September Stars

LadyKara I think your microwave is broke, we have a 700watt microwave and it takes 25 seconds to warm a 5oz bottle straight from fridge.

So pleased for Amy, she deserves this.
Jelly Holly used to be sick a lot and often an hour or 2 after she was fed, it sounds like reflux and she seems to do it less now she is a bit older. Also we use Dr Brown's and I wash them in hot soapy water, rinse, then microwave sterilise them and then I just make sure I have washed my hands before putting them together. Make sure you use the little brush for cleaning the wheel as milk can get stuck in it xx

Thanks the bottles confused me because my tt I was so particular regarding not contaminating any parts but you don't have any choice with the dr browns

jellycat- in labor i swore i would never have any more...but after a week i was planning the next...

It's weird I thought I wouldn't want no2 for another 3 to 4 years yet buy now I cant wait that long

Emzy- im so amazed about Hollys tooth i didnt know it could happen this early? Amelia has been very dribbly i think ill check her mouth tomorow just in case :)

Jelly_ we sometimes get sick a while after food and it can be a large amount , if its happening regulrly could it be a problem with his reflux? maybe the gp might suggest infant gaviscon?

fish- i dont know what a lamaze anything is, ill take a look

had a great time at the party i came fourth in costume competion , i didnt take a picture of myself stupidly forgot i was busy trying to settle the girls who wouldnt have any of it and stayed up having cuddles with people until we got home at midnight

I'm thinking reflux it just doesn't seem right him continually being sick and choking on milk. Thanks now you and emzy have confirmed my thoughts I'll book an appointment with my gp.
Oh congratulations Amy, fab news, wish them all the very best with this pregnancy, they have had more than enough heartache for any family xx:hugs:

I could keep having babies forever, but age, (although my dh pointed out someone famous had a baby over 40 the other day!) we have discussed it and decided we had enough, but we are both broody because it took so long ttc Rosie, and she is just so beautiful!! All babies are gorgeous but i do have to think long term! I see my biggest boy and have to think they all grow! It it hard to picture the children older, but it happens all too soon!
I am getting my coil back in soon anyway, i have my 6 week check with Rosie on the 8th.

Got to go, my 2nd anniversary with dh today, we are going to go for a coffee later, not much on an anniversary but with the children not much else we can do really, we don't drink so not much point in going out and I wouldn't leave Rosie anyway, she is very particular about me being in the room!
I think by Christmas time we will be more ourselves and more the loving couple! At the moment eau de baby is not so pleasant for everyone else as it is for me!:haha:

Back later, hugs to all, sorry no personals just popped in but wanted to say congrats to Amy and her family xx:hugs:
Morning all!!!

Cleaned all my downstairs as Hope is having a nap, its amazing what I have achieved!! I am proud of myself!!
Ian is on a long day at work so won't be back till about 9pm so I am having a relaxing day, getting all my jobs done when Hope sleeps during the day, saying that she is more than happy to sit in her swinging chair and talk to herself!!!
Morning girls!

Hope you're all well this morning. We had a good night here, Holly slept 9.30pm til 6.30am without a peep! She then woke for a feed, cried a bit, then started smiling and cooing instead! I swear, this is a different baby from the one I had 2 weeks ago! Now the colic has all but gone (touch wood!!) she is an absolute joy and a breeze to look after. I can put her down and she will entertain herself for half an hour, she is smiley, happy and cooing, kicking her little legs around everywhere and only really cries if she is hungry or maybe hot/cold or something. NOTHING like before! She is interactive, is starting to play with toys and is a lovely, lovely baby. It's such a world away from how I felt 2 or 3 weeks ago, I felt at the end of my tether and quite low with a baby that constantly cried, would never ever settle and I couldn't put her down EVER. So all you ladies with clingy, colicy babies, take heart that it does seem to 'just go' one day like people say! I never believed it, but it seems to have happened... hope I'm not jinxing myself now!

Anyway, I did a big clean up yesterday so no housework today apart from maybe a bit of laundry, so I'm going to spend the day playing with Holly and watching films I think and we'll probably go out for a walk a bit later on. What are you ladies all up to today?

Hello ladies

Thanks for your messages :hugs:

I'm absolutely thrilled by Amy's news, I'm not friends with her on facebook so if anyone has any contact with her please pass on my very best wishes. I have a great deal of respect for her, she's a very brave lady.

I'm still feeling heartbroken as last week we made the very difficult decision to have our Basset Hound fostered. It wasn't due to having Scarlett as he was brilliant with her. Unfortunately, we live an area where a lot of people think it's acceptable to have dog's as status symbols - mostly Staffies but I blame the owners not the breed. It had got to the point where we could rarely let him off the lead in the dog park for fear of him being attacked. The final straw came when we were out with the pram walking by the river two weeks ago with the dog on it's lead and he got attacked yet again by a vicious dog off it's lead. We are committed to being in London for at least another year so we decided to allow him to go and live in Dorset with a friend of my Mum's who already has a Basset and two other dogs and a cat. Apparently he is best friends with the cat and they share a bed. I know we have made the right decision for him (if not for us) and he will get over us a lot quicker than us. I'm very upset about it as is DH and I'm angry that irresponsible idiots have forced us into it.

