and have decided to stay here until Thursday instead of going back tomorrow. I miss Matt a lot but it's so nice to have the extra help and I've really enjoyed spending some time with my younger sister. She has just graduated from uni and isn't working at the moment, so she's been a real star with Holly and been really helpful. Holly's little routine was a bit disturbed when we first got here, but now she seems to be mostly sleeping through again. Last night she slept from 11 til 6 then 7 til 11! Had a massive lie in which was lovely for me!! I hope she keeps it up. She has been sooo much better with the colic as well. Dare I say it, I think we may be coming out the other side with that. The crying spells are getting shorter and shorter and we more often have a happy, chripy, cooing baby when she is awake now.

Blob, I do the massage on Holly's tummy, the '8 to 4' one and she always lets out a huge fart afterwards and usually does a poo too. It definately helps as she is such a windy baby!

I've been buying lots and lots of 3-6 month clothes for her this last few days as she's almost outgrown most of her 0-3 stuff. I even found 2 little outfits in Asda that say Holly on them,default,pd.html,default,pd.html

So cute!

well iv had a mad few days have just read so many pages but here goes sorry if i miss anyone...

Kara James is very noisy in his sleep and he jumps loads too!

Bekklez have you thought about changing to hungry baby??

Asher glad Sam is feeling a bit better, have a lovely holiday!

Becs hope the fleas are all gone now and glad you had a lovely birthday!

ermmm....nope its all gone now!!

James has had an unsettled weekend, well actually so have we...Chris' grandma (who lives in pembroke) was taken into hospital ad been in 3 weeks and they decided to do a scan on thurs only to discover she had lung cancer, and said she had 12 months to live. Anyway Friday this changed and they said 2 days, so we started to make arrangements to go down at the weekend so she could meet thing we have a phonecall to say she has only a few hours left! It takes 5 hours to get there...we made the journey got there in time and she passed away 1 and a half hours afterwards. very sad :(.

anyway off to bed didnt sleep friday evening at all!! x
Hi there. Not been on in ages as had an infection after Ben was born as well as anaemia. Now feel pretty normal. Ben is now sleeping through the night having changed to hungry baby formula as was feeding every 2 hours. He was falling asleep in the middle of a feed and then waking up to have the rest. I have also changed the teats to medium flow which has also helped. He is now nearly 7 weeks old and has put on loads of weight from 6lb 9oz at birth to 10lb 7oz and has outgrown all newborn stuff as he is so long. He is such a cutie and I love him loads. He has also started smiling loads especially when my daughter is playing or poking him (lol).

Hope everyone else is okay and I'll now be checking in more regularly as I'm now home.

Take care. xx
Had my six-week post-partum today and everything checked out well; although, funnily enough, my few stitches have still not completely healed. :shrug:
The doctor wasn't too worried about it, however. I was advised to take more relaxing baths!
She is so great. I really really wish that I could have her or any of the maternity doctors at the clinic as my regular GP. I'm not a huge fan of ours. I don't find her very through. But many many people in Calgary don't even have a GP, so I can't complain or go elsewhere, really. :shrug:
The best news at my appointment? I'm down 26 lbs since birth! Hurrah! I need to lose about that much again to be back at my pre-any-pregnancies weight, however. I want to wear my swimsuit without shame in the Galapagos in March, so I'm on diet and exercise regime as of next week. (Next week? Well, let's be realistic about the calorie count for a family birthday and Hallowe'en this week , shall we? :) )
Good morning all, hope you are all well.
Firstly, can I say that I am slightly jealous of you mummies with babies that sleep through the night! Riley isn't too bad but I am desperate for a whole nights DS slept through from 8 weeks and it was heaven. However, Riley is 8 weeks today (where did the time go? :shrug:) and no signs of sleeping through.
It is injection day today and I'm dreading it :nope:, I know it doesn't hurt him that much but its just the :cry: they do afterwards. I'll have to comfort him with booby!!

I do read all posts but just don't seem to find the time to post, so I sincerely apologise for no personals.

Must go, just had a rumble on my lap which can mean only one thing! :wacko:
Have a good day ladies. xx :flower:
James has had an unsettled weekend, well actually so have we...Chris' grandma (who lives in pembroke) was taken into hospital ad been in 3 weeks and they decided to do a scan on thurs only to discover she had lung cancer, and said she had 12 months to live. Anyway Friday this changed and they said 2 days, so we started to make arrangements to go down at the weekend so she could meet thing we have a phonecall to say she has only a few hours left! It takes 5 hours to get there...we made the journey got there in time and she passed away 1 and a half hours afterwards. very sad :(.

