September Stars

How funny, we posted our big :hugs: at the same time BTP! I'm getting there thanks. Still have the odd crying spell but generally good. I feel I'm finally getting to know my little boy if that makes sense?
Crossed hugs!
It took me ages to get to know my last dd, she had a totally different personality than i expected, but she is like her Dad so he 'got' her from the very start! :hugs:
The last few days or so i have been feeling much better thanks, not cried for a bout 4 days, and do feel generally happier, hope it continues! I am going to get a coil fitted again, i will look into it at my 6 week check, i have other things to get sorted too so look forward to getting them dealt with! :hugs:

HELP...beginning to get worried as my boobs dont seem to be getting as full, sometimes they get so full they hurt and are hard but today they feel quite soft!! what a convo lol) x
They just get settled in and produce more milk on demand, it is much easier and natural to breastfeed after a while, the first few weeks are the very worst, and is never that bad again! :hugs:

I had a fab letter from the tax man, gonna get £600 back, not bad considering I haven't worked for 2 years lol!! They must of tracked me down from my child benefit app!! Can't wait to spend it!!!
Wow very nice too, have you planned out what to buy? I have a lottery win planned out ready for when i win it:haha:

Lady k forgot to say I'm also looking to lose weight aiming for 4 stone even though I only put on two whilst pregnant.....can't decide whether to join weightwatchers or not?
You could try Food Focus first, there was a link put up on facebook (sorry cant remember from who, but thank you its a great site!) as a free site to loose weight, i had a look and it is great, if you cant do it like that then perhaps weight watchers then! My dh is with weight watchers atm, its the only way he can loose it because of the weigh in every week!
Can you still get woodwards gripe water? i used it for ds and it was fab, then things like infacol came out and the old style stuff was overlooked but sometimes is still the best!:hugs:

Ladyk, it does get better when baby can express things easier, even then our dd replaced the crying with a high pitched scream til she was 2 and a half!
As a baby she damaged dh's ear her crying and pitch was so high! She has always been high maintainance and still is but in a very different way, just a particular little madam now! I found it really hard because the others were so good, i was expecting more of the same and she was a real shock to the system! It does get better, i was prepared to risk more of the same with Rosie, but luckily she is totally different, all i can suggest is find the things she likes and try and let her have them, the rest of the time leave her, if she is safe sometimes you have to ignore, i think half our trouble with Sophie was we went to her straight away because the screams were so unbearable!
Just short periods in a safe place like her moses basket to have a bit of a scream, i think its accepting its her talking and the only way she can communicate with you atm, so she does! Prob won't stop talking when she does!:hugs:
Sophie loves 2 things, :baby: her dummy and kicking naked on her change mat, the only peace we got and that was limited! She was like one of those dolls that cry and as soon as you put the dummy in they shut up! I love whoever invented the dummy! Rosie doesn't need or have one!:hugs:

Well got mil over today, and registering Rosie too, i think she may be the oldest star to be registered at a month old! We had to book, and as you can imagine as the 5th it has not been easy to go out!
Off now to see what i can have for breakfast, have joined up with food focus (keep wanting to say ford focus!!:haha:) so hope i can loose some flab!

Back later!!!:hugs: to all

BTP xxxxxx
BTP, tesco sell the gripe water still!! Don't know what I want to get with the money, obviously something for me!!!

Hope is having her morning nap, she slept really well last night, only woke once!! Just put 2 loads of washing out to dry, hooverd and cleaned downstairs!! Just upstsirs to do!! Just reserved a jumperoo in Argos for Hope, its down to £67!! I can't believe people on ebay etc still sell them for £90!!! I hope she loves it!!
Hi everyone! anyone got plans for Halloween? I'm a sucker for it. My mum and Dad are kindly taking Ellie for the night tomorrow and I'm gonna host a little party!
Planning bobbing for apples, jellybaby vodka, pumpkin cupcakes and play "Guess the bone" drinking game.

I'm also gonna dress up as a 1940's type pin up and my OH is going to be Roul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Hehe.
Hi everyone! anyone got plans for Halloween? I'm a sucker for it. My mum and Dad are kindly taking Ellie for the night tomorrow and I'm gonna host a little party!
Planning bobbing for apples, jellybaby vodka, pumpkin cupcakes and play "Guess the bone" drinking game.

