September Stars

ARGH I need to get on this more often :(

Becs is the jumperoo for Christmas? I had one for Tabs and she never used it once :cry: Was gutted am REALLLLLY hoping that Rosalie will like it!

Lilbumpblue its funny huh, even though hard rock boobs are uncomfy it sort of makes you think that they will be all nice and full of milk and then when your body knows what to do it makes you question whether they will work :dohh:

Grrr Robin says that to me to 'want to swap' if we could do one week on and one week of maybe :haha: its so stupid its like a competition with them. With Tabs it wasnt until a few months ago that he'd EVER taken her out on his own :dohh: Useless ha ha...worst thing is cleaning up though, like dumping clothes next to the bath when the washing basket is like 2m away :grr:

:hugs: for everyone i miss being on here so much but Tabs hates me using the laptop :wacko: and Rosalie demands attention :dohh:
blob - i thought i was alone!!!! - what is it with the washing basket its like he has an allergy to it. we have a basket in the bedroom and one in the bathroom and im SICK of picking up his boxers from the bathroom floor!!!

I at the moment have a nice little italian (ok looking) bloke cleaning my house for me.... i could get used to this!!
Hi everyone, did ya miss me? lol :haha:

ARGH I need to get on this more often :(

Snap blob! half term this week so ive had bethany & ollie to entertain :wacko:
been doing some baking with bethany she loves it! yummy cupcakes just what you need when you are trying to lose weight :haha:

Teeny Weeny love your pic of Riley, wow his hair is lush! gorgeous little boy!

Lady kara lol at pic of Paige, so cute!

yes i still have a sore bum too :blush: dread going for number2 :(

MrsJ :hugs: hope everything is ok?

Jellycat My OH is the same in the way he researches everything! bottles, infacol, poo (Ollies poo has been abit runny of late but HV says it's fine)

I carn't complain OH is very hands on (when he wants to be) when i was bfing he was upset coz he felt left out now we are bottle feeding he is straight in there which is nice.

the only thing he lacks in is been tidy!! drives me mad, clothes on the floor next to washing basket, cans of empty pop left on the floor when there is a bin 2steps away :growlmad:

seems alot of the lo's have been for thier jabs, Ollie has his in 2weeks time
not the nice part of been mum i must say having to take them for jabs.

Ollie has cut his first tooth :shock: all the signs are there & i couldnt work out why he was crying out of the blue with his hand in his mouth untill i ran mine over his gums to find a sharp toothy peg there! poor lamb :nope:

Good news the infacol is working a treat & he is able to bring up his wind loads better :happydance:

fx i will be back on later, so miss coming on here.
Hope you all have a fab day :hugs: xxx
hmmmmmm...... speak for yourself!!!

LMAO :rofl: u made me laugh xx
my husband found the birth such hard work he needed to rest for two days as the stress made him ill, i even had to get my mum to stay with me so he could rest..... WTF!!!!!!! i was not happy
Oh sounds familiar, while i was in an unexpectedly long labour thinking just how much more can i take, he gets a recliner chair sent in by the midwife, tea and toast, i never even got that after the birth, i had to wait for lunch when i gave birth at half 9 in the morning!!
He then had the nerve to say how tired he was and was going home for a sleep.

blob - i thought i was alone!!!! - what is it with the washing basket its like he has an allergy to it. we have a basket in the bedroom and one in the bathroom and im SICK of picking up his boxers from the bathroom floor!!!

I at the moment have a nice little italian (ok looking) bloke cleaning my house for me.... i could get used to this!!

omg my dh through and through, bloody clothes on the floor look like he has fanished into thin air and just left the clothes!

I have found my place!!! I am not alone:happydance:

The baby is my domain, even more so with Rosie, he has not changed a bum or given a bath or anything, he talks to her but nothing on the scale of our first dd, Rosie is Mummies baby and i am ok with that, just that everything else is my domain too and i get cheesed off with constantly doing something, then it gets messed up within mins by inconsiderate people! I am getting chores allocated to the children so i dont have so much to do, i find it encourages them to keep the place clean!

