September Stars

in breif, babe on arm and boob!
emzy, i just agree with what you say hun, you beat me to it, so everyone read emzys posts and i agree with her!
yes mil nose out, cheeky moo.xx
great costume idea!xx
Ronnie, i laughed too!xx
been out today, shopping with 4 kids, good fun considering!
got to go, arm with baby on giving up fast!!!xx
Bekks, totally agree with whats been said!! Nosey cow!!

Lilbumpblue, hope all goes well xxx Love that toy by the way!!

Had a busy couple of days, Hope loves her cot!! Finally got some pctures up on the wall! I am starting back on my slimming world on Monday, not gonna go back to class or anything just gonna do it myself!! I am back to my pre preg weight, just wanna lose another couple of stone!!
I'm not on this thread often, but just wanted to pop in to read and catch up on how all the September mommies and babies are doing.

I'm not sure where the past 6 weeks have gone. At this rate, I feel like my mat leave will be over before I know it.

Starting to think about a night out soon. As I've been exclusively BF and have not introduced a bottle yet, this will be a pretty big deal for me. I've not been away from my LO for more than an hour. My 35th bday is in December and I'd love to do dinner out with my OH so I'm off to get a pump today and plan on introducing a bottle once in a while over the coming weeks.
Hey everyone – I haven’t been on her for ages!! Ive been trying to start my dissertation though – and that takes up all of 5 mins compared to hugging Roxy all day as she now decides she hates being put down anywhere other than a human body – maybe occasionally the bouncer if we are lucky!!
My DH kind of understands how busy I am with Roxy on a daily basis now, as I left him with her when I went food shopping with my mum. He now knows how hard it is to be happy when you haven’t had a drink or a wee in 3 hours and how body parts seriously start hurting after an hour of constant holding and bouncing of a baby!! He woke me up the day after with a cuo of coffee after letting me have a lovely lie-in!! Result!
TEENY WEENY – riley is gorgeous!
MRS J – hope you feel better soon *hugs*
JELLY – I just talk constantly to Roxy, and sing LOADS! It always gets her smiling! Ill put her on her mat but she doesn’t like that for too long..
BEKKLEZ – the joys of the OH mother!! If it isn’t one thing its another! Dont worry about her!!
SHWATTAM – good luck with the pumping!! I also agree with you – time just goes by too fast!!
Hey Folks!

:hugs: lilbumpblue & mrs j

stmw - good luck with the dissertation! I started uni when DD was 3 weeks old and it was tough!

Bekklez - that no.13 thing was pretty freaky! Hope you're not gonna get bad luck.

Talking about bad luck, i've had a pretty crap time since Izzy has been born. I had all the thrush/mastitis/cold problems, mum having heart attack, aunt dying (& all the hassle of her will - my mum was executor which caused her heart attack), chris' 96yr old grandad had a fall, my washer, I pod, phone & car indicator have all broken, the dog got infected stitches after being spayed and the horse, as soon as i have sold it, decides to run up a £200 vet bill by eating her food too fast and choking herself.

And now, Izzy is poorley again. she has a cough and a cold, and is only taking 2oz at a time. Poor lil' mite.

Chris is being fantastic with her. It's my birthday tomorrow, so i went out with my friends last night for the first time. I must say, at the beginning I wasn't really up for it because of izzy having a cold, but OH insisted that I went out, and I knew he could cope. Although I spent most of the night checking my phone, I didn't get home until 6am... It was great (although i'm REALLY paying for it today!). The people came to pick the horse up at 11, and it took 3 hours to get her into the trailer. I must say, it really was NOT fun at all; especially in the rain and feeling hungover.

My AF still hasn't returned - any ideas when it will come back? I'm starting to worry a little as me and oh dtd a few times last week and didn't use anything apart from withdrawl. Knowing my luck i'll be pregnant again lol.. although I really don't feel it. I was really nervous to dtd, but now i'm back to my old self and in the swing of things - it was just that 1st time that made me nervous!

Hope everyone has a spooktastic halloween!! xxx
I saw too! So happy for her... I want another one already, I think I must be insane lol I wouldn't do it again yet though but I'm soooo broody!!

And OMG I think Holly is getting a little toothy peg through already! She's been very dribbly and had a red cheek for the last few days and has been a bit grumpy. I had a feel in her mouth and lo and behold there is a little sharp tooth poking through! I didn't expect it to be so early, she's not even 3 months old yet!

Hey guys,

Hope all of you are doing well, really need some advice (as normal)

I have a 900watt microwave, it takes me 60secs to warm up a 3oz bottle which is cold being left in fridge... is this the normal amount of sec's to warm up a bottle? We think our microwave isnt working properly..

I started breast feeding only (she just all of a sudden got the hang of it ) but she falls asleep when i feed her, so all she does now is sleep feed and cry, when i was bottle feeding her she would have at least 30-hour of play this normal?