:hugs: Sorry for your sad news its very distressing when you are unable to mentally prepare for something like that to happen. Hope you and your other half are ok xx

Hi there. Not been on in ages as had an infection after Ben was born as well as anaemia.

Glad your on the mend and good to see you

I'm down 26 lbs since birth! Hurrah! I need to lose about that much again to be back at my pre-any-pregnancies weight, however. I want to wear my swimsuit without shame in the Galapagos in March, so I'm on diet and exercise regime as of next week. (Next week? Well, let's be realistic about the calorie count for a family birthday and Hallowe'en this week , shall we? :) )

That's great news ! I've started my diet yesterday whicj went well considering JJ was unsettld the whole day so I never got a chance to sit down and eat the whole day. However it did mean he slept really well lasy night

Had HV yesterday which JJ decided to pee on :haha:, he is now a hefty 9lb 13 oz which means he's put on nearly a pound in a week he's also 56 cm long. No wonder he doesn't fit into his newborn clothes anymore :cry:

Becs isn't it today the flea killers come... good luck xx
Just a quick Good Morning from me,

Hope everyone is ok, have read through but in a bit of a rush so will catch up better later!

My eldest went out quietly to get the bus off somewhere today, the next one down was downstairs watching tv quietly, then the next one joined him, then the 2 yr old started shouting about tennish, I consider it some acheivement that out of 5 children not one of them woke me up today! What is nice is while Rosie is in bed i can stay in bed!

Dh gone out for physio today, he has accupuncture and physio but his back still goes into spasm, he has lost his 7lb on his diet, just hope he keeps it up! I would like that sexy man back please! :thumbup:

Talking of sexy men! Has anyone lost their sex drive? I used to be like a rabbit and annoy him constantly wanting sex! Then when we were trying for Rosie we were just doing it ttc, but when i was ovulating that was lots!
While i was pregnant I was not in the least bit interested and i hoped that would change when i had Rosie, and we are being given opportunity because she is a good sleeper!
I hope it returns, perhaps it is because i am nearly 38, I hope not, sex was nearly top of my list of important things and has dropped dramatically to the bottom!:shrug:

Anyway baby calling me!, back soon, hope to catch up better xxxxxx:hugs:
lilbumpblue, so sorry about your news. Big hugs to you and Chris. xx

BTP, we still haven't had sex and I'm slightly worried about our first time since having H. I'm going to go back on the pill but my '6 week' check isn't until 8 weeks so unless we sort out some other form of protection, they will be no rumpy pumpy for a little while yet! lol
I don't know anyone who's passed with the number 13 being important but my mums birthday is the 13th. Infact she was born Friday 13th and midnight!

I'm starting to hope It's good luck coming my way now, or a good sign! x
I don't know anyone who's passed with the number 13 being important but my mums birthday is the 13th. Infact she was born Friday 13th and midnight!

I'm starting to hope It's good luck coming my way now, or a good sign! x

My Mum and my eldest ds are both 13th birthdays xx
Afternoon everyone thanks for the hugs, Chris is quiet doesnt show his emotions very well bless him but im sure he will be ok he knows im here for him!

We had another disaster too...we bought a new car 5 weeks ago and discovered the seatbelts in the back weren't holding James' seat properly so Chris got off work early to take it into honda to get it fixed because we would be doing a lot of motorway driving that night. anyway basically honda have stopped doing something to the seatbelts which makes them suitable for a carseat only an isofix can be used...grrrr!! Our seat goes with the pram and does have the isofix option! We werent warned of this when we purchased the car so a big complaint is going to be made...i was fuming!!

Lilbumpblue, so sorry to hear your sad news xx

Hope went in her cot last night for the first time, she was a little unsettled which was to be expected!! Hoping for a better night tonight, she has hardly slept today, mostly napping between feeds!!
BNB is being weird tonight... I've already posted this once but it's not there :shrug:

lilbumpblue Big hugs hun :hugs:

BTP we STILL haven't had sex since I had Holly! I haven't been remotely interested until the last week or so and I've been down at my parents! Hopefully we'll get to it when I get back... if Holly lets us have some time to ourselves! lol

^I've edited and approved your posts. Links to competitions are not allowed (per forum rules and TOS) so that's why it went into the moderation cue
as far as I know :) sorry usually I PM explaining things but I had a toddler hanging off of one arm while I was trying to approve your post
Wow Lilbumpblue i'd be fuming :hissy: Also :hugs: least you got there in time though...

Its Tabs birthday today :wohoo: CANNOT believe she's two... crazy.

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