September Stars

Happy Birthday Tabs! :cake:

Lilbumpblue - :hugs: sounds very frustrating!

Just popped on quick to ask something. Do any of your babies try to sit up? Ellie HATES laying down and she constantly wants to be sitting upright and I've noticed today especially that when I lay her in her cot or even when she was laying on her back on my OH she's been trying to sit up on her own!! she gets her head and shoulders right up off whatever she's laying on for about a second or two then falls back again, then starts crying and going red in the face out of frustration that she can't sit up properly. Surely it's too early for that at 7weeks? I'm pretty much gobsmacked here but I dunno when babies are supposed to start that really. She also pushes herself up with her legs so that she's in a standing position quite alot. She's so strong for such a small baby! I keep saying I think it was the steroids I had at 33weeks :rofl:

I've been trying to get a video of her trying to sit up today but whenever I pull the camera out she stops :dohh: will try again tomorrow though. I know she won't be sitting up herself properly for a good while yet, I'm not expecting that. But I cant believe she's already trying!
Bekks, Hope is really strong and holds her head really well. she loves sitting up and the only way she will lay down is if she is sound asleep, bloody nightmare!! She is a nosy little madam!!
Haha! Becs, sounds just like Ellie. Scared of missing something :haha:
Holly likes to sit up too and holds her head up on her own now. I'm sure she is scared of missing anything! She likes to see everyone and doesn't really like lying on her back Xx
Jelly – mine was the same, varied between heavy and light – I think it varies due to activity levels also.
Bekklez – that 13 thing is spooky!! Gorgeous smiles from Ellie!
Emzywemzy – glad you’re having fun at your parents and that ‘hopefully’ Holly’s colic phase is going! Lush clothes aswell – I love asda’s range =)
Lilbumpblue – big hugs :(
Blondie35 – glad to hear your feeling better and that your LO is growing so well!
Sarahkka – glad your 6 week check went well – now go have a relaxing bath and get those stitches healing!!
Teenyweeny – gorgeous avatar pic!!
Babythinkpink – sorry to hear your libido has taken a nose dive :( I seem to be the opposite, but I think it’s because I feel so much better about myself now – when I was pregnant I knew I couldn’t – umm how do I put it ?? do the things I wanted to do IYKWIM, but now im all thin again I am fully mobile and ready to go!! Hopefully your interest will pick up soon!
Roxy is really nosy aswell, and constantly holds her head up to look around! Its amazing, these September Stars are so advanced lol!!
Well, hello everyone!
Im in rather a foul mood today as I had the stupid HV around. She seems to think I need more support as I mentioned how Roxy was crying ALL day the other day (as she asked how shes been), she said she is arranging for a special woman to come and speak to me for support and I was like :O I have enough support from my DH and mother as well as MIL etc etc. I was not happy, she even gave me a leaflet on crying!! That coming from the women who said that you cant read everything in a book – and then shes giving me handouts like a bloody child??!!?!?!? GRRRRR! Made me a little mad! AF has well and truly made and appearance as of about 3 days ago, its been so heavy I had to go buy maternity pads so I don’t leak everywhere :( boooo! Ive had many loads of washing due to the stained bedding and dressing gowns :(!! Sorry if TMI! Hmmm Roxy is doing normal poo’s!! Yayyyyy! She also seems alot happier and seems to be giggling and becoming alot more vocal which is lovely to see! Shes 7 weeks today, I put on FB earlier she was 6 weeks :O god im tired haha! Unfortunately that means shes closer to 8 weeks = injections!! Ive bought EMLA numbing cream haha I couldn’t help myself – I hate her crying lol! Hope the babies who had their jabs lately or today are ok?! Right best be off, Roxy is grizzling in her swing, cuddles are needed I think!
Speak soon lovely ladies
Stmw, HV get on my wick! I feel like all they do is judge you!!

Well Hope went down in her cot, we had a few niggles and she went straight to sleep!! Fingers crossed for a good night!! At least Ian has a half day tomorrow!!
Bekk have you got her a bumbo? I got one for Tabs at 8 weeks and she was sitting by 3 months :wacko:
I want to get a Bumbo for Holly but was waiting for a bit... maybe I should get one sooner if you had Tabs in one at 8 weeks! Was she able to sit in it for very long at that age Blob? x
Morning all. Well we went from a great night with Harry to a terrible one! He was up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours wanting feeding. I'm guessing it must be a growth spurt? He didn't sleep too well during the day yesterday so I was expecting another good night. Hey ho.

