September Stars

hey guys...

Paige just seems to cry all the time, its not colic because its more winging cries.. she stops as long as your moving her and putting her in different positions and basically paying her 100% attention, rocking her back and forth to and from away from you seems to be a winner... she falls asleep in your arms but as soon as you put her down anywhere she wakes up crying till you pick her up again. At night time she is fine.. bed at 11pm, might wake up or we dream feed her at 3-4 then she wakes again at 7.30-8am... but day time she is a little moaner... hates the car and the car seat but loves the bath.. wish i could keep her in water through out the day.. needless to say all this was getting me down and i had such a short temper with lack of sleep and a list of things i had to do !!!!

I am still expressing, formula and breast feeding... she still will not latch on for long when breast feeding and only when she is calm can i do it, i express about 4oz in the morning and then 2 oz every 3-4 hours. We give 3oz every 2-3 hours of formula and top up with breast milk..

Anyone else had pain when going for number two's? I was almost in tears and had to bite down on a cloth.. was fine the first week but been killing me since...MW thinks its piles.. joy !!!!! times like this i wish my IBS would come back..... thought all the pain would stop now !!

Still not tried having sex, but i havnt stopped bleeding yet so im guessing they advise not to until thats stopped, hubby keeps getting the horn but by night time paige is asleep and thats when i can do stuff but im also half asleep so not really in the mood to do anything with him...

Paige so far still fits into new born, but only just.. 0-3 is a little baggy but im trying to get use out of the new born outfits i have and i worry she isnt getting enough wear out of them. Infact i worry about her growing to fast, i heard its normal for women on their second to be like this... OH thinks im a bit obsessive and it really gets to me....

I have 2 stone of weight to lose, anyone one on a diet? I have to lose it by April or i will not fit in my work uniform... my belly still looks awful and im wondering if it will ever go back to normal !!!

Enough of my moaning...

Here is my moaning baby girl when she isnt moaning...

is anyone bf and formula? what are the pro's and cons???

Im doing all three, and doctor says its the best option as they get best of both. BB is easier as no wasting time with bottles but can be a pain when you have a baby strapped to your boob all the time but i like having this option for times when its easier, also there is the fact breast milk is best for them... someone told me breast milk is so good that if your baby comes in contact with some who has a virus.. (if mum comes in contact they just presume baby is with mum) the breast milk will produce anti bodies to help protect them against that virus.. how cool is that.

FF keeps them full for longer, great for night feeds, you can see the amount they are having and gives other a chance to help feed them, also you can escape and leave baby with someone..

for me expressing is better as it combines the both... but get a good pump or it will be hard

Genies, sounds like you had a fab day!! I have just ordered a morrck!!! They look fab, I have been looking for something like this for ages!!

I have one too, not used it yet but wanted to buy another

Asher - Have a nice Holiday!

Ellie has been unsettled all day today, just managed to get her to go to sleep. I know she's tired and she does look tired but she just won't sleep. She's constantly wanting feeding. The health visitor came over and she couldnt understand why she wouldnt settle really, just one of those things. Ellie is 9lb today at 7 weeks! i loooveee her little chub :p

I made a post in General chatter about this spooky thing that's been happening this week.
It started a week ago when my OH was taking our daughter up the stairs counting them and got to 13, I shouted up "oh thirteen steps? that's unlucky!" and he was all "nah, I don't believe in that stuff" so we never thought anything of it again until about 3 days later when I was at my dads house cleaning for him while he was working. I was hoovering the creases in the sofa and found a tiny, tiny piece of paper with the number 13 written on it. I told my OH and was getting pretty creeped out by now saying how I was sure bad lucks heading my way but again shrugged it off.
I was just feeding Ellie and putting her in her bouncer when I looked down on the floor and there's ANOTHER tiny little sticker with the number 13 on it stuck right on the floor directly in front of me facing the right way up and everything. Just text my OH and he's starting to agree it's weird.

I'm really spooked out waiting for something horrible to happen! I'm even dreading taking Ellie for her jabs next week incase something bad happens.
I know it's only a number and I shouldn't worry though.

Ellie's smiling now quite a lot, I love it. She's so adorable!

I have the same problem with paige...

13 is lucky in my family, but since paige was born my OH has been seeing somthing in the house, like another person.. its really spooked him out as he sees and hears things thinking its me or jake.... but realises it isnt

Just a quick Good Morning from me,

Hope everyone is ok, have read through but in a bit of a rush so will catch up better later!

My eldest went out quietly to get the bus off somewhere today, the next one down was downstairs watching tv quietly, then the next one joined him, then the 2 yr old started shouting about tennish, I consider it some acheivement that out of 5 children not one of them woke me up today! What is nice is while Rosie is in bed i can stay in bed!