In other news I had my post-natal check on Thurs and wasn't signed off. I still have an infection and my scar hasn't healed completely. I'm frustrated as I really want to be able to drive. I'm having a review when Scarlett has her injections Tuesday week.

I'm sorry for the selfish post but I thought I should explain my absence.

:hug: to everyone
Hello ladies

Thanks for your messages :hugs:

I'm absolutely thrilled by Amy's news, I'm not friends with her on facebook so if anyone has any contact with her please pass on my very best wishes. I have a great deal of respect for her, she's a very brave lady.

I'm still feeling heartbroken as last week we made the very difficult decision to have our Basset Hound fostered. It wasn't due to having Scarlett as he was brilliant with her. Unfortunately, we live an area where a lot of people think it's acceptable to have dog's as status symbols - mostly Staffies but I blame the owners not the breed. It had got to the point where we could rarely let him off the lead in the dog park for fear of him being attacked. The final straw came when we were out with the pram walking by the river two weeks ago with the dog on it's lead and he got attacked yet again by a vicious dog off it's lead. We are committed to being in London for at least another year so we decided to allow him to go and live in Dorset with a friend of my Mum's who already has a Basset and two other dogs and a cat. Apparently he is best friends with the cat and they share a bed. I know we have made the right decision for him (if not for us) and he will get over us a lot quicker than us. I'm very upset about it as is DH and I'm angry that irresponsible idiots have forced us into it.

In other news I had my post-natal check on Thurs and wasn't signed off. I still have an infection and my scar hasn't healed completely. I'm frustrated as I really want to be able to drive. I'm having a review when Scarlett has her injections Tuesday week.

I'm sorry for the selfish post but I thought I should explain my absence.

:hug: to everyone

Aww, sorry to hear about your doggie, it does seem very unfair for you, but totally the right choice for him, i was in the police station a while back and the lady in front of me had her little dog cradled in a blanket as it had been killed by another dog off the lead, hers was on the lead and this other dog just ran up and grabbed her beloved pet, it must have been awful.:cry:

Hope you start feeling better soon, not sure what promotes healing? :cry:A salty bath? lots of salty baths!
Mrs J it sounds like you did the right thing but it must be very hard for you. :hugs:

A bit of a grim question but do you babies poo with force? Every time Harry goes it's like an explosion and I want to know if this is normal as he always seems to be suffering with gas. x
Fish - I always know when Ellie is pooing because I can see the strain on her face and she goes really red!

On the subject of baby poo :p I got told yesterday that green poo isn't normal anymore and that it should be yellow! that's the first I'd heard? I thought it was normal that Ellie has green poos. The health visitor told me that it's a sign her intestines and everything havent matured properly yet :shrug: so what colour are your babies poos now?
I saw too! So happy for her... I want another one already, I think I must be insane lol I wouldn't do it again yet though but I'm soooo broody!!

And OMG I think Holly is getting a little toothy peg through already! She's been very dribbly and had a red cheek for the last few days and has been a bit grumpy. I had a feel in her mouth and lo and behold there is a little sharp tooth poking through! I didn't expect it to be so early, she's not even 3 months old yet!


Emzy, yay go Holly, Ollie had a toothy peg come through last week :shock:, i didnt expect it it happen this early!!! he's only just turned 7weeks! we were doubting ourselves at first, so asked other family member feel & they all said yep it defo a toothy peg sticking out.

yay congrats Amy :happydance: fabulous news, wish her all the best with her pregnancy! xxx

genies pleased you have a fab time at the party.

Claire :hugs: you never know what the future holds, i said when i first found out that i was preggers with bethany that i didnt want any more, 4yrs on i changed my mind & we started trying for Ollie :)

Jellycat hope u get sorted with the reflux :thumbup: Ollie suffered from this, he would scream then be sick poor lamb :( it has settled down since changing the milk.

BTP Happy Anniversary babes :flower: xxx

MrsJ nice to see you back :hugs: sorry to hear that you had give up your dog, makes me :growlmad: some people don't deserve to have dogs!
i remember when my dog got attacked the owner of the other dog didnt give a shit or cared less that HIS dog had just attacked mine :nope:

Going to get my new glasses today now they are ready woohoo lol
don't need them but i was told they would help especially when i am driving so thought best to get some :thumbup:

also must get something for Ollie to teethe on, so hard as he carn't hold anything yet :dohh: xxx
BTP happy anniversary

Emzy it's so nice to hear how settled and content you are now with holly xx

MrsJ I've grown up with Stafford all my life but when I was little they were not a status symbol nor so popular. I hate peoplevwith uncontrollable dogs off leads. I'm so sorry to hear if the decision you have had to make, it breaks my heart xxx

Daisybell what milk were you originally using and what did you change to to help the reflux? I have seen an improvement this week with JJ but know he's still not right
Bekks James poo is mustard brown and hasn't changed colour since 2 weeks old. It's also very soft no formation which I thought was normal? But friend with newborn was pleased her girl had started to have formed poos ... Is this not constipation? As we are on the poo subject are your babys soft or formed ?
Look at me posting mid-Afternoon! Archie's at school, Jack's playing with his Peppa Pig toys and eating strawberries, and Sam's in his bed asleep! I've actually done my ironing! Go me!