Has anyone else received a letter from the NHS inviting them to parenting classes? Non of my NCT girls have and they're all joking that it's because they must think I'm a bad Mum!! lol
Happy Birthday Tabs, the big 2!!:flower:

Just popped on quick to ask something. Do any of your babies try to sit up? Ellie HATES laying down and she constantly wants to be sitting upright and I've noticed today especially that when I lay her in her cot or even when she was laying on her back on my OH she's been trying to sit up on her own!! she gets her head and shoulders right up off whatever she's laying on for about a second or two then falls back again, then starts crying and going red in the face out of frustration that she can't sit up properly. Surely it's too early for that at 7weeks? I'm pretty much gobsmacked here but I dunno when babies are supposed to start that really. She also pushes herself up with her legs so that she's in a standing position quite alot. She's so strong for such a small baby! I keep saying I think it was the steroids I had at 33weeks :rofl:

I've been trying to get a video of her trying to sit up today but whenever I pull the camera out she stops :dohh: will try again tomorrow though. I know she won't be sitting up herself properly for a good while yet, I'm not expecting that. But I cant believe she's already trying!

They all do different things, I remember the pulling themselves forward stage, they look so frustrated and the bouncy chairs don't seem to last long when they are trying to pull forwards!
Rosie sticks a leg out and goes onto her side and has been for a week or so, I thought that was early but looking at her its more luck than judgement!
One of mine was walking at 10 months, once they are moving its a nightmare!
Will just say, always stay one step ahead of them! Change bums on floor or keep baby in middle of bed and never leave on change tables, I know it sounds obvious but the first time they shock you and turn over will be off the edge of something while you look away for a second to get a nappy! :dohh:

Has anyone else received a letter from the NHS inviting them to parenting classes? Non of my NCT girls have and they're all joking that it's because they must think I'm a bad Mum!! lol
I think they are more to get new Mum's to meet up and meet each other, you may see someone from hospital or antinatal, I don't think second babies Mum's get invited, you can request it also, wouldn't think anything else was involved!! :thumbup:

Just saying hello again,

I am out this morning to go to Asda, its a drive as we are in the sticks so have to plan the expedition! Just waiting for dd to get up as i am taking just the girls (still 3 of them!) The 7 yr old is good as gold, the pickle is 2 and she will have to go on reins, and then Rosie i just have to hope doesn't need a feed half way round!
I want to look at halloween stuff, we have friends round and we do fireworks, although i will be watching from the inside this year! I want a pumpkin baby grow for Rosie, they are so cute!
I am going to look at Christmas stuff too while i am there!

Back later, littest is calling!

:hugs: BTP xx
Amelia has her 2nd set of jabs next week!! She will be months old tomorrow!! how did that happen????
LittleA Ican't believe Amelia is 3 months already, the time goes by too quickly.
Riley had his injections yesterday and was so good. He cryed as she did them (he was asleep and was woken by the needle being jabbed into his leg poor thing), but then stoppped 2 seconds later! The nurse couldn't believe how brave he was, and it made it less traumatic for me too!

This is a recent picture of my little man and I just want to show him off please...:blush:


Off to the shops in a bit as my DS has to make an egg box monster for next week and he wants army coloured material for it! Sitting here topping up Riley so he stays quiet and off out in the rain.

Hope all you ladies are enjoying your day. xx :flower:
wow teeny he's got so much hair and what an expression... he doesnt look newborn at all... big eyes too... what a cutie.
Thanks everyone for the hugs! Bekklez i was going to suggest a sister in law offered us one but it was pink so DF said no see if she still has it! Teeny Riley is his hair, talking of hair James seems to be receading!?! x
Teeny Riley is his hair, talking of hair James seems to be receading!?! x

Lol, their head grows out of the hair, my ds looked like he had a little toupe on the top of his head by 6 months! So funny, but so cute! xx
Gorgeous picture, Tenny Weeny! Very jealous of that hair - Xavier is still pretty much a baldy! lol.
Ollie had his jabs today and screamed for aages was not nice at all and now he is a very grumpy lil man.
Hope all you ladies and babies are doing okay
Hi ladies

Just a quick post to let you know I am reading but not posting. I feel a miserable at the moment (long story, nothing to do with motherhood) and haven't got anything much to say.

Take Care x
Mrs J :hugs: hope things get better soon, you got my number if you need a chat xx

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