Dh gone out for physio today, he has accupuncture and physio but his back still goes into spasm, he has lost his 7lb on his diet, just hope he keeps it up! I would like that sexy man back please! :thumbup:

Talking of sexy men! Has anyone lost their sex drive? I used to be like a rabbit and annoy him constantly wanting sex! Then when we were trying for Rosie we were just doing it ttc, but when i was ovulating that was lots!
While i was pregnant I was not in the least bit interested and i hoped that would change when i had Rosie, and we are being given opportunity because she is a good sleeper!
I hope it returns, perhaps it is because i am nearly 38, I hope not, sex was nearly top of my list of important things and has dropped dramatically to the bottom!:shrug:

Anyway baby calling me!, back soon, hope to catch up better xxxxxx:hugs:

I have lost my sex drive but im putting it down to lack of sleep and the fact im fat and my body is very unsexy... you have to feel sexy to want sex...hormones play a part too, human body protects it from getting pregnant again as you have a baby already to look after (hence why you shouldnt get pregnant if Breast feeding..) so sometimes sex drive can go down... if i go back on the pill i wont have a sex drive and i wont be able to lose the weight so we will be using prey or condoms..

Hi ladies

Just a quick post to let you know I am reading but not posting. I feel a miserable at the moment (long story, nothing to do with motherhood) and haven't got anything much to say.

Take Care x

Babe hope your ok....:hugs: xxxx
Hi Ladykara, I had that pain too with number twos. Unfortunately I had it for about 4 weeks after Harry's birth and only when I went to buy something to help did it stop (before I even used the stuff!! Sod's law!).

Harry can be a moaner too. Sometimes nothing settles him. I've tried him on the play gym etc but he'll just start grizzling and don't get me started on trying to put him down during the day! I hope he grows out of this soon.

I love the photo!!! And you've really spooked me out with the talk of your oh seeing somebody in the house!!

Mrs J .. big :hugs: x
Mrsjo8, hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

cute pic xx oh how i feel your pain, my last baby was a screamer, she wouldn't settle, even at night, I couldn't settle her, i just didn't understand her, and dh used to be the only one she would settle with. ( a dummy really helped and i so needed something to help!)
It was such a shock to the system and she was my 4th, and it was hard work, my first 3 were quiet and slept very well!
I have piles, woooo:happydance:!! So feel your pain there too! Do use remedys like creams if you can with breast feeding, not looked into it, but i used the suppository before and it worked to rid me of it.
My problem is i have changed from once a day every day to not going for about 5 days, then it is so painful, but it can't help not being regular. I have tried high fibre stuff but nothing is doing the trick, will ask doc at 6 week check, i want to wait til then to see how everything is because i was feeling emotionally crap but that has improved the last few days.
I think 6 weeks is realistic time to start recovering!

Firstbean, :hugs: Ollie xx

Got to go, got to make food for one of my many children!

:hugs: xx
Hi Ladykara, I had that pain too with number twos. Unfortunately I had it for about 4 weeks after Harry's birth and only when I went to buy something to help did it stop (before I even used the stuff!! Sod's law!).

Harry can be a moaner too. Sometimes nothing settles him. I've tried him on the play gym etc but he'll just start grizzling and don't get me started on trying to put him down during the day! I hope he grows out of this soon.

I love the photo!!! And you've really spooked me out with the talk of your oh seeing somebody in the house!!

Mrs J .. big :hugs: x

Bloody good stuff you bought if u didn't even have to use it!:haha:

Rosie on my lap as i type!

It is said supernatural stuff can increase with a baby in the house, it is spooky, glad i live in a new house!

Hope u r ok F&C, big :hugs:
How funny, we posted our big :hugs: at the same time BTP! I'm getting there thanks. Still have the odd crying spell but generally good. I feel I'm finally getting to know my little boy if that makes sense?
The morrck's do look good, saw one in the bounty book the midwife gave me at my first appointment and wanted one but didnt get round to it! ...and now what with crappy mat pay we r always skint!! :( Awww hope u r feeling better soon Mrsjo x
:hugs: Mrs J

Gum tree is good for bumbos??

Teeny he is SO gorgeous!!!
HELP...beginning to get worried as my boobs dont seem to be getting as full, sometimes they get so full they hurt and are hard but today they feel quite soft!! what a convo lol) x
I guess it's just your boobs getting settled. I've been told by several people that they should settle down after a while and therefore not be as hard etc. Not sure how right that is though?
Mrs J, hope things work out soon for you, missing you on here xx

Teeny, gorge pic!!!

I had a fab letter from the tax man, gonna get £600 back, not bad considering I haven't worked for 2 years lol!! They must of tracked me down from my child benefit app!! Can't wait to spend it!!!
Lady K, Hope has whingy times, she is quite hard to settle and its very frustrating, sometimes I can feel myself getting angry and end up crying xx

Number 2's are still an issue for me, it still feels tight and hurts when it intitally starts then its fine, it must be the scar tissue, also my perineum is still quite tender especially if I am perched on something!! Still have the occasional teary moment and wobbly at Ian!!