MrsJ, so sorry to hear about your doggie. It's horrible that you had to do it because of other irresponsible people. It's the same round here with the dogs being used as status symbols. We live on the edge of a country park, but if I take the dogs out on my own, I don't dare to let them off their leads even though they're well behaved dogs. It's the other idiots who don't care what harm their dog causes yours. We've had a fair few incidents of our lab being attacked. :hugs:

Happy Anniversary BTP!! :flower:

Emzy, glad to hear Holly's settled for you! I bet you feel human again, and more like yourself!

Fishy, yep Sam does poo explosions. I think I changed him into 3 outfits yesterday as he had pood all up his back. His are bright yellow and sometimes seedy. They smell like yoghurt mixed with a bit of vinegar! How specific!!

Right I'm gonna go and check what kiddles 2 and 3 are up to! Catch up later!!
MrsJ so sorry to hear about your dog :hugs:

F&C yes Holly is hilarious when she poos, she is sooo noisy I'm sure next door must hear! She has explosions and I have to change her clothes, although now I've changed to size 3 Asda napplies I'm finding they are containing the poo better... oh what timing I'm feeding her now and she is noisily filling her nappy!! Her poos are yellow, occasionally with a hint of green and are soft and mushy. The only time she had formed poos was when she was constipated and on the gaviscon, which made them rubbery and formed.

oh and whilst were talking poo, how often are your bottle fed babies going? Holly tends to go twice in one day, then nothing the next day, then twice again the next, what about your babies?

And how much formula are your babies drinking? Holly takes between 5 and 7oz every 4 hours ish, mostly 6 sometimes 7 and the other day she took 8! I make 7 oz bottles to make sure she isnt hungry at the end of a bottle and she almost always leaves an oz.

Now I'm starting to get a bit more concerned, I've always thought green poo was normal but now the more I've read it says that babies poos should be yellow! she's NEVER had yellow poos(apart from when I breast fed) they've been green from the moment I moved her to formula. She's never seemed ill, upset or uncomfortable and she poos once a day without any problem but no idea where this green poo is coming from. Do you think it could be the formula I'm using? I use SMA gold, what's everyone else who's FF using?

And Emz - Ellie takes 5-6oz of formula every 3 hours but screams for half an hour after for more because she's never satisfied. No idea where she puts it all
Did anyone hear lilly allen lost her baby.. very sad, im sure she was about 6 months.?

BTP- congrats on your two year

Emzy- fantastic news about holly sleeping through.. We dont put paige down till we go to bed about midnight but it seems everyone starts their bedtime a lot earlier...Paige is younger than Holly but she used to have 2oz every 2-3 hours and would poo every 2 days and twice a day.. but i have just started breast feeding so all this will change xx

Mrs J- i know exactly what you are going through, we had a Rhodesian ridgeback but when he was 9 months old he was attacked by three dogs which are owned by the local pub owner (nasty man) and his dogs are trained to attack. I know enough about dogs to know that if a dog attacks a puppy then their brain is way to screwed up to know right from wrong. It cost us 3k in vets bills but he made it through but we realised we had to rehome home as we wouldnt be able to walk him at the park and those dogs need walking. I have three small dogs now which dont need walks in the park.. we can let them off in the garden or walk up the road. xx

F&C- paige does those types of poo,s it sounds like water exploding and i mentioned it to MW who said thats normal... but it still worries me when she does it. xx

Bekklez- Paiges was black to start with but now is yellow with white bits in it..the book “what to Expect in the first year” has a page on baby poo.... ill dig it out later and see what it says on green poo.. but paiges poo is watery and MW said that was normal.... but i will double check this on her next check up xx
Now I'm starting to get a bit more concerned, I've always thought green poo was normal but now the more I've read it says that babies poos should be yellow! she's NEVER had yellow poos(apart from when I breast fed) they've been green from the moment I moved her to formula. She's never seemed ill, upset or uncomfortable and she poos once a day without any problem but no idea where this green poo is coming from. Do you think it could be the formula I'm using? I use SMA gold, what's everyone else who's FF using?

And Emz - Ellie takes 5-6oz of formula every 3 hours but screams for half an hour after for more because she's never satisfied. No idea where she puts it all

I give paige cow and gate... I would take her to get looked over just incase... But if she seems fine in herself im sure its nothing to worry about but always worth telling your doctor xx

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