I'm also gonna dress up as a 1940's type pin up and my OH is going to be Roul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Hehe.

You big kid :winkwink: ...ooh il text my sister in law and ask about the bumbo for you! x
We have kids halloween party with fireworks in the garden, they are only pop ones rather than bang!
I am just doing hot sausages in buns, a few crisps and a few frozen puds, nothing much!
We get trick or treaters all night so the kids love dressing up and answering the door to give sweets to all the other kids, I first did a party to try and take the kids minds of trick or treating as i never really liked it, and it went from there!
We have some friends coming with their daughter, but its pretty much a family thing! :happydance:
my good boy slept 9 hours straight last night... i felt guilty but i didnt get up to do a sleep feed but he was SOOOOO AWAKE this morning ive only just got him to settle.... im frantically doing housework as we have an inspection tomorrow (because its rented we have these every 3 months and i seem to have neglected the house a bit recently i wonder why!!!)

Jay has been screaming all morning which has made it difficult but i have finally got him off to sleep and you know how???? bloody drum and bass!!!! he loves it - i hate it... i tried diseny soundtrack but he was not at all impressed... talk about daddy's boy!!!

Hope everyone is coping well... at the moment im hanging on to everyday longing for his first smile... i can see that he's sooo close to it but not quite there yet!! Cummon Jay mummy wants to see that lovely smile....

im doing well in myself, my tummy has just started settling down from the c-section but i think ive got a vaginal infection, great!! as ive got yellow-green discharge thats is a little pongy ... anyone know what to do? im a bit embarrased to go to the doctors but i guess ill have to.... more antibiotics - yum.

as for halloween... im not bothering the last 3 years we've got sweets and everything and not had any trick or treaters so this year i give up...
Carley, bless Jayden, he is a good boy xxx Its lovely when they have a proper smile instead of wind!!

Does anyone else feel like they don't have time to themselves?? In between housework and feeding Hope I don't seem to have anytime to do anything, in a way I kind of resent Ian going to work, I know that sounds horrible!! I love being with Hope but I feel that somewhere along the line I have lost 'me' in all this. I really need a night out but have no friends here, I feel awful for feeling like this. I am going to start going to some groups next week in the hope that I meet some people! Somedays I hardly have time to eat properly let alone have a wee!! I know in time it will get better!!
Carley, bless Jayden, he is a good boy xxx Its lovely when they have a proper smile instead of wind!!

Does anyone else feel like they don't have time to themselves?? In between housework and feeding Hope I don't seem to have anytime to do anything, in a way I kind of resent Ian going to work, I know that sounds horrible!! I love being with Hope but I feel that somewhere along the line I have lost 'me' in all this. I really need a night out but have no friends here, I feel awful for feeling like this. I am going to start going to some groups next week in the hope that I meet some people! Somedays I hardly have time to eat properly let alone have a wee!! I know in time it will get better!!

im totaly with you on this and it doesnt help when dave comes home and says "you wanna swap? - id love to be dossing around the house all day with jayden" really pisses me off.... i look forward to having a shower because i get time to myself...

i also cant wait for a good night out.... was invited to one saturday night and you know what i might just go!!!

where abouts are you becs?
Becs - Apart from when my parents or OH parents have Ellie on Friday or Saturday I have no time either! My OH goes to work all week so he says he doesnt want to get up in the night to do the feeds so I've been doing that alone since Ellie was born. He's only fed Ellie about 4-5 times since she was born! I feed her, change her, do all the housework, cook everynight and he comes home and most of the time sits on the computer! Gets a bit annoying but I know if I ask he does take her for a while and he does love her to bits but its such hard work looking after a baby all day and night aswell as fitting in everything else that needs to be done. I'm starting to feel the cracks now too. x

Feel better hun :hugs: x
It wasn't til my dh was at home with his back injury he realised how time goes when you are at home, he never says anything now about me not doing anything or getting an easy time of it, but he used to constantly, i just wanted to punch him!