Got to go, meeting my mum and dad for coffee and catch up and get some smelly pine cones for Christmas, we are starting early and first thing is smelly cinamon pine cones!!

Back soon xxxxx
Hi, I'm finding it hard getting on here. All 4 children at home this week and I am beyond exhaustion now. :( Baby Sophia is no trouble just always on the boob. I just wanted to say I am reading when I can, don't want you to think I've forgotten any of you. xx

Example, while writig this and burping baby, kids have let themselves intpo the garden and it's raining, they are playing rugby getting covered in mud, ruining my lawn with rugby boots on and my 2 year old is stripping off in the rain...god help me...time to go again!!!!
snoozie... your house sounds fun!!!!! sounds like youll have some washing to do later on!!
My goodness I don't know how you girls with more than one child do it! One baby knackers me out! LOL

Carley I am intrigued... why is there an italian bloke cleaning your house??

Well I am back at home now, my mum and sister drove me back up yesterday and left this afternoon and now I'm not really sure what to do with myself! Holly is so much better than she was, much much more settled. My sister was a doll last night and looked after Holly in the night for me. More often than not she doesn't wake for a night feed anymore, but that really depends on what time she has her last feed at night! Last night she last fed at 9pm, so I knew she'd wake at about 4 or 5am for a feed and lo and behold, she woke at 4.30 lol It's better when she feeds at about 11ish and then she'll sleep until 6.30-7ish but her feeds have been a bit messed up with all the travelling. I did attempt dream feeding once, but she doesn't have any of it!

Oh and we finally dtd last night for the first time since having Holly... was fine for most of it but got really ouchy towards the end and I'm a bit sore today. Do you think that's normal so long after the birth? It's been 11 weeks tomorrow.

Anyone been trying for Take That tickets? My friend who I met at antenatal classes has apparently managed to get me a ticket but I don't know what day for yet!

Hi, I'm finding it hard getting on here. All 4 children at home this week and I am beyond exhaustion now. :( Baby Sophia is no trouble just always on the boob. I just wanted to say I am reading when I can, don't want you to think I've forgotten any of you. xx

Example, while writig this and burping baby, kids have let themselves intpo the garden and it's raining, they are playing rugby getting covered in mud, ruining my lawn with rugby boots on and my 2 year old is stripping off in the rain...god help me...time to go again!!!!

Snoozie, I think the best advice i ever had was if they are doing something that isn't hurting them or someone else just let them get on with it, clear the mess later! It made me step back from saying no constantly, it was good advice!
I currently have a baby on my arm, a 2yr old cuddled up to me with a tube of pringles, a 7 yr old next to her arguing with the 10 yr old who is rolling about on the floor!
It is a rare moment i am alone!
wooooho, dtd, and yes i would say as its been a while and recovering from birth it was normal to be a bit sore, prob will take a few times to feel 'normal'
I am going to get a coil in b4 i try!

Have friends who got take that tickets, not my thing though! I must be the only person who can't stand Robbie!!(sorry!!)

Glad your back safe and sound xx:hugs:
BTP - I can't stand Ronnie either but I do love take that

I was up most of the night last night feeding and even after stopping expressing 6 days ago due to short supply I'm still leaking milk... Is that normal? So I gave JJ a b quick breastfeed last night to try and calm him down . I've managed another breastfeed today. I seriously don't get it when u wanted to bf I had nothing now when I decided to stop bf my boobs are leaking for days....mother nature is cruel

Snoozie / BTP - I can't imagine looking after other children at the same time as a newborn I'm like a zombie today from lack of sleep. Please tell me once they are a little older it gets slightly easier, I haven't even managed to go out the house for the past 3 days

Daisybell - love your new pics I have the same gym mat

Quick question from what age should JJ be given toys etc to interact with? It doesn't feel right that he's nit being stimulated in some way but not sure if he needs it at 3 weeks old?