How are you all feeling??
Lady k your post could of been written by me! JJ just will not settle during the day regardless what I do the only time he does Is if I hold him and sway. I've put it down to the number of visitors holding him the past two weeks and wind. Out of desperation and tears nannie bought us some dr brown bottles today hoping they will help.

Wanted to ho to tesco today instead been trapped with crying puking vomiting baby today, couldn't even have a shower today so dad home so I'm having a cup of tea and going to get in the shower. We live in a Georgian house and I keep saying to DH that JJ can see all the ghosts!!

Can't believe emzy is tonight at the pub I met worked at on hold from uni, that's how I met my husband 11 years ago..... I served him a pint and gradually became best mates. I almost want to go to the pub myself now!

Lady k forgot to say I'm also looking to lose weight aiming for 4 stone even though I only put on two whilst pregnant.....can't decide whether to join weightwatchers or not?
i do hope so f&c and that my milk isnt drying up!! :( x

Hope Asher is ok!?
wow becs thats fab!!! fingers crossed i get some back too lol x
Jelly, its so hard when there is nothing you can do to settle them!! I have taken to gettin up when Ian gets up to go to work to have a shower and sort myself out then I am free to look after Hope and not have to worry about getting dressed!!

Lilbumpblue, its only £600 but hey its better than nowt, lat time I got £1000!!!

Hope has been down in her cot for an hour, she settled really well!! She is awake more and more each day which in turn makes her very tired in the evening!! She starts getting cranky around 7pm!!
Awwww bec what a good girlie!! omg iv never had a penny back of them!! Grrrr lol x

...just remembered Asher is on hol isnt she! x
Hi everyone!
We went for our last appointment at the Bf clinic today. We don't need to go back because my little porker is now 11 lbs 8 oz!!! He put on 43 gms/day since she's saw him last! I can tell my supply is good now and BFing is going really well, so I'm very pleased.
Yay for plump little babies! :happydance:

:hugs: to all who need them! :sleep: to all who need it!
I have my lovely MIL visiting from Ontario for the week, so I may not be on as much for a few days.
Hey girlies

Jelly the night at the pub was fab! They had a comedy night on and it was really good to get out and spend some time with my little sister. I'm going back up north tomorrow. I have really enjoyed being back down south though, I kind of miss it! It's so funny that it was the place you worked at and met your hubby at! What a small world.

LadyK Holly sometimes just can not be settled. I am only just being able to put her down a bit during the day, either in her bouncy chair, or on her playmat or kicking around on the floor, but even then it's not for long. I have bought a sling so I can carry her around while I do my housework, but I think things are improving as she is becoming more alert and able to entertain herself for a bit. Big hugs sweetie, it is REALLY hard work and I have found myself getting really frustrated and teary and feeling like I am a crap mum at times. Hang in there xx

Forgotten everything else!! Holly seems to be doing well with sleeping at night at the moment, seems to sleep from 11 or 12 at night til 7 or 8 in the morning then goes back down for a late morning nap. She then cat naps during the afternoon and is having more awake and alert periods where she 'talks' to us and laughs and smiles. She is nearly rolling over already too! I am finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel with the colic and although she still has long crying spells, they are much less long and frequent than they were. When I think back a few weeks, when she was awake all night and asleep most of the day and screaming constantly from 6pm till 11pm I realise how much better things have got over the last few weeks. I feel like I am finally properly enjoying being a mummy now and I was starting to think that I would never feel that way :kiss:

Hugs to all xx
I feel so much better im not alone, Even with the pile i have brought something, i think it was all that pushing on a Epi which did it... and then having constipation didnt help.

OH who is normally so calm and relaxed says he is finding it hard to cope with Paige's crying as she has got worse.. at present he is walking with her... im not used to a baby like this, Jake was sooooooooooooooo easy to look after.. only cried when he wanted something. He is a pain up the but now though !!!:haha:

I did buy a swing but it didnt work when we put paige in it, so i had to send it back, but we got given some next vouchers so brought another.. sould be here within a week, hoping maybe a swing will help settle her.. but next said i can send it back if she hates that too..

Do you think they will get better when they are able to interact more? god ! i hope so or ill have to start drinking during the day...:haha:

Jellycat- im going on the stop eating crap diet.. I lost 4 stone in a 5/6 months by keeping my calorie count to 1000 and basically eat the same foods every day.. fruit and nut breakfast, ham sandwhich brown bread for lunch and then baby potatoes , veg and salmon or chicken for dinner. its boreing but it worked.. I also kept fruit salad in the fridge. I just have to get back into it and stick to it.

Becs- £600 you lucky girl !!! drinks are on you then :thumbup:

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