It is a big shock to the system a baby, I remember thinking i could not even pop out to the shops for a pint of milk!
I think after 16 years at being a Mum i am used to it now but it still winds me up i have just sat on the toilet when i hear 'MUMMY' the lack of privacy really grates! My 2 yr old will even try and come into the loo with me!:dohh:
Carley, you go girl!!!! I am in Norfolk!!

Ian is brilliant, but I just wish he was a bit more forward thinking, I guess because I am a bit of a control freak in how I like things done!! He does night feeds and will do what I ask but sometimes I just wish I didn't have to ask, just wish he would think to himself, 'that needs doing' etc!! Its been lovely this afternoon, been able to catch up on some jobs as she has slept loads but then I think why should I spend my time doing housework etc?? I should be able to justwatch crap tv and chill!!!
its definitely "bitch about the husband" day today!!!! lol useless buggers! love them tho...
hmmmmmm...... speak for yourself!!!

LMAO :rofl: u made me laugh xx

my husband found the birth such hard work he needed to rest for two days as the stress made him ill, i even had to get my mum to stay with me so he could rest..... WTF!!!!!!! i was not happy
I'd stop my DH having lots of ideas. that need research and investigation..

If I suggest Infacol DH says oh no looks into it on the internet and says I dont want my son given something that doesnt make a difference.... 2 days later he says ' oh my mate El says to use infacol because they use it for there little one'.... grr

So far hes done this regarding the following:
teats for the bottles
Me continuing breastfeeding
how to steralise bottles
the no need to wind
sunlight exposure
powder dispenser
change of bottles to dr browns
water for constipation

it makes my day very tiring when every little thing is required to be researched and justified.... to find out that 2 days later its ok because his mate joe bloggs has used / done / tried etc

I know id rather he cared than not be bothered and his heart is in the right place
im very fortunate my dh is very hands on with the girls, good job too really, he was besoted with them from day one and instantly wanted to learn, it got a bit pike making though when all the midwifes and health visitors and doctors all commented on how good he was and he started to get a big head!

Now he has gone back to work he is a little quick to shove the dummy in of an evening before seeing what the problem is, he does however do the bath time and night feeds of one baby each night up until 4 am which is when i take over both girls.
Genies I still don't know how you manage to look after the two babies .... I admire you xx

My DH is hands on too which is why I worried when he was going back to work but he's still helping out.
is it normal for babies to make so much noise when sleeping... ? she wimpers a lot... she also sounds really stuffy like she has a cold and has a blocked nose....

ello ello... right i have read it all now whilst my OH cuddles the boy. so im completely caught up YEY!!! NO ONE EVER MENTIONED TO ME HOW MUCH TIME BABIES WASTE!!! i just stare at him for hours. i actually managed to have a shower yesterday whilst Jayden slept.

i have a party to g to later and have been breastfeeding Jay but expressed some milk to bottle feed him later as i want to drink which is fine but i dont know how much he should be taking in a feed ... any advice would be great... hopefully the bottle feed wont make breastfeeding difficult again as i believe its well established now. i dont want to continue with bottle after just every now and then...


I want to wash my hair but before i know it its middnight and having to go to bed.... i need to learn to put her down when she sleeps...

i feed paige about 3oz every 2-3 hours (2 weeks old)... express as much as you can.. and make sure he is ok on a teat before u leave....he may be a boobie only baby.... but a couple of feeds shouldnt cause problems...have fun at the party x

Kimi slept in her own bed last night all night!!!! :happydance::happydance:

She went down just before midnight...woke up at half four for a feed, then up at half seven. Then we had a snuggle after her feed before my brother came round at 9am!!!

I was soooo pleased that we managed to do it... and she didnt cry or anything after being put down again after her half four feed!!!

(although it was daddys night to sort her out so we'll see how tonight goes when its my turn)

But i'm majorly happy and in such a good mood!!!! :)

congrats honey.... great feeling when things go well... hoping tonight goes just as well x

c_section scar 7 weeks after

did u use bio oil? its healing really you feel totally recovered yet?

no no bio oil yet :)
but feel pretty much recovered now :)

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