Hope everyone us well xx
I got Take That tickets too for the 1st one in Sunderland
BTP - I can't stand Ronnie either but I do love take that

I was up most of the night last night feeding and even after stopping expressing 6 days ago due to short supply I'm still leaking milk... Is that normal? So I gave JJ a b quick breastfeed last night to try and calm him down . I've managed another breastfeed today. I seriously don't get it when u wanted to bf I had nothing now when I decided to stop bf my boobs are leaking for days....mother nature is cruel

Snoozie / BTP - I can't imagine looking after other children at the same time as a newborn I'm like a zombie today from lack of sleep. Please tell me once they are a little older it gets slightly easier, I haven't even managed to go out the house for the past 3 days

Daisybell - love your new pics I have the same gym mat

Quick question from what age should JJ be given toys etc to interact with? It doesn't feel right that he's nit being stimulated in some way but not sure if he needs it at 3 weeks old?

Hope everyone us well xx

Yes it gets easier, newborns are 100% dependant on you it gradually decreases, Sophie is 2 and a half and wants to do EVERYTHING for herself! That continues til about 4 then they need you again! Then by 16 they are back up to 80% dependant and if a boy that just gets passed on to their wife when they get married:haha:

As for toys, play gyms are nice but talking to baby is the best entertainment they can get! Rosie is not that interested on much atm, but not long and she will be!
Mind you all mine talk like crazy, like their Mummy, but have fab vocabulary very early on!
Jelly I agree with BTP, Holly's favourite game is talking to mummy lol I babble on and on at her about everything and anything and now she is starting to respond with coos and gaas and her favourite is 'oogle!' sooo cute! I have just started giving her rattles and a crinkly caterpillar to play with but she is not normally very interested in toys yet. She likes her playmat and her bouncer chair, but not for very long x
Hiya ladies! I have just read everything I missed while we were away, but will catch up properly tomorrow. The phone signal where we were was terrible so I couldn't even keep up on my phone! Frustrating but probably a good thing, with my internet addiction!

Good thing is that I got my TT tickets, so am chuffed about that.

Looking forward to catching up tomorrow with you lovely ladies. xx
opinions please ladies im going to a halloween party tonight and due to lack of funds ive had to make a costume from things around the house, the girls have little witch outfits to wear so ive decided to be mummy witch ive got a hat and wig an old black party dress and onto my kitchen broom ive stuck a muslin saying mummy witch nappys with spiders on a gro that ive drawn pumpkins on what do you think? im worried its a bit naff
Welcome back Asher!

I've noticed loads of you have got Take That tickets now, bet you're all excited! The last music festival I went to was Download 2002!

Genies - Costume sounds really good to me.

Emzy - Baby coos are toooooo cute

I still havent got my baby back yet! I woke up late and first thing I did is ring my parents "Where's my baby? when are you bringing her back?" getting serious withdrawl now :haha:

On another note, I don't read my OH's texts but when I used his phone to call my parents I noticed a text message open from his mum, who was asking about his bank balance to make sure we're keeping up with the bills and she's said that she's worried because we have people over every weekend drinking(the last 3 weeks!?) and that I'm always buying things. Cheeky beyotch! I'm really annoyed this morning. I thought I was getting on with his mum alot better lately, and I'm trying really hard to see things her way even when shes basically telling me what to do, giving me uneeded advice, bossing ben around and stuff then she's sending him texts about me "spending too much"
Everything i buy is out of my own account and my own money, I'm not spending my OH's money. Think she should mind her own business to be honest. :grr:
Genies that sounds great!!! We need pics after tonight! Have a great time x
OMG Bekklez tell her to keep her sticky beak out of your business! Cheeky cow!! I'd go mad if my mil said I was spending too much money, what business is it of hers?!