I have brought a pouch type sling... i need a sling so i can do house work (she wont let me put her down) do you think this type of sling will be ok?

Anyone else been offered the BCG injections? now they have stopped doing it when they are teenagers, we get it offered as we are near heathrow.. but only a few places get it offered..she has hers at 5 weeks.

Becs- thanks for posting about the jumparoo's in argos, i wanted to buy one but £90 was way to expensive for me, but with argos doing the £10 voucher it works out almost half price... but finding one in stock anywhere proved a huge challenge... only found one out of 12 argos's !!! its Paiges xmas present.

Hi, I'm finding it hard getting on here. All 4 children at home this week and I am beyond exhaustion now. :( Baby Sophia is no trouble just always on the boob. I just wanted to say I am reading when I can, don't want you to think I've forgotten any of you. xx

Example, while writig this and burping baby, kids have let themselves intpo the garden and it's raining, they are playing rugby getting covered in mud, ruining my lawn with rugby boots on and my 2 year old is stripping off in the rain...god help me...time to go again!!!!

Snoozie, I think the best advice i ever had was if they are doing something that isn't hurting them or someone else just let them get on with it, clear the mess later! It made me step back from saying no constantly, it was good advice!
I currently have a baby on my arm, a 2yr old cuddled up to me with a tube of pringles, a 7 yr old next to her arguing with the 10 yr old who is rolling about on the floor!
It is a rare moment i am alone!

did make me giggle.. i thought just having two was hard work..but ill be honest i would have another now if i could.. We even thought about trying in a month or so, i would spend 6 months of my pregnancy on maternity leave. But i know when they reach 2ish ill get broody again so i should space them out a little ....

BTP - I can't stand Ronnie either but I do love take that

I was up most of the night last night feeding and even after stopping expressing 6 days ago due to short supply I'm still leaking milk... Is that normal? So I gave JJ a b quick breastfeed last night to try and calm him down . I've managed another breastfeed today. I seriously don't get it when u wanted to bf I had nothing now when I decided to stop bf my boobs are leaking for days....mother nature is cruel

Quick question from what age should JJ be given toys etc to interact with? It doesn't feel right that he's nit being stimulated in some way but not sure if he needs it at 3 weeks old?

Hope everyone us well xx

My mate who is a breast feeding councilor, breast fed for 2 years, she tried to express too once and only got 4oz in 24 hours. She said that expressing will only take milk from the "storage already made milk" but when a baby sucks and uses up the "storage milk" it gets the milk straight from it being made.. does this make sense? Now how true this is i dont know but if it is true then this makes sense to why some people cant express much but when a baby sucks milk will always be there.

Even at this age babies do cry because they are bored, so they will let you know, flashing lights keep paige amused for ages....she has a baby gym and tries to hit the toys.... but she starts crying after 20 mins, infact after 20 mins of anything she starts getting bored, eating, sleeping, playing... nothing keeps her quite for long.

Welcome back Asher!

I've noticed loads of you have got Take That tickets now, bet you're all excited! The last music festival I went to was Download 2002!

Genies - Costume sounds really good to me.

Emzy - Baby coos are toooooo cute

I still havent got my baby back yet! I woke up late and first thing I did is ring my parents "Where's my baby? when are you bringing her back?" getting serious withdrawl now :haha:

On another note, I don't read my OH's texts but when I used his phone to call my parents I noticed a text message open from his mum, who was asking about his bank balance to make sure we're keeping up with the bills and she's said that she's worried because we have people over every weekend drinking(the last 3 weeks!?) and that I'm always buying things. Cheeky beyotch! I'm really annoyed this morning. I thought I was getting on with his mum alot better lately, and I'm trying really hard to see things her way even when shes basically telling me what to do, giving me uneeded advice, bossing ben around and stuff then she's sending him texts about me "spending too much"
Everything i buy is out of my own account and my own money, I'm not spending my OH's money. Think she should mind her own business to be honest. :grr:

OMG what a cow !!!!!!! what does your OH say about it? i would put her straight.. not that you should have to...
I know! Interestingly, the baby of the girl I went to antenatal classes with is also getting a tooth and she is 9 days younger than Holly. Must be something in the Bolton water!!
Emzy, Hope is teething too, she has red cheeks, funny poos, dribbly and I can see and feel a little white dot!!! I don't want her to grow up!!

Lady K, I am so glad I got one when I did, I got the last one in our local argos!!

Brill news about Amy, I am so so pleased for her,she so deserves it xxx

We went for about a 5 mile walk today and Hope slept all the way round, Murphy is knackered and Hope is in bed!! I have a long day on ym own tomorrow so going to have a chilled out time and enjoy some Mummy and Hope time!! Can't quite believe my little lady is 6 weeks old!!
Oh was meaning to say that Harry loves the lamaze peacock...