How was your halloween party?

Quick question from what age should JJ be given toys etc to interact with? It doesn't feel right that he's nit being stimulated in some way but not sure if he needs it at 3 weeks old?

Hope everyone us well xx

Jelly i felt like that with Ollie, i wanted to get him something he could interact with but he was just too little, at 3weeks he will be stimulated by peoples voices & textures, i got Ollie a soft toy from elc has many textures onit & is colourfull so you can sit with james & run his hand over the different textures :thumbup: it's from bith until 12mths, ive put the link below :),default,pd.html

genies girl sounds fab! :thumbup: very creative! i hate it when you go to halloween partys & people have the same outfits on (coz they got them from the shop) so thumbs up from me xxx

have a good time!! ooo and i carnt wait to see some pic's too :)

Bekklez tell her to keep her nose out!!! that is soo sneaky of her if she was concerned she could of said it to your faces not in a txt :growlmad:

Ollie was a good boy last night went from 7:30pm untill 2:40am then 7:30am :happydance: now he's back to his 2hourly feeds still on 4oz

everyone on fb has gone mad for TT tickets :wacko: some of my friends bought extra one's & are now selling them (not a bad idea)

If you are off to a halloween party have a good time, if like me you are having a quite one, enjoy Xfactor :) xxx
its definitely "bitch about the husband" day today!!!! lol useless buggers! love them tho...

Must have been one of those 'lets piss the wifey off' days on Thursday then Chris n i had a fall out too...i was sorting James' room for my brother to sleep in bacause he was coming to watch the dog whilst i was being a bridesmaid yesterday, and do tea and he got frustrated because James was crying for a feed whilst i was put the pasta bake in the oven to finish off and was nagging that i should have donde the room earlier in the day...well get off ya fookin xbox and help me then!!!!! rarghhhh...we r ok now to Wales tomorrow for his Grans funeral :o(

hmmmmmm...... speak for yourself!!!

LMAO :rofl: u made me laugh x

my husband found the birth such hard work he needed to rest for two days as the stress made him ill, i even had to get my mum to stay with me so he could rest..... WTF!!!!!!! i was not happy

hahahaha...what a scream! x

ARGH I need to get on this more often :(

Becs is the jumperoo for Christmas? I had one for Tabs and she never used it once :cry: Was gutted am REALLLLLY hoping that Rosalie will like it!

Lilbumpblue its funny huh, even though hard rock boobs are uncomfy it sort of makes you think that they will be all nice and full of milk and then when your body knows what to do it makes you question whether they will work :dohh:

Grrr Robin says that to me to 'want to swap' if we could do one week on and one week of maybe :haha: its so stupid its like a competition with them. With Tabs it wasnt until a few months ago that he'd EVER taken her out on his own :dohh: Useless ha ha...worst thing is cleaning up though, like dumping clothes next to the bath when the washing basket is like 2m away :grr:

:hugs: for everyone i miss being on here so much but Tabs hates me using the laptop :wacko: and Rosalie demands attention :dohh:

I know!!!! lol...yesterday i was a bridesmaid and my dress was not the most practical for breast feeding i fed him at 1;30pm and 6pm and Chris gave him formula, for the first time as he has been totally breastfed until now :(, at 3:30pm and then at 10pm and my boobs were so full and hard i thought they were gonna home went to get undressed pulled off my bra and both boobs shot milk across the bed haha!!

Hi everyone, did ya miss me? lol :haha:

ARGH I need to get on this more often :(

Snap blob! half term this week so ive had bethany & ollie to entertain :wacko:
been doing some baking with bethany she loves it! yummy cupcakes just what you need when you are trying to lose weight :haha:

Teeny Weeny love your pic of Riley, wow his hair is lush! gorgeous little boy!

Lady kara lol at pic of Paige, so cute!

yes i still have a sore bum too :blush: dread going for number2 :(

MrsJ :hugs: hope everything is ok?