He will watch it for a good 20 mins if you shake it in front of him!
F&C I've just bought JJ the Lamaze firefly but he doesn't seem interested just yet.

Ladyk - I'm also thinking of buying a sling for the exact same reason. Certain times of the day JJ just wants to be held and cries constantly and upsettingly until picked up again and cuddled. This is fine at weekends but a nightmare for me during the week when home alone. Anyone recommend a decent sling or are they all fairly similar?

Emzy - I have to admit I pretty much hated pregnancy majority of the time however 2 days after giving birth I was asking when we could try for baby number 2. I just need to be given the go ahead from DH oh and heal my stitches ;-)

Actually managed to go for a decent walk today on my own with the pram made me feel alot better to get out of the house. DH dud the 3 o'clock feed last night which was great I feel so much more refreshed today because of it. Had couple if great friends come to visit yesterday and today has been family day we have decided to keep Sundays free just for us and must admit it feels good.

Have a friend from Antenatal coming over tomorrow with their daughter who is 2 days younger than JJ really looking forward to it.

Quick question is it normal for a baby to be sick 2 hours after being fed? We seem to continually have to change JJ clothes and bed sheets due to continual vomiting? JJ is putting on weight and HV said it was normal but I don't think I made it clear how much vomit there is, it's not just a bit of milk dribble down the chin it's a good fl oz+ over his front, back if head in his ears etc I have to spend a good 45 minutes winding and holding him upright to avoid him choking. Am I being paranoid new mum or is this normal?

Also anyone using dr brown bottles? Once sanitised how do you put the bottles together to minimise contamination and how do you mix the powder. Started using these bottles 3 days ago but not convinced I'm doing everything properly.

Btw I'm thrilled for Amy and Ian it couldn't of happened to a more deserving couple

Hope everyones had a good weekend xx
Jelly Holly used to be sick a lot and often an hour or 2 after she was fed, it sounds like reflux and she seems to do it less now she is a bit older. Also we use Dr Brown's and I wash them in hot soapy water, rinse, then microwave sterilise them and then I just make sure I have washed my hands before putting them together. Make sure you use the little brush for cleaning the wheel as milk can get stuck in it xx
oh and mixing the powder, rather than shake up and down as it goes everywhere, I shake more round and round and side to side and hold a piece of kitchen roll around the top to catch the leaks! x
Emzy- im so amazed about Hollys tooth i didnt know it could happen this early? Amelia has been very dribbly i think ill check her mouth tomorow just in case :)

Jelly_ we sometimes get sick a while after food and it can be a large amount , if its happening regulrly could it be a problem with his reflux? maybe the gp might suggest infant gaviscon?

fish- i dont know what a lamaze anything is, ill take a look

had a great time at the party i came fourth in costume competion , i didnt take a picture of myself stupidly forgot i was busy trying to settle the girls who wouldnt have any of it and stayed up having cuddles with people until we got home at midnight
jellycat- in labor i swore i would never have any more...but after a week i was planning the next...
Hello everyone :) I've been reading but not posting, its so hard to find time to get on here, catch up and post as well!! Hope everyone is well and enjoying Halloween :) Charlie-Jack was dressed as a little pumpkin hes such a little chubster though too cute! I've got my 6 week check on wednesday (even though it'll be 8 and a half weeks then!) and im a little nervous! What happens?! I'm still unsure about what contraception to go for i'm hearing mixed reviews about the coil , but definitley need to sort something!!
I'm off now i have a very unsettled little pumpkin and i've just figured out that at 9.40 i shouldnt have any more trick or treaters so im going to devour the remaining haribos haha x x x
Evening all, and Happy Halloween! Hope you've all had a good one!

Am so so chuffed to hear Amy's news! So much so, that I found out how to put her name in my FB status. How sad am I!!? :hugs:

Kara, your BFing adventures with Paige sound not dissimilar to some of my days with Sam. He sometimes is happy to play, but mostly wants ME, even if not feeding, he wants my attention. Obviously that's not always possible with the other boys and the dogs etc! I have tried him in my sling a couple of times, which is a ring sling, but to be honest he's not a big fan of it. I will keep trying with it, as I know lots of people who swear by slings to get stuff done. Well done you, by the way, for BFing only!!
We don't get offered BCGs routinely around here now, although Archie had one 6 years ago due to my occupation and the perceived risk of my coming into contact with TB. His vaccination never "took", so I'm not sure if he has any immunity anyway! The injection was fine when he had it though.

Everyone who's broody, I feel your pain! DH and I said Sam would be our last, and I am finding this very difficult to accept. I have so many clothes he's grown out of, but am not parting with them yet! :cry:

I can't believe we have two little ones with a tooth already! Go Holly and Ollie!! x

Right, that's me, I've forgotten loads. I don't know where the time goes. Back to the school run tomorrow, so an early start. No doubt I'll be FBing in the night as usual with my little night feeder!! xx

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