Jellycat My OH is the same in the way he researches everything! bottles, infacol, poo (Ollies poo has been abit runny of late but HV says it's fine)

I carn't complain OH is very hands on (when he wants to be) when i was bfing he was upset coz he felt left out now we are bottle feeding he is straight in there which is nice.

the only thing he lacks in is been tidy!! drives me mad, clothes on the floor next to washing basket, cans of empty pop left on the floor when there is a bin 2steps away :growlmad:

seems alot of the lo's have been for thier jabs, Ollie has his in 2weeks time
not the nice part of been mum i must say having to take them for jabs.

Ollie has cut his first tooth :shock: all the signs are there & i couldnt work out why he was crying out of the blue with his hand in his mouth untill i ran mine over his gums to find a sharp toothy peg there! poor lamb :nope:

Good news the infacol is working a treat & he is able to bring up his wind loads better :happydance:

fx i will be back on later, so miss coming on here.
Hope you all have a fab day :hugs: xxx

My df is quite tidy but loves his xbox tooooo much!! I do find though that the ouse is quite tidy all week then the weekend comes and it gets really messy cos he is off work!!

BTP - I can't stand Ronnie either but I do love take that

I was up most of the night last night feeding and even after stopping expressing 6 days ago due to short supply I'm still leaking milk... Is that normal? So I gave JJ a b quick breastfeed last night to try and calm him down . I've managed another breastfeed today. I seriously don't get it when u wanted to bf I had nothing now when I decided to stop bf my boobs are leaking for days....mother nature is cruel

Snoozie / BTP - I can't imagine looking after other children at the same time as a newborn I'm like a zombie today from lack of sleep. Please tell me once they are a little older it gets slightly easier, I haven't even managed to go out the house for the past 3 days

Daisybell - love your new pics I have the same gym mat

Quick question from what age should JJ be given toys etc to interact with? It doesn't feel right that he's nit being stimulated in some way but not sure if he needs it at 3 weeks old?

Hope everyone us well xx

RONNIE :haha:

We had a voucher and are going to buy something for James with lights on it, this is fab... What you you all think, half price too!!

opinions please ladies im going to a halloween party tonight and due to lack of funds ive had to make a costume from things around the house, the girls have little witch outfits to wear so ive decided to be mummy witch ive got a hat and wig an old black party dress and onto my kitchen broom ive stuck a muslin saying mummy witch nappys with spiders on a gro that ive drawn pumpkins on what do you think? im worried its a bit naff

sounds needed!!! :) x

Welcome back Asher!

I've noticed loads of you have got Take That tickets now, bet you're all excited! The last music festival I went to was Download 2002!

Genies - Costume sounds really good to me.

Emzy - Baby coos are toooooo cute

I still havent got my baby back yet! I woke up late and first thing I did is ring my parents "Where's my baby? when are you bringing her back?" getting serious withdrawl now :haha:

On another note, I don't read my OH's texts but when I used his phone to call my parents I noticed a text message open from his mum, who was asking about his bank balance to make sure we're keeping up with the bills and she's said that she's worried because we have people over every weekend drinking(the last 3 weeks!?) and that I'm always buying things. Cheeky beyotch! I'm really annoyed this morning. I thought I was getting on with his mum alot better lately, and I'm trying really hard to see things her way even when shes basically telling me what to do, giving me uneeded advice, bossing ben around and stuff then she's sending him texts about me "spending too much"
Everything i buy is out of my own account and my own money, I'm not spending my OH's money. Think she should mind her own business to be honest. :grr:

Tell her to keep her nose bloody cheeky!!! x

Well had a lovely day yesterday being a bridesmaid felt like a princess lol!! Not going to be on for a few days now due to going back to Pembroke for Chris' Grans funeral :( so be good babies! xx

WOAH...sorry for the long post!! :) xx

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